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VishMahabir posted:
Iguana posted:
VishMahabir posted:

When he is not occupied with buggery and thuggery...otherwise...A fairly good analysis of the AFC...from a person on the ground...not an armchair pontificating intellectual - VM

Folks on GNI have accomplished more academically and in REAL life than Freddie. All the man does is talk shit all day, just like we do on GNI. 

Speak for your lonesome self banna...I long suspected that of you...good to see you making a self admission....

Fool, this is a sandbox. A play area where people come to shoot shit all day. This is fantasy land - Prashad is leader of his own country, ugli man is a trillionaire philanthropist, amral is banging a dozen women here, and baseman is feeding granger bake and solfish in he basement.

Freddie is the paid version of GNI. Same shit, same fantasyland. That you think Freddie is in possession of some vast intellect is YOUR fantasyland. That you knight he as an "intellectual" simply for living in Guyana and being in the midst of it speaks to your own low standards.

I don't need a dunce like you to validate who I am.

Nehru posted:

Billy, illiterate idiots will forever be illiterate idiots!!!

This is very true. According to long time posters here you have forever been an idiot, an illiterate one too based on your posts.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:   

I witnessed Vincent Teekah running for his life from PNC Thugs.  Moses Nagamotoo was kicked out of the VIP area at the airport in 1992 and Hamilton Green was accommodated and allowed to walk through a back entrance to board a flight to Barbados.

and this ‘life defining’ event scarred you for all time . . . turning you into the proud racist we see on GNI today

the leprous, infantile ‘calculus’ of many middle/old age barely adults posting here


Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

That's because you are looking at the PPP through the racist lens of the PNC.  Blacks are only 30% of the population.  If voting continues on racial lines  I don't see how the PNC can fare better than the PPP?  The majority of the Amerindians do not vote for the PNC. The PPP has a better chance with the 43% Indians along with votes from other racial groups including Afro-Guyanese. 

You are talking trash.  

Lets get the FACTS out here. 2012 Population Census, East Indians 39.83 % Africans 29.25 % Amerindians 10.51 %  Mixed 19.8 %

Do the math, bear in mind the percentages would not be the voters, I can give the breakdown of Ethnic Voters.

Tell us where you find that  East Indian Population is 43 %

The man who talking trash present the real facts not fake facts, now ponder on it.

Last edited by Django
Iguana posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Iguana posted:
VishMahabir posted:

When he is not occupied with buggery and thuggery...otherwise...A fairly good analysis of the AFC...from a person on the ground...not an armchair pontificating intellectual - VM

Folks on GNI have accomplished more academically and in REAL life than Freddie. All the man does is talk shit all day, just like we do on GNI. 

Speak for your lonesome self banna...I long suspected that of you...good to see you making a self admission....

Fool, this is a sandbox. A play area where people come to shoot shit all day. This is fantasy land - Prashad is leader of his own country, ugli man is a trillionaire philanthropist, amral is banging a dozen women here, and baseman is feeding granger bake and solfish in he basement.

Freddie is the paid version of GNI. Same shit, same fantasyland. That you think Freddie is in possession of some vast intellect is YOUR fantasyland. That you knight he as an "intellectual" simply for living in Guyana and being in the midst of it speaks to your own low standards.

I don't need a dunce like you to validate who I am. forever pissed off serpentine...ah winda if you dis disgruntled and abusive with your kith and kin add de time? 

"Amral banging a dozen women”? Maybe he needs a new toy. AND, why you fantasizing about dem people’s fantasy so much...

Stop your nonsense...Freddie, despite his mood swings, gat more credibility dan all dem GNI diaspora people scattered all ova creation on dis intanet...

Admit read his columns to get your lil “smarts” too.

NOW...I gon imitate Ronan (I know him peepin in de sandbox too)....SMFH.


Iguana posted:
Mars posted:

Wheels need to spin in order to move ahead.

Unlike you with your wheels not moving at all.

He not moving, but he spinning. He like spin plenty.

Me tink yuh seh me man like spin panty. but me realise is plenty. Hey hey hey...only Pavi can spin dem tings doh. 

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

That's because you are looking at the PPP through the racist lens of the PNC.  Blacks are only 30% of the population.  If voting continues on racial lines  I don't see how the PNC can fare better than the PPP?  The majority of the Amerindians do not vote for the PNC. The PPP has a better chance with the 43% Indians along with votes from other racial groups including Afro-Guyanese. 

You are talking trash.  

