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Former Member

Sugar industry will be rebuilt, strengthened, reorganised in comprehensive way – President Ali

…as NICIL team visits estates

President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali has affirmed his Government’s commitment to ensuring the survival of the sugar industry by implementing a comprehensive strategy.

Chairman of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Board, Paul Cheong, speaking with a former sugar worker at the Rose Hall estate during an assessment visit earlier this week. Also in photo are other members of the NICIL assessment team (Sasenarine Singh Facebook photo)

The approach to the sugar industry, he noted, is one in which the Government will have to bring back three of the estates into operation.
“This would require capital investment, field investment and infrastructure investment. Even if the ultimate goal is to have a right business mix whether it is a public-private partnership or private investment in these estates, the asset and the industry itself must be of concern and be optimised to realise the full value and potential,” President Ali is quoted as saying by the Office of the President, Public Information and Press Services Unit.

Punts lying idle in the canal (Sasenarine Singh Facebook photo)

The Head of State noted that the survival of the sugar industry depends heavily on Government intervention at this time. He also reminded that the former Administration failed to conduct a socio-economic study on the viability of the industry before closing the estates.
“When we are talking about the sugar industry, we are not talking about the financial viability alone. We have to look at the economic and social impact of the industry and the communities. We have seen the tremendous impact on the communities in which these estates were closed,” the Head of State said.
In this regard, the Head of State said his Administration has commenced a review of how the $30 billion syndicated bond, which was acquired by the coalition Government to keep the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) afloat, was utilised.
“We must recall that a bond of $30 billion was raised specifically for the sugar sector. We are now in the process of assessing how these resources were spent but surely, from what we have seen so far, there was inefficient use of the resources in relation to the sugar industry itself,” he said.
President Ali also said the assets of the Wales Estate were completely dismantled and taken away. Given this reality, his Administration is discussing the creation of a Development Authority which would become a business incubation and support model.
“This will include the workers who lost their jobs in creating a modular investment programme to support new industries, agro-industries, new areas of agriculture development and sustainable livelihoods,” President Ali assured.
This, he said, would be subject to a special investment incentive and regime that will stimulate investors’ interest and create a pull factor for capital. The Head of State reminded that his Government remains committed to the re-opening of the estates and assured that it will take the necessary steps, make the necessary interventions and earmark resources aimed at reviving the industry and putting the people back to work.

“Surely this would require support from the treasury, but when one examines the wider-ranging impact of this support on community life, agriculture, drainage and irrigation, economic and social impact, it is clear that the budgetary support from the treasury would have a deeper impact on overall health of your economy and the communities,” President Ali noted.
The President used the opportunity, when he visited the communities across several villages in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne area) on Tuesday, to reassure that the residents who rely on the production of sugar for jobs will soon find themselves back at work. He also assured the residents of Wales that despite the state of the estate, they will also be afforded employment opportunities and will not be left out of future revitalisation plans.
Meanwhile, a team from the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), led by Chairman of the Board, Paul Cheong, visited several of the estates this week. Most of the estates, which were closed by the APNU/AFC Government were left to deteriorate. The team during the visits and assessments pointed to the waste of millions of dollars in equipment which were left abandoned at the estates.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

PNC is done and dusted.

They can run with a Burnham dinosaur leader like Harmon 24/7 and that will keep them in opposition for another 25 years. 

Indo_guyanese are going back home and will be voting as Guyanese in the next election in 2025.


Some jackass is trying to reply to my post.  I have blocked three members on this forum and one of them is a leech. I can't get rid of them. I think he is trying to call me something derogative. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Some jackass is trying to reply to my post.  I have blocked three members on this forum and one of them is a leech. I can't get rid of them. I think he is trying to call me something derogative. 

Dumbo, why do you keep replying to the post ? If you have blocked so many members, don't you think its time you look at yourself for the reason. Gees, did you really influenced young minds as a teacher ? 

Last edited by Tola

Who Moses ? ha ha ha ha ha ha 

I guess you and Moses are on secret charity projects again ?  

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha he he he he he he he 

You and Moses does me laugh till me belly buss. 


Get off you ass and come and see na. Get Rama to accompany you in your balahoo, so you can vote for the 2025 election. Stop hiding behind your computer and grow some balls. Maybe another Indian gon get killed and burnt for just a few dollars, by a another madman at #69.     


Next Mahatma Jagdeo gun raise 30,000 dead from Babu Jan, followed by Jagan. De man is so good, that's why he lives in a mansion and his voters still struggle with flooded outhouses.  

@Former Member posted:

Suh wuh. Jagdeo get 20,000 dead people get up and vote. Why you think he can’t get Sugar to get up and walk?  Steeewps!

