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yuji22 posted:

In the meanwhile, a lot of Indians have been selected by Mahatma Trump for his cabinet. 

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I would not call trump a Mahatma. Mahatmas don't go around groping women, shove their hands up their dresses and grab their breasts.  Trump saw an opening to take advantage and he did so. He campaigned on Non Americans taking advantage of America destroying it. He appealed to the hard core whites. Had the blacks voted as they did for Obama, Trump would have been history. We see Europeans successfully campaigning agaisnt radical Muslims and immigration.Trump did the same. The die is cast.

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

In the meanwhile, a lot of Indians have been selected by Mahatma Trump for his cabinet. 

A picture is worth a thousand words.

 Had the blacks voted as they did for Obama, Trump would have been history. 


Take a look at Obama's cabinet. Where is the black representation ?

My point is that Obama and Hillary were using  African Americans as pawns. The democrats will no longer use African Americans as pawns after this election.

They stayed home in frustration at Obama, Hillary and the democrats.

Of the lower than usual turnout among African American voters, A combined total of ten percent voted for Trump and the other candidates.

Mahatma Trump will change his cabinet to include more minorities rather than having a 97 percent white cabinet.

Btw Skelly, Bill Clinton was staining up dresses and god knows what else in the white house while Hillary was there in the white house too. She stood by him and defended him. Those with glass houses should not be throwing stones.


Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

In the meanwhile, a lot of Indians have been selected by Mahatma Trump for his cabinet. 

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I would not call trump a Mahatma. Mahatmas don't go around groping women, shove their hands up their dresses and grab their breasts.  Trump saw an opening to take advantage and he did so. He campaigned on Non Americans taking advantage of America destroying it. He appealed to the hard core whites. Had the blacks voted as they did for Obama, Trump would have been history. We see Europeans successfully campaigning agaisnt radical Muslims and immigration.Trump did the same. The die is cast.


HAPPY that you point out who Trump is.

I am still giving him a chance but so far since elected he is sounding like a dictator in the making.


yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

In the meanwhile, a lot of Indians have been selected by Mahatma Trump for his cabinet. 

A picture is worth a thousand words.

 Had the blacks voted as they did for Obama, Trump would have been history. 


Take a look at Obama's cabinet. Where is the black representation ?

My point is that Obama and Hillary were using  African Americans as pawns. The democrats will no longer use African Americans as pawns after this election.

They stayed home in frustration at Obama, Hillary and the democrats.

Of the lower than usual turnout among African American voters, A combined total of ten percent voted for Trump and the other candidates.

Mahatma Trump will change his cabinet to include more minorities rather than having a 97 percent white cabinet.

Btw Skelly, Bill Clinton was staining up dresses in the white house while Hillary was in the white house. She stood by him and defended him. Those with glass houses should not throw atones.


Dummy, black people always voted in higher percentages than whites. That is the benchmark not their support for obama which statistically is an anamoly. Even so they voted in the 80 percent rate for her when whites were below 50, Indians and hispanics in 60's. He was voted in by whites in two states with sundown populations that give him a 10k and a 20k margin of victory. In PA he won with 60k votes mainly from urban white women and their baristas millennial sons and daughters.

Clinton had four women, two of dubious sort  accusing him. This one had over a dozen making the accusation. There is a difference. Clinton is not on record about women saying the odious things fellow willingly volunteered to the press in public interviews

Trump has no plan for poor whites much-less minorities. What he said about the minority "problem" is to be addressed by profiling, stop and frisk etc the quintessential problem that filled the jails with black people and which keep 6 million legally off the rolls. He is for voter id laws, curtailed early voting etc

The man race baited,  lied and conned his way into office on promises he cannot keep. He promised to drained the swamp but he loaded it with crocodiles. He cannot get 4 percent growth with trickle down. Interest rates will continue to clime so seeding small business with no help cannot come about and they create most of the workers. There will be no trade war because the Walmart crowd who voted for him need their cheap Chinese products.


Miss Danyella,

You spew nonsense. You were boasting about a Hillary victory and bringing out Black votes.

