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This is the unfortunate reality that Muslims have to come to grips with. It is not enough to comment that these are not true Muslims or that Islam is against it because unfortunately it is ceaseless. It is also unfortunate also the no amount of Muslims condemnation is working. The amount of death and destruction over the past two decades is disheartening and in the end, the ummah is going to end up being the biggest losers. The ummah is already the biggest victims of these attacks.

Inna lillaahi was inna ilihi rajiun.


I don't think much of the Taliban and would like to see them gone.  However, if they keep their attacks to military targets, then that's less of an issue, it's the nature of war.  Those Taliban banna really clever to pull this one off!!  I don't see a resolution over there without the moderate elements of the Taliban.  They don't seem to be going away anywhere soon.

ba$eman posted:

I don't think much of the Taliban and would like to see them gone.  However, if they keep their attacks to military targets, then that's less of an issue, it's the nature of war.  Those Taliban banna really clever to pull this one off!!  I don't see a resolution over there without the moderate elements of the Taliban.  They don't seem to be going away anywhere soon.

the general heeds to be as ruthless as Genghis Khan. Strategy has to change. Normal western Engagement has to be side stepped and a need to employ Asiatic strategy such as thick black theory so that one does not fall victim to these kinds of attack. Winning has to be the goal and one must be relentless. It is the only way.

Cobra posted:

They are all Muslims that worship Islam. They all read the holy Qur'an. They all kill each other daily and that the way it should be. They are all sinners. They are all backward. 

Only an idiot would make this comment. Anyone with even a 2nd grade understanding would know that the word is Allah and not Islam. I am always at wonder as to why the snake likes to abuse himself the way he does.

Cobra posted:

Hitler should exterminate the Muslims instead of the Jews. These people only taking up space and offers nothing to the world. Talking shit is their favorite subject. 

Muslims are humans. It someone comes for them what makes you think they will not come for you. In the US the Nazis, the Alt right seem to have picked up steam. They are Hitlers Children made glorious with the coronation of Trump. You would be watching your back in time because they will be coming for you,

ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:

I am all in regarding the total destruction and eradication of all of these militant groups.

Not sure, some of these have deep local support!

The supporters are part of the militant groups so they too have to decide if they want to remain part of the militant group or not.

The Afgan young women are mostly afraid.  Many of them, during the early NATO intervention period, had believed that the Taliban was defeated by NATO. Only to see that the Taliban was never defeated but with help, from Pakistan Intelligence and Tribal loyalty has always been present although in a diminished capacity. 

Last edited by Prashad
D2 posted:
Cobra posted:

Hitler should exterminate the Muslims instead of the Jews. These people only taking up space and offers nothing to the world. Talking shit is their favorite subject. 

Muslims are humans. It someone comes for them what makes you think they will not come for you. In the US the Nazis, the Alt right seem to have picked up steam. They are Hitlers Children made glorious with the coronation of Trump. You would be watching your back in time because they will be coming for you,

My guess is that the snake would hope they come for his back, especially his backside.

D2 posted:
Cobra posted:

Hitler should exterminate the Muslims instead of the Jews. These people only taking up space and offers nothing to the world. Talking shit is their favorite subject. 

Muslims are humans. It someone comes for them what makes you think they will not come for you. In the US the Nazis, the Alt right seem to have picked up steam. They are Hitlers Children made glorious with the coronation of Trump. You would be watching your back in time because they will be coming for you,

Bai, relax yuhself.  The Alt Right will be sent packing and Trump's commonsense camp will take over.

Cobby, Hitler or no one should exterminate anyone.  The vermins are the Wahab and their clan.  Remove their influence, most other Muslims are ok, even Chief is redeemable!

Regarding this attack, I really don't have a peeve, this was a solely military target so, well legit whether you agree or disagree with them.  We hit them from 10k feet above and they have no AAA.  This was a result of slackness by the Govt and clever planning by the Taliban!

ksazma posted:
Cobra posted:

They are all Muslims that worship Islam. They all read the holy Qur'an. They all kill each other daily and that the way it should be. They are all sinners. They are all backward. 

