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Django posted:

The question is will the Guyana Police Force investigate this complaint and charge the person who gave instructions for the surveillance.

This is the GDF/PNc alliance at work.  The police will be stymied and blocked by the highest authority in the land.  Was Vincent Teekah, Shirley-Field, Dr WR murders ever investigated to any reasonable conclusion?  This PNC just getting started!

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Reign of Terror - Part 2 has begun.  PNC style!

President Granger or who ever is in charge of SOCU need to address the nation what happened here.

Stop dreaming.  Alyuh wanted them.  The only regret, all alyuh sitting 3,000 miles away and deciding whether to go or not to go, to be or not to be.  While you do this, it's the Indians of Guyana who have to live with the reality on the ground.

baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Reign of Terror - Part 2 has begun.  PNC style!

President Granger or who ever is in charge of SOCU need to address the nation what happened here.

Stop dreaming.  Alyuh wanted them.  The only regret, all alyuh sitting 3,000 miles away and deciding whether to go or not to go, to be or not to be.  While you do this, it's the Indians of Guyana who have to live with the reality on the ground.

Base, most of us have relatives there and are concerned,the PPP was no better,Guyanese have to live with the reality not one ethnic group.

Django posted:
baseman posted:

Stop dreaming.  Alyuh wanted them.  The only regret, all alyuh sitting 3,000 miles away and deciding whether to go or not to go, to be or not to be.  While you do this, it's the Indians of Guyana who have to live with the reality on the ground.

Base, most of us have relatives there and are concerned,the PPP was no better,Guyanese have to live with the reality not one ethnic group.

How tight did you hold your nose when you made that comment?

baseman posted:
Django posted:
baseman posted:

Stop dreaming.  Alyuh wanted them.  The only regret, all alyuh sitting 3,000 miles away and deciding whether to go or not to go, to be or not to be.  While you do this, it's the Indians of Guyana who have to live with the reality on the ground.

Base, most of us have relatives there and are concerned,the PPP was no better,Guyanese have to live with the reality not one ethnic group.

How tight did you hold your nose when you made that comment?

Banna you deh pun stupidness,for you only Indian lives matter the last i checked there are other races within the population.

Django posted:
baseman posted:

How tight did you hold your nose when you made that comment?

Banna you deh pun stupidness,for you only Indian lives matter the last i checked there are other races within the population.

Listen banna, this regime and their followers have one aim, to persecute and push more Indians out of Guyana so Black domination of the political landscape becomes assured in absolute.

baseman posted:
Django posted:
baseman posted:

How tight did you hold your nose when you made that comment?

Banna you deh pun stupidness,for you only Indian lives matter the last i checked there are other races within the population.

Listen banna, this regime and their followers have one aim, to persecute and push more Indians out of Guyana so Black domination of the political landscape becomes assured in absolute.

Quite interesting view point,more Indians have migrated under the PPP they are down to around 43%,if the PNC faction intentions are to intimidate Indians and they have to leave,what the kick ass banna doing.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django you are a sick and inciteful individual.  You have taken Mitwah's place as the forum instigator.  Only thing he is a little brighter than you.

Where am I, an instigator or inciteful point out it,when facts are thrown you trying to belittle the individual,is that the best you can do.

Last edited by Django

DEMERARA WAVES, JAN 6 --- A GDF officer and two others were recently killed in an accident after a high speed chase went the wrong way. The Officer, Robert Pyle was in th process of conducting a reconissance mission on the children of NICIL Head Winston Brassington, reports state.

The opposition People’s Progressive Party had accused the government of misusing the security regime for political purposes. But President Granger was adamant that this was not the case.
He recalled that the GPF and GDF have a history of conducting joint operations hence the mission should not come as a surpise.
“As far as I know the SOCU is conducting some investigtionsâ€Ķthe request may have came from the polic force to the defence forceâ€Ķno politician gets involved in giving directional objectives to the police force or Chief of Staff,” said the President.
Asked whether a probe will be conducting into the circumstances surrounding the botched operation, the Commander in Chief responded in the negative.
“The chief of staff has examined the information I don't think it requires a full probe.”
Gilbakka posted:

“The chief of staff has examined the information I don't think it requires a full probe.”

Several people died in a botched PNC/GDF operation and it does not require a full probe.  This PNC is back to it's old self in full glory.  I'm surprised Granger allow this to be swept under the rug.

I believe dark day are ahead for Guyana.

Gilbakka posted:

DEMERARA WAVES, JAN 6 --- A GDF officer and two others were recently killed in an accident after a high speed chase went the wrong way. The Officer, Robert Pyle was in th process of conducting a reconissance mission on the children of NICIL Head Winston Brassington, reports state.

