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The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has plunged further into financial crisis as sugar production for 2013 fell to 186,807 tonnes, the lowest recorded in 22 years.

In a year rife with industrial relations issues, mechanical problems and inadequate grinding capacity, the industry’s performance slid beneath GuySuCo’s minimum production rate of 232,000 tonnes of sugar for its international and local quotas, leaving the corporation severely indebted to banks and suppliers.




Sugar industry is dead in the Caribbean. The PPP were misguided by Booker Tate into believing that they could make a go of it with massive investments in the Skeldon factory.  I again maintain that industry must be the domain of private investors as market forces will keep it alive if it is profitable and kill it off if it runs at a loss. Govt artificially keeping the industry alive when it is destined for entropy is not the proper way for an industry to perpetuate. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Sugar industry is dead in the Caribbean. The PPP were misguided by Booker Tate into believing that they could make a go of it with massive investments in the Skeldon factory.  I again maintain that industry must be the domain of private investors as market forces will keep it alive if it is profitable and kill it off if it runs at a loss. Govt artificially keeping the industry alive when it is destined for entropy is not the proper way for an industry to perpetuate. 

Stupidee idea.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Sugar industry is dead in the Caribbean. The PPP were misguided by Booker Tate into believing that they could make a go of it with massive investments in the Skeldon factory.  I again maintain that industry must be the domain of private investors as market forces will keep it alive if it is profitable and kill it off if it runs at a loss. Govt artificially keeping the industry alive when it is destined for entropy is not the proper way for an industry to perpetuate. 

Bookers hasn't been around for a long time.  The PPP wasted money on Skeldon to pander to its base, because the PNC and others warned them about Skeldon, but the PPP refused to listen.


So why don't you blame the PPP rather than making excuses for them.  Guysuco has been run down by PPP stooges for quite a few years now.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Bookers hasn't been around for a long time.  The PPP wasted money on Skeldon to pander to its base, because the PNC and others warned them about Skeldon, but the PPP refused to listen.


So why don't you blame the PPP rather than making excuses for them.  Guysuco has been run down by PPP stooges for quite a few years now.

Acknowledged, the PPP is digging a bigger hole every time they keep plowing tax payers dollars into a failed industry. The PNC only warned about Skeldon after the fact, it was just a few years ago that Granger came out and declared the sugar industry must be privatized. Govt must not run industry.


Since its formation 64 years ago, the PPP's political struggle was inter-twined with the sugar industry. Sugar workers have been the bedrock of the PPP's working-class support.

In 1992, when the PPP got into government, it also got the opportunity to make the state-owned GuySuCo the flagship industry in Guyana.

However, 21 years later under PPP stewardship, the sugar industry is at an all-time low.

No matter what excuses are tendered, the PPP is to blame for GuySuCo's pitiful state today.

Granted, the international marketing climate is not favourable, but this is a cyclical phenomena, a temporary situation.

Throughout the 300-year history of sugar in Guyana and the Caribbean, there have been periods of prosperity and periods of slump.

If there were suitable professional and efficient management over the past two decades, as well as prudent political decisions, GuySuCo would have been in healthy shape today.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Since its formation 64 years ago, the PPP's political struggle was inter-twined with the sugar industry. Sugar workers have been the bedrock of the PPP's working-class support.

In 1992, when the PPP got into government, it also got the opportunity to make the state-owned GuySuCo the flagship industry in Guyana.

However, 21 years later under PPP stewardship, the sugar industry is at an all-time low.

No matter what excuses are tendered, the PPP is to blame for GuySuCo's pitiful state today.

Granted, the international marketing climate is not favourable, but this is a cyclical phenomena, a temporary situation.

Throughout the 300-year history of sugar in Guyana and the Caribbean, there have been periods of prosperity and periods of slump.

If there were suitable professional and efficient management over the past two decades, as well as prudent political decisions, GuySuCo would have been in healthy shape today.

Tell us which other Caribbean nation that suffered the loss of the EU subsidies are still producing sugar by government run industry. None! Therefore sugar is dead in the Caribbean, the PPP's blunder is that they didn't put the nail in the coffin. 

Originally Posted by Sunil:

Cane sugar died a long time ago. The EU is self sufficient in beet sugar and the US uses mostly splenda or corn fructose. Guyana should follow Brazil's example and convert most of the sugar to ethanol. 70% of cars in Brazil run on ethanol.

Private investors should be experimenting with ethanol, not government. They should just collect taxes and pass legislation. 

Originally Posted by Sunil:

Cane sugar died a long time ago. The EU is self sufficient in beet sugar and the US uses mostly splenda or corn fructose. Guyana should follow Brazil's example and convert most of the sugar to ethanol. 70% of cars in Brazil run on ethanol.

