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$61M for ganja trafficking


$61M for ganja trafficking

MAGISTRATE Rhondell Weaver on Tuesday sent a strong signal to drug traffickers by imposing a multi-million-dollar fine on Puran Persaud, called β€˜Andy’, who was found guilty of trafficking 92 lbs of cannabis sativa.

Sergeant Racquel Mars had submitted that the defendant must be called to lead his defence, as his caution statement, which was deemed admissible by the court, had indicated that he had knowledge of the crime.

Attorney Mursalene Bacchus had earlier made a no-case submission, but this was overruled by the court.

Inspector Grace Bristol and Sergeant Althea Soloman, prosecuting for the police, had led evidence which revealed that the taxi driver had in his possession 92 lbs of ganja for the purpose of trafficking.

Puran Persaud, 32, of Lot 62 Rosignol, West Coast Berbice, was intercepted at Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice on January 26 with 25 parcels containing the illegal substance. Questioned about the multi-coloured bag containing the illegal substance, he had told police that it was owned by a fisherman from Cotton Tree Village, West Coast Berbice.

In handing down sentence at the Blairmont Magistrate’s Court, Magistrate Weaver said she was sending a strong signal to those with similar intent, thus she was imposing a fine that was three times the street value of the narcotics.
Initially, Puran was jointly charged with Liana Ramsundar and Puran Ramoo, but the case against those two was dismissed.

Why laws were not enforced like this

Under Jagdeo & Ramotar?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Zed posted:

There is something called judicial independence and separation of power. This law was in existence for some time. There is no evidence at this time that any ruling politician called any magistrate to influence decisions. Are you insinuating that this happened? Coincidence is not causal.

Mr Zeb.....please name one case under Jagdeo or Ramotar where a Drug Dealer in Guyana was

(1) Charged

(2) Convicted

(3) and Received a fine of $61 million Dollars for Trafficking...........

or even a fine of $10 Million.

Jungle Girl posted:


This Chap Pooran Persaud

destroy many lives in Guyana.....

and give our beautiful country a bad name.....

He lucky he did not catch lil Jail time......Like 10 - 20 years.


And I bet you Liana Ramsundar and Puran Ramoo,

will stop their Narco Runnings under Granger & Moses.

Last edited by Former Member
Jalil posted:
Jungle Girl posted:


This Chap Pooran Persaud

destroy many lives in Guyana.....

and give our beautiful country a bad name.....

He lucky he did not catch lil Jail time......Like 10 - 20 years.


And I bet you Liana Ramsundar and Puran Ramoo,

will stop their Narco Runnings under Granger & Moses.

You think a lil weed destroyed lives? I'd say he gave a lot of people a reason to live and a way to cope over the last 22 years!

The punishment does not fit the crime.

Jalil posted:
Jungle Girl posted:


This Chap Pooran Persaud

destroy many lives in Guyana.....

and give our beautiful country a bad name.....

He lucky he did not catch lil Jail time......Like 10 - 20 years.


And I bet you Liana Ramsundar and Puran Ramoo,

will stop their Narco Runnings under Granger & Moses.

This is indirect tax, he is free to play another day. For big drug dealers this is chicken feed. Why he was not jailed, take him out of circulation , I bet he will be on the streets peddling dope again. This reminds me of the Hire car drivers, they always have Over load with passengers, if and when they get caught, they bribe the police and will be good for couple of weeks, until they are caught again.But if trafficking Ganja is so BIG a crime, then confiscate their properties including vehicles, houses etc and JAIL them.


Jalil, please reread what I posted. From your response, you are stretching so much that you are losing credibility. I cannot remember any magistrate or judge ever saying that one of the presidents called them about a case. In the absence of this, and I do live in Guyana, I only have your insinuation to go by. And, that is not much.

Are you insinuating that one of the members of the present government picked up the phone and told the magistrate what penalty to mete out to these individuals?  There is something called judicial independence, something you must be aware of. That was and is my point.

Zed posted:

Jalil, please reread what I posted. From your response, you are stretching so much that you are losing credibility. I cannot remember any magistrate or judge ever saying that one of the presidents called them about a case. In the absence of this, and I do live in Guyana, I only have your insinuation to go by. And, that is not much.

Are you insinuating that one of the members of the present government picked up the phone and told the magistrate what penalty to mete out to these individuals?  There is something called judicial independence, something you must be aware of. That was and is my point.

Zeb....stop scratching and itching.

the problem is when we show picture aya run like poke and cry.

Since Jagdeo & Ramotar get thrown out and replaced by Moses & Granger we start seeing a return to real law and order back in Guyana.

