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Guysuco is planning an exhibition in New York to promote Guyanese brown sugar, world class chutneys, Peppersauce, frozen katahar, virgin coconut oil, dried fish, and many more products that can earn millions in revenues and create thousands of jobs in Guyana. Watch out for this exhibition it's coming soon.  This is inside information.  

BTW, they are looking for an Amerindian man to help promote cassava bread and pepperpot. If you know of any please let us know. Pay is good and the potential for growth is tremendous.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guysuco is planning an exhibition in New York to promote Guyanese brown sugar, world class chutneys, Peppersauce, frozen katahar, virgin coconut oil, dried fish, and many more products that can earn millions in revenues and create thousands of jobs in Guyana. Watch out for this exhibition it's coming soon.  This is inside information.  

BTW, they are looking for an Amerindian man to help promote cassava bread and pepperpot. If you know of any please let us know. Pay is good and the potential for growth is tremendous.

 More roti shop thinking by the PPP.


Why don't they take a page out of Grace Kennedy's book and learn how to market properly.  I can get their products all over the place.


In fact there were some people here on GNI who didn't know that it was a Jamaican company until I told them.



They need to sell Guysuco and then let the owners decide what makes sense and what doesn't.   This be a repeat of Guysuco under Burnham.  MORE LOSSES!!!

Last edited by Former Member

You all are criticizing Guysuco purely for political reasons. I don't see you care one bit about the welfare of those thousands of families who depend the industry for a living. This is both selfishness and short-sightedness. The industry must be supported until it becomes profitable. The potential is there for this industry to help boost the economy. Besides producing sugar the new factory will produce electricity and ethanol that will help to reduce our dependence on oil  Oil imports is a strain on the economy. We have to reduce our imports. We can rely on hydropower, solar, wind, and bagasse to generte electricy. The Skeldon plant can produce for region number 6. The Chinese financed the factory and demanded the construction as they usually do everywhere. The factory itself is German. The technology is first class. The Chinese messed up and now the gov't has to spend some extras for Bosch of South Africa fix it.  The factory will be fixed and it will produce sugar fast, efficient, and at cost that can allow the industry to staf afloat and prosper.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You all are criticizing Guysuco purely for political reasons. I don't see you care one bit about the welfare of those thousands of families who depend the industry for a living. .

Did you make similar comments about Guymine.


Of course not.  "dem is lazy black people" you screamed.


So who is being political?  You only support Guysuco because if sugar workers abandon the PPP it is DEAD!


It is taking 40c in expenditures to generate 22c in revenues.  Guysuco is severely indebted.  Many workers are fleeing the industry.  Skeldon is a fiasco.  The EU no longer want our sugar and we cannot compete on global markets.


So sell off Guysuco to private investors as you did Guymine.  They will decide what makes sense, using cold profit motives as the Chinese did for Guymine.


If you give the sugar workers preferential treatment over that which the bauxite workers were given , you confirm in the minds of Lindeners why they do not and NEVER will support the PPP which merely confirms that they have no use for AfroGuyanese.  As a result of the shenanigans Linden is a town where few are fully employed, and where many have had to flock to other regions in order to sustain their families.  If Sugare cant grow in Berbice, some other crop will.  The sugar workers have vastly more alternatives in one of the most fertile regions of Guyana than does Linden, which lies in the midst of red rock and sand, good for nothing other than bauxite.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:

Things really bad, this thread is like resurrection.

Bai nah bring religion in dis ting yeah? Looks like some one was looking for Jesus and found this.

That same fella who started this thread,woke up and ran back to F.H.

Kishanb started this thread, Mitwah Woke up and start running with it. That BOY needs HELP!!

KishanB posted:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Cane sugar died a long time ago. The EU is self sufficient in beet sugar and the US uses mostly splenda or corn fructose. Guyana should follow Brazil's example and convert most of the sugar to ethanol. 70% of cars in Brazil run on ethanol.

Good point but them PPP people nah listen.

Folks should see the conversation in 2014 when Granger was no where near sugar.

I laugh when folks like Gilbakka scream that GAWU has the answers when its them and the PPP who are responsible for this mess in the first place.

seignet posted:

He din kill it, but he certainly gweing to bury it. And he gaon chuckle while doing it and thinking, "good fuh dem coolie razz."

I guess sin is a scam, and ppl doan feel responsible for bad behavior. Payback is a bitch, let's hope the cosmos have energy to act.

So was the Rat chuckling and making derogatory comments when he was killing sugar or is your indignant condemnation reserved for the black man?

AHA!! Do you see your bias, your profound discrimination in those simple statements that discredit your heavenly aspirations, oh man of God?

Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Great projects like the Skeldon Sugar Factory sometimes experience delays. Be patient.  It will be up and running soon.

So after 3 years what do have to say about the pink elephant now?  I don't see any PPP fearless leadahs marching with the protestors. Sugar is dead. Jagdeo lied.