Only an idiot would make this comment. Anyone with even a 2nd grade understanding would know that the word is Allah and not Islam. I am always at wonder as to why the snake likes to abuse himself the way he does.

Bai Ksaz, why wonder about things u have no control of. This jackass brays the same way in real life.  The man cant help himself.

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:
Cobra posted:

They are all Muslims that worship Islam. They all read the holy Qur'an. They all kill each other daily and that the way it should be. They are all sinners. They are all backward. 

Only an idiot would make this comment. Anyone with even a 2nd grade understanding would know that the word is Allah and not Islam. I am always at wonder as to why the snake likes to abuse himself the way he does.

Bai Ksaz, why wonder about things u have no control of. This jackass brays the same way in real life.  The man cant help himself.

Not so long ago, this same stupid snake was worshipping ISIS calling them freedom fighters.

ba$eman posted:
D2 posted:
Cobra posted:

Hitler should exterminate the Muslims instead of the Jews. These people only taking up space and offers nothing to the world. Talking shit is their favorite subject. 

Muslims are humans. It someone comes for them what makes you think they will not come for you. In the US the Nazis, the Alt right seem to have picked up steam. They are Hitlers Children made glorious with the coronation of Trump. You would be watching your back in time because they will be coming for you,

Bai, relax yuhself.  The Alt Right will be sent packing and Trump's commonsense camp will take over.

Cobby, Hitler or no one should exterminate anyone.  The vermins are the Wahab and their clan.  Remove their influence, most other Muslims are ok, even Chief is redeemable!

Regarding this attack, I really don't have a peeve, this was a solely military target so, well legit whether you agree or disagree with them.  We hit them from 10k feet above and they have no AAA.  This was a result of slackness by the Govt and clever planning by the Taliban!

Look what is happening to France today. The alt right is a hairs breath from power and with that the destruction of the EU. Last week the Nazis and Alt right beat up all of their opponents at Berkley punching women and men in the face in the name of Trump. They are claiming they have a toe hold with trump and they do not need him because they have support

The Wahabs are not in control of ISIS or Al Queda or any of the hundreds of groups that now infest the region. They are indeed the origin of the disease but it has metastasize to it own virulent strain and we still do not have an antidote to it because we effort them and the people who hide them  rights when we fight them.

Nations have been sanitized in times past many times of particular groups. Marie Le Penne will not win the run off but if she did she promise to remove Muslims on any pretext from France and stop immigration completely. Austria, Sweden, even tolerant Holland all have the same strain of racist white people who can dominate the politics. Presently in the US the only thing that stand between Trump and mass deportations is the democrats and the liberal Press. If he were to make deeper inroads in the mid term he will do it because he man is opportunistic and crave attention


Neo-nazis will always win in street combat and street violence. They are seasoned pros at it.  It is like in the 1979 battle between the American Communist Party vs the KKK that resulted in the Greensboro massacre.  The American Communist party supporters have about four snub nose .38 revolvers.  The klan members were not only well armed with rifles but they were also skilled shooters who practiced in hunts every Sunday.  They had anti-communist supporters in the Greensboro police department also.


Last edited by Prashad
D2 posted:
ba$eman posted:
D2 posted:
Cobra posted:

Hitler should exterminate the Muslims instead of the Jews. These people only taking up space and offers nothing to the world. Talking shit is their favorite subject. 

Muslims are humans. It someone comes for them what makes you think they will not come for you. In the US the Nazis, the Alt right seem to have picked up steam. They are Hitlers Children made glorious with the coronation of Trump. You would be watching your back in time because they will be coming for you,

Bai, relax yuhself.  The Alt Right will be sent packing and Trump's commonsense camp will take over.

Cobby, Hitler or no one should exterminate anyone.  The vermins are the Wahab and their clan.  Remove their influence, most other Muslims are ok, even Chief is redeemable!

Regarding this attack, I really don't have a peeve, this was a solely military target so, well legit whether you agree or disagree with them.  We hit them from 10k feet above and they have no AAA.  This was a result of slackness by the Govt and clever planning by the Taliban!

