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Originally posted by Miraver:
Mr. TAS, how was the book signing event yesterday?

Thanks for asking Mira. It went pretty well.

There were a few other local author's present.

I will be back there today for a couple of hours more from 12- 2pm

( The town has a "Town Tag Sale" this Columbus day weekend - so lots of people passing through)

Guys, it has been a while.


Since that time, I have completed and published a third book in the series - Valeran Venture.


Here is one review of it -


The action-packed third novel of the 2884 series: Valeran Venture, does not disappoint as Xander and company becomes entangled in the politics and war of a world desperately fighting for its independence against technologically superior conquerors. T.A. Sankar unfolds a suspenseful, epic battle against all odds, with a group of child prodigies struggling to defend their home from a fleet of powerful battleships using just their mind power to control
computerized missiles. Yet the fight remains deeply personal, propelled by a few strong personalities: the beautiful, fiercely independent girl-queen Calithea, the orphaned hero Ruan,and the maniacal, power-hungry Commander Voltar. Readers will be captivated by the story of an underdog world fighting to remain free, and engrossed by the power dynamics developedamong these unforgettable characters. From military officials plotting to undermine one another
to the heroic Captains Kris and Yudis grappling with the morality of war to Xander’s ill-fated romance with Calithea, Valeran Venture is a gripping, multilayered story that explores power and conflict from the scale of the galactic to the level of the individual.

Gabrielle, MD


More info here -

Originally Posted by TAS:

Since that time, I have completed and published a third book in the series - Valeran Venture.


It takes a lot of effort, focus, discipline, hard work and will power to write a book---you have written three. I wish you all the best. And you are 100% right---children must be encouraged to read from the cradle---as the old saying goes, "reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."


Once again congratulations.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TAS:

Since that time, I have completed and published a third book in the series - Valeran Venture.


It takes a lot of effort, focus, discipline, hard work and will power to write a book---you have written three. I wish you all the best. And you are 100% right---children must be encouraged to read from the cradle---as the old saying goes, "reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."


Once again congratulations.






Thanks for the kind words Rev Al.


I see you are now on at 6.00 p.m. on MSNBC

Originally Posted by TAS:
Originally Posted by IGH:


I read the ist book... still have to read the 2nd and the just publishe 3rd.

Reommend TAS' books especially for teenagers...

You got to hurry up IGH.


I do think I've mailed you the third one.


You don't HAVE to read Kaluptan Quest (2nd book) before Valeran Venture (3rd book)


I think I was one of the first person who go the 3rd book.

Guys, if you buy directly fron TAS - he will autograph the boos for you at no extra cost.


Thanks for the promo IGH.


Members of this forum can indeed get the book at cost from me. I will autograph it for you. I will also mail it to you (just add the cost of mailing - about $5.00)


Appreciate the support in the past and now.


My contact info is on the author's website


And whilst there - please give the author's FB page a "Like" to stay informed of updates/ Fun Facts etc

Originally Posted by Sunil:

Will get a copy Tas. I remember reading Issac Asimov as a kid.

My books are "not as complicated" as Asimov as I write for a 11-16 audience, but it an honor to get mentioned in the same line


Sunil - if you are in the US - I will be happy to mail you an autographed copy at cost.


Looks like you are in the UK - so it is sometimes easier to get those electronically (Kindle or Nook) or by Amazon, Barnes and Noble etc


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