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Stop asking Muslims to condemn terrorism. It's bigoted and Islamophobic.

A policeman watches as the hostage crisis unfolds in Sydney SAEED KHAN/AFP/Getty

There's a certain ritual that each and every one of the world's billion-plus Muslims, especially those living in Western countries, is expected to go through immediately following any incident of violence involving a Muslim perpetrator. It's a ritual that is continuing now with the Sydney hostage crisis, in which a deranged self-styled sheikh named Man Haron Monis took several people hostage in a downtown cafÉ.

Here is what Muslims and Muslim organizations are expected to say: "As a Muslim, I condemn this attack and terrorism in any form."

This expectation we place on Muslims, to be absolutely clear, is Islamophobic and bigoted. The denunciation is a form of apology: an apology for Islam and for Muslims. The implication is that every Muslim is under suspicion of being sympathetic to terrorism unless he or she explicitly says otherwise. The implication is also that any crime committed by a Muslim is the responsibility of all Muslims simply by virtue of their shared religion. This sort of thinking — blaming an entire group for the actions of a few individuals, assuming the worst about a person just because of their identity — is the very definition of bigotry.

It is time for that ritual to end: non-Muslims in all countries, and today especially those in Australia, should finally take on the correct assumption that Muslims hate terrorism just as much as they do, and cease expecting Muslims to prove their innocence just because of their faith.

Bigoted assumptions are the only plausible reason for this ritual to exist, which means that maintaining the ritual is maintaining bigotry. Otherwise, we wouldn't expect Muslims to condemn Haron Monis — who is clearly a crazy person who has no affiliations with formal religious groups — any more than we would expect Christians to condemn Timothy McVeigh. Similarly, if someone blames all Jews for the act of, say, extremist Israeli settlers in the West Bank, we immediately and correctly reject that position as prejudiced. We understand that such an accusation is hateful and wrong — but not when it is applied to Muslims.

This is, quite literally, a different set of standards that we apply only to Muslims. Hend Amry, who is Libyan-American, brilliantly satirized this expectation with this tweet, highlighting the arbitrary expectations about what Muslims are and are not expected to condemn:




This ritual began shortly after September 2001. American Muslims, as well as Muslims in other Western countries, feared that they could be victims to a public backlash against people of their religion. President George W. Bush feared this as well and gave a speech imploring Americans to embrace Muslim-Americans as fellow citizens. But while the short-term need to guard against a backlash was real, that moment has passed, and the ritual's persistence is perpetuating Islamophobia rather than reducing it, by constantly reminding us of our assumption that Muslims are guilty until proven innocent.

The media has played a significant role in maintaining this ritual and thus the prejudiced ideas behind it. Yes, that includes openly Islamophobic cable news hosts like those in the US. But it also includes even well-intentioned media outlets and reporters who broadcast Muslims' and Muslim organizations' condemnation of acts of extremist violence, like the hostage crisis in Sydney.

There is no question that this coverage is explicitly and earnestly designed to combat Islamophobia and promote equal treatment of Muslims. No question. All the same, this coverage ends up cementing the ritual condemnation as a necessary act, and thus cementing as well the racist implications of that ritual. By treating it as news every time, the media is reminding its readers and viewers that Muslims are held to a different standard; it is implicitly if unintentionally reiterating the idea that they are guilty until proven innocent, that maybe there is something to the idea of collective Muslim responsibility for lone criminals who happen to share their religion.

Instead, we should treat the assumptions that compel this ritual — that Muslims bear collective responsibility, that they are presumed terrorist-sympathizers until proven otherwise — as flatly bigoted ideas with no place in our society. There is no legitimate reason for Muslim groups to need to condemn Haron Monis, nor is there any legitimate reason to treat those condemnations as news. So we should stop.

We should treat people Haron Monis as what he is: a deranged lunatic. And we should treat Muslims as what they: normal people who of course reject terrorism, rather than as a lesser form of humanity that is expected to reject violence every time it happens.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:

So Yugi which part you need explanation on?


All of it.


I see a call for violence and killing and slaughter of non believers.