Look what is happening to France today. The alt right is a hairs breath from power and with that the destruction of the EU. Last week the Nazis and Alt right beat up all of their opponents at Berkley punching women and men in the face in the name of Trump. They are claiming they have a toe hold with trump and they do not need him because they have support

The Wahabs are not in control of ISIS or Al Queda or any of the hundreds of groups that now infest the region. They are indeed the origin of the disease but it has metastasize to it own virulent strain and we still do not have an antidote to it because we effort them and the people who hide them  rights when we fight them.

Nations have been sanitized in times past many times of particular groups. Marie Le Penne will not win the run off but if she did she promise to remove Muslims on any pretext from France and stop immigration completely. Austria, Sweden, even tolerant Holland all have the same strain of racist white people who can dominate the politics. Presently in the US the only thing that stand between Trump and mass deportations is the democrats and the liberal Press. If he were to make deeper inroads in the mid term he will do it because he man is opportunistic and crave attention

ISIS and Al Qaeda are both sponsored out of the House of Saud, head of the Wahab snake.  ISIS and Al Qaeda embraces the Wahab doctrine!

The Alt Right have a toe-hold maybe, but it slipping that is why you got that reaction.  Bannon is being relegated as Trump realizes he needs a more centrist posture.  He is headed there.

Trump needs to come off the fringe agenda and pivot to the economy.  He will get there.

Violent illegal immigrants will be deported and good law-abiding will be given some form of official status.  H1B will be revamped and only high skilled, higher paid individuals will be allowed, opening up opportunities for many Americans who are priced out!

One day, in the not too distant future, you will also cheer for Trump!  You too will get there!

Prashad posted:

Neo-nazis will always win in street combat and street violence. They are seasoned pros at it.  It is like in the 1979 battle between the American Communist Party vs the KKK that resulted in the Greensboro massacre.  The American Communist party supporters have about four snub nose .38 revolvers.  The klan members were not only well armed with rifles but they were also skilled shooters who practiced in hunts every Sunday.  They had anti-communist supporters in the Greensboro police department also.


we do not want the rise of internal adversarial  militias least sane people should not want that. Look at all of the disintegral ME....militia factionalism is the order that prevents central authority and stability

ba$eman posted:
D2 posted:
ba$eman posted:
D2 posted:
Cobra posted:

Hitler should exterminate the Muslims instead of the Jews. These people only taking up space and offers nothing to the world. Talking shit is their favorite subject. 

Muslims are humans. It someone comes for them what makes you think they will not come for you. In the US the Nazis, the Alt right seem to have picked up steam. They are Hitlers Children made glorious with the coronation of Trump. You would be watching your back in time because they will be coming for you,

Bai, relax yuhself.  The Alt Right will be sent packing and Trump's commonsense camp will take over.

Cobby, Hitler or no one should exterminate anyone.  The vermins are the Wahab and their clan.  Remove their influence, most other Muslims are ok, even Chief is redeemable!

Regarding this attack, I really don't have a peeve, this was a solely military target so, well legit whether you agree or disagree with them.  We hit them from 10k feet above and they have no AAA.  This was a result of slackness by the Govt and clever planning by the Taliban!

Look what is happening to France today. The alt right is a hairs breath from power and with that the destruction of the EU. Last week the Nazis and Alt right beat up all of their opponents at Berkley punching women and men in the face in the name of Trump. They are claiming they have a toe hold with trump and they do not need him because they have support

The Wahabs are not in control of ISIS or Al Queda or any of the hundreds of groups that now infest the region. They are indeed the origin of the disease but it has metastasize to it own virulent strain and we still do not have an antidote to it because we effort them and the people who hide them  rights when we fight them.

Nations have been sanitized in times past many times of particular groups. Marie Le Penne will not win the run off but if she did she promise to remove Muslims on any pretext from France and stop immigration completely. Austria, Sweden, even tolerant Holland all have the same strain of racist white people who can dominate the politics. Presently in the US the only thing that stand between Trump and mass deportations is the democrats and the liberal Press. If he were to make deeper inroads in the mid term he will do it because he man is opportunistic and crave attention

ISIS and Al Qaeda are both sponsored out of the House of Saud, head of the Wahab snake.  ISIS and Al Qaeda embraces the Wahab doctrine!