All hope is gone since them PNC boys tek over de country again.  When you hear you famli, Prakash, hollered that e party is disturbed you know things ain't goin' good fuh dem and the country.  It's all about Granger and the Burnhamites.

Billy Ram Balgobin
antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

He din kill it, but he certainly gweing to bury it. And he gaon chuckle while doing it and thinking, "good fuh dem coolie razz."

I guess sin is a scam, and ppl doan feel responsible for bad behavior. Payback is a bitch, let's hope the cosmos have energy to act.

So was the Rat chuckling and making derogatory comments when he was killing sugar or is your indignant condemnation reserved for the black man?

AHA!! Do you see your bias, your profound discrimination in those simple statements that discredit your heavenly aspirations, oh man of God?

Yep, me hate the Blackman, and only Guyanese Blackman. I am certain yuh hate Indians. Suh do fuh do nah obeah. We even. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Great projects like the Skeldon Sugar Factory sometimes experience delays. Be patient.  It will be up and running soon.

So after 3 years what do have to say about the pink elephant now?  I don't see any PPP fearless leadahs marching with the protestors. Sugar is dead. Jagdeo lied.

All hope is gone since them PNC boys tek over de country again.  When you hear you famli, Prakash, hollered that e party is disturbed you know things ain't goin' good fuh dem and the country.  It's all about Granger and the Burnhamites.

You conveniently left out that Jaggy is my famili too.  After 23 years your PPP gave us the Skeldon Estate. How come you were quiet when Albion and Diamond were closed by Jagdeo. 

seignet posted:
antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

He din kill it, but he certainly gweing to bury it. And he gaon chuckle while doing it and thinking, "good fuh dem coolie razz."

I guess sin is a scam, and ppl doan feel responsible for bad behavior. Payback is a bitch, let's hope the cosmos have energy to act.

So was the Rat chuckling and making derogatory comments when he was killing sugar or is your indignant condemnation reserved for the black man?

AHA!! Do you see your bias, your profound discrimination in those simple statements that discredit your heavenly aspirations, oh man of God?

Yep, me hate the Blackman, and only Guyanese Blackman. I am certain yuh hate Indians. Suh do fuh do nah obeah. We even. 

Did you conclude that from my racist comments?

Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Great projects like the Skeldon Sugar Factory sometimes experience delays. Be patient.  It will be up and running soon.

So after 3 years what do have to say about the pink elephant now?  I don't see any PPP fearless leadahs marching with the protestors. Sugar is dead. Jagdeo lied.

All hope is gone since them PNC boys tek over de country again.  When you hear you famli, Prakash, hollered that e party is disturbed you know things ain't goin' good fuh dem and the country.  It's all about Granger and the Burnhamites.

You conveniently left out that Jaggy is my famili too.  After 23 years your PPP gave us the Skeldon Estate. How come you were quiet when Albion and Diamond were closed by Jagdeo. 

Hey bai, wah you leff out Berbice bridge? Like dah nah count?

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Great projects like the Skeldon Sugar Factory sometimes experience delays. Be patient.  It will be up and running soon.

So after 3 years what do have to say about the pink elephant now?  I don't see any PPP fearless leadahs marching with the protestors. Sugar is dead. Jagdeo lied.

All hope is gone since them PNC boys tek over de country again.  When you hear you famli, Prakash, hollered that e party is disturbed you know things ain't goin' good fuh dem and the country.  It's all about Granger and the Burnhamites.

You conveniently left out that Jaggy is my famili too.  After 23 years your PPP gave us the Skeldon Estate. How come you were quiet when Albion and Diamond were closed by Jagdeo. 

Hey bai, wah you leff out Berbice bridge? Like dah nah count?

I have spoken about the Berbice Bridge extensively. So as not to derail this tread., the topic is: Sugar dead under Jagdeo. 

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Great projects like the Skeldon Sugar Factory sometimes experience delays. Be patient.  It will be up and running soon.

So after 3 years what do have to say about the pink elephant now?  I don't see any PPP fearless leadahs marching with the protestors. Sugar is dead. Jagdeo lied.

All hope is gone since them PNC boys tek over de country again.  When you hear you famli, Prakash, hollered that e party is disturbed you know things ain't goin' good fuh dem and the country.  It's all about Granger and the Burnhamites.

You conveniently left out that Jaggy is my famili too.  After 23 years your PPP gave us the Skeldon Estate. How come you were quiet when Albion and Diamond were closed by Jagdeo. 

Hey bai, wah you leff out Berbice bridge? Like dah nah count?

I have spoken about the Berbice Bridge extensively. So as not to derail this tread., the topic is: Sugar dead under Jagdeo. 

You have spoken, who are you? The thread is dead. You are dead failure.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Great projects like the Skeldon Sugar Factory sometimes experience delays. Be patient.  It will be up and running soon.

So after 3 years what do have to say about the pink elephant now?  I don't see any PPP fearless leadahs marching with the protestors. Sugar is dead. Jagdeo lied.

All hope is gone since them PNC boys tek over de country again.  When you hear you famli, Prakash, hollered that e party is disturbed you know things ain't goin' good fuh dem and the country.  It's all about Granger and the Burnhamites.

