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Jagdeo to write IDB over Govt’s corrupt practices


…calls public spending programme ‘an abysmal failure’

By Gary Eleazar

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has promised to write the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington DC over the alleged corrupt practices of the David Granger Administration — practices which he said have led to a stagnation of the Public Sector Investment Programme.
The former President was at the time addressing members of the media at his

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Church Street office, where he rejected claims that instructions were given to regional officers to not sign off on the award of contracts. Rubbishing this claim, Jagdeo noted that contracts are awarded by APNU+AFC appointed Regional Executive Officers (REO). He further pointed out that even in the APNU+AFC-controlled regions, the implementation is low. Further, at the national level, under ministerial control, he said, the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) is being under-implemented.
“If you look at the PSIP, it is an abysmal failure. Now we are seeing that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is working with the Government to improve the performance of the PSIP, and this could see the possible setting up of a ‘delivery unit’….the IDB needs to know that the lack of delivery under the PSIP is because of corruption. The IDB ought not to be entangled with this. And I will be writing Washington (the IDB head office) on this matter. We are currently compiling a file,” Jagdeo disclosed.
A statement from the IDB local office on Wednesday indicated that, in an effort to support Government’s endeavours to improve effectiveness and accountability in the delivery of public services to citizens through the implementation of the PSIP, the international financial institution has engaged the services of a top consulting firm specialised in this area to provide necessary support.
According to the IDB missive, most Governments placed too much emphasis on policy and less on the importance of effective project implementation. As such, it was noted, the delivery unit model was a simple but rigorous approach, in which there is a systematic process through which system leaders drive progress and achieve results – in this case specifically of capital projects carried out by the Government.
The IDB said this model was characterised by its emphasis on defining a set of limited clear priorities and goals focused on outcomes for citizens, and rigorous data-based monitoring of progress and coordination among involved parties. Through implementation of these principles, the model aims to clarify what success means for the Government, and thereby increase the speed of delivery of benefits to citizens.
The objective of this unit, according to the organisation, is to help Government agencies to deliver concrete results in priority goals through planning, performance insights, problem solving, capacity building and coordination. It is a lean structure meant to support ministries, and not to take over their roles or to add additional layers to the Government’s bureaucratic structure.
In the case of Guyana, delivery associates has completed a diagnostic analysis of how Guyana’s PSIP works, including an analysis of its delivery chain. This study has identified several opportunities for improvements, for which the delivery management model could be useful. The firm is currently coordinating with the IDB’s team to finalise the diagnosis report, so that it can be shared with Guyanese authorities.
In the interim, the IDB has been actively coordinating this initiative with senior Guyanese officials, including President David Granger; Minister of State, Joseph Harmon; Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan; and Minister of Public Affairs in the Ministry of the Presidency, Dawn Hastings-Williams.

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After all the yelling and screaming, it comes down to one thing. The U.S. has major influence on the world's bank. Jagdeo is doing a fine job of what his position requires: Unearthing, exposing, and opposing.  


IDB working with gov’t on improving output from Public Sector Investment Programme

-‘Delivery Unit’ could be set up.

President David Granger (fourth from right) and his delegation meeting with Country Representative of the Inter-American Development Bank, Sophie Makonnen (fifth from right) and the visiting team at State House. (Ministry of the Presidency photo)


October 5,2107

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is working with the Guyana Government on improving the performance of  the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) and this could see the possible setting up of a “Delivery Unit”.

Recently, Minister of Finance Winston Jordan lamented the low expenditure by the PSIP as of June this year.

According to a press release yesterday from the IDB, its country office has engaged the services of Delivery Associates (DA), a consulting firm specializing in supporting the improvement of the effectiveness and accountability of governments worldwide. DA has already completed a diagnostic analysis of how Guyana’s PSIP works, including an analysis of its delivery chain. The firm is currently coordinating with the IDB to finalise the diagnostic report to the authorities, which would identify opportunities for improvements and present the model for delivery or implementation of the findings.

The IDB release said that most governments, traditionally, placed too much emphasis on policy, and less on the importance of effective project implementation. Most countries adopt a model called a delivery unit or an implementation unit, a simple systematic process through which system leaders drive progress and achieve results specifically of capital projects carried out by governments.

The objective of the unit is to deliver concrete results in priority goals through planning, performance insights, problem solving, capacity building and coordination, according to the IDB release. Its lean structure is meant to support ministries, not replace or add additional layers to the government’s bureaucratic framework.

In the interim, the IDB, according to its statement, has been coordinating with senior Guyanese officials about this initiative, including President David Granger, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, and Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan.