The Alt Right have a toe-hold maybe, but it slipping that is why you got that reaction.  Bannon is being relegated as Trump realizes he needs a more centrist posture.  He is headed there.

Trump needs to come off the fringe agenda and pivot to the economy.  He will get there.

Violent illegal immigrants will be deported and good law-abiding will be given some form of official status.  H1B will be revamped and only high skilled, higher paid individuals will be allowed, opening up opportunities for many Americans who are priced out!

One day, in the not too distant future, you will also cheer for Trump!  You too will get there!

Trump is Trump...a narcissist, who likes to think he is the man. He has no place from the center to the left and that population wise is representative of the larger part of the american ethos. Any who play with the bigots is not worthy in my book...even if the excuse is winning at all cost.

Immigration can be dealt with in reasonable, bi-partisan ways. This posturing about a wall which Mexicans will build and intimidating workers needed in the service and agriculture sector is nothing put massaging racism.

I am sorry to say I am convinced he will continue in his habit of playing both sides of the political divide. However; he is in the theater of government and  he is creating a body of work. Lying and exaggeration  together with making hyperbolic claims about his intellect and aptitude will have a bench mark against which he will be tested.

I have lived here from carter to now trump and never felt any of the presidents were out of their league. I am not sure now.

Prashad posted:

India, Iran and Russia need to keep their relationships and funding with the Northern Alliance contacts. I have said it before. India needs to build a very close relationship with the Tajics.

Prashad, instead of your usual 'saying it before', why don't you provide rationale for your suggestion. How and why will benefits accrue to India as a result of their close relationship with Tajikistan ?   

Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

India, Iran and Russia need to keep their relationships and funding with the Northern Alliance contacts. I have said it before. India needs to build a very close relationship with the Tajics.

Prashad, instead of your usual 'saying it before', why don't you provide rationale for your suggestion. How and why will benefits accrue to India as a result of their close relationship with Tajikistan ?   

I prefer not to answer that question.

Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

India, Iran and Russia need to keep their relationships and funding with the Northern Alliance contacts. I have said it before. India needs to build a very close relationship with the Tajics.

Prashad, instead of your usual 'saying it before', why don't you provide rationale for your suggestion. How and why will benefits accrue to India as a result of their close relationship with Tajikistan ?   

I prefer not to answer that question.

You are unable to answer because you know very well that there is no basis or reason whatsoever for saying so ! In other words, exactly as you did on several previous occasions, you make statements which are not factual and in doing so you hope that maybe there just be a few readers who are gullible and who will probably begin to think that you are well informed. That translates into dishonesty and will surely destroy your already severely limited credibility. I strongly suggest that it will always be much safer to acknowledge that you do not know something instead of trying to hoodwink others. Don't you agree ?

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

India, Iran and Russia need to keep their relationships and funding with the Northern Alliance contacts. I have said it before. India needs to build a very close relationship with the Tajics.

Prashad, instead of your usual 'saying it before', why don't you provide rationale for your suggestion. How and why will benefits accrue to India as a result of their close relationship with Tajikistan ?   

I prefer not to answer that question.

You are unable to answer because you know very well that there is no basis or reason whatsoever for saying so ! In other words, exactly as you did on several previous occasions, you make statements which are not factual and in doing so you hope that maybe there just be a few readers who are gullible and who will probably begin to think that you are well informed. That translates into dishonesty and will surely destroy your already severely limited credibility. I strongly suggest that it will always be much safer to acknowledge that you do not know something instead of trying to hoodwink others. Don't you agree ?

Why should I answer the question and give China some advantage to get land that my ancestors fought and died for?  I will never be a despicable bottomless traitor. Unlike you, I do not represent the interests of Pakistan and the Chinese people.  Even though I am 20 percent Han Chinese. 

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Always remember this Keffer. The Chinese in China and Taiwan always put their people first.  That is why the Dalai Lama got a sound booing when he went to Taiwan. So be proud to be South Asian Brown.


What does 'putting their people first' mean ? If you are suggesting or recommending favoritism or racism, then you can keep that idea to yourself !