You are GNI's laughing stock. You were full of shyte then and now.

Get used to saying President Trump for another eight years.

And BTW, where is the black representation in Obama's cabinet ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Miss Danyella,

You spew nonsense. You were boasting about a Hillary victory and bringing out Black votes.

You are GNI's laughing stock. You were full of shyte then and now.

Get used to saying President Trump for another eight years.

And BTW, where is the black representation in Obama's cabinet ?

As I said send your wife or daughter to investigate if I am danyella.

WHy are you concerned with the black vote and not the white vote? Blacks voted 80 percent for Hillary. Whites 49

I doubt any here is competent to laugh at me much less you.


Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I would not call trump a Mahatma. Mahatmas don't go around groping women, shove their hands up their dresses and grab their breasts.  Trump saw an opening to take advantage and he did so. He campaigned on Non Americans taking advantage of America destroying it. He appealed to the hard core whites. Had the blacks voted as they did for Obama, Trump would have been history. We see Europeans successfully campaigning agaisnt radical Muslims and immigration.Trump did the same. The die is cast.


HAPPY that you point out who Trump is.

I am still giving him a chance but so far since elected he is sounding like a dictator in the making.


You rass betta staan easy.  Trump is an Anti-Islamist American Nationalist!

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

In the meanwhile, a lot of Indians have been selected by Mahatma Trump for his cabinet. 

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I would not call trump a Mahatma. Mahatmas don't go around groping women, shove their hands up their dresses and grab their breasts.  Trump saw an opening to take advantage and he did so. He campaigned on Non Americans taking advantage of America destroying it. He appealed to the hard core whites. Had the blacks voted as they did for Obama, Trump would have been history. We see Europeans successfully campaigning agaisnt radical Muslims and immigration.Trump did the same. The die is cast.

Krishna was a womanizer, ready and willing to hump any woman in sight.  You don't know what Mahatma did!  No one cares about these little human flaws.  He is a big thinker and a people's president!

Prezzy Clinton could not keep his hands off little female Interns!

ba$eman posted

You rass betta staan easy.  Trump is an Anti-Islamist American Nationalist!

American by citizenship not american as shaper or shaped by an american identity. Americans are designed to tolerant. It is never anti a religion. It is a anti religion being a dominating viewpoint. American nationalism is classical liberalism and not ethnic nationalism. It is about civic duty to ones neighbor and everyone freely participating to shaping the community and not an oligarch dispensing viewpoints

Danyael posted:
Prashad posted:

Obama can sit on the carib. The carib will still say Obama was the greatest thing since slice bread was invented by the Romans.

Caribj dislikes obama so you are wrong there.

He also dislikes Burnham, Hoyte, Granger, he also dislikes Idi Amin.  All these people he dislikes, yet he supports their Anti-Indian policies!!  Caribj is Dana...All kinds of everything!!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
Prashad posted:

Obama can sit on the carib. The carib will still say Obama was the greatest thing since slice bread was invented by the Romans.

Caribj dislikes obama so you are wrong there.

He also dislikes Burnham, Hoyte, Granger, he also dislikes Idi Amin.  All these people he dislikes, yet he supports their Anti-Indian policies!!  Caribj is Dana...All kinds of everything!!

There should be no pro indian policies. There should be pro our people policies.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

He also dislikes Burnham, Hoyte, Granger, he also dislikes Idi Amin.  All these people he dislikes, yet he supports their Anti-Indian policies!!  Caribj is Dana...All kinds of everything!!

There should be no pro indian policies. There should be pro our people policies.

Indians are people!!

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

In the meanwhile, a lot of Indians have been selected by Mahatma Trump for his cabinet. 

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I would not call trump a Mahatma. Mahatmas don't go around groping women, shove their hands up their dresses and grab their breasts.  Trump saw an opening to take advantage and he did so. He campaigned on Non Americans taking advantage of America destroying it. He appealed to the hard core whites. Had the blacks voted as they did for Obama, Trump would have been history. We see Europeans successfully campaigning agaisnt radical Muslims and immigration.Trump did the same. The die is cast.

