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Former Member

The 10 Most Racist Countries in the World

David Grant, 03.20.15, Source


The 10 Most Racist Countries in the World


Racism continues to be a major problem throughout the world. It divides continents, countries and even villages over race, religion or just skin color. Despite laws and International intervention, racism is still very much a problem today in many countries. This list looks at the 10 most racist countries in the world.


As a whole, racism is bad for society, but gets even worse when it manifests into slavery, segregation, genocide and war. Obviously any war or event where lives are taken is the pinnacle of racism, but it starts with basic discrimination that is not typically tied to quality of life or even region of the world. This is a widespread problem that continues to be a work in progress.


Two countries that just missed the list are United Kingdom and Australia. The British don’t like anyone coming from India living in their world. They also show spite toward the neighboring French as well as other Asian and Western countries. In Britain, race becomes political with parties attempting to draw lines on which immigrants should be welcomed in their country. In recent years Australia has created stricter laws to dampen discrimination; however, there continues to be hate against “outsiders”, specifically Indians who are often targeted and find themselves the victim of hate crimes.


Racism is degrading and wrong, a lot of what is referred to as “radical” racism has been abolished; however, there are many countries where racism still prevails. Here’s a list of those countries.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

10. United States of America




Despite being called the land of the free the US is full of racism in just about every pocket of the country. Hate breeding from the color of someone’s skin brings crime and discrimination throughout, especially in the southern and Midwest states where racism is a common part of life. A large portion of racism in the US is black vs. white, but also Asians and even Native Americans are often treated unfairly. This builds a lot of tension that has seen riots, staged (and un-staged) protests and conflicts with law enforcement, often resulting in assault, arrest and sometimes even death.




9. Saudi Arabia

shutterstock_Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is a very rich and powerful country due to their oil resources. The problem is how they use their power by exploiting their neighboring (not as rich) countries such as India and Pakistan. Saudi Arabia will use people from these developing countries for jobs that pay little and offer poor conditions. On top of that they are not treated well, are forced to live in conditions not suited for mankind. In addition to the labor issues, Saudi Arabia also shows racist tendencies against other Arab countries, refusing to allow others into their country, or treating them poorly if they seek refuge.


8. Rwanda


In 1994, two ethnic races, the Tutsi and Hutu tribes were in a conflict that eventually escalated into the death of over 800,000 people in Rwanda. It was the Hutu tribe that carried out what was essentially an execution of the Tutsi population. The elimination of so many people was a low point for the country and for human kind in general. The genocide is still fresh in the region and for good reason tension continues to exist. At any moment the hate these two sides have for each other could once again explode and lead to the deaths of many more.


7. Russia


The Russian government and people have seen a lot of change over the past 30 years so it’s really no surprise that in some cases racism has become part of this change. Essentially, the people of Russia don’t like anyone who is not Russian. The list includes Asians, Caucasians, Chinese and again, really anyone that is not ethnically Russian. The hate and discrimination is felt in both rural and urban parts of the country. The government continues to try and curb this behavior, but racism still thrives in Russia which already has a rich past of racism related conflict and hate.


6. Pakistan


For ages, the Shia and Sunni sects have hated each other and been at war. There doesn’t appear to be an end in sight. Pakistan is also always at war with India (another conflict that has seemingly gone on forever will little to nothing done about it), leading to much racism between the two countries. That’s apparently not enough as Africans and other countries have had instances of discrimination against them by both the Pakistani people and government. Conflict, and the racism that comes from it, is very political in Pakistan and is watched closely internationally.


5. South Africa


Nelson Mandela and the Anti-Apartheid movement made racism illegal in South Africa; however, you don’t have to look far to see it is still very much part of the South African culture and daily life. Racism is so prevalent here that pricing for goods and services are dependent on your race and the color of your skin. Groups that promote racist violence are now arrested, but it still hasn’t stopped the constant discrimination in this country. Mandela put in the legal framework to make South Africa better, but change doesn’t happen overnight, South Africa is an example of a place that needs time in order to change.