It is not about being racist toward another group. It is about standing up for your own culture and history and not adopting some other people identity.  Have you ever heard an Iranian saying " I am a Pakistani or I am an East Indian"  You will never hear that being said.  They always say I am Persian. And some of the politically incorrect Iranian women, if you ask them if they are from Pakistan or India, will say to your face that no Pakistani or East Indian has their white color.  So be proud to be brown.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

It is not about being racist toward another group. It is about standing up for your own culture and history and not adopting some other people identity.  Have you ever heard an Iranian saying " I am a Pakistani or I am an East Indian"  You will never hear that being said.  They always say I am Persian. And some of the politically incorrect Iranian women, if you ask them if they are from Pakistan or India, will say to your face that no Pakistani or East Indian has their white color.  So be proud to be brown.

Prash, you're not making sense. Why would an Iranian say he/she is an Indian ? Do you say you are a German or Italian ? Of course not; same thing for all other peoples so what are you really trying to say ? 

Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

It is not about being racist toward another group. It is about standing up for your own culture and history and not adopting some other people identity.  Have you ever heard an Iranian saying " I am a Pakistani or I am an East Indian"  You will never hear that being said.  They always say I am Persian. And some of the politically incorrect Iranian women, if you ask them if they are from Pakistan or India, will say to your face that no Pakistani or East Indian has their white color.  So be proud to be brown.

Prash, you're not making sense. Why would an Iranian say he/she is an Indian ? Do you say you are a German or Italian ? Of course not; same thing for all other peoples so what are you really trying to say ? Tell me; do you speak Hindi, can you read Hindi, can you write Hindi ? You are suggesting that you maintain your cultural practices, however, can you read Hindi, can you write Hindi, do you understand Hindi ? I will not claim that I am fully fluent in Hindi but I am willing to bet; any amount of money, that I can read, write, speak and understand Hindi far better than you can. I have little difficulty in making myself understood when I am in Hindi-speaking parts of India. So where Indian culture is concerned I know what my capabilities are. During my last trip to Guyana, there was a yagna in my village and, given that I knew almost all the adults and a good number of the younger people, I attended several nights and had to correct the pandit with his English translations quite a few times. I began learning Hindi through the auspices of the cultural attache at the Indian High Commission (his name was Yogi Raj) when I was a high school student in Georgetown many years ago. Furthermore, in both the junior and the senior exams, which were adjudicated by the Guyana Pandits Council, I topped the results for the entire country. In other words, I did substantially better than many pandits who sat for exactly the same examinations ! I still have several large Hindi dictionaries and I still use them quite often. I am willing to bet that I far more fluent in Hindi than you are !  In short, do not make the mistake of thinking that, because you are a Hindu, it follows that you know Indian culture better than others.        


Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

India, Iran and Russia need to keep their relationships and funding with the Northern Alliance contacts. I have said it before. India needs to build a very close relationship with the Tajics.

Prashad, instead of your usual 'saying it before', why don't you provide rationale for your suggestion. How and why will benefits accrue to India as a result of their close relationship with Tajikistan ?   

I prefer not to answer that question.

You are unable to answer because you know very well that there is no basis or reason whatsoever for saying so ! In other words, exactly as you did on several previous occasions, you make statements which are not factual and in doing so you hope that maybe there just be a few readers who are gullible and who will probably begin to think that you are well informed. That translates into dishonesty and will surely destroy your already severely limited credibility. I strongly suggest that it will always be much safer to acknowledge that you do not know something instead of trying to hoodwink others. Don't you agree ?

Why should I answer the question and give China some advantage to get land that my ancestors fought and died for?  I will never be a despicable bottomless traitor. Unlike you, I do not represent the interests of Pakistan and the Chinese people.  Even though I am 20 percent Han Chinese. 

You have absolutely no clue or idea of who I am, what I do and where I work so your suggestion that I "represent the interests of Pakistan' is pure bullshit ! Wherever you got that idea, get it out of your head ! I can tell that you do not know Hindi; written or spoken, you have never been to the Indian sub-continent; neither India nor Pakistan, and are therefore in no position whatsoever to lecture me about my loyalties ! I do not care if you are 20%, 50% or 100% East Indian, the truth is you have never been to India or Pakistan so to make the assumption that I am partial to a particular people or country is a figment of your imagination ...plain and simple, it is bullshit ! The UN does not casually sent its people into environments that are potentially hostile to them so you would do well to ask questions instead of arriving at conclusions based on your imaginations, presumptions or prejudice ! 

