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A party that promised to take an independent path and build trust went on a crazy excursion with the notorious PNC raising old fears of a return to a Burnham-style dictatorship. From supporting budget cuts to issuing a vote of no confidence the AFC cannot get anymore cozier with the PPP's arch-enemy, the People's National Congress. Why would the people in regions 5 and 6 not be disappointed with what the AFC has been doing in the parliament? Election will be here soon and the electorate are not going to be very easy to convince that the AFC is an independent party. Most of those who voted AFC are now watching in horror how their votes are working for Congress House. Why would anyone who cherishes democracy give his/her vote to a party that throws their weight behind the PNC?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Get your backside of of here. The AFC has nothing to explain. The PNC is a surrogate of the PPP. That is a historically established fact of life. All the thieving and murdering of the last 60 years have been under the PNC and PPP watch. The PPP is now busy bringing in India and China to thief off everything left. Only the AFC can stop these thieves and have them locked up.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A party that promised to take an independent path and build trust went on a crazy excursion with the notorious PNC raising old fears of a return to a Burnham-style dictatorship. From supporting budget cuts to issuing a vote of no confidence the AFC cannot get anymore cozier with the PPP's arch-enemy, the People's National Congress. Why would the people in regions 5 and 6 not be disappointed with what the AFC has been doing in the parliament? Election will be here soon and the electorate are not going to be very easy to convince that the AFC is an independent party. Most of those who voted AFC are now watching in horror how their votes are working for Congress House. Why would anyone who cherishes democracy give his/her vote to a party that throws their weight behind the PNC?

Quit the bull. The AFC has to have a partner to be effective since their vote count is meaningless without voting with one or the other group. Where has that option arose to vote with the PPP?


Do you think dog whistling about "Burnham style" dictatorship has any resonance when we are in the thrall of a corrupt, autocratic regime, bent on crony capitalism through friends and family enrichment and  whose kleptocratic agents show no let up to their thievery? 


A no confidence vote is quite appropriate in light of the PPP intransigence to changes to their governing strategy to allow for transparency and accountability. Imagine we have a tax office  that is really a one family enterprise of a man and his children running everything. Then there is the Finance ministry being audited by the wife of the finance minister. These are not merely corrupt but in your face disrespect!




Take a look at the truck driver towards the end of the video. The PPP says the chinese cannot find truck drivers in Guyana so they have to import them.


These are hi-tech trucks the roads are also from an alien planet and thus it requires special drivers who cannot be trained in Guyana.


This is how all the foreign investments in Guyana are benefiting the poor Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A party that promised to take an independent path and build trust went on a crazy excursion with the notorious PNC raising old fears of a return to a Burnham-style dictatorship. From supporting budget cuts to issuing a vote of no confidence the AFC cannot get anymore cozier with the PPP's arch-enemy, the People's National Congress. Why would the people in regions 5 and 6 not be disappointed with what the AFC has been doing in the parliament? Election will be here soon and the electorate are not going to be very easy to convince that the AFC is an independent party. Most of those who voted AFC are now watching in horror how their votes are working for Congress House. Why would anyone who cherishes democracy give his/her vote to a party that throws their weight behind the PNC?

Billy, once again you take it upon yourself to presume how the electorate feel about the AFC.

The AFC has no problem explaining its decision to the people.

The issue is not whether the AFC is an independent party. The issue is the PPP's rampant corruption, cronyism, nepotism, self-aggrandizement and arrogance.

The AFC will explain to the people why it's high time the PPP be voted out.

Come hell or high water, the PPP has to go.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A party that promised to take an independent path and build trust went on a crazy excursion with the notorious PNC raising old fears of a return to a Burnham-style dictatorship.

* Well said Billy Ram! Well said. The AFC has reneged on their promises to their supporters. They have revealed themselves to be lying, deceitful and untrustworthy.


* The AFC and their partner the PNC referred to the Guyanese people as "collateral damage" when they cut the 2012 budget and caused grave hardship to many Guyanese.


* In the next election the good people of Berbice  will resoundingly reject the cunning AFC.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A party that promised to take an independent path and build trust went on a crazy excursion with the notorious PNC raising old fears of a return to a Burnham-style dictatorship.

* Well said Billy Ram! Well said. The AFC has reneged on their promises to their supporters. They have revealed themselves to be lying, deceitful and untrustworthy.