I can now see why there is so much violence. 


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

So Yugi which part you need explanation on?


All of it.


I see a call for violence and killing and slaughter of non believers.


I can now see why there is so much violence. 


Dude...Did you read the Bible? Did you study the Judism?


Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

So Yugi which part you need explanation on?


All of it.


I see a call for violence and killing and slaughter of non believers.


I can now see why there is so much violence. 


Dude...Did you read the Bible? Did you study the Judism?



I read the bible. Lord Jesus Christ did not promote violence nor did he call for the slaughter of non believers.


I had my say on this matter and just asked for clarification.


Are those quotes linked to violence ?

Last edited by Former Member

This is complete bullshit, charity begins at home. If Muslims should not be condemning muslims who commit crimes against humanity who should?


This article is total junk and riff is right if that is the case Muslims should quit whining about palestine let them solve their own battles. Let jews condemn israel only.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

So Yugi which part you need explanation on?


All of it.


I see a call for violence and killing and slaughter of non believers.


I can now see why there is so much violence. 


Dude...Did you read the Bible? Did you study the Judism?



I read the bible. Lord Jesus Christ did not promote violence nor did he call for the slaughter of non believers.


I had my say on this matter and just asked for clarification.


Are those quotes linked to violence ?

it's very obvious you need to do more these books then you can come back with yuh quotes

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

So Yugi which part you need explanation on?


All of it.


I see a call for violence and killing and slaughter of non believers.


I can now see why there is so much violence. 


Dude...Did you read the Bible? Did you study the Judism?



I read the bible. Lord Jesus Christ did not promote violence nor did he call for the slaughter of non believers.


I had my say on this matter and just asked for clarification.


Are those quotes linked to violence ?

it's very obvious you need to do more these books then you can come back with yuh quotes

I made it very clear that nowhere did I read that Lord Jesus Christ called for the slaughter on non believers nor did he call for violence.


If you can prove that Jesus did so, please post it.


I made my point and those who are familiar with those violent verses can comment.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



Stop blaming Jews for occupation of Palestine?

Point of clarification ...


Baldwin's documents which were prepared around the First World War provide fundamental issues for the creation of the independent states of Palestine and Israel..


Succinctly ...


For a long time there were agreements and decisions to create two states ... Palestine and Israel.


Shortly after the Second World War, the state of Israel was unilaterally declared and the state of Palestine lingers to this day.


Israel continues with its occupation of Palestine's lands for ages, ... and one can remember the wars etc., when Israel occupied strategic areas belonging to Palestine.


A few months ago, President Barack Obama provided clear indications that Israel must return lands to the Palestine, e.g., Golan Heights, etc.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



Stop blaming Jews for occupation of Palestine?

Point of clarification ...


Baldwin's documents which were prepared around the First World War provide fundamental issues for the creation of the independent states of Palestine and Israel..


Succinctly ...


For a long time there were agreements and decisions to create two states ... Palestine and Israel.


Shortly after the Second World War, the state of Israel was unilaterally declared and the state of Palestine lingers to this day.


Israel continues with its occupation of Palestine's lands for ages, ... and one can remember the wars etc., when Israel occupied strategic areas belonging to Palestine.


A few months ago, President Barack Obama provided clear indications that Israel must return lands to the Palestine, e.g., Golan Heights, etc.


DG is 100 percent accurate on this matter.


The problem is that Israel will not return lands that are illegally occupied.


Obama is all talk on this matter, Americans have no appetite to deal with this matter.


President Bill Clinton negotiated one of the best deals for Palestine and Arafat walked away from the deal. This is one of the greatest mistakes made by the Palestinians.


No other US President wants to deal with this sensitive issue.


Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...


go to verse 190 and maybe just maybe you may understand the verses you Quoted or you just copy and paste what those who sherry pick and quote to make them sound intelligent.


I can go on to answer the rest but i doubt you will comprehend so i will not waste my time.

Last edited by Pointblank
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...


go to verse 190 and maybe just maybe you may understand the verses you Quoted or you just copy and paste what those who sherry pick and quote to make them sound intelligent.