Lets get the FACTS out here. 2012 Population Census, East Indians 39.83 % Africans 29.25 % Amerindians 10.51 %  Mixed 19.8 %

Do the math, bear in mind the percentages would not be the voters, I can give the breakdown of Ethnic Voters.

Tell us where you find that  East Indian Population is 43 %

The man who talking trash present the real facts not fake facts, now ponder on it.

Let's take what you post correct with a margin of error at 10% and the Amerindians leaning towards the PPP, it still shows that with a fair and free election  the PPP will be a clear winner. Maybe the AFC voters did not vote at the LGE, figuring their vote does not count, never wanting to coalesce. The oil money will not flow until end or after 2020, so the PNC can only give election freebies on credit, taxpayers will not vote for that. Presently they have difficulty to pay the sugar workers what is owing to them,rushing to present a budget and to offer raises to all government sectors before attending to a no confidence vote is simply to buy civility and calm.

ronan posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:   

I witnessed Vincent Teekah running for his life from PNC Thugs.  Moses Nagamotoo was kicked out of the VIP area at the airport in 1992 and Hamilton Green was accommodated and allowed to walk through a back entrance to board a flight to Barbados.

and this ‘life defining’ event scarred you for all time . . . turning you into the proud racist we see on GNI today

the leprous, infantile ‘calculus’ of many middle/old age barely adults posting here


You are proud of the racism inflicted on People of Indian descent, including those Indos who have sold their souls to the PNC. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

That's because you are looking at the PPP through the racist lens of the PNC.  Blacks are only 30% of the population.  If voting continues on racial lines  I don't see how the PNC can fare better than the PPP?  The majority of the Amerindians do not vote for the PNC. The PPP has a better chance with the 43% Indians along with votes from other racial groups including Afro-Guyanese. 

You are talking trash.  

Lets get the FACTS out here. 2012 Population Census, East Indians 39.83 % Africans 29.25 % Amerindians 10.51 %  Mixed 19.8 %

Do the math, bear in mind the percentages would not be the voters, I can give the breakdown of Ethnic Voters.

Tell us where you find that  East Indian Population is 43 %

The man who talking trash present the real facts not fake facts, now ponder on it.

even with 40% Indos I don't see the PNC can win with 29.25% Afros. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
kp posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

That's because you are looking at the PPP through the racist lens of the PNC.  Blacks are only 30% of the population.  If voting continues on racial lines  I don't see how the PNC can fare better than the PPP?  The majority of the Amerindians do not vote for the PNC. The PPP has a better chance with the 43% Indians along with votes from other racial groups including Afro-Guyanese. 

You are talking trash.  

Lets get the FACTS out here. 2012 Population Census, East Indians 39.83 % Africans 29.25 % Amerindians 10.51 %  Mixed 19.8 %

Do the math, bear in mind the percentages would not be the voters, I can give the breakdown of Ethnic Voters.

Tell us where you find that  East Indian Population is 43 %

The man who talking trash present the real facts not fake facts, now ponder on it.

Let's take what you post correct with a margin of error at 10% and the Amerindians leaning towards the PPP, it still shows that with a fair and free election  the PPP will be a clear winner.

Tough !!! ,you have to look at the statistics of the Ethnic Voters, the picture will be clearer. As mentioned i spent a lot of time [for personal curiosity] tabulating the data of the ethnic voters for every Region,from the 2012 census. Shared with a few posters to verify the accuracy. I will share the data on GNI, closer to 2020 Elections.

So you still believe,the 2015 Elections wasn't Free and Fair.

Last edited by Django
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

That's because you are looking at the PPP through the racist lens of the PNC.  Blacks are only 30% of the population.  If voting continues on racial lines  I don't see how the PNC can fare better than the PPP?  The majority of the Amerindians do not vote for the PNC. The PPP has a better chance with the 43% Indians along with votes from other racial groups including Afro-Guyanese. 

You are talking trash.  

Lets get the FACTS out here. 2012 Population Census, East Indians 39.83 % Africans 29.25 % Amerindians 10.51 %  Mixed 19.8 %

Do the math, bear in mind the percentages would not be the voters, I can give the breakdown of Ethnic Voters.

Tell us where you find that  East Indian Population is 43 %

The man who talking trash present the real facts not fake facts, now ponder on it.

even with 40% Indos I don't see the PNC can win with 29.25% Afros. 

More than that, you have to look deeper.

Django posted:
kp posted:

Let's take what you post correct with a margin of error at 10% and the Amerindians leaning towards the PPP, it still shows that with a fair and free election  the PPP will be a clear winner.