4. Japan


Even though Japan is a first world country with laws against racism they continue to discriminate against most anyone who is not a Japanese native. Japan is 98 percent native people and the government does not typically allow people from other countries to come and live in their country. This is especially the case with Muslims who are rarely allowed into Japan because the government believes the two cultures have “compatibility” issues. That’s blatant racism that the government refers to as “positive discrimination.” There is nothing positive when you are knowingly keeping “outsiders” from entering your country. Clearly this is negative and clearly the government doesn’t care.


3. Israel


Where to start with Israel? It feels like the hatred directed at Israel and then back toward others started before humankind. The conflicts between the Israelis, Israeli Arabs and Palestinians are an open-ended war that bubbles up constantly resulting in violence and death. After World War II, the Jews were given a new state and anyone who was living there became refugees. This has been the latest reason of a long list of reasons for conflict and dislike between these groups. The United Nations and other countries have attempted to work out peaceful endings, but all cease fires have been temporary. This constant war breeds not only hatred, but discrimination is extensive.


2. Germany


Given their history, it may be a while before all the hate is wiped out of Germany. Hitler may have left long ago, but Germany remains a racist country where some Germans still feel they are superior to everyone else. Oh, and then there are the Neo-Nazis. Both the United Nations and German government are working hard to stop the Neo-Nazi groups that continue to preach anti-Semitic messages, but they have not been successful in removing the group in its entirety. If that’s not enough (and it should be), German political parties have even been accused of facilitating Neo-Nazi propaganda. Germany is the perfect example of what happens when you have a leader that breeds hate in his country. Hopefully someday the feeling of a “superior race” will be replaced by more welcoming arms.


1. India


Racism in India is pretty straight forward which makes it even worse than these other examples. A child is taught early on in Indian culture that people with white skin are superior to people with dark skin, hence, the hatred toward Africans and other countries with dark skin. What’s surprising is how India doesn’t really acknowledge this attitude; instead, insisting they live in a culture rich in diversity that doesn’t discriminate. In addition to this clearly racist viewpoint, there is xenophobia, a division between the Hindus and Muslims as well as people from the regions of Marathi Manoos and Biharis.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. India


Racism in India is pretty straight forward which makes it even worse than these other examples. A child is taught early on in Indian culture that people with white skin are superior to people with dark skin, hence, the hatred toward Africans and other countries with dark skin. What’s surprising is how India doesn’t really acknowledge this attitude; instead, insisting they live in a culture rich in diversity that doesn’t discriminate. In addition to this clearly racist viewpoint, there is xenophobia, a division between the Hindus and Muslims as well as people from the regions of Marathi Manoos and Biharis.


Originally Posted by Cobra:
You mean to tell me that the land of my ancestors is numero uno for racism. I'll be damn.

When we see you, baseman, rev, Nehru, conscience, yuji and others, why your shock?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. India


Racism in India is pretty straight forward which makes it even worse than these other examples. A child is taught early on in Indian culture that people with white skin are superior to people with dark skin, hence, the hatred toward Africans and other countries with dark skin. What’s surprising is how India doesn’t really acknowledge this attitude; instead, insisting they live in a culture rich in diversity that doesn’t discriminate. In addition to this clearly racist viewpoint, there is xenophobia, a division between the Hindus and Muslims as well as people from the regions of Marathi Manoos and Biharis.

Biharis like Cobra, Rev and Yugi are despised by their fellow Indians in India. They are scorned even more when they are tainted by being around blacks in the Caribbean.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
You mean to tell me that the land of my ancestors is numero uno for racism. I'll be damn.

When we see you, baseman, rev, Nehru, conscience, yuji and others, why your shock?

Well, coming from the King Kong Afro-centric racist, that's very flattering.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
You mean to tell me that the land of my ancestors is numero uno for racism. I'll be damn.

Had I not lived there, traveled widely and interacted as in depth as I did, I would have agreed without exception.  However, I believe the assessment is not totally correct just based on my experiences and observations.


First, we talking Indian vs Indian.  Indians do hold prejudices about other Indians but I did not find that has to do with skin color, there are a myriad of reasons why Indians exclude others and this is still more prevalent among non-urban Indians.  I saw Indians of darker complexion objecting to marriage regardless of the fact the other was "fairer".  The objected on clan, caste, region, ethnicity, etc.


