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Originally Posted by Marcy.:

Stormborn sound like a woman toy too...just saying 


hey, did u ever went to Ally Catz? i heard of and wanted to check it out, but no company  



That unit I mention well, I plug my mic into it, which then goes into my PA unit...voila background singers tarass. I can add one or two persons, even get some female/male choices, setup the song chord,Iman got me a backup band.  I don't use fake drums, can't stand them. I do different shyte while playing, drums are forgotten and I've even heard some say they can hear it in their minds.OOOooooo such power, yessss.


Deep stuff

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

Just picked up a Boss ve-20 vocal processor, lots of gadgets built in. It has a looper, can do overdubs, up to ten voices (backup vocals)Lots to learn.

Playing alone could never be better. I use my boss chorus ensemble(on guitar) now this through my pa, I stay away from the prerecorded drums, who needs backup with this machine?

Cool. I am a minimalist. I have a pod HD 300, my Nu-X Loop Core and Crazi Cacti over drive pedals and I am done. I can output the  Pod to pro tools 11 mixing board and there i can create a voice track that you can mess around with but I am not into the mixing stuff. I am into playing.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:

Stormborn sound like a woman toy too...just saying 


hey, did u ever went to Ally Catz? i heard of and wanted to check it out, but no company  



That unit I mention well, I plug my mic into it, which then goes into my PA unit...voila background singers tarass. I can add one or two persons, even get some female/male choices, setup the song chord,Iman got me a backup band.  I don't use fake drums, can't stand them. I do different shyte while playing, drums are forgotten and I've even heard some say they can hear it in their minds.OOOooooo such power, yessss.


Deep stuff

LMAO...ya see how i slow???  i thought Stormborn iz the name of the


but Hippie, that gadget sounds like can even mak them girls sing opera...with some deep stuff, nah?  

Originally Posted by cain:

Yep, I does have em howlin.


Here's something my son sent me, click on one of the videos, dam, I could have waited.

Novel idea. I wish it was programmable. I bet the come out with a fully customizable one that can interface with an app  on a phone or tablet. Then It would be less gimmicky and more a portable switcher to fun stuff.


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