Prashad posted:

Keffer on a serious note here. Now did you learn to speak Hindi and Urdu?  You use to hang around those Muftis and Pandits in Guyana?   

You are perfectly free to conclude whatever you wish. I did not hang around with anybody; Muftis or Pandits. There used to be a cultural attache position within the Indian High Commission in Guyana years ago while I was a student at Queens College in Guyana; maybe there still is such a position. A good friend of mine, Raj Ohneshwere (originally from Fyrish, Corentyne and now residing in Minnesota) and I found out that the attache, Sri Yogi Raj, used to teach Hindi at his home three evenings per week. Because of our interest in Hindi film songs in those days, Raj and I decided to enrolled for the classes. At that time we were unaware that the classes were aimed primarily at young and upcoming pandits so we got signed up and started attending classes. The still remember that the first books that we used were called Hindi Kathamala and Hindi Rachna. I understand that the records are still maintained and therefore still show that I obtained the highest marks ever at both junior and senior levels. I still remember when, in the presence of a number of high-profile seniors from the Pandits Council and others from other Hindu organizations like the Maha Sabha and Gandhi Youth Organization, Sri Yogi Raj announced that I obtained the highest ever recorded marks for the junior exam. A few months later, the same thing happened when we took the Senior examination. I actually beat all the pandits in Guyana in those days so for me it was quite an achievement.  In those days it was quite difficult to obtain Hindi study material so the Indian High Commission assisted us. I kept in tough with Hindi and managed to get several large dictionaries after I came away from Guyana. I still have them and lots of other Hindi grammar books. My buddy Raj and I are still in frequent contact as we speak to each other very frequently. My various travels to India and Pakistan have been very helpful too ! I also have a close relationship with Dr. Budhendra Doobay, a leading and highly respected cardiologists, who heads up Vishnu Mandir, one of the largest and most prominent Hindu temples in Canada. Hindi and Urdu have numerous similarities as 1) there are many common words and 2) sentence construction is exactly the same in both languages. The scripts of the two languages are very different and most people agree that Urdu is more descriptive and is therefore more romantic or cultured.  

Keffer posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

It is not about being racist toward another group. It is about standing up for your own culture and history and not adopting some other people identity.  Have you ever heard an Iranian saying " I am a Pakistani or I am an East Indian"  You will never hear that being said.  They always say I am Persian. And some of the politically incorrect Iranian women, if you ask them if they are from Pakistan or India, will say to your face that no Pakistani or East Indian has their white color.  So be proud to be brown.

Prash, you're not making sense. Why would an Iranian say he/she is an Indian ? Do you say you are a German or Italian ? Of course not; same thing for all other peoples so what are you really trying to say ? Tell me; do you speak Hindi, can you read Hindi, can you write Hindi ? You are suggesting that you maintain your cultural practices, however, can you read Hindi, can you write Hindi, do you understand Hindi ? I will not claim that I am fully fluent in Hindi but I am willing to bet; any amount of money, that I can read, write, speak and understand Hindi far better than you can. I have little difficulty in making myself understood when I am in Hindi-speaking parts of India. So where Indian culture is concerned I know what my capabilities are. During my last trip to Guyana, there was a yagna in my village and, given that I knew almost all the adults and a good number of the younger people, I attended several nights and had to correct the pandit with his English translations quite a few times. I began learning Hindi through the auspices of the cultural attache at the Indian High Commission (his name was Yogi Raj) when I was a high school student in Georgetown many years ago. Furthermore, in both the junior and the senior exams, which were adjudicated by the Guyana Pandits Council, I topped the results for the entire country. In other words, I did substantially better than many pandits who sat for exactly the same examinations ! I still have several large Hindi dictionaries and I still use them quite often. I am willing to bet that I far more fluent in Hindi than you are !  In short, do not make the mistake of thinking that, because you are a Hindu, it follows that you know Indian culture better than others.        


