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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

WOnder what is Storm's opinion of the AMerindian Minista

Stormy is not sure if he is Amerindian.

Stormy also has the mentality of his cannibalisitc and head shrinking ancestors. He knows nothing about Guyana but writes crap here. He said he was going to go back to Guyana and cultivate his family's 300 acres. Wonder if he knows how to get to Guyana. 

WHy are you referring to Indigenous people as cannibals? Are you stupid or something

No, you are stupid. You let him call Indians dalits and you sat there probably grinning your face off. One can only defend himself or herself if he or she is on your right side?

You take that piwari drunk serious?  In 2011 he said if PNC win he heading back.  Bet now, like TK, he will say he has to protect his "ass....ets."


The Rev likes what he is hearing thus far from the new President. The man says he will not tolerate bribery and corruption. That is something the previous President never said.



* The President also talked about the establishment of a Sovereign Wealth Fund where proceeds from the country's mineral and oil resources will be invested.


* I have to be honest---I like what I am hearing so far.


* We all know the Prime Minister is a straight arrow---if the President is also a straight arrow---BRIBERY & CORRUPTION will be severely curtailed in the Granger administration.




* If the President and Prime Minister are both clean---MILK & HONEY will not flow as abundantly as it did under Jagdeo and Ramotar.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

The Rev likes what he is hearing thus far from the new President. The man says he will not tolerate bribery and corruption. That is something the previous President never said.



* The President also talked about the establishment of a Sovereign Wealth Fund where proceeds from the country's mineral and oil resources will be invested.


* I have to be honest---I like what I am hearing so far.


* We all know the Prime Minister is a straight arrow---if the President is also a straight arrow---BRIBERY & CORRUPTION will be severely curtailed in the Granger administration.




Oh Laaado Gaado bai. You can suck kack better than any street hooker. You spent months demonizing Granger and Moses (especially Moses) and extolling the PPP. Now yuh spend yuh time daily on GNI pulling haad haad pun Moses and Granger.


Is this some kinda trait you have? Thank Allah you wasn't born a woman chap. You woulda done dead wid AIDS.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Oh Laaado Gaado bai.



* Shitty bai! As you grow older and hopefully mature, I hope you develop good manners and learn to be gracious, even to those you vehemently opposed, especially when they are making wise choices and decisions.


* Sure the Rev hammered Granger and Nagamootoo during the campaign. But the elections are over. They won. It's foolish to hold onto grudges or bitterness.


* The Rev believes in giving genuine praise where it is deserved. If Granger or Nagamootoo make good decisions and wise choices I will give kudos them.


* You seem to be an intolerant and narrow-minded man Shaitaan. Those are traits of flops and perennial losers.




* It's your choice shaitaan---remain the miserable young man you are or aspire to be a broad-minded and better human being.




OI Rev "* The Rev believes in giving genuine praise where it is deserved. If Granger or Nagamootoo make good decisions and wise choices I will give kudos them."



So how is it you gave kudos to Jagdeo,Ramtar, Kwame,The Goat, McFattie,etc knowing dam well they were useless and they were driving Guyana from the ditch into the sewer?

Originally Posted by cain:


 So how is it you gave kudos to Jagdeo,Ramtar, Kwame,The Goat, McFattie,etc knowing dam well they were useless and they were driving Guyana from the ditch into the sewer?




* If you were to put on your HONEST & TRUTHFUL hat you will acknowledge that as corrupt as the PPP were, Guyana made more progress economically under their stewardship(1992-2015) than it did under 28 years of illegal PNC rule(1964-1992).


* The honest and truthful Rev always stated that the PPP bais were corrupt, but I did praise them for at least making sure that Guyana's economy was growing---over the past 9 years REAL GDP GROWTH was positive.


* Anyway, 50.2% of the Guyana electorate have chosen a new government. Let's see what this new government can do.




They started by cleaning up the streets.  Good job! They were  supposed to eradicate crime being slaughtered now more than ever.  They were supposed to stamp out corruption but so far they only talk about it.  They have lots of things to do before they start to build the Lethem road.  Prosecution of over a hundred police officers under inditement. I wonder when the excitement is going to start. WOW!

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:


 So how is it you gave kudos to Jagdeo,Ramtar, Kwame,The Goat, McFattie,etc knowing dam well they were useless and they were driving Guyana from the ditch into the sewer?




* If you were to put on your HONEST & TRUTHFUL hat you will acknowledge that as corrupt as the PPP were, Guyana made more progress economically under their stewardship(1992-2015) than it did under 28 years of illegal PNC rule(1964-1992).


* The honest and truthful Rev always stated that the PPP bais were corrupt, but I did praise them for at least making sure that Guyana's economy was growing---over the past 9 years REAL GDP GROWTH was positive.


* Anyway, 50.2% of the Guyana electorate have chosen a new government. Let's see what this new government can do.



50.29 taken to one decimal place equals 50.3

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

WOnder what is Storm's opinion of the AMerindian Minista

 I like him. I do not like the fact some say he drinks too much. I have never met a person that was  a heavy drinker who was ever optimal for the task delegated to them. His people like him. Spoke to some people on the net from bon fin last night and they are ecstatic. His last name is that of some cousins of mine but he his from a different village. Everyone in Sand Hills Dem with that name are my cousins...the Campbell's and Jacobis ( yacobis) as well.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

They started by cleaning up the streets.  Good job! They were  supposed to eradicate crime being slaughtered now more than ever.  They were supposed to stamp out corruption but so far they only talk about it.  They have lots of things to do before they start to build the Lethem road.  Prosecution of over a hundred police officers under inditement. I wonder when the excitement is going to start. WOW!

it start a long time but you too *****ing drunk to notice 


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