To date, the IDB says it has supported the activities of DA through a US$145,000 grant approved earlier in the year, and is further planning to promote the initiative through financing a series of activities, with another grant of US$500,000, which will include the design of a delivery management model suitable for Guyana. This approach may establish the parameters for the possible establishment of a Delivery Unit in Guyana if all interests are aligned, the release added.

Speaking in July this year, Jordan had said “As at end June, less than 30 percent of the Public Sector Investment Programme [PSIP] was expended. What is the reason for this continued sloth in the implementation of the PSIP, at a time when it was touted as a boost to spending in the economy?”

In his remarks to the Heads of Budget Agencies and other Senior Government officials, Jordan highlighted the fact that the 2017 Budget had been delivered since the 26th November, 2016 and yet, there were budget agencies in June still figuring out specifications of items to be purchased.

“We have awarded only 53 percent of the PSIP and expended a mere 28 percent on maintenance of infrastructure within the recurrent budget. While we happily and deservedly bask in the glow of improved Grade Six examination results, we need to wake up to the reality that less than 50 percent of our Grade Six children passed mathematics this year. Drugs and medical supplies are still in short supply at GPHC and in all of our regions,” the minister lamented.

The Finance Minister reminded the participants that they are servants of the people charged with spending tax-payers money prudently and goals must be realistic. For ideas that reach the area of implementation, poor execution would compromise and depreciate the quality of the undertaking.  He added, “Wastage and inefficiency are to be abhorred since they rob the people of better services, better infrastructure and, ultimately, a better quality of life.”

Poor execution capacity has been a longstanding problem for the Guyana Government and has impacted on the efficacy of IDB programmes and those other multilateral institutions.

Last edited by Django

Jagdeo thru the Guyana Times is pissing in the wind,

read the above article,

even Yugiski falling in the trap,due to being subservient to the "Rat"

This fella seh Dango is a dull boy,well he just the Culvert Corner chatters.

Last edited by Django

Now IDB has to step in to teach jackass Granger to expedite PSIP. What a shame, them white folks must think that Guyanese can't do nothing for themselves without instructions from massa. 

Drugb posted:

Now IDB has to step in to teach jackass Granger to expedite PSIP. What a shame, them white folks must think that Guyanese can't do nothing for themselves without instructions from massa. 


The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is working with the Guyana Government on improving the performance of  the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) and this could see the possible setting up of a “Delivery Unit”.

Recently, Minister of Finance Winston Jordan lamented the low expenditure by the PSIP as of June this year.

According to a press release yesterday from the IDB, its country office has engaged the services of Delivery Associates (DA), a consulting firm specializing in supporting the improvement of the effectiveness and accountability of governments worldwide. DA has already completed a diagnostic analysis of how Guyana’s PSIP works, including an analysis of its delivery chain. The firm is currently coordinating with the IDB to finalise the diagnostic report to the authorities, which would identify opportunities for improvements and present the model for delivery or implementation of the findings.

The IDB release said that most governments, traditionally, placed too much emphasis on policy, and less on the importance of effective project implementation. Most countries adopt a model called a delivery unit or an implementation unit, a simple systematic process through which system leaders drive progress and achieve results specifically of capital projects carried out by governments.

The objective of the unit is to deliver concrete results in priority goals through planning, performance insights, problem solving, capacity building and coordination, according to the IDB release. Its lean structure is meant to support ministries, not replace or add additional layers to the government’s bureaucratic framework.

Although claimed to be highly Educated,

you seem to be in the group of,Culvert Corner Chatters.

read the above.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Now IDB has to step in to teach jackass Granger to expedite PSIP. What a shame, them white folks must think that Guyanese can't do nothing for themselves without instructions from massa. 


The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is working with the Guyana Government on improving the performance of  the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) and this could see the possible setting up of a “Delivery Unit”.

Recently, Minister of Finance Winston Jordan lamented the low expenditure by the PSIP as of June this year.

According to a press release yesterday from the IDB, its country office has engaged the services of Delivery Associates (DA), a consulting firm specializing in supporting the improvement of the effectiveness and accountability of governments worldwide. DA has already completed a diagnostic analysis of how Guyana’s PSIP works, including an analysis of its delivery chain. The firm is currently coordinating with the IDB to finalise the diagnostic report to the authorities, which would identify opportunities for improvements and present the model for delivery or implementation of the findings.

The IDB release said that most governments, traditionally, placed too much emphasis on policy, and less on the importance of effective project implementation. Most countries adopt a model called a delivery unit or an implementation unit, a simple systematic process through which system leaders drive progress and achieve results specifically of capital projects carried out by governments.

