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i was in Cuba last week....and co-incidentally the only english canadian channel you could see on their TV was Global.


so i was all excited and planned my day so that the only show i watched the whole week we were there was all comfy on the bed and the show was on.....but no sound!!!!


mind you....i still watched the 'silent' episode and got the gist of what happened.


looking forward to sitting in my even more comfy familyroom and enjoy tonight's episode with sound.

Villagebelle Troy getting voted off.


Me to IGH.....would like to see Kat & Christina go all the way!


but first they have to smarten up and see how Kim is playing the a nice/sneaky way


initially i really didn't care fo Kat.....too much of cry-baby....but i am starting to like her and i would like to see her win the whole thing.


NOT kim!


Originally Posted by Nehru:
I stand by my comment!Originally Posted by IGH:

Nehru I find your comments about the women on Survivor to be disgusting.  Can't believe the women on GNI did not call you out on your constant referral to the women as 'Bitches'


You can stand by your comments; I still think you are deplorable & despicable.


another blindside!!

the look on Kat's face was hilarious.

she took Kim and Alicia on her and dine them and they turned right around and stabbed her in the back!!


I am really really hoping that Kim gets blind-sided next week!

agree with you Nehru......Sabrina, Tarzan and Christina should get-together and vote Kim off!!

but I doubt it will happen.....because Tarzan calls her boss-lady and Christina seems so very naive! and Sabrina is holding on to her alliance with Kim!!



Villagebelle, more like broadside...

Wow! remember that saying neva did hole...; in this instance neva talk about blind side being funny...

Amral I notice the samthing with Kat & her cousin.


Agree Tarzan, Christina & Sabrina just form an alliance and get KIM out...

Kat is blaming everything on her age... what a crock pot. At age 22 some kids are either in Grad School or workingat theri first real job.

Kat seems to be a spoilt  child.

Did you guys see her crying & said she will beg Jeff to let her come back to redeem herself.



 "Survivor: One World" should have probably just been called "Survivor: Kim's World."


Kim Spradlin not only won the CBS reality competition's $1 million grand prize Sunday, the crafty 29-year-old bridal shop owner from San Antonio, Texas, also brought the alliance that she helped form at the game's outset to the final tribal council all while engineering the dismissal of each member of the show's nine-person jury of former players.


"I strategized until I was blue in the face," said Spradlin.


The jury ultimately voted for Spradlin over her allies, 33-year-old high school teacher Sabrina Thompson of New York and 26-year-old medical saleswoman Chelsea Meissner of Charleston, S.C. Spradlin, Meissner and Thompson worked together from the first day of the game, which originally featured two tribes divided by sex living on the same beach in Samoa.


"We were a mess at the beginning, and then we just pulled it together," said Thompson, who nabbed two jury votes to Spradlin's seven. Spradlin also received the most viewer votes, winning an additional $100,000 fan-favorite prize.

Spradlin secured her place among the final three contestants on the 24th edition of "Survivor" by winning four individual immunity challenges, including the final two physical competitions, which ousted 29-year-old career consultant Christina Cha of Los Angeles and 25-year-old special education teacher Alicia Rosa of Chicago from the 39-day contest.


At the end of the finale, "Survivor" host Jeff Probst announced that the upcoming 25th season would be titled "Survivor: Philippines" and would feature three tribes as well as three returning contestants that previously removed from the game for medical concerns.


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