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Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by seignet:

The Dutch called it Plantation Chair.

It was called PLANTATION CHAIR in the old days...


GT people will say anything as long as the word Berbice is mentioned.

I never heard of Plantation Chair it was always Berbice Chair!

You ears mussi gat nuff wax and yuh don't hear too good. 


Google "plantation chair" and see what comes up.

What do you think they call it outside of Guyana? 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by seignet:

The Dutch called it Plantation Chair.

It was called PLANTATION CHAIR in the old days...


GT people will say anything as long as the word Berbice is mentioned.

I never heard of Plantation Chair it was always Berbice Chair!

Chief always the sh!t stirrer!

I know I am from GT & I also know who redesigned the PLANTATION CHAIR and renamed it BERBICE.

There is a possibilty that 4 GNI members read what I wrote on a FB group... One of the 4 I spoke to... via phone about 6 years ago.  


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by seignet:

The Dutch called it Plantation Chair.

It was called PLANTATION CHAIR in the old days...


GT people will say anything as long as the word Berbice is mentioned.

I never heard of Plantation Chair it was always Berbice Chair!

Chief always the sh!t stirrer!

I know I am from GT & I also know who redesigned the PLANTATION CHAIR and renamed it BERBICE.

There is a possibilty that 4 GNI members read what I wrote on a FB group... One of the 4 I spoke to... via phone about 6 years ago.  


Chief and IGH, 'tis the season for goodwill.

You all don't fret and fight over that darned sexist lazy-man chair.

Those male planters of yore were only thinking about themselves when they invented that chair.

Unlike all other chairs, the so-called plantation chair was not intended for women. And I've never seen even tom-boys spread their legs on the arms of such a chair.


Originally Posted by Amral:

ok what is the Morris Chair, I cant remember


A Morris chair is an early type of reclining chair. The design was adapted by William Morris's firm, Morris & Company from a prototype owned by Ephraim Colman in rural Sussex, England. It was first marketed around 1866.[1]

Chairs that are called "Morris chairs" feature a seat with a reclining back and moderately high armrests, which give the chair an old-style appearance. The characteristic feature of a Morris chair is a hinged back, set between two un-upholstered arms, with the reclining angle adjusted through a row of pegs, holes or notches in each arm." [Wikipedia]



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by seignet:

The Dutch called it Plantation Chair.

It was called PLANTATION CHAIR in the old days...


GT people will say anything as long as the word Berbice is mentioned.

I never heard of Plantation Chair it was always Berbice Chair!

Chief always the sh!t stirrer!

I know I am from GT & I also know who redesigned the PLANTATION CHAIR and renamed it BERBICE.

There is a possibilty that 4 GNI members read what I wrote on a FB group... One of the 4 I spoke to... via phone about 6 years ago.  


Chief and IGH, 'tis the season for goodwill.

You all don't fret and fight over that darned sexist lazy-man chair.

Those male planters of yore were only thinking about themselves when they invented that chair.

Unlike all other chairs, the so-called plantation chair was not intended for women. And I've never seen even tom-boys spread their legs on the arms of such a chair.


Check the link posted by Mars below  the last one is for the female.

You could still larn something new, Gilbakka.




Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by seignet:

The Dutch called it Plantation Chair.

It was called PLANTATION CHAIR in the old days...


GT people will say anything as long as the word Berbice is mentioned.

I never heard of Plantation Chair it was always Berbice Chair!

Chief always the sh!t stirrer!

I know I am from GT & I also know who redesigned the PLANTATION CHAIR and renamed it BERBICE.

There is a possibilty that 4 GNI members read what I wrote on a FB group... One of the 4 I spoke to... via phone about 6 years ago.  


Chief and IGH, 'tis the season for goodwill.

You all don't fret and fight over that darned sexist lazy-man chair.

Those male planters of yore were only thinking about themselves when they invented that chair.

Unlike all other chairs, the so-called plantation chair was not intended for women. And I've never seen even tom-boys spread their legs on the arms of such a chair.


Check the link posted by Mars below  the last one is for the female.

You could still larn something new, Gilbakka.





You're right, cain. I can still learn something new.

Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by IGH:
Originally Posted by seignet:

The Dutch called it Plantation Chair.

It was called PLANTATION CHAIR in the old days...


GT people will say anything as long as the word Berbice is mentioned.

I never heard of Plantation Chair it was always Berbice Chair!

Chief always the sh!t stirrer!

When GT people come to Berbice they ask "what you have for us". When Berbicians vist them in GT THEY SHAMELESLY ask " What did you bring for us".


Back in the days when you go upstaris at Demico House for a drink all them GT people ordering quarter and half , never a full bottle. As soon as they go Berbice or West Dem /ESSEQUIBO they telly the host buy a big bottle.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Chief:

For a moment I thought you said "Getting laid on it"

In Berbice, do as the Berbicians do! Any place any time

Why yu think the Berbice chair has those leg extension part? Sorry Gilly, seems iz not for men alone  

A Gt banna went and visit his friend in Berbice. Because of the constant black out by GEC the Berbice family was using a kerosine lamp. During the course of the night the host was overheard saying to his wife "Out the lamp and give me some".


The GT banna went back to Town and tell everyone that Berbicians do drink Kerosine.


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