I can go on to answer the rest but i doubt you will comprehend so i will not waste my time.


All verses quoted are for everyone to read.


I do not have any agenda. I am just asking a fair question whether these violent verses are the reasons for the violence.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...


go to verse 190 and maybe just maybe you may understand the verses you Quoted or you just copy and paste what those who sherry pick and quote to make them sound intelligent.


I can go on to answer the rest but i doubt you will comprehend so i will not waste my time.


All verses quoted are for everyone to read.


I do not have any agenda. I am just asking a fair question whether these violent verses are the reasons for the violence.


before you cut and paste do a little research


Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Imagine the Afgan Taliban condemn this attack...but Chief refuses to

So does this action  make the Afghan  Taliban any better?


Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldon rules.

When you daddy Burnham banned every food item it was Skeldon that carried Guyana.

Tell dem deh Chief. It was Line Path where the food was smuggled in that allowed people to survive. Like you said "Line Path rules".

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldon rules.

When you daddy Burnham banned every food item it was Skeldon that carried Guyana.

Tell dem deh Chief. It was Line Path where the food was smuggled in that allowed people to survive. Like you said "Line Path rules".




Line Path played a critical role but Crabwood Creek and Down the Coast also contributed.


We "exported" boat loads of our harvested rice and "imported" foodstuff, parts and tires from Suriname on the return trips.


Every single Berbician remembers the horrible days of the PNC and will never forgive them in 100 years.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldon rules.

When you daddy Burnham banned every food item it was Skeldon that carried Guyana.

Tell dem deh Chief. It was Line Path where the food was smuggled in that allowed people to survive. Like you said "Line Path rules".




Line Path played a critical role but Crabwood Creek and Down the Coast also contributed.


We "exported" boat loads of our harvested rice and "imported" foodstuff, parts and tires from Suriname on the return trips.


Every single Berbician remembers the horrible days of the PNC and all never forgive them in 100 years.

You all still "exporting" and "importing" stuff 22 years after the PNC stopped ruling. That's why the PPP had to send a Berbice Anti-Smuggling Squad [BASS], Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit [CANU] and Khurshid Sattaur's taxmen down to Skeldon/Corriverton to set up shop.

I'm not amused that yuji and skelly are glorifying smuggling.

Originally Posted by Chief:


Wholesale smuggling of foodstuff has been over.


Not entirely, chief. I understand rice and sugar are still "exported" across the Corentyne River, bypassing the GRDB and GuySuCo. Of course, less than in the 1970s and '80s.


Yuji posted the quotes, you can confirm or deny them.


I am asking tough questions that may be uncomfortable to you but if you can prove otherwise, please do so.


I respect Islam but I am quite shocked at those violent verses. I also asked a fair question as to whether those monsters are using those violent verses in committing thier acts of violence.


No one single person came forward to clarify the quotes.




Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldon rules.

When you daddy Burnham banned every food item it was Skeldon that carried Guyana.

Tell dem deh Chief. It was Line Path where the food was smuggled in that allowed people to survive. Like you said "Line Path rules".




Line Path played a critical role but Crabwood Creek and Down the Coast also contributed.


We "exported" boat loads of our harvested rice and "imported" foodstuff, parts and tires from Suriname on the return trips.


Every single Berbician remembers the horrible days of the PNC and will never forgive them in 100 years.

This just goes to underline what I am saying. Watch these Skeldon PPP lot beating their chest and arguing amongst themselves which place had the biggest and best thieves and smugglers. Honour amongst thieves is all that the PPP strive for.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldon rules.

When you daddy Burnham banned every food item it was Skeldon that carried Guyana.

Tell dem deh Chief. It was Line Path where the food was smuggled in that allowed people to survive. Like you said "Line Path rules".




Line Path played a critical role but Crabwood Creek and Down the Coast also contributed.


We "exported" boat loads of our harvested rice and "imported" foodstuff, parts and tires from Suriname on the return trips.


Every single Berbician remembers the horrible days of the PNC and will never forgive them in 100 years.

