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 In order to start building your iPhone app for you, however, we need seven things:

1. The name your would like to give your iPhone app. This is usually the same as the name of your community, but please let us know for sure. This is the name that will be listed in the App Store.

1b. The name you would like to display on the iPhone home screen beneath your app icon. This name is generally shorter than your full iPhone app name due to limited real estate in the UI.

2. An app icon: this icon is what is displayed on your user's iPhones to represent your app. This icon must be exactly 512 pixels by 512 pixels. Do not add any effects (no rounding, for instance). The iPhone automatically rounds these icons and adds a shine to them.

3. A loading image: this is the graphic that displays when the app initially loads. It fills the entire phone screen. Please submit an image that is 640 pixels wide by 960 pixels high.

4. Description: This is the description for your app that will appear on the Apple app store page. The description can be no more than 4000 characters.

5. Keywords: These help users find your app. No more than 100 characters, including spaces and punctuation.

6. Primary Category and Secondary Category: Apple will assign your app to categories. Please tell us what the primary category should be, as well as the secondary category. Here are the current category options you may choose from:

Book, Business, Education, Entertainment, Finance, Games, Healthcare & Fitness, Lifestyle, Medical, Music, Navigation, News, Photography, Productivity, Reference, Social Networking, Sports, Travel, Utilities, Weather

7. Free or Paid App: Do you wish to make your app available for free or require payment? If you wish to charge for the app, please tell us what price to set. Note that Apple will keep 30% of all app revenue. In addition, we (Social Strata) will keep 10% of the net revenue after Apple's cut. We will pay you the remainder according to our Terms of Service (


Our app will be available free


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