Tough !!! ,you have to look at the statistics of the Ethnic Voters, the picture will be clearer. As mentioned i spent a lot of time [for personal curiosity] tabulating the data of the ethnic voters for every Region,from the 2012 census. Shared with a few posters to verify the accuracy. I will share the data on GNI, closer to 2020 Elections.

So you still believe,the 2015 Elections wasn't Free and Fair.

Django, you will walk to the end of the earth to fool yourself that the PNC will win a free and fair election. You bring up old population statistics to prove that the coolie vote is dwindling, not considering the negro vote also might be dwindling. What happens to the Amerindian votes? In a free and fair election, do you think they will vote straight PNC?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

That's because you are looking at the PPP through the racist lens of the PNC.  Blacks are only 30% of the population.  If voting continues on racial lines  I don't see how the PNC can fare better than the PPP?  The majority of the Amerindians do not vote for the PNC. The PPP has a better chance with the 43% Indians along with votes from other racial groups including Afro-Guyanese. 

You are talking trash.  

Lets get the FACTS out here. 2012 Population Census, East Indians 39.83 % Africans 29.25 % Amerindians 10.51 %  Mixed 19.8 %

Do the math, bear in mind the percentages would not be the voters, I can give the breakdown of Ethnic Voters.

Tell us where you find that  East Indian Population is 43 %

The man who talking trash present the real facts not fake facts, now ponder on it.

even with 40% Indos I don't see the PNC can win with 29.25% Afros. 

Watch the 15% duglas!


20% of Guyanese are not of mixed race.  This is a big lie. Look around and judge for yourself. You don't have to be statistician or math whiz to figure out the number is in the single digit and certainly not even 10%

Billy Ram Balgobin
skeldon_man posted:

Django, you will walk to the end of the earth to fool yourself that the PNC will win a free and fair election. You bring up old population statistics to prove that the coolie vote is dwindling, not considering the negro vote also might be dwindling. What happens to the Amerindian votes? In a free and fair election, do you think they will vote straight PNC?

What's " to the end of the earth" ?

The Douglas are 20% and growing.  The PPP does not have a good history with the Amerindians.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If the PNC had won a majority in the recent LGE he would mouthed that it's a true reflection of the party's support among the general population. 

Django is a full time defender of Congress House. 

What have to be taken in to consideration, LGE Elections are different than General Elections,until it's understood most will be in

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

20% of Guyanese are not of mixed race.  This is a big lie. Look around and judge for yourself. You don't have to be statistician or math whiz to figure out the number is in the single digit and certainly not even 10%

So what you are saying the 2012 Census is a farce, you need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Ray posted:

Overblown nonsense to suggest AFC is what is wrong with Guyana...guess that idiot Freddy forgot who has been ruling Guyana over the last 60 years

Past 60 years ...

30 years - PNCR ==28 years - 1964 to 1992 and 2+ years - 2016 to date.

24 years - PPPC = 24 years -- 1992 to 2016.

AFC had earlier declared vocally that it is/will be an independent party uncommitted to neither the PPPC or the PNCR.

With whom and where is the AFC now entwined???

Last edited by Former Member

@ Django.

the percentage of the races does not mean they can legally vote. 

The douglas population grows because PPP government expand the housing schemes and the villagers are from all races. 

Dave posted:

@ Django.

the percentage of the races does not mean they can legally vote. 

The douglas population grows because PPP government expand the housing schemes and the villagers are from all races. 

I mentioned that, you missed it ? I have compiled the amount of voters per ethnicity.

Last edited by Django
Demerara_Guy posted:
Ray posted:

Overblown nonsense to suggest AFC is what is wrong with Guyana...guess that idiot Freddy forgot who has been ruling Guyana over the last 60 years

Past 60 years ...

30 years - PNCR ==28 years - 1964 to 1992 and 2+ years - 2016 to date.

24 years - PPPC = 24 years -- 1992 to 2016.

AFC had earlier declared vocally that it is/will be an independent party uncommitted to neither the PPPC or the PNCR.

With whom and where is the AFC now entwined???

That's only 54 and you left out the pre 1964 years. Who was in power then?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

20% of Guyanese are not of mixed race.  This is a big lie. Look around and judge for yourself. You don't have to be statistician or math whiz to figure out the number is in the single digit and certainly not even 10%

When was the last time you visited Skeldon? 

Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


Django is a full time defender of Congress House. 

That's not true.

