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Former Member

The AFC: Masturbatory fantasies

At the same time, the AFC officially launched its local government election (LGE) campaign at its head office on Railway Road, the first afternoon session of Circo Suarez at D’Urban Park was on its way. Two identical circuses were on display in Georgetown separated by a less than three miles.
Speaker after speaker put some subtle lashes on the PNC indicating that there may be formidable challenges facing unity talks for the 2020 general elections. One speaker told the LGE campaigners that it was the AFC that made the 2015 victory possible. That is indeed so. I don’t think APNU on its own would have achieved a plurality much less a majority. People voted for the symbolic value of the coalition.
What the speaker didn’t go on to say is that after the AFC showed its precious asset to APNU and people of Guyana, it literally threw it away. The best description of how it did that can be found in David Hinds’s critique of the AFC. Hinds said that while in government the AFC purchased all the questionable policies of its majority partner, APNU. My analogy goes like this. You go into a store to buy a used car. One can barely work, one cannot. The one that cannot work costs more than the one that can carry you a few miles. With eyes wide open, you bought the one that cannot drive. You are a fool.
Speaker after speaker denounced the PNC but the AFC’s circus was notable more for what was not said than what was echoed. So what was not said? The Prime Minister did not comment on serious charges by David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis that he, Nagamootoo, could not have tolerated their criticism of the government as columnists in the Chronicle so he ordered their removal.
Khemraj Ramjattan spoke too but did not explain why he advised the president to pick his own GECOM chairman rather than go with the Carter consensus model which though flawed is better than the president’s unilateral appointment.
Ramjattan did not expand on why he wanted to retained in the cybercrime legislation a passage that can easily lead to criminal charges once you criticize the government.
None of the listeners in attendance got up to tell Ramjattan that if the PPP had similar legislation then he, Ramjattan, would have been arrested for all the condemnations he made against the PPP government when he was in opposition. For example, it was Ramjattan that announced that the PPP government was trying to buy three APNU parliamentarians to defeat the no confidence vote in 2014. Under the current Cyber Crime Bill, Ramjattan could have been arrested.
AFC leader, Raphael Trotman, spoke to the gathering too. But he failed to explain why he and AFC ministers, Patterson and Ramjattan, were part of a five-man team overseeing the oil portfolio but were not consulted when the head of the Energy Department was selected. Trotman also didn’t think it was fit and proper to tell his comrades at the rally why an AFC portfolio – oil and gas – was handed over to Joe Harmon’s ministry. David Patterson was all fired up but he too forgot to tell the press who were there that it was APNU that refused the AFC’s request to go into the LGE as a coalition and thus the AFC had no choice. It was both a sad and comical event last Saturday. The AFC was a good thing. The AFC had a good thing going. But it is all gone and it evaporated not because of any hogging of power by APNU. It went because the AFC had no roots in the masses and its small group became obsessed with power. All the AFC speakers were fantasizing last Saturday. In 2016 the AFC was in power and Moses Nagamootoo was the Prime Minister. Yet the AFC didn’t perform in the LGE in 2016. Much to the chagrin of its big brother in the coalition, the AFC failed to dislodge the PPP not even in one of the PPP strongholds either in the NDC sphere or at the level of regional government.
What makes it think it will do better in 2018? It will do far worse. I passed by the campaign and it was over. But this AFC stalwart engaged me in a conversation with two other AFC die-hards, City Councilor Carlyle Goring and Dennis Atwell. She told me she campaigned in all three general elections of the AFC and will in this year’s LGE but despite asking all AFC ministers for a job, she still can’t get one. I was so disgusted with her I promptly drove away.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

President Granger will observe the AFC funeral at LGE and eventually crush them like Baigan Choka.

DJ and Mitwah were sounding the AFC victory horn, Freddie fished them up.

Mitwah and DJ will hide from this thread.

Last edited by Former Member

There is no coalition, it is all PNC from here. The so called coalition was a desire for change in Guyana. Now that Guyana realize that they had an exchange, the so called coalition is just a name.

Freddie wrote a masterpiece on the AFC here.