The objective of the unit is to deliver concrete results in priority goals through planning, performance insights, problem solving, capacity building and coordination, according to the IDB release. Its lean structure is meant to support ministries, not replace or add additional layers to the government’s bureaucratic framework.

Although claimed to be highly Educated,

you seem to be in the group of,Culvert Corner Chatters.

read the above.

Did the IDB help Forbes and Greenidge bankrupt Guyana too? What PNC administration had an empty treasury?

skeldon_man posted:

Did the IDB help Forbes and Greenidge bankrupt Guyana too? What PNC administration had an empty treasury?

August 7, 1985

Forbes Burnham, 62, the president of Guyana and the leader of the former British colony on the northeast coast of South America for the past 21 years, died yesterday in a hospital in Georgetown, the capital of the country, while undergoing surgery on his throat.

The state radio announced his death and said he would be succeeded in the presidency by Prime Minister Desmond Hoyte. The announcement did not disclose the purpose of the operation. Mr. Burnham had suffered from heart ailments in recent years.

In 1964, he came to power in what was then British Guiana in elections in which he defeated Cheddi Jagan, a mercurial Marxist who had alarmed London and Washington. Mr. Burnham, a former ally of Mr. Jagan, led Guyana to independence in 1966 and introduced his own form of socialism at home and sought to maintain a neutral policy abroad. In 1980, with the adoption of a new constitution, he took the title of executive president. While Mr. Burnham's rule was arbitrary and included the suppression of such institutions as an independent press, the country maintains the form of a parliamentary democracy.

Jonestown, Guyana, was the scene in 1979 of the mass suicide of 900 followers of the Rev. Jim Jones. They had gone to a remote district in Guyana to establish the Peoples Temple, an agricultural commune. Rep. Leo J. Ryan (D-Calif.) was shot and killed during a fact-finding expedition there. While Mr. Burnham's government welcomed the Jonestown people, it was not responsible for the suicides.

The policies of Mr. Burnham failed to move his country, which is about the size of Kansas and has a population of about 1 million, out of economic stagnation. One of Mr. Burnham's basic tenets was that Guyanese should grow the food that they eat. He banned imported foodstuffs and this led to unrest. At one point striking miners of bauxite, the nation's most valuable natural resource, demanded to be paid in food.

In foreign affairs, Mr. Burnham drifted toward Cuba. In 1983 and 1984, the United States suspended loan programs and blocked a $40 million loan from the World Bank. Relations between Guyana and its partners in the Caribbean Community (Caricom) also have deteriorated. The failure of Guyana to pay its debts to the regional trade organization was largely responsible for the collapse in 1983 of its credit system.

While distancing himself from Washington -- he had not visited this country since the administration of Lyndon Baines Johnson -- Mr. Burnham established diplomatic relations with Moscow and Peking and signed trade agreements with China, Bulgaria and North Korea. He was a vehement critic of the U.S. invasion of Grenada in 1983 and accused Caricom members who supported the operation of being imperialist puppets.

When he first came to power, Mr. Burnham himself was a beneficiary of "imperialist" interests. A constant factor in Guyanese politics is the question of race. The country was discovered by the Portuguese in 1499, settled by the Dutch in 1581 and taken over by the British in 1814. Sugar was the principal crop and African slaves were imported to work the plantations. With the abolition of slavery in the British Empire in 1834, the blacks went free. Their places in the sugar fields were taken by indentured East Indians.

Today, 51 percent of the population is East Indian in origin. They are small shopkeepers and marginal farmers. About 43 percent of the Guyanese are black.

Mr. Burnham was black; Mr. Jagan of East Indian origin. In the 1950s, Mr. Jagan was able to use his background to win elective office under the colonial administration. In 1955, Mr. Burnham broke away and formed the Socialist People's National Congress Party. But Mr. Jagan and his People's Progressive Party continued to prosper at the polls.

In 1964, after a series of strikes and riots in which 165 persons were killed and hundreds more injured, the British changed the election rules to favor Mr. Burnham. It has been said that the CIA gave covert support to this activity. Mr. Burnham afterward was successful in maintaining himself in power and in the late 1970s even received support from Mr. Jagan.

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham was born on Feb. 20, 1923, at Kitty, a town near Georgetown. He was educted there and in London, where earned bachelor's and law degrees at the University of London. He was a notable public speaker and won the Best Speaker's Cup at University College in 1946. In 1949, he returned to Georgetown and established himself in a law practice and joined Mr. Jagan in starting the People's Progressive Party.

