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Originally posted by IGH:
What you guys think about the kid who is on Redemption Island? He looks like Fabio from the previous show.

I am totally loving this guy!! I really want him to win today's challenge and go back into the game and kick butt. He deserved it....and Rob made a big mistake not keeping him closer.
Yeah he does resembles Fabio..but def. more to him than looks Wink!
I don't know how much more of Philip I can take though..god from day one I wanted him gone lol..but he STILL there!! Big Grin
I was hoping that Matt would play a really good game and win the whole thing.

but now i don't know......last night I told him not to trust Rob......but naaahh he didn't listen to me Smile

and when you nah must pay clever

I didn't feel one bit sorry for him.....let us see if he will smarten up after a few more days on redemption island!!!

the game is getting very interesting now!!

I really want to see Rob get his cumuppance!! Smile
Originally posted by Villagebelle:
but now i don't know......last night I told him not to trust Rob......but naaahh he didn't listen to me Smile


YOU told him? I was screaming at the darn TV rass eheheh Big Grin and I never do that Big Grin....
I really wanted him to have a fair chance..he did deserve to be back in the game. Poor guy! Oh well...Rob really did come back with a vengeance eh?! Razz...damn!
OMG..I've never seen this on Suvivor history Big Grin

People went though so much to be on this show to play it to the fullest and win a million $ and within a few days they loose track of that and become zombies to one man who is going to win that million $ with their help Big Grin

And I for one thinks he deserves it after pulling those strings!! Big!!

Philip is nuts ...period!! Wink
I thought it was funny & a good move for one of them to survive Wink..hide his shorts, he annoys everyone and because they can spare the people, vote him off instead of one of the three, unfortunately it didn't work Frown...

Good Phil annoying and NUTS! If I was on it I would tell him plain..he CRAZY with a capital "C" & can't play the race card because guess wah..I ain't white!!! Big Grin...what a jack rabbit!!

Lastly, why is it people turn to God all of a sudden to win a GAME? Come on now...doesn't he have better things to do than to help you win a game? Sttuuppss I like Matt but he is irking me with the god stuff Wink!!

Now the game gets dirty!! Rob chances of wining is going down slowly like a sinking ship Big Grin
Frown.....David is one of my picks at chance for him anymore.

Frown Frown.....Julie is one of my pics at work.....can she survive RI??

I really really hope that Matt is the next to go.....yea, I am getting really annoyed with his seeking God's help to win a GAME!!!

or.....I really really hope he goes back to the tribe......and see how differently he might play the game from then.

Phil.....needs two good slap upsidedown his head Smile
there have been others in the past who irked me.....but Phil takes the cake!!

the three young chicks who are clinging to Rob's shirt-tail....will they? will they??....smarten up....ever??

the rest of this one should be very enjoyable!!
Originally posted by Cher:
VB ..don't forget Phil and he pink undies that looks like its falling off anytime soon Big Grin

all i can say about that is OMG!! Smile

weird, crazy or very calculating....the way to describe someone who dresses like that ON PURPOSE....knowing that millions will see him!!!

I was laughing so much when julie hid his shorts Big Grin
So what ayo think of last nights epd. hmmm...I feel really bad for Matt..he wasn't even trying then he decided to try and watta know he still there.
There is something about Julie that I totally admire! Too bad the game wasn't on her side because she has become one of my fav people. As it stand now...I want no one to win but its a must so the white dude with dreads..don't bother remember their names if I don't like them Big Grin..he at least worked some for for the challenges Wink
funny Cher.....I like Julia too and was really hoping that she would go a lot farther in the game.

Matt.....considering that he almost gave up on the is sheer dumba$$ luck or his God is actually on his side and is 'carrying him' as he said....but he keeps winning the challenges on RI!!!
(I have a feeling that if he wins the whole thing....there will be a surge in belief in God....esp among the younger folks.) last night, with her parting words....Julie said that he has inspired her and once she gets back to real life she is finding a good church and getting involved!!!

so I am still on the same page with Cher.....of those left of the Ometepe tribe.....Grant (guy with dreads) is the one I hope will win.

I can't wait to see Rob turn on those three chicks!!

IMO....if Rob gets to the final two.....whoever the other person is......that personwill get the $$$$.

I don't think the jury will give it to Rob.....he is married to a millionaire!!! Smile
Originally posted by IGH:
Originally posted by Villagebelle:
I don't know IGH.

and I honestly don't care how and when they get their winnings......I just enjoy the 'game'!! Smile

VG - the money is paid out over a 20 year period.

This season is not hot...

I thought you would say that they really don't get any money and it is all a fake Smile

50K per year for 20 yrs.....not bad!!!

maybe that's a good thing....dis way they don't spend out the whole 1M in one year!!!.....they are forced to pace themself!!! Big Grin
Villagebelle surprise....we all knew that Andrea was going.....except Andrea!!!

it was a good thing that Steve lost the challenge.....he was turning into a 'starving guts'!! (his belly was touching his back Big Grin).

I don't like Rob....never did....not in any of the other ones that he was in and definitely not in amazing race!!

if he does go to the end....i really believe that whoever the other person is will get the mil.
Originally posted by amral:
Sunday is Finale Night

what time????, I gotta to go to a party

Competing for the fourth time in a decade, Rob is edging closer to winning the $1 million prize on “Survivor: Redemption Island” (tonight at 8, with the season conclusion Sunday at 8 p.m. on WBZ, Ch. 4).

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