Compared to world sugar production, Guyana's sugar output has always been tiny.

But, with its unique Demerara brown sugar, Guyana could take advantage of a niche market.

For the past 17 years my household has been consuming brown sugar in Toronto.

Sometimes we're lucky to get genuine Demerara sugar in the supermarkets.

Most times we have to buy "Demerara-style" brown sugar produced in Mauritius.

An aggressive international marketing and advertising campaign could earn Guyana a greater share of the brown-sugar market.

Look at what DDL did to Demerara rum. Seventeen years ago I could hardly see El Dorado rum in Toronto. Today most province-run LCBO outlets stock El Dorado. That's because of the fine international marketing job DDL did under Yesu Persaud's management.

GuySuCo needs a Yesu-clone to turn the sugar industry around.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Cane sugar died a long time ago. The EU is self sufficient in beet sugar and the US uses mostly splenda or corn fructose. Guyana should follow Brazil's example and convert most of the sugar to ethanol. 70% of cars in Brazil run on ethanol.

Compared to world sugar production, Guyana's sugar output has always been tiny.

But, with its unique Demerara brown sugar, Guyana could take advantage of a niche market.

For the past 17 years my household has been consuming brown sugar in Toronto.

Sometimes we're lucky to get genuine Demerara sugar in the supermarkets.

Most times we have to buy "Demerara-style" brown sugar produced in Mauritius.

An aggressive international marketing and advertising campaign could earn Guyana a greater share of the brown-sugar market.

Look at what DDL did to Demerara rum. Seventeen years ago I could hardly see El Dorado rum in Toronto. Today most province-run LCBO outlets stock El Dorado. That's because of the fine international marketing job DDL did under Yesu Persaud's management.

GuySuCo needs a Yesu-clone to turn the sugar industry around.

Mauritius still has the patent to Demerara sugar. I don't think the GOG ever got it back. Guyana was marketing some Demerara Gold but I don't see it these days. There might be a market for a niche product.   

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Bookers hasn't been around for a long time.  The PPP wasted money on Skeldon to pander to its base, because the PNC and others warned them about Skeldon, but the PPP refused to listen.


So why don't you blame the PPP rather than making excuses for them.  Guysuco has been run down by PPP stooges for quite a few years now.

Acknowledged, the PPP is digging a bigger hole every time they keep plowing tax payers dollars into a failed industry. The PNC only warned about Skeldon after the fact, it was just a few years ago that Granger came out and declared the sugar industry must be privatized. Govt must not run industry.

No.  The PNC warned the PPP BEFORE the Skeldon factory.  You all jumped up and down and called them racist.


The PPP loves white elephant projects.  Skeldon is one,  and eight jetways at GEO is another.  The PNC is warning the PPP again.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:.

Compared to world sugar production, Guyana's sugar output has always been tiny.

But, with its unique Demerara brown sugar, Guyana could take advantage of a niche market.

For the past 17 years my household has been consuming brown sugar in Toronto.

Sometimes we're lucky to get genuine Demerara sugar in the supermarkets.

Most times we have to buy "Demerara-style" brown sugar produced in Mauritius.

An aggressive international marketing and advertising campaign could earn Guyana a greater share of the brown-sugar market.

Look at what DDL did to Demerara rum. Seventeen years ago I could hardly see El Dorado rum in Toronto. Today most province-run LCBO outlets stock El Dorado. That's because of the fine international marketing job DDL did under Yesu Persaud's management.

GuySuCo needs a Yesu-clone to turn the sugar industry around.

No Guysuco needs to be privatized. You do understand that DDL is a private company?

Originally Posted by caribny:

No.  The PNC warned the PPP BEFORE the Skeldon factory.  You all jumped up and down and called them racist.


The PPP loves white elephant projects.  Skeldon is one,  and eight jetways at GEO is another.  The PNC is warning the PPP again.

Not true, the PNC normally votes against anything that the PPP votes for, no thought process goes into their votes. The Pnc destroyed Guyana, their warnings are of no credence given their own track record.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has plunged further into financial crisis as sugar production for 2013 fell to 186,807 tonnes, the lowest recorded in 22 years.

In a year rife with industrial relations issues, mechanical problems and inadequate grinding capacity, the industry’s performance slid beneath GuySuCo’s minimum production rate of 232,000 tonnes of sugar for its international and local quotas, leaving the corporation severely indebted to banks and suppliers.



This is the PPP for you, they do not care about the poor.