Being there in my capacity and having attended many VP, CFO, CEO and other such conferences, I was surprised at what I saw.  When I first went, my belief was that I will be only only "black-boy" in the group.  To my amazement, 75% of the people everywhere I went were always much darker and many top speakers also.  What I found in India, the great "equalizer" in that society was education.  People's careers in India are based on qualification and performance.  I had this in my own organization and saw it, no one cares about color or religion when it came to performance and advancement.  The CEO and top business leaders in my company were very dark, some South Indian highly educated and hard working.  That is what mattered.  And this I found throughout India.


Now, there are areas of "color consciousness" and this I found in the hospitality sector especially those catering to foreigners, especially Middle-Easterners.  They tend to have a favor for being served by the fair-skinned and female.  King Fisher Airline is the king of this practice and some other airlines have fallen into this practice.  However, there are airlines which explicitly state the will not follow-suit and it was good for their business as most Indians are dark anyway.  Bear in mind, most of these jobs are not requiring advanced college degrees anyway.  Yet, go into their back office and senior management, the story is different.


The other area still, men generally prefer a slightly "fairer" wife.  This put pressure on the females however, once again having a good education is a major mitigating factor.  A lot of educated guys opt for an educated partner.  But in fairness, this is where all this "skin-whitening" tactics do come into play.  An educated female with a light complexion is a "premium product".  This is true even among Africans in Africa and in Guyana.  Black guys in GT love to pose with there fair-skinned "dulahin", regardless of Caribj rants.


The other myth is that low class/caste are all dark skinned.  This is not true either, though it would appear so at a glance as these people are usually rustic and sun-burnt.  However, I visited slums and OBC villages (Other Backward Castes - low caste) and found the range in complexions, eye and hair color.  I also met many highly religious highly educated Southerners and they carried a Dinka complexion.  They are no less and no more than anyone else.


In the end, people should not be judged by the color of their skin, their religion, etc.  People deserve a fair and equal opportunity to live their dreams based on merit.  However, who people chose to marry and raise a family with, that's a most personal decision and should not be a barometer for judgement.


This was my experience and observations spending several years in India.


Caribj, not because Indians in Guyana prefer their kids to marry their own means they are racist, get over it man.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. India


Racism in India is pretty straight forward which makes it even worse than these other examples. A child is taught early on in Indian culture that people with white skin are superior to people with dark skin, hence, the hatred toward Africans and other countries with dark skin. What’s surprising is how India doesn’t really acknowledge this attitude; instead, insisting they live in a culture rich in diversity that doesn’t discriminate. In addition to this clearly racist viewpoint, there is xenophobia, a division between the Hindus and Muslims as well as people from the regions of Marathi Manoos and Biharis.

Biharis like Cobra, Rev and Yugi are despised by their fellow Indians in India. They are scorned even more when they are tainted by being around blacks in the Caribbean.

Gilbakka is ashamed to be an Indian.

Seriously, I grew up with black neighbours, teachers and schoolmates. Putting aside the 1963-64 racial disturbances when both Afros and Indos committed atrocities, blacks have generally treated me with consideration, cordiality and respect. When I was a PPP activist 1969-1992, I kept a lot of close black friends who respected my party preference, but some of my own Indo comrades harboured suspicions especially when they learnt that I was entertaining black house guests. I couldn't care less.

I must confess, though, that in my early youth I preferred fair-skin girlfriends. But I outgrew that quickly.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, not because Indians in Guyana prefer their kids to marry their own means they are racist, get over it man.

Don't care the slightest who people marry.  Do care when an Indian is the hiring manager and in G/T hires only one black out of the 20 folks who he offered jobs to.


Please tell me, given the demographics of G/T, how this will be possible unless there is a definite bias against blacks, with the lucky one hired just used to disguise the obvious racism involved.


Do care when black taxi drivers at GEO tell me that they don't bother with flights arriving from Toronto as the Indians will walk right passed them to select an Indian, only using them when no Indians are available.


Do care when Indians have to go beg black islanders for work, and yet still peddle the notion that "blacks are lazy and ought to be lucky that Indians live in Guyana".


That is the racism which hurts blacks.  And in fact even your feeling that blacks pine to marry Indians just indicates your notion that we are superior.