This administration will fall if elections are free and fair.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

President Granger will observe the AFC funeral at LGE and eventually crush them like Baigan Choka.

DJ and Mitwah were sounding the AFC victory horn, Freddie fished them up.

Mitwah and DJ will hide from this thread.

Mits just said he is not a supporter of the AFC


Actions speak louder than words, talk is cheap. He even convinced his buddy Gil to donate his two Jill to the AFC and it disappeared in thin air.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Seems like Freddie Kissoon is now alyuh boy,his commentary suddenly have merit,you forget how alyuh seh he deserved the shit thrown on his face.

Looks like it woke him up. Suh you now saying that Freddie is wrong ? Please clarify.

Freddie buss you back and rub Salt and Peppa. Tek it and run with it.

Phone up Congress Place and ask them how to respond.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

Seems like Freddie Kissoon is now alyuh boy,his commentary suddenly have merit,you forget how alyuh seh he deserved the shit thrown on his face.

Looks like it woke him up. Suh you now saying that Freddie is wrong ? Please clarify.

Freddie have his views,i have no problem,the people will decide if the AFC will survive.

Take a look at the AFC LGE Candidates you may learn a thing or two,it's a fact that all the East Indians can vote for the PPP and they can't win,same goes for Afros voting for the PNC.

By the way APNU never said they will dump the AFC,without the AFC they can't win the 2020 elections.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

Seems like Freddie Kissoon is now alyuh boy,his commentary suddenly have merit,you forget how alyuh seh he deserved the shit thrown on his face.

Freddie buss you back and rub Salt and Peppa. Tek it and run with it.

Phone up Congress Place and ask them how to respond.

What kind of culvert corner mediocre conversation is this ??

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

Seems like Freddie Kissoon is now alyuh boy,his commentary suddenly have merit,you forget how alyuh seh he deserved the shit thrown on his face.

Looks like it woke him up. Suh you now saying that Freddie is wrong ? Please clarify.

Freddie have his views,i have no problem,the people will decide if the AFC will survive.

Take a look at the AFC LGE Candidates you may learn a thing or two,it's a fact the all the East Indians can vote for the PPP and they can't win,same goes for Afros voting for the PNC.

By the way APNU never said they will dump the AFC,without the AFC they can't win the 2020 elections.

APNU has support of Douglas, and they will get the support of the Anerindians...thats it...Dey win in 2020...PPP will tell ABC its rigged...story done.

yuji22 posted:

What you saying is irrelevant. Bai, you better take some comprehension and reading skills lessons. Slowly read what Freddie is saying.

You have the habit of latching on to some of the political commentators views and run with it.Suh now Freddie is your hero ??

The highlighted shows you low level debating skills.

Last edited by Django


We shall see. LGE will be a very good indicator where we are headed to in 2020. My prediction is that the PPP will win LGE.

AFC and their supporters are delusional. Freddie used a harsher word to describe them.

Last edited by Former Member

I have to roll with the Punches. That's how politics work.

Freddie wrote the Biggest fish up of the year and a very honest assessment of the power hungry AFC conmen.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Opposition against the government is mounting.

This government will fall. Rigging is their only saving grace.

The PPP is asleep at the switch. Time is ripe to elect a new leader. Jags can now serve in an advisory role.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Opposition against the government is mounting.

This government will fall. Rigging is their only saving grace.

The PPP is asleep at the switch. Time is ripe to elect a new leader. Jags can now serve in an advisory role.

Jagdeo needs to step aside and allow the next person to lead. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Opposition against the government is mounting.

This government will fall. Rigging is their only saving grace.

The PPP is asleep at the switch. Time is ripe to elect a new leader. Jags can now serve in an advisory role.

Jagdeo needs to step aside and allow the next person to lead. 

Now you talking,the best person for the gob is the real Dr.F.A.

Ask Reggie from NYC,he is rooting for him.

Last edited by Django
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Opposition against the government is mounting.

This government will fall. Rigging is their only saving grace.

The PPP is asleep at the switch. Time is ripe to elect a new leader. Jags can now serve in an advisory role.

Jagdeo needs to step aside and allow the next person to lead. 

