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Originally Posted by cain:

Anyone here tried one of these items, the Air Deep Fryer? Need some feedback, could be a healthier choice.



* Hmmmmm! Fried foods without oil ?


* That sounds healthy.


* I try to stay away from fried food, but keep us updated on how the fries taste if you do invest in that machine.


* A lot of these products look great in advertisements---people buy them---use them a couple of times---and then forget about them.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:


Ok Rev Cyan hang round, I have a young lady waiting with warm hands and oils, the bod needs some rub down. Catch you when I am through, maybe cuss u up lil bit on Political if u over there




* Yuh living the good life bwoy---his and hers massage.LOL





* We all hate each other over there.



Originally Posted by Rev:


* By the way, a few weeks ago I had the new satisfries at Burger King---it's advertised as 40% les fat and 30% less calories----it tasted like fries. 


* But I still like McDonald's fries better----I haven't had that in months---must check out a McDonalds soon.



We order our fries at McDonald's without salt - may have to wait a bit but worth it.

Originally Posted by Rev:


Ok Rev Cyan hang round, I have a young lady waiting with warm hands and oils, the bod needs some rub down. Catch you when I am through, maybe cuss u up lil bit on Political if u over there




* Yuh living the good life bwoy---his and hers massage.LOL





* We all hate each other over there.



This aint no his an hers banna, is all his...well...sort of..mmmmmm! Jus let's say, his, is feelin nice an worn ou...oops, I meant/relaxed.

Originally Posted by cain:

This aint no his an hers banna, is all his...well...sort of..mmmmmm! Jus let's say, his, is feelin nice an worn ou...oops, I meant/relaxed.


* Glad to hear you are refreshed, rejuvenated and relaxed----ah! the joy of a full body massage performed by a 60 year old Polish


* By the way, I am assuming there is a Mrs Cain in your life.





* Have Mr. and Ms Cain ever experienced the joy of a simultaneous couples massage ?


* The above spa, by the way, is at  the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.


* You don't have any Mandarin Oriental hotels in Toronto, but you and the wife or mistress may want to check out the spa at the lovely Four seasons.



Last edited by Former Member

Rev, my wife and I are separated this was where she gave me the ultimatium when she said is either she or the guitar, I now have 6 guitars and a (sorry to buss your story Rev) 41 yr Russian masseuse takin care of my aches and pains.

Remember now Rev, I also am a certified aromatherapist and all that you read/post about spas etc I've lived it for the last 20 years or so and still do, so that aint new to yours truly.

Originally Posted by cain:

Rev, my wife and I are separated this was where she gave me the ultimatium when she said is either she or the guitar, I now have 6 guitars




* I am supposed to say I am sorry to hear that your marriage didn't survive.


* But you made me laugh with your 6 guitar comment.



* How dare that woman demand you choose between her and your beloved guitar. A man's got to have his priorities right.


* I wonder if stormborn's marriage is in trouble too---he is also a guitar aficionado. Damn! Stormy will cuss my ass out when he reads what I just wrote.



Last edited by Former Member

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