Skelly, Yuji22 admires people who"go around groping women, shove their hands up their dresses and grab their breasts." anyone that has those qualities he calls MAHATMA. I wonder if he is allowed to do that in Canada.

The Black population is only 13% in the US  . Donald Trump has tapped into the Silent Majority, they are the old Whites that some never voted before, after two terms of a Black president and Hillary was a continuation  of Obama, the whites wanted CHANGE at all COST.

kp posted:

Skelly, Yuji22 admires people who"go around groping women, shove their hands up their dresses and grab their breasts." anyone that has those qualities he calls MAHATMA. I wonder if he is allowed to do that in Canada.

The Black population is only 13% in the US  . Donald Trump has tapped into the Silent Majority, they are the old Whites that some never voted before, after two terms of a Black president and Hillary was a continuation  of Obama, the whites wanted CHANGE at all COST.

That's a myth.  Trump has many in their 40's!  You have no clue what's behind the change.  CNN doing a documentary [Messy Truth] this week.  You should look at it!

Prashad posted:

Obama can sit on the carib. The carib will still say Obama was the greatest thing since slice bread was invented by the Romans.

Prasahd you are a lying coward who is terrified of your wife.

Why don't you resolve your marital issues. I have had several arguments about Obama with Kari and also danyael. So since when do I think that he is the best.

FACT.  Bush was the worst and to say that Obama was worse than him is actually quite racist.

But then you hate your part black wife and children because they are part black, so why the shock.

ba$eman posted:
kp posted:

Skelly, Yuji22 admires people who"go around groping women, shove their hands up their dresses and grab their breasts." anyone that has those qualities he calls MAHATMA. I wonder if he is allowed to do that in Canada.

The Black population is only 13% in the US  . Donald Trump has tapped into the Silent Majority, they are the old Whites that some never voted before, after two terms of a Black president and Hillary was a continuation  of Obama, the whites wanted CHANGE at all COST.

That's a myth.  Trump has many in their 40's!  You have no clue what's behind the change.  CNN doing a documentary [Messy Truth] this week.  You should look at it!

Cannot be that much. In philly a percent of the suburban white house whife and her basement dwelling brood may have defected while some of those now remorseful ne.groes stayed home. The polls were not wrong outside the margin of error.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
kp posted:

Skelly, Yuji22 admires people who"go around groping women, shove their hands up their dresses and grab their breasts." anyone that has those qualities he calls MAHATMA. I wonder if he is allowed to do that in Canada.

The Black population is only 13% in the US  . Donald Trump has tapped into the Silent Majority, they are the old Whites that some never voted before, after two terms of a Black president and Hillary was a continuation  of Obama, the whites wanted CHANGE at all COST.

That's a myth.  Trump has many in their 40's!  You have no clue what's behind the change.  CNN doing a documentary [Messy Truth] this week.  You should look at it!

Cannot be that much. In philly a percent of the suburban white house whife and her basement dwelling brood may have defected while some of those now remorseful ne.groes stayed home. The polls were not wrong outside the margin of error.

You said it. Dems lost because your ne.groes stayed home. I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

That's a myth.  Trump has many in their 40's!  You have no clue what's behind the change.  CNN doing a documentary [Messy Truth] this week.  You should look at it!

Cannot be that much. In philly a percent of the suburban white house whife and her basement dwelling brood may have defected while some of those now remorseful ne.groes stayed home. The polls were not wrong outside the margin of error.

The [remorseful] ne.groes will soon find out this was the best choice they never made, best in a generation!  They will all be running to massa Trump by 2020 guaranteeing him a 2nd term!

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

In the meanwhile, a lot of Indians have been selected by Mahatma Trump for his cabinet. 

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I would not call trump a Mahatma. Mahatmas don't go around groping women, shove their hands up their dresses and grab their breasts.  Trump saw an opening to take advantage and he did so. He campaigned on Non Americans taking advantage of America destroying it. He appealed to the hard core whites. Had the blacks voted as they did for Obama, Trump would have been history. We see Europeans successfully campaigning agaisnt radical Muslims and immigration.Trump did the same. The die is cast.