The opposition People’s Progressive Party had accused the government of misusing the security regime for political purposes. But President Granger was adamant that this was not the case.
He recalled that the GPF and GDF have a history of conducting joint operations hence the mission should not come as a surpise.
“As far as I know the SOCU is conducting some investigtionsâ€Ķthe request may have came from the polic force to the defence forceâ€Ķno politician gets involved in giving directional objectives to the police force or Chief of Staff,” said the President.
Asked whether a probe will be conducting into the circumstances surrounding the botched operation, the Commander in Chief responded in the negative.
“The chief of staff has examined the information I don't think it requires a full probe.”

Where does the "BUCK" stop???

skeldon_man posted:

Django bhai, you need to accept the wrong doings of the people you support. Call a spade a spade. And if you do, please put it bluntly. If you support wrong doings, it's your choice. We all make bad choices sometime.

Skelly.. that is why i created this thread,it is unacceptable terrorizing an opposition MP wife and sibling.If some one from the coalition gov't does not clear this issue up,the Guyanese people along with the opposition should put pressure on the gov't.

They suddenly thinks they are the bosses and the population are the bottom feeders sorry pal they same you get in,is the same you are out.

I am looking foward to hear what's the AFC take on this.

skeldon_man posted:
Django bhai, you need to accept the wrong doings of the people you support. Call a spade a spade. And if you do, please put it bluntly. If you support wrong doings, it's your choice. We all make bad choices sometime.

Skelly, we have to be fair with Django bai. Lately he seems to be wavering in his support for Mista Granja guvment. The man started a thread recalling the dark "big brother" PNC days. He didn't have to do that but he did. Any thinking person will conclude that Django feels Guyana is returning to those dark days. I don't think Django has to spoon-feed us and say: "Dis guvment is no firking diffrent fram de previous PNC and PPP guvments. Both had reigns of terror."

Now Skelly, me promise you and Bibi something nice. If dis is de way y'all treating me padna Django, me go stay quiet.


alena06 posted:

The AFC still exists???  This is what happens when folks are power hungry and can't 'see' through the PNC.    The people are the ones who get screwed in the end.

Thank you.  House Slave Moses saw through the fists and feet(Kicks) of the PNC when he was pitched like a stray dog on the Parpet BUT you are RIGHT, being Power Hungry, he is willing to overlook such "small" issues. He feels having the title PM is all that matters.  THe People for him is indeed bottom Feeders!!!

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django bhai, you need to accept the wrong doings of the people you support. Call a spade a spade. And if you do, please put it bluntly. If you support wrong doings, it's your choice. We all make bad choices sometime.

Skelly, we have to be fair with Django bai. Lately he seems to be wavering in his support for Mista Granja guvment. The man started a thread recalling the dark "big brother" PNC days. He didn't have to do that but he did. Any thinking person will conclude that Django feels Guyana is returning to those dark days. I don't think Django has to spoon-feed us and say: "Dis guvment is no firking diffrent fram de previous PNC and PPP guvments. Both had reigns of terror."

Now Skelly, me promise you and Bibi something nice. If dis is de way y'all treating me padna Django, me go stay quiet.


Thank's Gill,my expectations are the coalition gov't will rule accordingly to the laws of the country,but they goof up i will call spade a spade.

Nehru posted:
House Slave Moses saw through the fists and feet(Kicks) of the PNC when he was pitched like a stray dog on the Parpet BUT you are RIGHT, being Power Hungry, he is willing to overlook such "small" issues. He feels having the title PM is all that matters.  THe People for him is indeed bottom Feeders!!!

Nehru, here's your chance to picket him again. Next Sunday at Naresa Place.


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Django posted:
baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Reign of Terror - Part 2 has begun.  PNC style!

President Granger or who ever is in charge of SOCU need to address the nation what happened here.

Stop dreaming.  Alyuh wanted them.  The only regret, all alyuh sitting 3,000 miles away and deciding whether to go or not to go, to be or not to be.  While you do this, it's the Indians of Guyana who have to live with the reality on the ground.

Base, most of us have relatives there and are concerned,the PPP was no better,Guyanese have to live with the reality not one ethnic group.

During the Jagdeo era, my aunt, by then RETIRED, used to be afraid to talk Guyana politics on the phone, when I used to call her.

Please recall that Jagdeo had drug lords tapping people's phones, and then sending thugs to beat up those who they didn't like!

The PPP apparently doesn't like to take the medicine that they dished out.

I have no interest in their squeals. When SN and KN write editorials on this topic THEN I will be disturbed!  BOTH were quite vocal during the fearsome Jagdeo days, so have credibility now when they criticize the current gov't.




Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django bhai, you need to accept the wrong doings of the people you support. Call a spade a spade. And if you do, please put it bluntly. If you support wrong doings, it's your choice. We all make bad choices sometime.

Skelly, we have to be fair with Django bai. Lately he seems to be wavering in his support for Mista Granja guvment. The man started a thread recalling the dark "big brother" PNC days. He didn't have to do that but he did. Any thinking person will conclude that Django feels Guyana is returning to those dark days. I don't think Django has to spoon-feed us and say: "Dis guvment is no firking diffrent fram de previous PNC and PPP guvments. Both had reigns of terror."

Now Skelly, me promise you and Bibi something nice. If dis is de way y'all treating me padna Django, me go stay quiet.


Thank's Gill,my expectations are the coalition gov't will rule accordingly to the laws of the country,but they goof up i will call spade a spade.

Gilly, I have seen your criticism of some of the present govt. Thanks for being truthful and objective. One more question I have to ask "What do you think of Moses and Rumjhaat now"? Are they giving "critical suppport to the govt"? Remember Gilly Bro, I am still holding my breath. I also notice Django bhai been slowly turning away from his solid support. Thanks to Django too. I hope to see more criticism as the situation in Guyana gets worse. Coolie days dead!!

Django posted:
baseman posted:
Django posted:
baseman posted:

How tight did you hold your nose when you made that comment?

Banna you deh pun stupidness,for you only Indian lives matter the last i checked there are other races within the population.

Listen banna, this regime and their followers have one aim, to persecute and push more Indians out of Guyana so Black domination of the political landscape becomes assured in absolute.

Quite interesting view point,more Indians have migrated under the PPP they are down to around 43%,if the PNC faction intentions are to intimidate Indians and they have to leave,what the kick ass banna doing.

Yes, more Indians were financially able to migrate, due to the ease in foreign currency in the PPP reign, also independently ,Indians are more qualified to meet the criteria for migrating to such countries as America ,Canada, England etc., Indians have extended families living abroad from decades ago, to which they can go . Many Blacks would like to migrate ,but they don't have the economic means, it has proven, the majority of visitors to Guyana are Indians. So to say the Blacks won the election is a joke, The ABC countries wanted a change of government,and they did so, Carter ran two days before election and was teaching Bible Class in Atlanta the following day.

alena06 posted:

The AFC still exists???  This is what happens when folks are power hungry and can't 'see' through the PNC.    The people are the ones who get screwed in the end.

Power hungry and selfish.  Who did not get what they wanted from the PPP so they figure playing house pet to the PNC will deliver them their goods, to hell with everyone else.  One notable AFCites said all he wants is to see the back of the PPP/BJ and whatever else happens, well he in the US.

The gullible and stupid fell for the koolaid of the selfish and power hungry, now the masses suffer.

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Base, most of us have relatives there and are concerned,the PPP was no better,Guyanese have to live with the reality not one ethnic group.

During the Jagdeo era, my aunt, by then RETIRED, used to be afraid to talk Guyana politics on the phone, when I used to call her.

Maybe she was afraid to divulge her connection with the drug and criminal underworld!

skeldon_man posted:

Gilly, I have seen your criticism of some of the present govt. Thanks for being truthful and objective. One more question I have to ask "What do you think of Moses and Rumjhaat now"? Are they giving "critical suppport to the govt"? Remember Gilly Bro, I am still holding my breath. I also notice Django bhai been slowly turning away from his solid support. Thanks to Django too. I hope to see more criticism as the situation in Guyana gets worse. Coolie days dead!!

Skelly, Nagamootoo will be in New York next weekend. You and the PPP posse have an opportunity to show up and give him the hard questions and protest if you wish. As promised, after LGE I will make my declaration. For strategic and tactical reasons.



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Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:
House Slave Moses saw through the fists and feet(Kicks) of the PNC when he was pitched like a stray dog on the Parpet BUT you are RIGHT, being Power Hungry, he is willing to overlook such "small" issues. He feels having the title PM is all that matters.  THe People for him is indeed bottom Feeders!!!

Nehru, here's your chance to picket him again. Next Sunday at Naresa Place.

Picket him ?  The people in NY should shower this jackass with a barrage of rotten eggs !!

Keffer posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:
House Slave Moses saw through the fists and feet(Kicks) of the PNC when he was pitched like a stray dog on the Parpet BUT you are RIGHT, being Power Hungry, he is willing to overlook such "small" issues. He feels having the title PM is all that matters.  THe People for him is indeed bottom Feeders!!!

Nehru, here's your chance to picket him again. Next Sunday at Naresa Place.

Picket him ?  The people in NY should shower this jackass with a barrage of rotten eggs !!

We are a polite people, but he deserves the rotten eggs and more!  Traitors!!


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