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The first polls closed at 6 PM eastern time in most of Maine (4), Kentucky (8) and Indiana (11), all States that are solid Republican. While only two States do not have all-or-nothing winners, Maine and Nebraska can have their Electoral College votes divvied up.

So the first results will give Trump at least a 19 - 0 lead over Hillary with maybe the 4 Maine split or 3 to 1 for Trump.

At 7 PM in 3 minutes more States will close their polls. So keep it here for running results.

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Kari posted:

Georgia (16) and Virginia (13) have closed. The Black vote is crucial in Georgia. This will tell a lot about Caribny's famed turnout.

The KKK is riding so blacks will vote out of fear.

Get back to me when the GOP candidate isn't a KKK fan, retweeting their screams.

I can tell that you like black fear based voting.  They vote for a party which does nothing for them, because they fear another which will do something to them.

Of course when blacks demand attention in exchange for ensuring that the Democrats win folks like you display your closet racism by screaming that they want handouts.

Bet you didn't say anything when white women demanded that the White House set up a special initiative to deal with their issues. BTW black women count themselves as black before they count themselves as women because when the cops harass them they rain blows on these women as if they are men.


Hillary has won 8 safe Democratic States and Trump has won 8 safe Republican States, 3 not-so-safe and 1 contested but leaning Republican (West Virginia that he could have lost). So from Trump's perspective he's doing better than expected in the earlier going.

Hillary's not-so-safe and contested but leaning emocratic have not yet come in and I believe that's the key.

Therefore look out for Florida and North Carolina as leaning Democratic but contested and Pennsylvania and Ohio that are not-so-safe but she should win.

Watch those 4 States.


Rust Belt State Michigan - Trump is doping a Brexit here or what? Well, it's early yet but the counties that reported are the ones Obama carried handily and Hillary is in a tough fight.

If Pennsylvania holds, one of her firewall State will make it difficult for Trump.

However I have to say that Trump is doing better than the 320 to 218 Ii expected, and it's reflected in the Senate race also - the Dems may not get that magical +4 they need.

What this all says is that Republicans stayed true to their party and Independents were shy of Hillary more than Trump. But it's early yet. The takeaway is that it is not the runaway that seemed likely. It's a fight.


Keep perspective here folks. So far the only key statistic is that Trump has =won one battleground State Ohio. All other wins for either candidate have been as expected.

That said Florida (which Hillary can afford to lose) doesn't look good for her. She just needs two States to win - Pennsylvania (which looks good for her) and Michigan - we'll see.


By my estimate Safe + Close Hillary will have 255 Electoral votes. The leaves Florida, No Carolina, Arizona, Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire that were leaning Democrat for her to get the needed 15.

She looks good in Nevada (6) and New Hampshire (4). She could lose Florida and No. Carolina as looks likely and she can still win Wisconsin (10) with Arizona (11)0 to spare.


Give Trump Florida and add California and Oregon. It's now:

TRUMP   216          Hillary  197

Hillary needs 73. Here's how she can do it.

She's sure to win Washington (12), Minnesota (10), Vermont (3). that's 25. That leaves 48. These are leaning Democrat - Arizona (11), Nevada (6), New Hampshire (4). that leaves 27. She will win Pennsylvania (20) where she leads. that's 7. Michigan is 16.

Hello Michigan.

Kari posted:

Give Trump Florida and add California and Oregon. It's now:

TRUMP   216          Hillary  197

Hillary needs 73. Here's how she can do it.

She's sure to win Washington (12), Minnesota (10), Vermont (3). that's 25. That leaves 48. These are leaning Democrat - Arizona (11), Nevada (6), New Hampshire (4). that leaves 27. She will win Pennsylvania (20) where she leads. that's 7. Michigan is 16.

Hello Michigan.

You need to go play with the map. We lost.


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