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Originally Posted by caribny:

100% of those who administer the govt of Barbados and who provide an environment conducive to attracting domestic and foreign investment (including that from Guyanese like the Gafoors are BLACK.


Haiti has BETTER beaches than Barbados, and is much more accessable to the USA, and has a much richer culture, and yet I do not see any one racing to invest there, except in some island isolated from the rest of Haiti.  The giovt does not work so there is NO infrastructure, no rule of law and no physical security,so people stay aware.


So give the BLACK govt of Barbados credit for administering an island with no resources and creating an environment where thousands of IndoGuyanese have had to flee from the PPP, and who refuse to return, even as economic conditions on that island have worsened.


Druggie if a govt fails to provide an environment of due process and economic secturtity no sensible investor will go there.  Now given that 100% of the ministers on Bdos are blacks, as are almost all of the senior staff for you to suggest that the only contribution that blacks make in bDos is mixing drinks and driving taxis is a laugh.


I will leave with the question.  Why dont you invest in Haiti if the role that govt plays in ensuriong stability and security is irrelevant.


I will not even mention that Barbados as a huge pool of highly educated workers as almost 30% of the population has COMPLETED tertiray level education.  Go into any office and see who the managers and professionsla are. MAINLY BLACKS. 


With less than 3% of the population being white, many of whom are inclined to spend their days wind surfing or racing cars, there just arent enough non blacks in Bdos to staff major functions.


Yes druggie I know that the notion of an island with NO RESOURCES, and one where the vast majority of the pool of professionals and managers are blacks angers you, but these are the fcats.

Indeed they must be given props for not having the mo fiah slow fiah mentality and unstable political environment like Haiti. In fact the Bajans were submissive folks, the same quality for which you berate the Indians. Unlike the Hatians who were the first to snatch independence via revolution.  However you will notice that the Bajans turn just like Afro Guyanese and started developed racist attitudes towards Indian Guyanese workers. So they do have a "mo fiah slow fiah" gene running throught their veins, it appears that it only arises when confronted by submissive Indians. Thank god Bharat figured out the solution via phantomizing.

Originally Posted by Rev:
, Afros victimization is manufactured in their minds----they need to change their mindset and their attitudes.











Rev you will scream that MLK was afreaud and life in Jim Crow USA was great and the good negroes (those who pretended to be happy) were people who you respect.  And that the majority who were not imagined things.


So I will allow you to fester in your racism and let the WORLD see how racist PPP supporters are.  No wonder people like Kari are embarrassed to be around you as you smell like a sewer.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

 However you will notice that the Bajans turn just like Afro Guyanese and started developed racist attitudes

You mean that Bajans are supposed to allow starving people fleeing agovt who they voted merely because it is Indian, but then refuse to live uinder its rule?  They then arrive on their island, and then bring in the same racist attitudes that rev al, you and baseman daily display.


Bajans, Nevisians, Tortolans and other black islanders query why bring that attitude towards them when they have done nothing to Indians, apart from allopwing them into an island where they can live better than they clearly can in Indo run Guyana.


I mean here you are screaming that all Bajan blacks can do is mix drinks, clean rooms and drive taxis and be given no credit for developing an island where almost as many complete tertiray level education as in the USA.  One need go no further than you to see blatant disrespect and hostilty towards blacks.


Funny that Bajans do not like other islanders (ask any Vincentian about tham), nor do they like AfroGuyanese.  So they clearly do not use race to determine who they like and who they dont. 


If they single out Indians, who bringanti black  attitudes which are so clearly displayed on GNI why the shock if they return this in kind?  Black Bajns have recieved enough of those wttitudes from their white countrymen over the centuries, so why expect them to welcome ANOTHER group which brings hostile attitudes to them.


You do know that GNI is well known in Barbados and that many use comments here by people like you, baseman, , rev and skeldonman as examples of how Indians hate blacks. 


Clearly they feel that if Indians hate blacks, then why flee to an island which is 90% black, run bya govt which is 100% black.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:
, Afros victimization is manufactured in their minds----they need to change their mindset and their attitudes.











Rev you will scream that MLK was afreaud and life in Jim Crow USA was great and the good negroes (those who pretended to be happy) were people who you respect.  And that the majority who were not imagined things.


So I will allow you to fester in your racism and let the WORLD see how racist PPP supporters are.  No wonder people like Kari are embarrassed to be around you as you smell like a sewer.

You are a RACIST DOG, has always been so look who is talking.


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