So getting back to the airport.  Here is what I am told. Blacks will jump into the first taxi who they see, regardless of race.  Many Indians jump into the first taxi who they see DRIVEN BY AN INDIAN. 


You see for many Guyanese Indians, being INDIAN is all that matters.  This is not an attitude which wins you popularity contests in a multi racial society, which is why the "coolie party" lost.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
, but some of my own Indo comrades harboured suspicions especially when they learnt that I was entertaining black house guests. I couldn't care less.


I have never heard Afro Guyanese lambasting a black person for having Indian friends.


Racism exists within both communities, but let us be honest.  There is a strong element of ethnocentrism among Indians.  Do they do this because they hate blacks?  Maybe or maybe not.  But in a multi racial society when a decision makers makes decisions based on race it hurts others.


Indo Guyanese need to discuss amongst themselves how their ethnocentrism is viable in a multi racial society when they are still the largest group.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Knowing the way u think, if u were an employer, I am sure there will be no Indians on your payroll.


U r what u r. And no amount of prestige will make u into a non-racist. 

And what proof do you have of that?  The fact that YOUR refusal to hire blacks, as you think that they are lazy, is something that I will loudly comment on?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
You mean to tell me that the land of my ancestors is numero uno for racism. I'll be damn.

When we see you, baseman, rev, Nehru, conscience, yuji and others, why your shock?

An inhuman RACIST Serpent like you calling others racist.  Laad Ah Mercy. Dat isa good one for today!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

DG, Note of caution also, if the source was the UN or other such Org I would accept but I will wait for other confirmation.

I feel a little embarrass that Bharat Mata is number one on the list for racism. I believe they made a mistake. I wonder where Guyanese learn racism from?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

DG, Note of caution also, if the source was the UN or other such Org I would accept but I will wait for other confirmation.

I feel a little embarrass that Bharat Mata is number one on the list for racism. I believe they made a mistake. I wonder where Guyanese learn racism from?

Bhai, This is the Internet age, Dog, Cat, Caribj or anyone else can write whatever they feel like write.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

DG, Note of caution also, if the source was the UN or other such Org I would accept but I will wait for other confirmation.

Of course Nehru.


One should note that with these types of information, the optics are with the originator.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

And how do u know there r no blacks in my employ.

And how do you know that I will not hire Indians?

because u mean spirited. Never read anyone like u. Whenever I die(hope a lang time from now) and I am permitted to keep my consciousness. I am going to inquire from St. Peter why u like dat.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

DG, Note of caution also, if the source was the UN or other such Org I would accept but I will wait for other confirmation.

I feel a little embarrass that Bharat Mata is number one on the list for racism. I believe they made a mistake. I wonder where Guyanese learn racism from?

Bhai, This is the Internet age, Dog, Cat, Caribj or anyone else can write whatever they feel like write.

Bhai, let's accept that racism is inherited and it's a way of life to see people different. Guyana will always see black and brown as America sees black and white. 

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
You mean to tell me that the land of my ancestors is numero uno for racism. I'll be damn.

Indians are not only racistto others but to their own Indians

Did u read Baseman, the man lived in India for a while. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

And how do u know there r no blacks in my employ.

And how do you know that I will not hire Indians?

because u mean spirited. Never read anyone like u. Whenever I die(hope a lang time from now) and I am permitted to keep my consciousness. I am going to inquire from St. Peter why u like dat.

I dont know why you like to make thing difficult for yourself. He is a Racist Pig, plain and Simple.  End of story!!!  Leave St Perer alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

DG, Note of caution also, if the source was the UN or other such Org I would accept but I will wait for other confirmation.

I feel a little embarrass that Bharat Mata is number one on the list for racism. I believe they made a mistake. I wonder where Guyanese learn racism from?

Bhai, This is the Internet age, Dog, Cat, Caribj or anyone else can write whatever they feel like write.

Bhai, let's accept that racism is inherited and it's a way of life to see people different. Guyana will always see black and brown as America sees black and white. 

Is not racism as so much knowing ur place. The bloodline is still important today as ancient times. Let us not confuse the issue. Redux and Caribj are measures of what a racist is like. Some religions practice racism as well.


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