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PARAMARIBO, Suriname — It is a South American nation in crisis: Businesses are closing, food prices are soaring and hospitals are running out of basic supplies such as paper towels and bandages.

No, this isn't Venezuela but rather nearby Suriname, a multi-ethnic former Dutch colony where the economy is in freefall amid collapsing global commodity prices and the local currency's resulting slide against the U.S. dollar.

Life has become exceedingly difficult in this isolated country of about 540,000 people on South America's northeastern coast, which the World Bank says now has the world's third highest rate of inflation, behind Venezuela and South Sudan.

"I am absolutely worried my country is becoming another Venezuela," said Umar Nazier, who closed his Texas-style grill restaurant in June because the cost of ingredients had doubled. "I had no other choice but to adjust the prices on my menu, but these new prices scared the customers away."

The International Monetary Fund, which authorized a $478 million loan to Suriname in May, expects the economy to contract 2 percent this year. Suriname's Bureau of Statistics says inflation is running at an annualized 64 percent, up from an average 4 percent in 2013-2015.

The main reason for the collapse is falling prices for Suriname's main exports, gold and oil, and last year's closure of the Alcoa aluminum refinery, long a pillar of the economy. President Desi Bouterse likely also contributed by spending heavily before the May 2015 election, exhausting currency reserves.

Bouterse has frozen retail fuel prices and backed away from energy price increases, against the IMF's budget-protecting recommendations. He has also vowed to stabilize the exchange rate of the Surinamese dollar, which has fallen by more than half against the U.S. dollar over the past year.

The president said at a news conference Tuesday that the IMF requirements are "very harsh" and that his government may move to withdraw from the loan agreement and seek support from other sources such as the Islamic Development Bank.

"The IMF is cold and only thinks about the numbers and the deadlines we had agreed to," Bouterse said. "If the agreement with the IMF becomes too difficult to follow, if we risk becoming victims of the agreement ourselves, we will have to look for other options."

As in other import-dependent countries, health care has been hit particularly hard. Doctors at the Academic Hospital Paramaribo, the country's largest, recently posted a YouTube video pleading for help from Surinamese living abroad, saying they lacked such things as sterile tubes. "We have reached the point that people will die an avoidable death," one said.

Hospital officials and doctors declined interview requests but accounts of shortages are widespread. Amanda Palis said she visited four pharmacies seeking a medicine to treat nausea and vomiting for her 2-year-old daughter before giving up and trying something else recommended by a pharmacist.

"I eventually gave my daughter medication that was not prescribed for her," she said. "What else could I do?"

Manodj Hindori, chairman of the National Hospital Council, said all of the country's hospitals "are on the verge of bankruptcy" because of higher prices for supplies combined with reduced government subsidies.

Most people live clustered in and around the capital, Paramaribo. More than 90 percent of the country is covered in rainforest, a rugged and beautiful landscape at the headwaters of the Amazon River.

Bouterse, who has expressed admiration for the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, ran Suriname as a military dictatorship in 1980-1987, then returned as president in a 2010 parliamentary election. In 2000, he was convicted of drug trafficking in the Netherlands in absentia. He has been charged in Suriname with orchestrating the killing of 15 political opponents in 1982, but as the economy crumbled this summer, he invoked a clause of the constitution to suspend the trial, citing national security.

Recent polls say Bouterse's popularity rating is now around 17 percent, about that of President Nicolas Maduro, the socialist leader in struggling Venezuela.

But that's where the comparison to Venezuela ends. Anti-government protests have been relatively small, attracting several thousand people at most. The opposition is weak and divided, with some leading figures saying they don't see the point in marching.

Economy Minister Gillmore Hoefdraad says the economic crisis is temporary and will improve when gold and oil prices recover. The government expects its budget will get a boost when U.S.-based Newmont Mining Corp. starts production at a new mine in Suriname later this year.

The Association of Economists of Suriname says the government must better diversify economically and produce more than just oil and gold. Chairman Winston Ramautarsing suggests developing agriculture, tourism and fishing. "Sadly enough, we seem to be better at spending money than at developing strategies to earn money."

The government insists it will pass.

"The current situation, of course, is difficult. We still need to recover from this crisis," Hoefdraad said in a video statement the government released last month. "But the medium-term prospects look much, much better."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Is Bouterse another Burnham? Looks like Suriname gone fuh channa too. Where are all the fools who use to compare Suriname with Guyana? Can we say food lines, police/narco state? Just like Guyana in the 60s, 70s and  80s. Maybe Bouterse was a Sophia University scholar.
Can we blame Jagdeo for this too?