HAPPY that you point out who Trump is.

I am still giving him a chance but so far since elected he is sounding like a dictator in the making.


Serious Bro?

U call the man a swine. If he read ur comments and u believe he is dictator, then yuh razz in big trouble. Yuh can dis appear wan nite and yuh family would be wondering. Yuh tink that could happen to u in New York.

Doan yuh tink as a relgious person, u were wrong to call the man a swine.

ba$eman posted:

He also dislikes Burnham, Hoyte, Granger, he also dislikes Idi Amin.  All these people he dislikes, yet he supports their Anti-Indian policies!!  Caribj is Dana...All kinds of everything!!

1,  Please find one of my posts which you can use as evidence that I endorse their anti Indian policies.

2.  You seem offended that I dislike brutes like Idi Amin, and Burnham. Why?  Do you like them?

And why is Hoyte a racist and Jagdeo not?  Jagdeo runs around screaming that he will take back Guyana for Indians (which he disguises by the use of the word "PPP supporters, having already defined PPP supporters as being rural Indians)?   Jagdeo was no less racist than was Burnham.  But then you are a black hating racist so endorse Jagdeo's behavior.

Granger is wasting money keeping alive an ailing company, and taxing the rest of the population. This only because most of the sugar workers are Indians.  Jagdeo abandoned the mainly black bauxite workers to their fate, in one day seeing 3,000 losing their jobs. He made no provisions for new industries in Linden to absorb this unemployment.

Danyael posted:
while some of those now remorseful ne.groes stayed home. The polls were not wrong outside the margin of error.

On the day of the election I heard several poorer blacks boasting that they didn't plan to vote as they didn't see how their lives improved in the prior 8 years, when they voted TWICE.

Since then I haven't much from that group.  They long ago accepted that their lives will be hard and that the Democratic party, including Obama, just use them.

Come 2020 I bet their lives aren't any better or any worse.  It isn't as if police abuse stopped under Obama, or that he did much about it.  Look how long it took Obama to think about Flint, when these people were being poisoned.  Then some will wonder why they didn't bother to vote when BOTH the GOP and the Dems abandoned them.

ba$eman posted:

The [remorseful] ne.groes will soon find out this was the best choice they never made, best in a generation! 

How so? What has Trump done? Appoint a man who thinks that the KKK are cute as the AG?  You think that he will reign in the cops or ensure that the lives of young black men aren't destroyed by arrests for petty irritancies?

I think not.

I asked you to show how many senior blacks work at the Trump Org. You couldn't do so and its because very few exist.  Then Trump rants that blacks have a lazy gene, boasted that he doesn't hire them into senior positions.

So how will life be better? More arrested for having a few flakes of weed in their pockets, or having to piss because no public toilets are available?

Now I know that you want blacks to remain slaves, doing bottom work at $8/hour, but it might shock you to know that many want better than this.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

The carib loves to attack below the belt.

You have a part black wife and part black kids and yet you scream Indian purity and debase creole culture.

YOU are the one attacking YOURSELF below the belt.  I merely point out your hypocrisy.

The future generations who will advocate for an independent sovereign country for Guyanese East Indians, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people must never be distracted and lose focus by irrelevant issues such as " racism against black people " and "seeing the black people as inferior" those are issues that will be used by the carib and other haters in the anti-koolie gang that now rule Guyana. They don't have a problem with declining numbers when it comes to religion and ethnicity of their people that we do. We must ensure that we keep focus on the real issue at play here. That is securing the ethnic and religious survival of our people on the South American continent. That can only be achieved by securing an independent sovereign state on the South American continent.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

He also dislikes Burnham, Hoyte, Granger, he also dislikes Idi Amin.  All these people he dislikes, yet he supports their Anti-Indian policies!!  Caribj is Dana...All kinds of everything!!

1,  Please find one of my posts which you can use as evidence that I endorse their anti Indian policies.