Ditto. Django is not a defender of Congress House. I think he is a defender of Congress PLACE.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

@ Django.

the percentage of the races does not mean they can legally vote. 

The douglas population grows because PPP government expand the housing schemes and the villagers are from all races. 

I mentioned that, you missed it ? I have compiled the amount of voters per ethnicity.

Ok. You’re doing a great job with your statistics  and links .. kudos to you. 

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, you will walk to the end of the earth to fool yourself that the PNC will win a free and fair election. You bring up old population statistics to prove that the coolie vote is dwindling, not considering the negro vote also might be dwindling. What happens to the Amerindian votes? In a free and fair election, do you think they will vote straight PNC?

What's " to the end of the earth" ?

The Douglas are 20% and growing.  The PPP does not have a good history with the Amerindians.

I think people are getting confused with dougla in the black/indian sense and mixed. Guyana's mixed race population is about 20%. Indian about 40% and African about 30%. Amerindian, Chinese etc. make up the rest.

GTAngler posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Ray posted:

Overblown nonsense to suggest AFC is what is wrong with Guyana...guess that idiot Freddy forgot who has been ruling Guyana over the last 60 years

Past 60 years ...

30 years - PNCR ==28 years - 1964 to 1992 and 2+ years - 2016 to date.

24 years - PPPC = 24 years -- 1992 to 2016.

AFC had earlier declared vocally that it is/will be an independent party uncommitted to neither the PPPC or the PNCR.

With whom and where is the AFC now entwined???

That's only 54 and you left out the pre 1964 years. Who was in power then?

British Government was in power and absolute control.

Guyana had a limited self-government under the constitution developed by the British government.

GTAngler posted:

I think people are getting confused with dougla in the black/indian sense and mixed. Guyana's mixed race population is about 20%. Indian about 40% and African about 30%. Amerindian, Chinese etc. make up the rest.

The voting population of Mixed Race, Amerindians, Chinese etc. can make a difference in the race between the PPP/C and PNC/R.

Demerara_Guy posted:
GTAngler posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Ray posted:

Overblown nonsense to suggest AFC is what is wrong with Guyana...guess that idiot Freddy forgot who has been ruling Guyana over the last 60 years

Past 60 years ...

30 years - PNCR ==28 years - 1964 to 1992 and 2+ years - 2016 to date.

24 years - PPPC = 24 years -- 1992 to 2016.

AFC had earlier declared vocally that it is/will be an independent party uncommitted to neither the PPPC or the PNCR.

With whom and where is the AFC now entwined???

That's only 54 and you left out the pre 1964 years. Who was in power then?

British Government was in power and absolute control.

Guyana had a limited self-government under the constitution developed by the British government.

Play yuh rass wid meh. You know exactly what I meant but in keeping with your thinking, which party controlled the limited self government?

Mitwah posted:
GTAngler posted:

I think people are getting confused with dougla in the black/indian sense and mixed. Guyana's mixed race population is about 20%. Indian about 40% and African about 30%. Amerindian, Chinese etc. make up the rest.

The voting population of Mixed Race, Amerindians, Chinese etc. can make a difference in the race between the PPP/C and PNC/R.

That's the key,which party attracts the most of these voters wins.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
GTAngler posted:

I think people are getting confused with dougla in the black/indian sense and mixed. Guyana's mixed race population is about 20%. Indian about 40% and African about 30%. Amerindian, Chinese etc. make up the rest.

The voting population of Mixed Race, Amerindians, Chinese etc. can make a difference in the race between the PPP/C and PNC/R.

That's the key,which party attracts the most of these voters wins.

Given that they retain their respective bases.

GTAngler posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

British Government was in power and absolute control.

Guyana had a limited self-government under the constitution developed by the British government.

Play yuh rass wid meh. You know exactly what I meant but in keeping with your thinking, which party controlled the limited self government?

Dee PPP -- with limited self-government.

An updated symbol/flag ..

Image result for PPP symbol, Guyana


Images (1)
  • blobid0
GTAngler posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

British Government was in power and absolute control.

Guyana had a limited self-government under the constitution developed by the British government.

Play yuh rass wid meh.


Gilbakka posted:
Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


Django is a full time defender of Congress House. 

That's not true.

Ditto. Django is not a defender of Congress House. I think he is a defender of Congress PLACE.

Thanks for the correction.  From now on I will avoid saying Congress house. 

BTW, these chaps from the PNC want us to believe that all mixed people will vote against the PPP.  Sounds like a flawed political theory.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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