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyanese should get the message that oil is no longer black gold. Don't count on it to solve all of your economic problems.  Concentrate on other businesses that can generate income from exports.  

60% of Suriname's exports are bauxite/alumina/aluminum.  Gold and oil together account for another 10-15%.   Suriname is a minor oil exporter.

Their economy is not that different to Guyana, only that they make aluminum, and they don't export sugar.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Is Bouterse another Burnham? Looks like Suriname gone fuh channa too.

Actually Bouterse was best friends with Jagdeo.  Both intent to protect those involved in the narco trade.

Funny that Guyana is not in this state, even though their economy is similar!

Like I said, the nigroes were the ones who dealt the drugs. They were the mules...easy money. Go blame them for the PPP success of the narco trade.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Is Bouterse another Burnham? Looks like Suriname gone fuh channa too.

Actually Bouterse was best friends with Jagdeo.  Both intent to protect those involved in the narco trade.

Funny that Guyana is not in this state, even though their economy is similar!

Like I said, the nigroes were the ones who dealt the drugs. They were the mules...easy money. Go blame them for the PPP success of the narco trade.

Suh who are the head honchos ?? one currently was no show at court,arrest warrant fuh he r@ss.


It was a calamity when Desi Bouterse was elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2015. He was also the President in a coup in 1980 and ruled until 1987 when he stepped down due to international pressure. He had another coup (no killings this time) and was President until he stepped away a year later. In between his NDP party had majorities in Parliament. He was a force ever since 1980 with the ability to call on the masses on to the street through organized thuggery.

Two relationships of Bouterse is worthy of note. 

Firstly he's always been a fraternal favorite of the PPP. He was close to Cuab and Venezuela's Madura. 

Secondly, while the Dutch government went after him, the US has been silent. The latter observation fuels the suspicion that he was a key CIA/DEA player in the Colombian drug war. You can even say that him getting Roger Khan whisked away to Trinidad to be renditioned to the US is one of those wink-wink by the CIA and state Department. Outside of Colombia not even Roger Khan was bigger than him. Double-Agent conspiracy?

Suriname's lack of development mirrors Guyana's. It was in the days of oil self-sufficiency and the aluminum production along with rising gold prices that gave the illusion of being well-off. Now the chickens have come home to root. the high taxation and less government spending he promised in 2015 is now something he's balked at, especially when the IMF is doing the talking. He subsidized programs instead of investing. Suriname's economic structure suffers from the same brain-drain and lack of diversification as Guyana's.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Is Bouterse another Burnham? Looks like Suriname gone fuh channa too.

Actually Bouterse was best friends with Jagdeo.  Both intent to protect those involved in the narco trade.

Funny that Guyana is not in this state, even though their economy is similar!

This goes to show that you are a dunce. You and the others bragged about Suriname and its tourist industry. Even this can't save these idiots now.


I am in Guyana now, I see a lot of development still despite the PNC incompetency. Had the PPP continued, the sky would be the limit. People still continue to get robbed. The Indian store owners complain that Blacks are robbing them with little intervention from the police. Crime is not reported. The news papers continue to push the crime to the back pages, but when PPP was in power, it was front page. Even Blacks are crying out that they buy pig in bag when they elected the PNC. We will have to wait for 2020 to see if they show their dissatisfation at the polls. 

Drugb posted:

I am in Guyana now, I see a lot of development still despite the PNC incompetency. Had the PPP continued, the sky would be the limit. People still continue to get robbed. The Indian store owners complain that Blacks are robbing them with little intervention from the police. Crime is not reported. The news papers continue to push the crime to the back pages, but when PPP was in power, it was front page. Even Blacks are crying out that they buy pig in bag when they elected the PNC. We will have to wait for 2020 to see if they show their dissatisfation at the polls. 

They will have to eat grass until 2020. 

Drugb posted:

I am in Guyana now, I see a lot of development still despite the PNC incompetency. Had the PPP continued, the sky would be the limit. People still continue to get robbed. The Indian store owners complain that Blacks are robbing them with little intervention from the police. Crime is not reported. The news papers continue to push the crime to the back pages, but when PPP was in power, it was front page. Even Blacks are crying out that they buy pig in bag when they elected the PNC. We will have to wait for 2020 to see if they show their dissatisfation at the polls. 