I agree. He is suffocating the space for a new leader. The new leader needs time to grow and create his own brand of leadership. 

Jags can be used for his experience in an advisory role.

Does anyone know when the PPP is holding its leadership race ?

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

By the way APNU never said they will dump the AFC,without the AFC they can't win the 2020 elections.

What does the AFC bring to the table for 2020.

1.  The 2016 election showed that they have no base as they didn't deliver Berbice votes to the coalition.  It was higher turnout in PNC strongholds which did.

2.  They have failed to restrain APNU from continuing the excesses of the PPP.  Those who voted for them, hoping that their involvement in the coalition, would have brought real change are now extremely disappointed.

I was skeptical of the AFC even before the last elections and said as much to the chagrin of the Moses fanatics at the time who screamed that he would dominate the coalition. When I pointed out how APNU and the Trotman faction of the AFC outmaneuvered them they called me all sorts of names, including anti Indian racist.

Well Kari fled a while ago, gilbakka has now run back to the PPP.  The others are silent.  This LGE will be very illuminating.  I bet that APNU is contesting alone as they wish to show the AFC how weak they really are.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


 My prediction is that the PPP will win LGE.


Simple Simon unless the PPP makes inroads into some PNC stronghold they didn't win a thing.

You are too dumb to understand that LGE and the national election are different.  The PPP will win more local gov't districts because the bulk of them are in Indian areas.  The mere fact that they will do this will not have impact for 2020.  

What will impact 2020 is if APNU loses ground in their strongholds, given that the AFC isnt running with them.


caribny posted:
Django posted:

By the way APNU never said they will dump the AFC,without the AFC they can't win the 2020 elections.

What does the AFC bring to the table for 2020.

5,327 votes assuming the normal attrition rate due to death 💀!   This should put the PNC over the top.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:

By the way APNU never said they will dump the AFC,without the AFC they can't win the 2020 elections.

What does the AFC bring to the table for 2020.

5,327 votes assuming the normal attrition rate due to death 💀!   This should put the PNC over the top.

I am not going to predict the winner of 2020 except to say that the party which mobilizes its base will win. 

In 2015 the election was about hope and change and hope and change won.  This election will be about fear and its the group which is most fearful who will show up to vote.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


 My prediction is that the PPP will win LGE.


What will impact 2020 is if APNU loses ground in their strongholds, given that the AFC isnt running with them.

Stop your stupitness, PNCites never abandon PNC, even if dem starving.  Yes, the AFC takes their 5,327 votes, PNC kark duck!  Ayuh don’t mess with Nagaman!

Baseman posted:

Stop your stupitness, PNCites never abandon PNC, even if dem starving.  Yes, the AFC takes their 5,327 votes, PNC kark duck!  Ayuh don’t mess with Nagaman!

I suggest that you research the 2006 election when the PNC base stayed home.  They received 36% of the votes, down from the usual 41% and there was a huge drop off in votes in PNC strongholds.  The brothers and sisters wanted to send a message to Corbin that they didn't appreciate him playing footsie with Jagdeo.

While you are at it research the LGE where the GGG party won in GT, reducing the PNC to 2nd place.

Well they might send a message to Harmon that his dalliances with Jagdeo buddies like BK aren't appreciated.

What you wish is for blacks to vote PPP in large numbers but then that is like asking Jews to vote for a Nazi party or Mexicans to vote for Donald Trump.

Last edited by Former Member

In 2006 the missing PNC constituency went with Trotman in the AFC.  

So the Afro masses stayed away because their leader is reaching out to an Indian.  So where does racism lie?  

Trump got 34% Latino votes.  It will go up in 2020. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Opposition against the government is mounting.

This government will fall. Rigging is their only saving grace.

The PPP is asleep at the switch. Time is ripe to elect a new leader. Jags can now serve in an advisory role.

Jagdeo needs to step aside and allow the next person to lead. 

Yes, in a few weeks!

Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Opposition against the government is mounting.

This government will fall. Rigging is their only saving grace.

The PPP is asleep at the switch. Time is ripe to elect a new leader. Jags can now serve in an advisory role.

Jagdeo needs to step aside and allow the next person to lead. 