An imposing figure more than 6 feet tall, Mr. Burnham was known for his ability to charm audiences with a folksy humor. He reserved most government posts to fellow blacks, and blacks also made up the largest part of the army and police forces. This helped ensure his hold on the country.

Mr. Burnham's survivors include his wife, Viola, and their two daughters, and three daughters by a previous marriage that ended in divorce.

Here is an article from 1985,

you be the judge.

Last edited by Django

So the US and Britain learned not to trust the black man and yet they have not learned their lesson. Anyway, the people saw more progress under the PPP. Unfortunately, the two coolie Judases' names will be forever etched in Guyana's history. They have had their 15 minutes of fame. They will suffer the same fate as Peter D'aguiar. Just wait after Granger picks his GECOM chairperson.

skeldon_man posted:

So the US and Britain learned not to trust the black man and yet they have not learned their lesson. Anyway, the people saw more progress under the PPP. Unfortunately, the two coolie Judases' names will be forever etched in Guyana's history. They have had their 15 minutes of fame. They will suffer the same fate as Peter D'aguiar. Just wait after Granger picks his GECOM chairperson.

Bear in mind bhai,this is not the 80's,

it's what we called modern times,oppressors does face the music.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

So the US and Britain learned not to trust the black man and yet they have not learned their lesson. Anyway, the people saw more progress under the PPP. Unfortunately, the two coolie Judases' names will be forever etched in Guyana's history. They have had their 15 minutes of fame. They will suffer the same fate as Peter D'aguiar. Just wait after Granger picks his GECOM chairperson.

Bear in mind bhai,

this is not the 80's,it's what we called modern times.

Mark my words. Dictators do not care about modern times. It's all about me, me, me.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

This fella seh Dango is a dull boy,well he just the Culvert Corner chatters.

Actually, his excellency yuji22 called Django a "slow boy".

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Mitwah is bordering somewhere between crazy and dangerous.  Can someone tell me why the Admins are tolerating this kind of behavior?


Tola should put Mitwah on his watch list.

He has been rendered useless and irrelevant, he can no longer sell AFC/PNC snake oil due to the fact that the AFC is now dead meat.

No one believes in his Cut and Paste anymore.

He has serious personal issues.

He is wandering all over GNI with posts that make no sense.

No one listens to him except the dull boy Django.

His heroes Moses and Ramjatan have been rendered useless by Granger.

Karma is biting him on the As*.

He is floating at GNI like a discarded piece of garbage.

The list goes on and on....................

Admin will eventually put down the hammer on him.


Here is the post saying I am a dull boy.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Django Bhai,

Like you proper hurt with the label.

Nah man,duh is like water pun duck back.

you does hit below the belt.

Dat is how boxing and politics work. 

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Django Bhai,

Like you proper hurt with the label.

Nah man,duh is like water pun duck back.

you does hit below the belt.

Dat is how boxing and politics work. 

Wha..penalty for hitting below the belt.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Django Bhai,

Like you proper hurt with the label.

Nah man,duh is like water pun duck back.

you does hit below the belt.

Dat is how boxing and politics work. 

Wha..penalty for hitting below the belt.

Yes, did you not learn from what the AFC/PNC did at the last election ?Corruption and crime was lumped on the PPP and people bought into it. The AFC/PNC cannot prove any of it today.

Lesson, low blow pays in politics.

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Django Bhai,

Like you proper hurt with the label.

Nah man,duh is like water pun duck back.

you does hit below the belt.

Dat is how boxing and politics work. 

Wha..penalty for hitting below the belt.

Yes, did you not learn from what the AFC/PNC did at the last election ?Corruption and crime was lumped on the PPP and people bought into it. The AFC/PNC cannot prove any of it today.

Lesson, low blow pays in politics.

You start back with your BS posts again?

antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Mark my words. Dictators do not care about modern times. It's all about me, me, me.

So you're classifying the Rat as a dictator?

Poor question!

skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Mark my words. Dictators do not care about modern times. It's all about me, me, me.

So you're classifying the Rat as a dictator?

Poor question!

Qualify your statement.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

This fella seh Dango is a dull boy,well he just the Culvert Corner chatters.

Actually, his excellency yuji22 called Django a "slow boy".

Django cannot be described as slow. I am amazed at how quickly and often he can respond to posts and acquire info while at the same time running a successful business. Kudos to him.

Zed posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

This fella seh Dango is a dull boy,well he just the Culvert Corner chatters.

Actually, his excellency yuji22 called Django a "slow boy".