We seeing change....we seeing things happening that never happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar Govt.

Example.....Jagdeo believe he above the Law.

He refuse to go to Court to answer Charges... Nandalall  tell the Magistrate since PPP lose the Elections he been shitting nonstop. Bobby & Mannie try plugging him up and the man back-firing non-stop like "Scud Missile".

De Magistrate tell Nandalall she giving him One Hour to get his backside  in her Court..... or else she will issue a warrant for his arrest. Jagdeo immediately pull his pants up, leave Pradoville 2.....and find his ass in front of the Magistrate.

Jagdeo frighten Jail so bad he race down to the Berbice Court.... and try to sit down with the court officials....De Magistrate throw him in the Prisoners Dock like all other criminals.



More Example..... Jagdeo & Ramotar Ministers, Friends and Relatives thief and think they will get away with it.

De New Govt already charge former Minister Westrord fuh thiefing $650 Million.

Duncan get charge fuh thiefing from GPL.

Dindial on Interpol wanted list.

Brassington & Robert Persaud hiding overseas....soon they will be on Interpol.

Bobby Ramroop, Eddie Boyo and Manniram running mad.....Jagdeo tell Granger yesterday lock up all them PPP Boys who been thiefing.


Under Jagdeo & Ramotar the Drug Lords and smugglers were untouchable.

Now Dem feeling the Heat....

$60 Million Dollar fine....

4 Containers of Substandard Imported Milk returned....

All of this never happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar watch.


Zeb I hope you are not one of them who Jagdeo tell Granger to lock up.



Jalil posted:
Zed posted:

Jalil, please reread what I posted. From your response, you are stretching so much that you are losing credibility. I cannot remember any magistrate or judge ever saying that one of the presidents called them about a case. In the absence of this, and I do live in Guyana, I only have your insinuation to go by. And, that is not much.

Are you insinuating that one of the members of the present government picked up the phone and told the magistrate what penalty to mete out to these individuals?  There is something called judicial independence, something you must be aware of. That was and is my point.

Zeb....stop scratching and itching.

the problem is when we show picture aya run like poke and cry.

Since Jagdeo & Ramotar get thrown out and replaced by Moses & Granger we start seeing a return to real law and order back in Guyana.

We seeing change....we seeing things happening that never happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar Govt.

Example.....Jagdeo believe he above the Law.

He refuse to go to Court to answer Charges... Nandalall  tell the Magistrate since PPP lose the Elections he been shitting nonstop. Bobby & Mannie try plugging him up and the man back-firing non-stop like "Scud Missile".

De Magistrate tell Nandalall she giving him One Hour to get his backside  in her Court..... or else she will issue a warrant for his arrest. Jagdeo immediately pull his pants up, leave Pradoville 2.....and find his ass in front of the Magistrate.

Jagdeo frighten Jail so bad he race down to the Berbice Court.... and try to sit down with the court officials....De Magistrate throw him in the Prisoners Dock like all other criminals.



More Example..... Jagdeo & Ramotar Ministers, Friends and Relatives thief and think they will get away with it.

De New Govt already charge former Minister Westrord fuh thiefing $650 Million.

Duncan get charge fuh thiefing from GPL.

Dindial on Interpol wanted list.

Brassington & Robert Persaud hiding overseas....soon they will be on Interpol.

Bobby Ramroop, Eddie Boyo and Manniram running mad.....Jagdeo tell Granger yesterday lock up all them PPP Boys who been thiefing.


Under Jagdeo & Ramotar the Drug Lords and smugglers were untouchable.

Now Dem feeling the Heat....

$60 Million Dollar fine....

4 Containers of Substandard Imported Milk returned....

All of this never happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar watch.


Zeb I hope you are not one of them who Jagdeo tell Granger to lock up.



You make it sound as though Soja boy and servants  are doing a favor  to the taxpayers. They are paid fat cat salaries  they are Public Servants that is their job. So when are they going to lock up PPP ministers which they claim thief. Jalil. You are the only one making dumb noise by repeating yourself of stale news. Guyana has not changed. Crime up. Suicide  up unemployment  up  no new business ventures. 

kp posted:


You make it sound as though Soja boy and servants  are doing a favor  to the taxpayers. They are paid fat cat salaries  they are Public Servants that is their job. So when are they going to lock up PPP ministers which they claim thief.

What's the rush with locking up PPP ministers? This is not Turkey. We do have a legal system that will deal with the situation. It is not for the government to interfere in that process. Under the PPP regime, Jagdeo used his position as dictator to occupy the position as judge and jury. But we are now a democracy, so internationally accepted best practice is being observed.


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