This just goes to underline what I am saying. Watch these Skeldon PPP lot beating their chest and arguing amongst themselves which place had the biggest and best thieves and smugglers. Honour amongst thieves is all that the PPP strive for.


We are exposing the rotten days in Guyana when the PNC bankrupt Guyana. We had to smuggle food. What a disgrace !

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Yuji posted the quotes, you can confirm or deny them.


I am asking tough questions that may be uncomfortable to you but if you can prove otherwise, please do so.


I respect Islam but I am quite shocked at those violent verses. I also asked a fair question as to whether those monsters are using those violent verses in committing thier acts of violence.


No one single person came forward to clarify the quotes.




Any 6 year old could explain the verses if they had a brain.


After years of persecution, being hunted down, tortured and getting killed off by the Meccans, without any retaliation, the Muslims were forced to leave everything behind and flee from Mecca to Medina. 


When the Muslims finally decided to fight back against the Meccans, resulting in several ongoing wars with the Meccans, people are now questioning their actions?


These verses refer specifically to fighting with the Meccan enemies.

What's wrong with that?  They even had Jews and Christians fighting along side with them against the Meccans.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldon rules.

When you daddy Burnham banned every food item it was Skeldon that carried Guyana.

Tell dem deh Chief. It was Line Path where the food was smuggled in that allowed people to survive. Like you said "Line Path rules".




Line Path played a critical role but Crabwood Creek and Down the Coast also contributed.


We "exported" boat loads of our harvested rice and "imported" foodstuff, parts and tires from Suriname on the return trips.


Every single Berbician remembers the horrible days of the PNC and all never forgive them in 100 years.

You all still "exporting" and "importing" stuff 22 years after the PNC stopped ruling. That's why the PPP had to send a Berbice Anti-Smuggling Squad [BASS], Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit [CANU] and Khurshid Sattaur's taxmen down to Skeldon/Corriverton to set up shop.

I'm not amused that yuji and skelly are glorifying smuggling.


I do not glorify stealing(smuggling). That's an insult.  Even Burnham sent his people down to Line Path to get HIS BANNED FOODSTUFF. One year I was there, two of his people crashed the PNC car into a Tata bus killing both. They had wads of cash. A special plane came that afternoon to take their bodies back to GT. Even though Burnham branded it SMUGGLING, Burnham knew it was going on. He knew where to get aloo, flour, dhall etc. Yes, it was in CWC and Line Path. His custom officers stood by, watched and encourage the smuggling. They filled their pockets also. 

Originally Posted by Chief:


Wholesale smuggling of foodstuff has been over.

It is now guns and drugs, under the PPP.

You are right. Salim was the main man down there. I never heard you bashing him.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Yuji posted the quotes, you can confirm or deny them.


I am asking tough questions that may be uncomfortable to you but if you can prove otherwise, please do so.


I respect Islam but I am quite shocked at those violent verses. I also asked a fair question as to whether those monsters are using those violent verses in committing thier acts of violence.


No one single person came forward to clarify the quotes.




Any 6 year old could explain the verses if they had a brain.


After years of persecution, being hunted down, tortured and getting killed off by the Meccans, without any retaliation, the Muslims were forced to leave everything behind and flee from Mecca to Medina. 


When the Muslims finally decided to fight back against the Meccans, resulting in several ongoing wars with the Meccans, people are now questioning their actions?


These verses refer specifically to fighting with the Meccan enemies.

What's wrong with that?  They even had Jews and Christians fighting along side with them against the Meccans.



Thanks for the clarification. I will remove my original post.

Last edited by Former Member

Many of the folks on here who think Muslims should not have to condemn other muslims that commit heinous crimes, you will want to listen to this piece.


It is a frustrating process, exhausting but if this piece doesn't explain why it is important for muslims to condemn criminals who are muslims I am not sure what will.

It was encouraging to see some of those affected by the attack in Pakistan criticize the Talibans. If there can arise a group of people that close to the action to come out against the Taliban and also ISIS, it may generate enough of a backlash that either forces the Taliban/ISIS to choose peace or get eliminated by those around them. That would be such a wonderful spectacle. I hope it happens.

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