2.  You seem offended that I dislike brutes like Idi Amin, and Burnham. Why?  Do you like them?

And why is Hoyte a racist and Jagdeo not?  Jagdeo runs around screaming that he will take back Guyana for Indians (which he disguises by the use of the word "PPP supporters, having already defined PPP supporters as being rural Indians)?   Jagdeo was no less racist than was Burnham.  But then you are a black hating racist so endorse Jagdeo's behavior.

Granger is wasting money keeping alive an ailing company, and taxing the rest of the population. This only because most of the sugar workers are Indians.  Jagdeo abandoned the mainly black bauxite workers to their fate, in one day seeing 3,000 losing their jobs. He made no provisions for new industries in Linden to absorb this unemployment.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

The [remorseful] ne.groes will soon find out this was the best choice they never made, best in a generation! 

How so? What has Trump done? Appoint a man who thinks that the KKK are cute as the AG?  You think that he will reign in the cops or ensure that the lives of young black men aren't destroyed by arrests for petty irritancies?

I think not.

I asked you to show how many senior blacks work at the Trump Org. You couldn't do so and its because very few exist.  Then Trump rants that blacks have a lazy gene, boasted that he doesn't hire them into senior positions.

So how will life be better? More arrested for having a few flakes of weed in their pockets, or having to piss because no public toilets are available?

Now I know that you want blacks to remain slaves, doing bottom work at $8/hour, but it might shock you to know that many want better than this.

By not voting, they choose the WORST of the two evils, so they have to live with Trump for 4 years.

Prashad posted:

The future generations who will advocate for an independent sovereign country for Guyanese East Indians, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people must never be distracted and lose focus by irrelevant issues such as " racism against black people " and "seeing the black people as inferior" those are issues that will be used by the carib and other haters in the anti-koolie gang that now rule Guyana. They don't have a problem with declining numbers when it comes to religion and ethnicity of their people that we do. We must ensure that we keep focus on the real issue at play here. That is securing the ethnic and religious survival of our people on the South American continent. That can only be achieved by securing an independent sovereign state on the South American continent.

Note that a dougla is half black, as well as half Indian.

I don't see you claiming that douglas must embrace BOTH of their ethnic heritages and the cultures that drive from this.

No you want douglas to ignore that they are half black and operate as if they are fully Indian.

So why then should a dougla ignore 50% of their heritage.  In your case why should your kids embrace you and ignore their mother.

In fact you have already ranted and raved and bellowed about the disrespect that you have for the culture of Afro Caribbean people, which you reduce to "pirate culture".  So I don't even need to question as to whether you consider that your kids should respect their mother.

According to you their mother's creole culture is degraded and disgusting.


YOUR WORDS.  Don't make racist statements about an entire people, calling their culture degraded and then pretend as if you aren't implying that your notion of Indian culture isn't better.

You aren't telling douglas to FULLY embrace who they are.  You tell them to REJECT the part of who they are which you think is disgusting.

Go and tell your wife that you think that she comes from a degraded culture and that you think that YOUR kids (not hers and yours, but YOUR kids).

Peddle your racist filth as you wish and then expect me to rub your face into it.




And in terms of a group which ought to be paranoid its the Afro Guyanese.  In another 15 years there will be MORE mixed than there are blacks.  So blacks will move to being 3rd.

Yet I don't hear all this paranoid nonsense from them as I do from racists like Prashad, who are enraged that they are no longer the majority, so cannot any longer force their way on others, and unilaterally exclude them.

No screams that douglas should only identify as blacks. In fact more a concern that douglas are often rejected by their Indian relatives, or treated as if they are a mistake.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

By not voting, they choose the WORST of the two evils, so they have to live with Trump for 4 years.

If they don't think that their lives will be any better, or any worse, but will remain the same then how is it the worst, in their eyes?

The Democrats need to take this as a lesson that they should not use this most loyal part of their base, and then ignore them until the next election.

2016, 8 years of a black president and its really hard  to prove that the relative position of blacks has improved.  So why would they care as to whether some old white man, or old white lady won?

caribny posted:

And in terms of a group which ought to be paranoid its the Afro Guyanese.  In another 15 years there will be MORE mixed than there are blacks.  So blacks will move to being 3rd.

