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Prashad posted:

Carib you are in a bottomless pit of hate for the koolie. .

The person here who is filled with hatred is YOU.  Your kids are part black and you HATE them, so want them to renounce part of their heritage so that you can once again accept them.

Get psychological help.  Your screaming inconsistencies are not good for you as it is indication of a serious mental problem.

What is interesting is that it is YOU who hate being Indian. Look at your avatar. A WHITE man!

Last edited by Former Member

Unless Carib cleanses his heart filled with hatred, especially hatred of Indos, he will NEVER experience inner peace.

Every single post of his is ranting about race. 

He sees the world through a black lens only.

Carib, take a look at Obama's cabinet and please contribute as to why blacks are excluded. You need to start dealing with these types of problems first.

You need to star addressing the source of the lack of black representation in America starting with a Black President and his white cabinet.

Look internally.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Unless Carib cleanses his heart filled with hatred, especially hatred of Indos, he will NEVER experience inner peace.

Every single post of his is ranting about race. 

He sees the world through a black lens only.

Carib, take a look at Obama's cabinet and please contribute as to why blacks are excluded. You need to start dealing with these types of problems first.

You need to star addressing the source of the lack of black representation in America starting with a Black President and his white cabinet.

Look internally.

Carib wants to "Africanize" the world. He is on a one man crusade to do this.

yuji22 posted:


Every single post of his is ranting about race. 


You started this thread which was about race.

Yuji you frequently wail about Indians and how blacks treat them. That is about race.

You are the last one to whine about some one talking about race, especially as your support for Trump is about race.

You live in Canada and boast of your universal healthcare, so logic would suggest that you would support Bernie Sanders, who was the only person discussing this.

No you support Trump because you see a fellow racist like YOU.

Last edited by Former Member

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