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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bizarre.  I did that also and it is saying I am offline.  But I cant be if I am writing here.  Will try to figure it out later. 


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Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Hmmmm.  That did not work.  I clicked on my name and my profile came up.  There is no button to sign out.

Hover your mouse over your name in the top right, then move the mouse down to sign out.

Bibi its on the top left hand cornet under your name at the bottom of the scroll down menu.  I don't know if it's different since I am using a handheld. Check it out. 

Gilbakka posted:

On the uppermost blue bar there are 3 white lines. Click on those lines and you will see BIBI HANIFFA followed by Profile Page, Pending Posts etc all the way down the list to Sign Out.

Eh Eh Gil,

Like you become an expert on Computa and Tek stuff. GNI does not need a Geek Squad Now. We have we on Computa squad.

Gilbakka posted:

On the uppermost blue bar there are 3 white lines. Click on those lines and you will see BIBI HANIFFA followed by Profile Page, Pending Posts etc all the way down the list to Sign Out.

Gil - you gave me the correct answer.  It worked.  You really putting the young ones to shame on this computaaaaa stuff.  Thanks anyway!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

On the uppermost blue bar there are 3 white lines. Click on those lines and you will see BIBI HANIFFA followed by Profile Page, Pending Posts etc all the way down the list to Sign Out.

Gil - you gave me the correct answer.  It worked.  You really putting the young ones to shame on this computaaaaa stuff.  Thanks anyway!!!!

You're welcome, comrade Bibi.

yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

On the uppermost blue bar there are 3 white lines. Click on those lines and you will see BIBI HANIFFA followed by Profile Page, Pending Posts etc all the way down the list to Sign Out.

Eh Eh Gil,

Like you become an expert on Computa and Tek stuff. GNI does not need a Geek Squad Now. We have we on Computa squad.

Shut yuh jealous brahmin rass. Yuh tek me fo one chamar but me is one Chatree wid a capital c.


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