Yet I don't hear all this paranoid nonsense from them as I do from racists like Prashad, who are enraged that they are no longer the majority, so cannot any longer force their way on others, and unilaterally exclude them.

No screams that douglas should only identify as blacks. In fact more a concern that douglas are often rejected by their Indian relatives, or treated as if they are a mistake.

The caribs of Guyana are many and they are deep vile racist anti-koolie to the core. Carib knows fully well that his people are all over the Caribbean, Brazil and many parts of South America. They do not face the declining numbers that East Indian Guyanese are facing. The reason the douglas who embrace their Indian heritage must make the choice of living an independent state is because with the koolies no longer around in large numbers the douglas will experience an Idi Amin type fate. In the words of Amin. "They will think that they are sitting on fire".



Prashad posted:

The caribs of Guyana are many and they are deep vile racist anti-koolie to the core. Carib knows fully well that his people are all over the Caribbean, Brazil and many parts of South America. They do not face the declining numbers that East Indian Guyanese are facing. The reason the douglas who embrace their Indian heritage must make the choice of living an independent state is because with the koolies no longer around in large numbers the douglas will experience an Idi Amin type fate. In the words of Amin. "They will think that they are sitting on fire".



Its a pity that Prashad is so racist that he hates his own children.  Look at his screams and you wouldn't believe that he has a multi ethnic household in his home.

Does he derive pride that in his household are all the cultural elements which constitute Guyanese culture in its diversity?  And that all these parts must be respected and celebrated.

No shrill and impotent screams that his creole wife has a degraded culture derived from pirates, this culture also representing part of his own kids' heritage.

He hates them, and wishes that he found some Indian woman from some distant village in Bihar or UP who would have ensured Indian "purity" in his home.

What did they do you for you to harbor such intense hatred for them?

As to the nonsense about declining numbers.  India is the number # 2nation on this planet in population, and will over take China in the not too distant future.  Than you can add Pakistan, and Bangladesh.  Bollywood is a powerful entertainment media that goes way beyond that nation's shores, only Hollywood having more geographic impact.

So the fact that you scream about this disappearing Indian population and culture is your Freudian cry.  Go consult a shrink to examine the nature of your problem.

And as to blacks in Brazil.  It is an accepted fact that there will soon not be any left, as they are mixed out of existence.


The carib as a member of the anti-koolie gang that now rules over our East Indian Brothers and Sisters in Guyana is so anti-koolie racist that even though I have ancestry genes from three west African countries he will never see me as having any connection to Africa because of the hatred in his heart for koolies. 125 years of anti-koolie hate cannot be overcome so easily.

Prashad posted:

The carib as a member of the anti-koolie gang that now rules over our East Indian Brothers and Sisters in Guyana is so anti-koolie racist that even though I have ancestry genes from three west African countries he will never see me as having any connection to Africa because of the hatred in his heart for koolies. 125 years of anti-koolie hate cannot be overcome so easily.

caribny posted:


Its a pity that Prashad is so racist that he hates his own children.  Look at his screams and you wouldn't believe that he has a multi ethnic household in his home.

Does he derive pride that in his household are all the cultural elements which constitute Guyanese culture in its diversity?  And that all these parts must be respected and celebrated.

No shrill and impotent screams that his creole wife has a degraded culture derived from pirates, this culture also representing part of his own kids' heritage.


Let me expose this mentally deranged liar for what he is. He REJECTS the right of his kids to identify with BOTH their East Indian father and their Afro European mother.

No he demands that they REJECT the heritage that they get from their mother.

Then he screams that I deny him the right to be part African.

Well HE cannot accept and respect the fact that his kids are at least 25% African, 25% European and 50% East Indian and therefore are DIVERSE, so CANNOT confine their identity to only one race.

Prashad I will charitably say that you are under severe stress from some source. I think that severe emasculation by your wife is your problem. Likely that you kids don't even respect you.

So you think that endless shrieking about some nirvana called Indesh where only Indians can live in some culturally pure haven will solve your problems. Clearly NOT!


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