* The AFC and their partner the PNC referred to the Guyanese people as "collateral damage" when they cut the 2012 budget and caused grave hardship to many Guyanese.


* In the next election the good people of Berbice  will resoundingly reject the cunning AFC.



You and him are nutters. Where has the option to side on a prudent decision with the PPP arose? You are dreaming if the people in berbice will bend the knees to those crooks when the are under extreme duress neglect of basic infrastructure, protections from criminals, job options etc. People are not leaving the region because it is a center of economic activity. It is the center of neglect and these are the PPP's native support base. They are in for a trouncing and it is berbicians who will do them in.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A party that promised to take an independent path and build trust went on a crazy excursion with the notorious PNC raising old fears of a return to a Burnham-style dictatorship.

* Well said Billy Ram! Well said. The AFC has reneged on their promises to their supporters. They have revealed themselves to be lying, deceitful and untrustworthy.


* The AFC and their partner the PNC referred to the Guyanese people as "collateral damage" when they cut the 2012 budget and caused grave hardship to many Guyanese.


* In the next election the good people of Berbice  will resoundingly reject the cunning AFC.



Rev the perv, you have no shame. Look how you refer to your wife as a Bumpkin (An awkward, unsophisticated person; a yokel.). You are depraved  evil and lacking integrity.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You and him are nutters.


PPP HATERS Nagga man and Rum jhatt



* The real "NUTTERS" are the Berbicians who will continue to vote for the AFC despite being deceived and lied to by the cunning Moses and Khemraj.


* 14,713 Berbicians(11,634 from region 6 and 3079 from region 5) voted for the AFC in 2011.


* Come next election more than one third of those folks will bolt from the dishonest and treacherous AFC.



Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You and him are nutters.


PPP HATERS Nagga man and Rum jhatt



* The real "NUTTERS" are the Berbicians who will continue to vote for the AFC despite being deceived and lied to by the cunning Moses and Khemraj.


* 14,713 Berbicians(11,634 from region 6 and 3079 from region 5) voted for the AFC in 2011.


* Come next election more than one third of those folks will bolt from the dishonest and treacherous AFC.



Rev the depraved perv, you have no credibility.


Where are the PPP yokels? Explain to us why Bai Shai ling can ship over 4000 truck load of logs out of the country yearly and they have no license to export ( hence they pay no royalties) and we are left with thousands of acres of waste lands!. We need this corrupt regime who has to be taking large kickbacks as the African leaders are taking since that is how these companies practice.


As I noted yesterday, they follow no laws because they can always pay off a corrupt official to ignore the law. I think this is in need of citizen action.  We need to stop these trucks from moving and start spiking trees to stop the chain saws from hewing them down.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by raymond:



lay off the reference to family

He started it. I am just referring to his reference to his Bumpkin.

dude...that's his problem, not yours

What kind of man is he to refer to his wife in that manner?. No, it's not his problem. He thinks it licence for his perversion and adulterous life. He brought it to this forum for discussion.


BTW. I did say OK to your initial request.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 We need to stop these trucks from moving and start spiking trees to stop the chain saws from hewing them down.

* Who "we" are you referring to ? Surely not yourself!


* You sit you butt in Maryland and all you do is BLOVIATE via the internet.


* By the way, the Rev bloviates from New York.hahahaha


* Listen! The AFC's novelty has dissipated----they received 10.3% of the votes in 2011----that was their PEAK.


* Come next election---PPP SUPPORTERS will turn out in strong numbers---and the PPP will win by a majority like they did in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 We need to stop these trucks from moving and start spiking trees to stop the chain saws from hewing them down.

* Who "we" are you referring to ? Surely not yourself!


* You sit you butt in Maryland and all you do is BLOVIATE via the internet.


* Listen! The AFC's novelty has dissipated----they received 10.3% of the votes in 2011----that was their PEAK.


* Come next election---PPP SUPPORTERS will turn out in strong numbers---and the PPP will win by a majority like they did in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006.





I am not there. I am simply telling them what the people did to save the red woods in the NW US. I have every right to use the "we" since I am here voicing dissent for a community. Did not Voltaire use the "we" in his diatribe against the french crown when he was in exile in England and elsewhere?


How do you know I am in Maryland? Get real fool. I can be on a ship in the ocean for all you know.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A party that promised to take an independent path and build trust went on a crazy excursion with the notorious PNC raising old fears of a return to a Burnham-style dictatorship.

