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Hey....I am watching again!!


Nehru....dat's exactly how my hubby feel about this group of one to really like or dislike......very uninteresting group....even the favourites!!


except (for me) the guy in the pink bukta!! 

very annoying....even right after episode one!!


poor Frances(qua).....first person voted off twice.....and all because of Philip


I am still watching Amral


Whoa.....was that a 'blow up' or a 'melt down'??....the guy definitely went off the deep end.


Wonder why Brandon agreed to do a second survivor......sounds like he wasn't ready for it.....mentally/psychologically!!


very interesting eposide last night to say the least.......tribal council on the spot and it was obvious that Brandon wanted out and his tribe wanted him gone!!


looks like there might be a merge next week.


wasn't that the most exciting tribal!!


you should have heard me laughing when Malcolm gave his other immunity idol to Eddie!!


that was an awsome plan on the '3 amigos' part!!



and the others scrambling right there at tribal....hilarious!!


the head of the 'stealth R US' group was chopped off

and i wasn't sorry to see him go!

i think even members of his own his own alliance will be happy about it.


the rest of this season will be exciting!


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