Afros are hustling out of the country too. Even Amerindians are getting out of Guyana these days. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Drugb posted:

I am in Guyana now, I see a lot of development still despite the PNC incompetency. Had the PPP continued, the sky would be the limit. People still continue to get robbed. The Indian store owners complain that Blacks are robbing them with little intervention from the police. Crime is not reported. The news papers continue to push the crime to the back pages, but when PPP was in power, it was front page. Even Blacks are crying out that they buy pig in bag when they elected the PNC. We will have to wait for 2020 to see if they show their dissatisfation at the polls. 

Afros are hustling out of the country too. Even Amerindians are getting out of Guyana these days. 

Billy,most of the poor people as soon as an opportunity to leave comes ,they are out of there.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Drugb posted:

I am in Guyana now, I see a lot of development still despite the PNC incompetency. Had the PPP continued, the sky would be the limit. People still continue to get robbed. The Indian store owners complain that Blacks are robbing them with little intervention from the police. Crime is not reported. The news papers continue to push the crime to the back pages, but when PPP was in power, it was front page. Even Blacks are crying out that they buy pig in bag when they elected the PNC. We will have to wait for 2020 to see if they show their dissatisfation at the polls. 

Afros are hustling out of the country too. Even Amerindians are getting out of Guyana these days. 

Billy,most of the poor people as soon as an opportunity to leave comes ,they are out of there.

You lately realize this???


Kari covered most of the stuff that has brought Suriname to this point, but there is more.
Bouterse was facing prosecution for the december 1982 murders, in which I lost some very good and close friends. Bouterse only hope was to become president and close the investigation. But before he became president, Suriname had built up a reserve of around U$700million. Bouterse promised the voters that he would spend that money to create wealth for his supporters. So they voted him in. But his court case had not yet reached the courts by the time his tenure as president was up. So he had to somehow stay in power and wait for the case to come up. He employed many of his supporters as ghost workers, who were being paid a salary for doing nothing. He told them to vote for him at the next election, or the next president would stop those salary payments. So he won. But the Central bank was as good as empty of any money. Bouterse had spent it all in the believe that the sale of oil and gold would replenish the bank. Oil nose dived, and then the chickens came home to roost. Bouterse has managed to annul the court case with a presidential decree this year. But his ass is on fire. He would have to hold another coup if he wants to survive.
Suriname has money, but many people have converted their local currency into Euro for good reasons. And many of them have opened bank accounts in Holland.

As I said in a post several weeks ago, Guyana is now one of the most prosperous countries in South America due to the actions taken by the government. If the PPP was in power we would be loaded down with a loan to build Amalia that we could never repay.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Drugb posted:

I am in Guyana now, I see a lot of development still despite the PNC incompetency. Had the PPP continued, the sky would be the limit. People still continue to get robbed. The Indian store owners complain that Blacks are robbing them with little intervention from the police. Crime is not reported. The news papers continue to push the crime to the back pages, but when PPP was in power, it was front page. Even Blacks are crying out that they buy pig in bag when they elected the PNC. We will have to wait for 2020 to see if they show their dissatisfation at the polls. 

Afros are hustling out of the country too. Even Amerindians are getting out of Guyana these days. 

Billy,most of the poor people as soon as an opportunity to leave comes ,they are out of there.

You lately realize this???

Been happening for a long while from since i was a kid.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Drugb posted:

I am in Guyana now, I see a lot of development still despite the PNC incompetency. Had the PPP continued, the sky would be the limit. People still continue to get robbed. The Indian store owners complain that Blacks are robbing them with little intervention from the police. Crime is not reported. The news papers continue to push the crime to the back pages, but when PPP was in power, it was front page. Even Blacks are crying out that they buy pig in bag when they elected the PNC. We will have to wait for 2020 to see if they show their dissatisfation at the polls. 

Afros are hustling out of the country too. Even Amerindians are getting out of Guyana these days. 

Billy,most of the poor people as soon as an opportunity to leave comes ,they are out of there.

You lately realize this???

Been happening for a long while from since i was a kid.

Remember this statement. You and your PNC buddies constantly pepper this board about people bolted from Guyana because of the PPP. Who are they escaping from now? Nigroes or NigIndians? Think before you reply.

skeldon_man posted:

Billy,most of the poor people as soon as an opportunity to leave comes ,they are out of there.

You lately realize this???

Been happening for a long while from since i was a kid.

Remember this statement. You and your PNC buddies constantly pepper this board about people bolted from Guyana because of the PPP. Who are they escaping from now? Nigroes or NigIndians? Think before you reply.