He gonna get dem to make a donation to your Foundation.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Some jackass is trying to reply to my post.  I have blocked three members on this forum and one of them is a leech. I can't get rid of them. I think he is trying to call me something derogative. 

Chupid Kakakant..chupidness na gat cure.  

@Former Member posted:

God bless Dr Dr Ali and Dr Dr Jagdeo.

They need to get out of their plantation mode of thinking and stop the foreigners from exploiting our resources. Sugar is dead.


The sugar industry will be revived and this country will be moving forward under the PPP. There is nothing the coolies who abandoned their families and the PPP to sleep with the enemies.  Just ask Moses and Rumjat what happened to them.  

@Ramakant-P posted:

The sugar industry will be revived and this country will be moving forward under the PPP. There is nothing the coolies who abandoned their families and the PPP to sleep with the enemies.  Just ask Moses and Rumjat what happened to them.  

Does your post not show your stupid coolie mentality? Perhaps you are drunk.

@Mitwah posted:

Does your post not show your stupid coolie mentality? Perhaps you are drunk.

No! it shows yours. You are the 'drunk' and perhaps you are so stupid that you cannot see pass your nose.  Why don't you stop hanging out with coolies and go sit with your friends in the PNC.


Can the industry become profitable? If no, tell us why

The sugar industry has always been profitable.  It went under because in 28 years the PNC used sugar money to pay their soldiers, Police officers, teachers, civil servants, and government workers.  Maintenance is an integral part of progress.  The PNC failed to do that.  The PNC killed the coconut industry. They killed their own people who opposed them.

If you need more proof,  I can provide them just for you.


@Ramakant-P posted:

No! it shows yours. You are the 'drunk' and perhaps you are so stupid that you cannot see pass your nose.  Why don't you stop hanging out with coolies and go sit with your friends in the PNC.

Why don't you sell off and move back to Guyana with your family now that your plantation mentality PPP is in power? 

Do you take time to read the crap you post as if you are drunk?

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Go take your meds.

@Mitwah posted:

Why don't you sell off and move back to Guyana with your family now that your plantation mentality PPP is in power? 

Do you take time to read the crap you post as if you are drunk?

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Go take your meds.

I don't see you writing anything intelligent.  All I see, is you cussing the bridge you crossed. Your ignorance has surpassed your stupidity.  Your bad manners can only be exceeded by your own bad manners.  

@Ramakant-P posted:

I don't see you writing anything intelligent.  All I see, is you cussing the bridge you crossed. Your ignorance has surpassed your stupidity.  Your bad manners can only be exceeded by your own bad manners.  

You seem to be drunk or missing your meds. I will forgive you. Go back to Guyana with your plantation mentality.

@Mitwah posted:

Yugi, is which raag yuh singing deh bhaiji?

Mitwah, this is your second warning not to call Sean, Yuji. I am acting upon what I received and I expect you to desist from doing so. Thanks. 

@Mitwah posted:

You seem to be drunk or missing your meds. I will forgive you. Go back to Guyana with your plantation mentality.

Compare what you wrote and tell me how intelligent you are. You have nothing constructive to say on this GNI. You are so dogmatic.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Compare what you wrote and tell me how intelligent you are. You have nothing constructive to say on this GNI. You are so dogmatic.

Thanks. Have a great plantation mentality thinking day.

@Former Member posted:

Mitwah, this is your second warning not to call Sean, Yuji. I am acting upon what I received and I expect you to desist from doing so. Thanks. 

It's you who who is referring to Sean as Yugi. Same with your first warning. You are being vey presumptive are  you saying that Sean is Yugi?

Thanks for the confirmation in advance. Should I assume that Sean complained?

@Mitwah posted:

It's you who who is referring to Sean as Yugi. Same with your first warning. You are being vey presumptive are  you saying that Sean is Yugi?

Thanks for the confirmation in advance. Should I assume that Sean complained?

I don't know since when advising you of a member's displeasure has become a debate. You know its wrong and I am acting upon his report. You have called on the moderator to intervene on several occasions. I will leave it to Admin/Django from here on.

@Former Member posted:

I don't know since when advising you of a member's displeasure has become a debate. You know its wrong and I am acting upon his report. You have called on the moderator to intervene on several occasions. I will leave it to Admin/Django from here on.

It's my right to call on the Admin/Moderator when they fall asleep. Is it wrong for a poster to have other aliases or more than one handle? 

@Former Member posted:

PNC can't even build a Fowl Pen or even run a cake shop. How can they run a country ?

Good thing PNC lost. RIP PNC.

What's wrong with you bro? They built a lot of toilets for the lazy PNC supporters. Their supporters always ask for handouts as entitlements. Maybe they got international help to build those toilets? Well, fowl pen, according to the PNC locals, is more difficult doing it without help.


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