Keffer you got the wrong man here. I have never been to a Hindu temple. Not something that I am proud of. I have been to mosques several times to attend funerals but that is it. Religion and me don't seem to get along.

ksazma posted:

Back in the days when Indian movie songs were Urdu, they indeed sounded more romantic than the songs nowadays but that may be more to do with the times. That said, how come Urdu songs from Pakistan are not as nice as the ones from India?

I am no expert but I know for sure that, if you ask folks who are familiar with Hindi and Urdu, the overwhelming majority of them will be adamant that Urdu is far more discreet and 'cultured' than Hindi. For example, the Hindi word for 'you' is 'tum'; there is no 'tum' in Urdu. The Urdu word is 'aap', which is a respectful way of addressing someone. An old Hindu guy, at whose home I had dinner several times during my visits to Lucknow, told me that, strictly speaking, it is quite difficult to be rude to others in Urdu because there are very few harsh/foul words in that language. While, strictly speaking, this is not perfectly true, it does illustrate this particular element of 'culture' in Urdu. In his opinion, it is precisely for this reason that ghazals are almost never ever written in Hindi. Of course, coming from the Caribbean, I took the opportunity to seek his views on music and singing. I was a somewhat embarrassed after asking him about this because he scolded me somewhat harshly for not knowing that the overwhelming majority of the kingpins of Shastriya Sangeet (classical Indian music) have for generations been Muslims. Being a student of this genre of Indian music, I was familiar with the most of the names that he recited to me but I was not really up-to-speed on the significance of their individual contributions. He scoffed at Pt. Ravi Shankar when we talked about sitar exponents; in his view Ustad Vilayat Khan could have been Pt. Ravi Shankar's teacher. With respect to Urdu songs, I do not share your opinion and Pakistani songs. Over the past few years I have acquired quite a bit of music, instrumental, ghazal and naat from Pakistan and in my view that is dynamite stuff. I would agree with you if you say that Pakistanis seem to have a degree of aversion to music. There are Muslims in Guyana who also feel that way; I really do not know why that is so. I know that Pakistan presently has some fabulous singers and they are quite popular; not only in India but worldwide. What would the Ghazal world be without Ustad Mehdi Hassan and Ustad Ghulam Ali ? You must have heard of Noor Jehan and Reshma (who passed away recently). Present day artistes include Rahat Ali Khan (son of Farid Ali Khan and nephew of the great Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan), Shafqat Amanat Ali, Ali Zafar and of course Atif Aslam who is, in my humble view, a fabulous singer despite what the bigoted, long-time Muslim-hater Abhijeet had to say about him. My dear friend, the late Onkar Singh, who was my music mentor used to tell me repeatedly that no group contributed more richly or significantly to classical Indian music and ghazals than Muslims. I hope I haven't bored anyone with the above ....

skeldon_man posted:

Raj Ohneshwere (originally from Fyrish, Corentyne and now residing in Minnesota)

Never heard of this Raj Ohneswere in MN. Maybe he uses an alias like most Guyanese men.

Do you live in Minnesota ? If you do or have spent any time there you will surely know that there is a large number Indo-Guyanese there. I was quite surprised to see so many of our countrymen when I visited for the first time. The story is that a university in Mancato accepted a number of Guyanese students many years ago and was very helpful in assisting graduates to find jobs when they completed their tuition. As a consequence, many were able to settle there and therefore never returned to Guyana.  

Prashad posted:

Keffer is a good example for the East Indian youth to follow.

Bahut Shukhriya, Bhaiyya !

The tragedy is that, despite the pristine beauty of Shastriya Sangeet (classical Hindustani music) and Ghazal, the combined influence of alcohol and the foul, reprehensible garbage called Chutney have already had a significant negative impact on a large percentage of people in Guyana & Trinidad ...and even here in Canada and the USA as well ! To my way of thinking, it is shameful that idiots like Terry Gajraj and a host of like-minded Guyanese and Trinidadians are now regarded as big stars; despite the fact that they cannot even differentiate 'sa' from 'pa' in the sargam (sa re ga ma pa dha ni sa) ! If any of you have been back to Guyana lately and spent any time in our countryside villages you would understand how substantial the degradation has been. What a shame !    

Last edited by Keffer

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