More left under the good living days of the PPP,and the cycle continues.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Billy,most of the poor people as soon as an opportunity to leave comes ,they are out of there.

You lately realize this???

Been happening for a long while from since i was a kid.

Remember this statement. You and your PNC buddies constantly pepper this board about people bolted from Guyana because of the PPP. Who are they escaping from now? Nigroes or NigIndians? Think before you reply.

More left under the good living days of the PPP,and the cycle continues.

This was due to family reunion. Everyone wants a better life for his or her family.

Nehru posted:

And Al yuh does read Samuel Adams for no reason. Mr T is the man.

That's how it is Pavi. I was once married to a member within the Bouterse circle and also spent time in bed with one of his sisters when I was a teenager. So I know a lot more than the average Joe about what is going on. As a fellow part buck I was trusted by Bouterse gang since they are buck too. He is not black as you probably are thinking.

Mr.T posted:
Nehru posted:

And Al yuh does read Samuel Adams for no reason. Mr T is the man.

That's how it is Pavi. I was once married to a member within the Bouterse circle and also spent time in bed with one of his sisters when I was a teenager. So I know a lot more than the average Joe about what is going on. As a fellow part buck I was trusted by Bouterse gang since they are buck too. He is not black as you probably are thinking.

Who did you not sleep with Or maybe who didn't sleep with you?


Watch how the Chinese work and think about what you can do to compete with them and succeed.  Talking about it and not doing anything won't change this reality.  If if takes a team to achieve a goal then form a team. If it requires people with skills and strong worth ethic then seek those who possess such qualities. You have to get the right ingredients for the recipe to work. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:
Nehru posted:

And Al yuh does read Samuel Adams for no reason. Mr T is the man.

That's how it is Pavi. I was once married to a member within the Bouterse circle and also spent time in bed with one of his sisters when I was a teenager. So I know a lot more than the average Joe about what is going on. As a fellow part buck I was trusted by Bouterse gang since they are buck too. He is not black as you probably are thinking.

Who did you not sleep with Or maybe who didn't sleep with you?

I have mentioned many times in the past that I was married to a relative of Bouterse and slept with a sister of his whilst we were at college together. It's not my problem if you only slept with men from the PPP.

Drugb posted:

I am in Guyana now, I see a lot of development still despite the PNC incompetency. Had the PPP continued, the sky would be the limit. People still continue to get robbed. The Indian store owners complain that Blacks are robbing them with little intervention from the police. Crime is not reported. The news papers continue to push the crime to the back pages, but when PPP was in power, it was front page. Even Blacks are crying out that they buy pig in bag when they elected the PNC. We will have to wait for 2020 to see if they show their dissatisfation at the polls. 

Yuh sk0nt see the title of this thread?

Mr.T posted:

Kari covered most of the stuff that has brought Suriname to this point, but there is more.
Bouterse was facing prosecution for the december 1982 murders, in which I lost some very good and close friends. Bouterse only hope was to become president and close the investigation. But before he became president, Suriname had built up a reserve of around U$700million. Bouterse promised the voters that he would spend that money to create wealth for his supporters. So they voted him in. But his court case had not yet reached the courts by the time his tenure as president was up. So he had to somehow stay in power and wait for the case to come up. He employed many of his supporters as ghost workers, who were being paid a salary for doing nothing. He told them to vote for him at the next election, or the next president would stop those salary payments. So he won. But the Central bank was as good as empty of any money. Bouterse had spent it all in the believe that the sale of oil and gold would replenish the bank. Oil nose dived, and then the chickens came home to roost. Bouterse has managed to annul the court case with a presidential decree this year. But his ass is on fire. He would have to hold another coup if he wants to survive.
Suriname has money, but many people have converted their local currency into Euro for good reasons. And many of them have opened bank accounts in Holland.

As I said in a post several weeks ago, Guyana is now one of the most prosperous countries in South America due to the actions taken by the government. If the PPP was in power we would be loaded down with a loan to build Amalia that we could never repay.

For Bouter the Presidency is indeed life and death. I did not bring up the charge of murder of the 15 back in 1982 as some of my In-laws were brutally murdered following their own failed bid to oust Bouter. The moment he's out that amnesty provision to protect him from a trial is gone. Even his own supporters now are against him. The clock is ticking. I don't know that he can get to a Burnham situation of exchange controls and trade restrictions.