Originally Posted by Sunil:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Cane sugar died a long time ago. The EU is self sufficient in beet sugar and the US uses mostly splenda or corn fructose. Guyana should follow Brazil's example and convert most of the sugar to ethanol. 70% of cars in Brazil run on ethanol.

Compared to world sugar production, Guyana's sugar output has always been tiny.

But, with its unique Demerara brown sugar, Guyana could take advantage of a niche market.

For the past 17 years my household has been consuming brown sugar in Toronto.

Sometimes we're lucky to get genuine Demerara sugar in the supermarkets.

Most times we have to buy "Demerara-style" brown sugar produced in Mauritius.

An aggressive international marketing and advertising campaign could earn Guyana a greater share of the brown-sugar market.

Look at what DDL did to Demerara rum. Seventeen years ago I could hardly see El Dorado rum in Toronto. Today most province-run LCBO outlets stock El Dorado. That's because of the fine international marketing job DDL did under Yesu Persaud's management.

GuySuCo needs a Yesu-clone to turn the sugar industry around.

Mauritius still has the patent to Demerara sugar. I don't think the GOG ever got it back. Guyana was marketing some Demerara Gold but I don't see it these days. There might be a market for a niche product.   

The crux of the matter still remain we cannot produce enough because of the SKELDON Factory.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

No.  The PNC warned the PPP BEFORE the Skeldon factory.  You all jumped up and down and called them racist.


The PPP loves white elephant projects.  Skeldon is one,  and eight jetways at GEO is another.  The PNC is warning the PPP again.

Not true, the PNC normally votes against anything that the PPP votes for, no thought process goes into their votes. The Pnc destroyed Guyana, their warnings are of no credence given their own track record.

And the PPP rejects everything that the PNC says.  If they followed their advise on Skeldon Guysuco wouldn't be in this mess.


The PPP has now reduced Guysuco back to where it was under the PNC, so therefore has no credibility.  Indeed we see disaster after disaster in everything that the PPP touches.


Lucky for Guyana Hoyte ended socialism and so Cheddi wasn't able to install the Castro style communism that he and his wife  so eagerly admired.  Because of this substantial parts of the economy are no longer under gov't control.

Originally Posted by caribny:

And the PPP rejects everything that the PNC says.  If they followed their advise on Skeldon Guysuco wouldn't be in this mess.


The PPP has now reduced Guysuco back to where it was under the PNC, so therefore has no credibility.  Indeed we see disaster after disaster in everything that the PPP touches.


Lucky for Guyana Hoyte ended socialism and so Cheddi wasn't able to install the Castro style communism that he and his wife  so eagerly admired.  Because of this substantial parts of the economy are no longer under gov't control.

Hoyte himself was a communist, both pPP and PNC went through a learning curve along with many other nations when they embraced communist ideals. After Burnham's failures, Hoyte realized that communism was not working. At that point Cheddi had also come to the same realization, why do you believe he dumped communist ideals once he attained powers?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hoyte himself was a communist, both pPP and PNC went through a learning curve along with many other nations when they embraced communist ideals. After Burnham's failures, Hoyte realized that communism was not working. At that point Cheddi had also come to the same realization, why do you believe he dumped communist ideals once he attained powers?

Hoyte stopped communism and Cheddi couldn't reinstate it.


Listen even a few days ago your boy Rohee was screaming that the PPP is a Marxist Leninist working class party.


When last have you heard the PNC say this.  Not since Hoyte chased Hammie Green and the Burnhamite faction out.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Hoyte stopped communism and Cheddi couldn't reinstate it.


Listen even a few days ago your boy Rohee was screaming that the PPP is a Marxist Leninist working class party.


When last have you heard the PNC say this.  Not since Hoyte chased Hammie Green and the Burnhamite faction out.

Indeed the PNC have been consistent against communist ideals ever since Hoyte took over. In fact the PNC has never really embraced communism, the reason the CIA installed Burnham. It was only after Burnham was influenced by Castro and other communists that he started nationalizing the nations industries. When Hoyte took over, he did an excellent job in rolling back the failed policies of the Burnham administration. However the only problem was that he was not democratically elected.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Hoyte stopped communism and Cheddi couldn't reinstate it.


Listen even a few days ago your boy Rohee was screaming that the PPP is a Marxist Leninist working class party.


When last have you heard the PNC say this.  Not since Hoyte chased Hammie Green and the Burnhamite faction out.

Indeed the PNC have been consistent against communist ideals ever since Hoyte took over. In fact the PNC has never really embraced communism, the reason the CIA installed Burnham. It was only after Burnham was influenced by Castro and other communists that he started nationalizing the nations industries. When Hoyte took over, he did an excellent job in rolling back the failed policies of the Burnham administration. However the only problem was that he was not democratically elected.