Django cannot be described as slow. I am amazed at how quickly and often he can respond to posts and acquire info while at the same time running a successful business. Kudos to him.


I am chilling now,self-employed and semi-retired,not chasing the $$$ anymore.

There is time,i follow most of the media of Guyana,and can spot some lies quickly,my memory is still sharp,when their lies are confronted,they tried to belittle Django,i don't worry much,what i am aware of lairs can't be trusted,politically or not.

Not chasing the $$$ anymore.

Last edited by Django
Zed posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

This fella seh Dango is a dull boy,well he just the Culvert Corner chatters.

Actually, his excellency yuji22 called Django a "slow boy".

Django cannot be described as slow. I am amazed at how quickly and often he can respond to posts and acquire info while at the same time running a successful business. Kudos to him.

dull boy(adjective) django clearly has a team feeding him talking points. Any doubt that he is on the payroll of the OP is justified at the pace where this slow boy without post high school education is able to dig up articles showing his handlers in favorable light.  

Drugb posted:
Zed posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

This fella seh Dango is a dull boy,well he just the Culvert Corner chatters.

Actually, his excellency yuji22 called Django a "slow boy".

Django cannot be described as slow. I am amazed at how quickly and often he can respond to posts and acquire info while at the same time running a successful business. Kudos to him.

dull boy(adjective) django clearly has a team feeding him talking points. Any doubt that he is on the payroll of the OP is justified at the pace where this slow boy without post high school education is able to dig up articles showing his handlers in favorable light.  

Goady bwoy, he is able to do all this while you are busy sniffing diapers. 

Django posted:

Although claimed to be highly Educated,

you seem to be in the group of,Culvert Corner Chatters.

read the above.

Staybroke article is not considered any evidence as they are a supporter of the PNC and considered hostile to the PPP. They write articles clearly favoring the PNC and excusing their incompetence, then provide fodder for operatives like you to use as some sort of evidence. In addition let us pretend that staybroke is truthful, the IDB will not call out any sitting govt for incompetence, they will be diplomatic for govt to save face by inventing a way out to excuse the incompetence.  That is why heed should be paid to Jagdeo, as the IDB will not criticize jackass Granger as they must appear impartial and not give the opposition any fuel. 

Drugb posted:
Zed posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

This fella seh Dango is a dull boy,well he just the Culvert Corner chatters.

Actually, his excellency yuji22 called Django a "slow boy".

Django cannot be described as slow. I am amazed at how quickly and often he can respond to posts and acquire info while at the same time running a successful business. Kudos to him.

dull boy(adjective) django clearly has a team feeding him talking points. Any doubt that he is on the payroll of the OP is justified at the pace where this slow boy without post high school education is able to dig up articles showing his handlers in favorable light.  

I surely pity you,with all the College Education you are no match for Django,also only the warped mind will assume i am paid,handlers you are out of your mind,I think for myself.

Take your blows,check here

Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Although claimed to be highly Educated,

you seem to be in the group of,Culvert Corner Chatters.

read the above.

Staybroke article is not considered any evidence as they are a supporter of the PNC and considered hostile to the PPP. They write articles clearly favoring the PNC and excusing their incompetence, then provide fodder for operatives like you to use as some sort of evidence. In addition let us pretend that staybroke is truthful, the IDB will not call out any sitting govt for incompetence, they will be diplomatic for govt to save face by inventing a way out to excuse the incompetence.  That is why heed should be paid to Jagdeo, as the IDB will not criticize jackass Granger as they must appear impartial and not give the opposition any fuel. 


Suddenly all the media are pro-govt,usual ramblings,

what did i say you belong to the Culvert Corner Chatters.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Although claimed to be highly Educated,

you seem to be in the group of,Culvert Corner Chatters.

read the above.

Staybroke article is not considered any evidence as they are a supporter of the PNC and considered hostile to the PPP. They write articles clearly favoring the PNC and excusing their incompetence, then provide fodder for operatives like you to use as some sort of evidence. In addition let us pretend that staybroke is truthful, the IDB will not call out any sitting govt for incompetence, they will be diplomatic for govt to save face by inventing a way out to excuse the incompetence.  That is why heed should be paid to Jagdeo, as the IDB will not criticize jackass Granger as they must appear impartial and not give the opposition any fuel. 


Suddenly all the media are pro-govt,usual ramblings,

what did i say you belong to the Culvert Corner Chatters.

Guyana has never had independent media. Staybroke, Kaiteur and Chronicle are govt supporters.  They supported the pnc prior to the elections and continue with the love affair afterwards as they are beholden to govt for advertising and other kickbacks. 


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