I wonder how much of the windfall he stashed away. Don't forget his son is in a Manhattan jail for drugs and weapons sale to Al Qaeda.

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:

I am in Guyana now, I see a lot of development still despite the PNC incompetency. Had the PPP continued, the sky would be the limit. People still continue to get robbed. The Indian store owners complain that Blacks are robbing them with little intervention from the police. Crime is not reported. The news papers continue to push the crime to the back pages, but when PPP was in power, it was front page. Even Blacks are crying out that they buy pig in bag when they elected the PNC. We will have to wait for 2020 to see if they show their dissatisfation at the polls. 

They will have to eat grass until 2020. 

Jagdeo said that he only needs East Indian votes. He will run around and scream "black man a kill ahbe".

Crime was rampant before, and in fact people were screaming about it before.  Not telling endless lies will help you get into heaven.

Kari posted:

. You can even say that him getting Roger Khan whisked away to Trinidad to be renditioned to the US is one of those wink-wink by the CIA and state Department. Outside of Colombia not even Roger Khan was bigger than him. Double-Agent conspiracy?


Bouterse wasn't in power when Roger Khan was handed over to the USA. The other guys were in and this might be why they dealt with Khan, to spite Bouterse.

skeldon_man posted:

This was due to family reunion. Everyone wants a better life for his or her family.

Family reunion in Trinidad and Barbados!  Yeah right. 

The US consulate stated that after 2000 fewer permanent visas were issued, and around that time Islanders began to wail that Guyanese were crowding them out of their tiny islands.

So continue to fool yourself that they all fled immediately to USA and Canada.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

This goes to show that you are a dunce. You and the others bragged about Suriname and its tourist industry. Even this can't save these idiots now.

I never boasted about Suriname.   Now give Granger credit for not having Guyana in the state that ALL of its neighbors are in.

No, Granger just piggybacking on PPP groundwork. This goes to show that the PPP built up the economy so far ahead of its neighbours that even Jackass Granger could not destroy it in 1 +  year. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

This goes to show that you are a dunce. You and the others bragged about Suriname and its tourist industry. Even this can't save these idiots now.

I never boasted about Suriname.   Now give Granger credit for not having Guyana in the state that ALL of its neighbors are in.

No, Granger just piggybacking on PPP groundwork. This goes to show that the PPP built up the economy so far ahead of its neighbours that even Jackass Granger could not destroy it in 1 +  year. 

I thought you said Granger inherited the shit leh he now tek ownership an blame. How come now you not leh Granger tek ownership? You rass giving kudos to someone who not even in  the friken picture and ...well not that we see him, he does hang out at the back.

caribny posted:
Kari posted:

. You can even say that him getting Roger Khan whisked away to Trinidad to be renditioned to the US is one of those wink-wink by the CIA and state Department. Outside of Colombia not even Roger Khan was bigger than him. Double-Agent conspiracy?


Bouterse wasn't in power when Roger Khan was handed over to the USA. The other guys were in and this might be why they dealt with Khan, to spite Bouterse.

You obviously missed the point about even when he was not in power he wielded the kind of power where he can call people out in the streets. You also missed the point where I insinuated a CIA double role all along. Justice Minister Santoki wanted Roger hanged all along. In step Bouter even though he was not President and the rest is history. Nobody wanted to spite Bouter by using getting Roger renditioned. They wanted him Hanged for sedition. Ur a real Maka-chote bumba claat , looking to refute every r@ss claat meh seh.

Kari posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:

. You can even say that him getting Roger Khan whisked away to Trinidad to be renditioned to the US is one of those wink-wink by the CIA and state Department. Outside of Colombia not even Roger Khan was bigger than him. Double-Agent conspiracy?


Bouterse wasn't in power when Roger Khan was handed over to the USA. The other guys were in and this might be why they dealt with Khan, to spite Bouterse.

You obviously missed the point about even when he was not in power he wielded the kind of power where he can call people out in the streets. You also missed the point where I insinuated a CIA double role all along. Justice Minister Santoki wanted Roger hanged all along. In step Bouter even though he was not President and the rest is history. Nobody wanted to spite Bouter by using getting Roger renditioned. They wanted him Hanged for sedition. Ur a real Maka-chote bumba claat , looking to refute every r@ss claat meh seh.

You have to be specific to the last letter with caribj. If you write that someone is not black, caribj will write that you typed that the person is indo. If you write about the PPP resident, he'll say you were talking about Jagdeo. So take note.


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