Correct and must be always remembered.

You supported Burnham and was a PNC Engineer.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Did not Voltaire use the "we" in his diatribe against the french crown when he was in exile in England and elsewhere?


* Since you mentioned Voltaire, didn't Voltaire also say this:


"The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination." Voltaire



* So whom do you want assassinated Stormy ?



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 We need to stop these trucks from moving and start spiking trees to stop the chain saws from hewing them down.

* Who "we" are you referring to ? Surely not yourself!


* You sit you butt in Maryland and all you do is BLOVIATE via the internet.


* Listen! The AFC's novelty has dissipated----they received 10.3% of the votes in 2011----that was their PEAK.


* Come next election---PPP SUPPORTERS will turn out in strong numbers---and the PPP will win by a majority like they did in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006.





I am not there. I am simply telling them what the people did to save the red woods in the NW US. I have every right to use the "we" since I am here voicing dissent for a community. Did not Voltaire use the "we" in his diatribe against the french crown when he was in exile in England and elsewhere?


How do you know I am in Maryland? Get real fool. I can be on a ship in the ocean for all you know.

Rev is shallow and a low voice to match his IQ.

Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You and him are nutters.



PPP HATERS Nagga man and Rum jhatt



* The real "NUTTERS" are the Berbicians who will continue to vote for the AFC despite being deceived and lied to by the cunning Moses and Khemraj.


* 14,713 Berbicians(11,634 from region 6 and 3079 from region 5) voted for the AFC in 2011.


* Come next election more than one third of those folks will bolt from the dishonest and treacherous AFC.



The point being made is Berbice is missing some 16k votes this time. Mean while, the PPP has not changed it's corrupt ways and the county bears the burnt of its negligence given it is rural, made up of heaps of poor people and whose livelihood is tied to subsistence farming, fishing and as laborers in the sugar industry. Sugar is dead, piracy takes at least a few fishermen each month, criminality is rampant, junkies exist in every village and no industry of any  substantial job opportunity has come in. The Chinese are pillaging the place and they are making more than the budget of the county in their thievery yet they pay no royalty and hire no one. Chalk that up to a vote count for the PPP en mass only if the place is populated by sheep.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 We need to stop these trucks from moving and start spiking trees to stop the chain saws from hewing them down.

* Who "we" are you referring to ? Surely not yourself!


* You sit you butt in Maryland and all you do is BLOVIATE via the internet.


* Listen! The AFC's novelty has dissipated----they received 10.3% of the votes in 2011----that was their PEAK.


* Come next election---PPP SUPPORTERS will turn out in strong numbers---and the PPP will win by a majority like they did in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006.





I am not there. I am simply telling them what the people did to save the red woods in the NW US. I have every right to use the "we" since I am here voicing dissent for a community. Did not Voltaire use the "we" in his diatribe against the french crown when he was in exile in England and elsewhere?


How do you know I am in Maryland? Get real fool. I can be on a ship in the ocean for all you know.

Rev is shallow and a low voice to match his IQ.

 I would not say he has a low IQ. He has been hanging around people with low IQs for too long so he thinks himself a genius.  Normal people makes him feel inferior hence he begins the self inflation with words like "losers" and pretensions to sophistication with his threads on ostentatious consumption. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The point being made is Berbice is missing some 16k votes this time.



* So what if 16,000 Berbician votes are missing ?


* Let's assume all those 16K voters are PPP supporters.




* In region 6 alone the PPP(32,360 votes) defeated the AFC(11,634 votes) by 20,726 votes.




* The PPP will still win Berbice.


* Anyway, President Ramotar, his party and PPP supporters are determined to win back a majority in the upcoming elections. The 48.6% the PPP received in 2011 was an aberration, a deviation from the normal. The PPP will win 50+% in the next election like they did in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 We need to stop these trucks from moving and start spiking trees to stop the chain saws from hewing them down.

* Who "we" are you referring to ? Surely not yourself!


* You sit you butt in Maryland and all you do is BLOVIATE via the internet.


* Listen! The AFC's novelty has dissipated----they received 10.3% of the votes in 2011----that was their PEAK.


* Come next election---PPP SUPPORTERS will turn out in strong numbers---and the PPP will win by a majority like they did in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006.





