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Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:

A lot hinges on who the PPP candidate is and how much Jagdeo is in the scene.

Is wuh planet ayuh diss deh pon.  When Ayuh guh wake up and smell di coffee!!!

Apparently not the same planet as you. Oh Great Guru of Guyanese Politics, please enlighten us.

GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:

A lot hinges on who the PPP candidate is and how much Jagdeo is in the scene.

Is wuh planet ayuh diss deh pon.  When Ayuh guh wake up and smell di coffee!!!

Apparently not the same planet as you. Oh Great Guru of Guyanese Politics, please enlighten us.

Di @real candidate deh hiding in plain sight!!  He ah wach dem!!


Dr Bharat Jagdeo the ultimate Warrior will be there to lead whoever is selected to the Promise Land. The man has the experience, smarts and is LOVE by the Guyanese people.


 I hop eis the great Anil Nanda Nanda Nandalall.

Nehru posted:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo the ultimate Warrior will be there to lead whoever is selected to the Promise Land. The man has the experience, smarts and is LOVE by the Guyanese people.

I hop eis the great Anil Nanda Nanda Nandalall.

Perhaps it might not be na na naaaa naaahhh Nandalall.

Nehru posted:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo the ultimate Warrior will be there to lead whoever is selected to the Promise Land. The man has the experience, smarts and is LOVE by the Guyanese people.

 I hop eis the great Anil Nanda Nanda Nandalall.

He need a nice sharp tongue coolie bai and a nice hot mouth Dugla gyaal!

GTAngler posted:

A lot hinges on who the PPP candidate is and how much Jagdeo is in the scene.

The Coalition will probably not have Granger coming back. If they want to win, I think they should do something drastic and put forward Volda Lawrence for their candidate. Those old fogies they have ain't up to scratch and probably will not raise any interest from their base. A fresh face, especially a woman, might get their voters to the polls.

Mars posted:
GTAngler posted:

A lot hinges on who the PPP candidate is and how much Jagdeo is in the scene.

The Coalition will probably not have Granger coming back. If they want to win, I think they should do something drastic and put forward Volda Lawrence for their candidate. Those old fogies they have ain't up to scratch and probably will not raise any interest from their base. A fresh face, especially a woman, might get their voters to the polls.

I say Caribj!!

Nehru posted:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo the ultimate Warrior will be there to lead whoever is selected to the Promise Land. The man has the experience, smarts and is LOVE by the Guyanese people.

Straight from the horses mouths, PPP Presidential Candidate will be second fiddle, he/she will be selected not elected.

Good going, hopefully the supporters of the PPP take note.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo the ultimate Warrior will be there to lead whoever is selected to the Promise Land. The man has the experience, smarts and is LOVE by the Guyanese people.

Straight from the horses mouths, PPP Presidential Candidate will be second fiddle, he/she will be selected not elected.

Good going, hopefully the supporters of the PPP take note.

Who will be the candidate for the APNU?

Nehru posted:

He too DUMB to understand that a Committee selects the PPP Candidate.

Making yourself a fool further, so they don't vote for the Presidential Candidates that throw their hat in the ring ?

Now tell us who is DUMB.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo the ultimate Warrior will be there to lead whoever is selected to the Promise Land. The man has the experience, smarts and is LOVE by the Guyanese people.

Straight from the horses mouths, PPP Presidential Candidate will be second fiddle, he/she will be selected not elected.

Good going, hopefully the supporters of the PPP take note.

Who will be the candidate for the APNU?

When ever there is need for a Candidate, there will be a voting process  not selecting.

Alyuh should learn a thing or two before opening your mouths.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

He too DUMB to understand that a Committee selects the PPP Candidate.

Making yourself a fool further, so they don't vote for the Presidential Candidates that throw their hat in the ring ?

Now tell us who is DUMB.

The committee VOTES for the candidate from the pool submitted. 

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo the ultimate Warrior will be there to lead whoever is selected to the Promise Land. The man has the experience, smarts and is LOVE by the Guyanese people.

Straight from the horses mouths, PPP Presidential Candidate will be second fiddle, he/she will be selected not elected.

Good going, hopefully the supporters of the PPP take note.

Who will be the candidate for the APNU?

When ever there is need for a Candidate, there will be a voting process  not selecting.

Alyuh should learn a thing or two before opening your mouths.

The same process applies to both partis,  don't try to be smart.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo the ultimate Warrior will be there to lead whoever is selected to the Promise Land. The man has the experience, smarts and is LOVE by the Guyanese people.

Straight from the horses mouths, PPP Presidential Candidate will be second fiddle, he/she will be selected not elected.

Good going, hopefully the supporters of the PPP take note.

Who will be the candidate for the APNU?

When ever there is need for a Candidate, there will be a voting process  not selecting.

Alyuh should learn a thing or two before opening your mouths.

The same process applies to both parties,  don't try to be smart.

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Dr Bharat Jagdeo the ultimate Warrior will be there to lead whoever is selected to the Promise Land. The man has the experience, smarts and is LOVE by the Guyanese people.

Straight from the horses mouths, PPP Presidential Candidate will be second fiddle, he/she will be selected not elected.

Good going, hopefully the supporters of the PPP take note.

Who will be the candidate for the APNU?

When ever there is need for a Candidate, there will be a voting process  not selecting.

Alyuh should learn a thing or two before opening your mouths.

The same process applies to both parties,  don't try to be smart.

So what Nehru mouthing about ?

Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:
Baseman posted:
GTAngler posted:

A lot hinges on who the PPP candidate is and how much Jagdeo is in the scene.

Is wuh planet ayuh diss deh pon.  When Ayuh guh wake up and smell di coffee!!!

Apparently not the same planet as you. Oh Great Guru of Guyanese Politics, please enlighten us.

Di @real candidate deh hiding in plain sight!!  He ah wach dem!!

Who is the Pinocchio this time around?

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

He too DUMB to understand that a Committee selects the PPP Candidate.

Making yourself a fool further, so they don't vote for the Presidential Candidates that throw their hat in the ring ?

Now tell us who is DUMB.

None of your bloody business how the PPP elects their leader. Deal with your Jackass PNC party. Stop making a Jackass of yourself.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

He too DUMB to understand that a Committee selects the PPP Candidate.

Making yourself a fool further, so they don't vote for the Presidential Candidates that throw their hat in the ring ?

Now tell us who is DUMB.

A committee obeys Jagdeo's orders. Please discuss when did the committee ever over rule him?

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

That's because you are looking at the PPP through the racist lens of the PNC.  Blacks are only 30% of the population.  If voting continues on racial lines  I don't see how the PNC can fare better than the PPP?  The majority of the Amerindians do not vote for the PNC. The PPP has a better chance with the 43% Indians along with votes from other racial groups including Afro-Guyanese. 

You are talking trash.  

Lets get the FACTS out here. 2012 Population Census, East Indians 39.83 % Africans 29.25 % Amerindians 10.51 %  Mixed 19.8 %

Do the math, bear in mind the percentages would not be the voters, I can give the breakdown of Ethnic Voters.

Tell us where you find that  East Indian Population is 43 %

The man who talking trash present the real facts not fake facts, now ponder on it.

There is a difference between the voting age population and the population at large.  Indians and blacks account for a higher % of the voting age than they do of the population at large. If one looks at the under 5 y/o population mixed are about to become the largest group.


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