You conveniently left out that Jaggy is my famili too.  After 23 years your PPP gave us the Skeldon Estate. How come you were quiet when Albion and Diamond were closed by Jagdeo. 

Hey bai, wah you leff out Berbice bridge? Like dah nah count?

I have spoken about the Berbice Bridge extensively. So as not to derail this tread., the topic is: Sugar dead under Jagdeo. 

You have spoken, who are you? The thread is dead. You are dead failure.

Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion? Sugar dead under Jagdeo. Stop masturbate and debate. Show me your jalwa.

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Great projects like the Skeldon Sugar Factory sometimes experience delays. Be patient.  It will be up and running soon.

So after 3 years what do have to say about the pink elephant now?  I don't see any PPP fearless leadahs marching with the protestors. Sugar is dead. Jagdeo lied.

All hope is gone since them PNC boys tek over de country again.  When you hear you famli, Prakash, hollered that e party is disturbed you know things ain't goin' good fuh dem and the country.  It's all about Granger and the Burnhamites.

You conveniently left out that Jaggy is my famili too.  After 23 years your PPP gave us the Skeldon Estate. How come you were quiet when Albion and Diamond were closed by Jagdeo. 

Hey bai, wah you leff out Berbice bridge? Like dah nah count?

I have spoken about the Berbice Bridge extensively. So as not to derail this tread., the topic is: Sugar dead under Jagdeo. 

You have spoken, who are you? The thread is dead. You are dead failure.

Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion? Sugar dead under Jagdeo. Stop masturbate and debate. Show me your jalwa.

Is it true you have a Lil dick that's why they name you Lilmohan they should  have named you lil prik.. The PNC needs  another toy boy ask Rumjaat for a job before you  commit  suicide .You are a horrible  excuse for a human being get lost.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Great projects like the Skeldon Sugar Factory sometimes experience delays. Be patient.  It will be up and running soon.

So after 3 years what do have to say about the pink elephant now?  I don't see any PPP fearless leadahs marching with the protestors. Sugar is dead. Jagdeo lied.

All hope is gone since them PNC boys tek over de country again.  When you hear you famli, Prakash, hollered that e party is disturbed you know things ain't goin' good fuh dem and the country.  It's all about Granger and the Burnhamites.

You conveniently left out that Jaggy is my famili too.  After 23 years your PPP gave us the Skeldon Estate. How come you were quiet when Albion and Diamond were closed by Jagdeo. 

Hey bai, wah you leff out Berbice bridge? Like dah nah count?

I have spoken about the Berbice Bridge extensively. So as not to derail this tread., the topic is: Sugar dead under Jagdeo. 

You have spoken, who are you? The thread is dead. You are dead failure.

Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion? Sugar dead under Jagdeo. Stop masturbate and debate. Show me your jalwa.

Is it true you have a Lil dick that's why they name you Lilmohan they should  have named you lil prik.. The PNC needs  another toy boy ask Rumjaat for a job before you  commit  suicide .You are a horrible  excuse for a human being get lost.

So now you are interested in my dick. I don't swing your way. Always suspected you are a fag. hahahahahahahahah! 

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Great projects like the Skeldon Sugar Factory sometimes experience delays. Be patient.  It will be up and running soon.

So after 3 years what do have to say about the pink elephant now?  I don't see any PPP fearless leadahs marching with the protestors. Sugar is dead. Jagdeo lied.

All hope is gone since them PNC boys tek over de country again.  When you hear you famli, Prakash, hollered that e party is disturbed you know things ain't goin' good fuh dem and the country.  It's all about Granger and the Burnhamites.

You conveniently left out that Jaggy is my famili too.  After 23 years your PPP gave us the Skeldon Estate. How come you were quiet when Albion and Diamond were closed by Jagdeo. 

Hey bai, wah you leff out Berbice bridge? Like dah nah count?

I have spoken about the Berbice Bridge extensively. So as not to derail this tread., the topic is: Sugar dead under Jagdeo. 

You have spoken, who are you? The thread is dead. You are dead failure.

Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion? Sugar dead under Jagdeo. Stop masturbate and debate. Show me your jalwa.

Is it true you have a Lil dick that's why they name you Lilmohan they should  have named you lil prik.. The PNC needs  another toy boy ask Rumjaat for a job before you  commit  suicide .You are a horrible  excuse for a human being get lost.

So now you are interested in my dick. I don't swing your way. Always suspected you are a fag. hahahahahahahahah! 

Sue your parents for naming you lil dick lilmohan, gay boy.

Drugb posted:

Sugar industry is dead in the Caribbean. The PPP were misguided by Booker Tate into believing that they could make a go of it with massive investments in the Skeldon factory.  I again maintain that industry must be the domain of private investors as market forces will keep it alive if it is profitable and kill it off if it runs at a loss. Govt artificially keeping the industry alive when it is destined for entropy is not the proper way for an industry to perpetuate. 


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