I am not there. I am simply telling them what the people did to save the red woods in the NW US. I have every right to use the "we" since I am here voicing dissent for a community. Did not Voltaire use the "we" in his diatribe against the french crown when he was in exile in England and elsewhere?


How do you know I am in Maryland? Get real fool. I can be on a ship in the ocean for all you know.

Rev is shallow and a low voice to match his IQ.

 I would not say he has a low IQ. He has been hanging around people with low IQs for too long so he thinks himself a genius.  Normal people makes him feel inferior hence he begins the self inflation with words like "losers" and pretensions to sophistication with his threads on ostentatious consumption. 


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 We need to stop these trucks from moving and start spiking trees to stop the chain saws from hewing them down.

* Who "we" are you referring to ? Surely not yourself!


* You sit you butt in Maryland and all you do is BLOVIATE via the internet.


* Listen! The AFC's novelty has dissipated----they received 10.3% of the votes in 2011----that was their PEAK.


* Come next election---PPP SUPPORTERS will turn out in strong numbers---and the PPP will win by a majority like they did in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006.





I am not there. I am simply telling them what the people did to save the red woods in the NW US. I have every right to use the "we" since I am here voicing dissent for a community. Did not Voltaire use the "we" in his diatribe against the french crown when he was in exile in England and elsewhere?


How do you know I am in Maryland? Get real fool. I can be on a ship in the ocean for all you know.

Rev is shallow and a low voice to match his IQ.

 I would not say he has a low IQ. He has been hanging around people with low IQs for too long so he thinks himself a genius.  Normal people makes him feel inferior hence he begins the self inflation with words like "losers" and pretensions to sophistication with his threads on ostentatious consumption. 


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 We need to stop these trucks from moving and start spiking trees to stop the chain saws from hewing them down.

* Who "we" are you referring to ? Surely not yourself!


* You sit you butt in Maryland and all you do is BLOVIATE via the internet.


* By the way, the Rev bloviates from New York.hahahaha


* Listen! The AFC's novelty has dissipated----they received 10.3% of the votes in 2011----that was their PEAK.


* Come next election---PPP SUPPORTERS will turn out in strong numbers---and the PPP will win by a majority like they did in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006.





What supporters will come out in strong numbers? why have they been failing to come out the past 3 successive elections??


Why are more indians migrating and dying to flee Guyana under the PPP's oppressive and corrupt rule. That is the question you have to ask yourself.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What supporters will come out in strong numbers? why have they been failing to come out the past 3 successive elections??












* It is true that the turnouts in the last 3 elections were below the 1992 and 1997 levels.


* But the number that matters is the % of votes the PPP received.




* The only election in which the PPP did not win a majority was the 2011 election---and that was an aberration---a deviation from the normal.



* In the next election---President Ramotar, his party and PPP supporters will work assiduously to ensure that the PPP returns to a majority victory like they did in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What supporters will come out in strong numbers? why have they been failing to come out the past 3 successive elections??












* It is true that the turnouts in the last 3 elections were below the 1992 and 1997 levels.


* But the number that matters is the % of votes the PPP received.




* The only election in which the PPP did not win a majority was the 2011 election---and that was an aberration---a deviation from the normal.



* In the next election---President Ramotar, his party and PPP supporters will work assiduously to ensure that the PPP returns to a majority victory like they did in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2006.



When I spoke to you on the couch about your abberation, I was speaking about your deep rooted psychological  disorder of thought or emotion; a more neutral term than mental illness. Yours is chromosomal.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Did not Voltaire use the "we" in his diatribe against the french crown when he was in exile in England and elsewhere?


* Since you mentioned Voltaire, didn't Voltaire also say this:


"The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination." Voltaire



* So whom do you want assassinated Stormy ?



Shallow reading of Voltaire if you think that was the core of his message. Come to think of it, Ramotar is Tartuff with his own country to govern!

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Listen! The AFC's novelty has dissipated----they received 10.3% of the votes in 2011----that was their PEAK.







And the PPP peaked in 1997 with 55 percent. Say it ain't so, Rev.


You know why the PPP peaked in 1997? Cheddi Jagan died the year before and Janet Jagan was Presidential Candidate. Sympathy votes for the Jagans, plus admiring votes for a first-time woman candidate.


The PPP will never perform like that again. It's downhill all the way to the dunghill this time.




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