Druggie if we had democracy in Guyana in 1964, by 1968 Guyana would have become a full fledged communist nation, and Guyana would have become like Cuba is today.  Janet was a hard core Marxist Leninist.  You must have read the communist garbage in the Mirror, which was an amen chorus for the Soviet Union.


The PPP created Forbes Burnham.  Were they less hard core that monster wouldn't have been created, because documentation, which has been released, showed that the CIA didn't like him, and never trusted him.


You can also blame Janet who hated black people because we refused to kiss her toe the way Indians did every time she went to a sugar estate, or to a rice farm.  Black people in Georgetown considered her their EQUAL.  Not some white goddess who they had to worship.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie if we had democracy in Guyana in 1964, by 1968 Guyana would have become a full fledged communist nation, and Guyana would have become like Cuba is today.  Janet was a hard core Marxist Leninist.  You must have read the communist garbage in the Mirror, which was an amen chorus for the Soviet Union.


The PPP created Forbes Burnham.  Were they less hard core that monster wouldn't have been created, because documentation, which has been released, showed that the CIA didn't like him, and never trusted him.


You can also blame Janet who hated black people because we refused to kiss her toe the way Indians did every time she went to a sugar estate, or to a rice farm.  Black people in Georgetown considered her their EQUAL.  Not some white goddess who they had to worship.

No doubt but also you must realize that Russia today is doing very well considering their communist past. Jagan would have caught sense like Burnham and did the right thing. Janet was president and did not attempt to bring back communist ideals, so I don't know how really hard core communist she really was. With respect to Indians worshipping Janet, I wouldn't comment nor do I care as it has no bearing on today.  What is relevant though is that it was the PNC that ran Guyana into the ground and the PPP with the help of Hoyte that brought it back to sustainability.


Dr TK show how first PNC .....

and then Jagdeo/Ramotar

Destroy the sugar industry in Guyana

Then he praise Jagdeo for maintaining the exchange rate in Guyana.

but turn around and call Jadeo Economy ...."De Hand out Economy"

Call AFC Economy....."Jobs Economy".......Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

he made a very strong case for the AFC

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Dr TK show how first PNC .....

and then Jagdeo/Ramotar

Destroy the sugar industry in Guyana


Then he praise Jagdeo for maintaining the exchange rate in Guyana.

but turn around and call Jadeo Economy ...."De Hand out Economy"

Call AFC Economy....."Jobs Economy".......Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

he made a very strong case for the AFC

Mr Jalill he did what a professor is expected to do. Speak truth and look at issues from all sides. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie if we had democracy in Guyana in 1964, by 1968 Guyana would have become a full fledged communist nation, and Guyana would have become like Cuba is today.  Janet was a hard core Marxist Leninist.  You must have read the communist garbage in the Mirror, which was an amen chorus for the Soviet Union.


The PPP created Forbes Burnham.  Were they less hard core that monster wouldn't have been created, because documentation, which has been released, showed that the CIA didn't like him, and never trusted him.


You can also blame Janet who hated black people because we refused to kiss her toe the way Indians did every time she went to a sugar estate, or to a rice farm.  Black people in Georgetown considered her their EQUAL.  Not some white goddess who they had to worship.

No doubt but also you must realize that Russia today is doing very well considering their communist past. Jagan would have caught sense like Burnham and did the right thing. Janet was president and did not attempt to bring back communist ideals, so I don't know how really hard core communist she really was. With respect to Indians worshipping Janet, I wouldn't comment nor do I care as it has no bearing on today.  What is relevant though is that it was the PNC that ran Guyana into the ground and the PPP with the help of Hoyte that brought it back to sustainability.

Only you think Russia is doing well.  Stripped of their gold, and energy resources Russia would be a mess.  But I see why you like them, because as with Guyana, it is a corrupt and violent mess run by a kleptocracy.


If the economy is going to restore growth, it will have to undertake reforms to improve governance, productivity, and its attractiveness to foreign investment.


Source: IMF


where is the foreign investment???



The PPP seh they blow away 25% of the international reserves because no investment coming in 2013 or 2014?


OK, so what is the plan???



Originally Posted by KishanB:

If the economy is going to restore growth, it will have to undertake reforms to improve governance, productivity, and its attractiveness to foreign investment.


Source: IMF


where is the foreign investment???



The PPP seh they blow away 25% of the international reserves because no investment coming in 2013 or 2014?


OK, so what is the plan???



my bro every thing is dead under jagdeo even jagdeo dick is dead under jagdeo


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