Jagdeo ain’t going anywhere.  He ain’t got nothing else to do, unless he decide to marry and get busy.  

He will be over any leader shoulder and tell them what to do just like he did with Ramotar.

Had he foreseen this day, he could have done with Peron or Le Pen did. Marry someone like Queeny, get her elected but he run the show and she make bake and solfish.

Baseman posted:

In 2006 the missing PNC constituency went with Trotman in the AFC.  

So the Afro masses stayed away because their leader is reaching out to an Indian.  So where does racism lie?  

Trump got 34% Latino votes.  It will go up in 2020. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Opposition against the government is mounting.

This government will fall. Rigging is their only saving grace.

The PPP is asleep at the switch. Time is ripe to elect a new leader. Jags can now serve in an advisory role.

Jagdeo needs to step aside and allow the next person to lead. 

Yes, in a few weeks!

Lets hope so, the clock is ticking.

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

In 2006 the missing PNC constituency went with Trotman in the AFC.  

So the Afro masses stayed away because their leader is reaching out to an Indian.  So where does racism lie?  

Trump got 34% Latino votes.  It will go up in 2020. 

Knit picking!

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

In 2006 the missing PNC constituency went with Trotman in the AFC.  

So the Afro masses stayed away because their leader is reaching out to an Indian.  So where does racism lie?  

Trump got 34% Latino votes.  It will go up in 2020. 

Knit picking!

Did you mean nitpicking? You're trying to inflate the numbers by more than 20%. That is by no means trivial or nitpicking. I deal with facts, not fake news.

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

In 2006 the missing PNC constituency went with Trotman in the AFC.  

So the Afro masses stayed away because their leader is reaching out to an Indian.  So where does racism lie?  

Trump got 34% Latino votes.  It will go up in 2020. 

Knit picking!

Did you mean nitpicking? You're trying to inflate the numbers by more than 20%. That is by no means trivial or nitpicking. I deal with facts, not fake news.

Is weh you learn ‘rithmatic?  28 to 34 is not 20 points.  But more importantly, how did he measure up with Romney and McCain for such a “racist”.

Mars, relax yuhself!

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

In 2006 the missing PNC constituency went with Trotman in the AFC.  

So the Afro masses stayed away because their leader is reaching out to an Indian.  So where does racism lie?  

Trump got 34% Latino votes.  It will go up in 2020. 

Knit picking!

Did you mean nitpicking? You're trying to inflate the numbers by more than 20%. That is by no means trivial or nitpicking. I deal with facts, not fake news.

Is weh you learn ‘rithmatic?  28 to 34 is not 20 points.  But more importantly, how did he measure up with Romney and McCain for such a “racist”.

Mars, relax yuhself!

QC, from the best.

(34 - 28) / .28 = 21.4285714. Is weh you learn ‘rithmatic? 

You're right about one thing. It's not 20 points but more than 20 which is what I said. 

The minorities who call themselves Republicans, will hold their noses and vote for them in the face of hatred by the racist GOP base. So regardless of the candidate, they will look the other way and punch the GOP ticket. 

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

In 2006 the missing PNC constituency went with Trotman in the AFC.  

So the Afro masses stayed away because their leader is reaching out to an Indian.  So where does racism lie?  

Trump got 34% Latino votes.  It will go up in 2020. 

Knit picking!

Did you mean nitpicking? You're trying to inflate the numbers by more than 20%. That is by no means trivial or nitpicking. I deal with facts, not fake news.

Is weh you learn ‘rithmatic?  28 to 34 is not 20 points.  But more importantly, how did he measure up with Romney and McCain for such a “racist”.

Mars, relax yuhself!

QC, from the best.

(34 - 28) / .28 = 21.4285714. Is weh you learn ‘rithmatic? 

You're right about one thing. It's not 20 points but more than 20 which is what I said. 

The minorities who call themselves Republicans, will hold their noses and vote for them in the face of hatred by the racist GOP base. So regardless of the candidate, they will look the other way and punch the GOP ticket. 

Hehe.  I take that one on the chin.  I’ll jeep a sharper eye on you next time!


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