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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

In the next week or two Moses must outline clearly in simple pamphlet how Cheddi Jagan worked hard for a unity government. Print 50000 copies and distribute to every corner of regions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

I do recall hearing about "Cheddi Blackman", so don't think that even Cheddi wasn't under some restraint on this topic. 


You will note than when he was able to reopen this discussions he refused, instead appointing some bogus group called "Civic".


APNU found it's Civic in the AFC. Only problem is that APNU's vote bank is still not translatable into automatic government.

Civic brought no votes to the PPP.



Indeed its uncanny.  An Indian president and a token negro as PM.  Now we will see an African president, and an Indian PM.  The AFC needs to prove that Nagamootoo will not be like Sam Hinds.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

In the next week or two Moses must outline clearly in simple pamphlet how Cheddi Jagan worked hard for a unity government. Print 50000 copies and distribute to every corner of regions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

I do recall hearing about "Cheddi Blackman", so don't think that even Cheddi wasn't under some restraint on this topic. 


You will note than when he was able to reopen this discussions he refused, instead appointing some bogus group called "Civic".


APNU found it's Civic in the AFC. Only problem is that APNU's vote bank is still not translatable into automatic government.

Civic brought no votes to the PPP.



Indeed its uncanny.  An Indian president and a token negro as PM.  Now we will see an African president, and an Indian PM.  The AFC needs to prove that Nagamootoo will not be like Sam Hinds.


The ultimate irony is that my 2015 Corentyne family (PPP voters) believe that Roopnarine has real influence in APNU and they believe Granger consults with him on all matters. They believed this to be the case. And they don't personally know either men.


Now comes alone APNU new coolie Nagamootoo.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.


PS: don't fool yourself that Nagamootoo has power.  You will note that the president has the final say in most matters, and you know which party ensured that they retained control over that position.


I suggest to you that APNU has nothing to lose. Once ethnic paranoia exists they will always be the largest opposition party, waiting for the day when the mixed and African vote significantly outnumbers the Indian vote.


Its the AFC which might sink into oblivion, just as the UF did.  They became part of the PPP. Where are they today?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.

Indian = 38-40%. African + Mixed = 46%. How is that a numeric advantage?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.

Indian = 38-40%. African + Mixed = 46%. How is that a numeric advantage?


I guarantee you we Indians are still an absolute majority on the electoral rolls.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

In the next week or two Moses must outline clearly in simple pamphlet how Cheddi Jagan worked hard for a unity government. Print 50000 copies and distribute to every corner of regions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

I do recall hearing about "Cheddi Blackman", so don't think that even Cheddi wasn't under some restraint on this topic. 


You will note than when he was able to reopen this discussions he refused, instead appointing some bogus group called "Civic".


APNU found it's Civic in the AFC. Only problem is that APNU's vote bank is still not translatable into automatic government.

Civic brought no votes to the PPP.



Indeed its uncanny.  An Indian president and a token negro as PM.  Now we will see an African president, and an Indian PM.  The AFC needs to prove that Nagamootoo will not be like Sam Hinds.


The ultimate irony is that my 2015 Corentyne family (PPP voters) believe that Roopnarine has real influence in APNU and they believe Granger consults with him on all matters. They believed this to be the case. And they don't personally know either men.


Now comes alone APNU new coolie Nagamootoo.

look, you admit that your Corentyne family are not Granger voters . . . so what's the point of all this mental masturbation?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.

Indian = 38-40%. African + Mixed = 46%. How is that a numeric advantage?

  What you forgot is that in 1991 mixed was 12%.  Most of these mixed people are too young to vote, as they were born AFTER 1996.  In addition young people are less likely to vote.  In addition not all mixed people will vote alongside blacks. 


Then add Amerindians who will vote for the highest bidder.


So its 32+12=44% and then subtract the segment of these voters which the PPP can buy off.  Many urban Africans don't vote and will never vote because they see no benefit from voting.


So the Indian voting base remains above its representation in the total population, probably around 45%.


The PPP still starts with an advantage over the PNC, and reducing this to a two party competition advantages the PPP.  However the PNC keeps its core 40% base.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.

Indian = 38-40%. African + Mixed = 46%. How is that a numeric advantage?


I guarantee you we Indians are still an absolute majority on the electoral rolls.

Do you have some publications or surveys showing that?

Originally Posted by TK:


I guarantee you we Indians are still an absolute majority on the electoral rolls.

Do you have some publications or surveys showing that?

Does the fact that the PPP still trounces the PNC, even last time, in its worst performance, not suggest this, even if we cannot prove it.


Voter turn out in urban Guyana was always lower than in rural coastal Guyana, except maybe in 2011. 


So when we combine the higher traditional rural coastal turn out, the fact that the mixed population is under represented in the voting pool, due to its youth, and also that the mixed bloc is diverse, I don't see how one can argue that the PPP doesn't start off with an advantage in a straight PPP vs. PNC fight.  And this is without the power of incumbency which allows it to buy off votes, or voter ID cards.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.

Indian = 38-40%. African + Mixed = 46%. How is that a numeric advantage?

  What you forgot is that in 1991 mixed was 12%.  Most of these mixed people are too young to vote, as they were born AFTER 1996.  In addition young people are less likely to vote.  In addition not all mixed people will vote alongside blacks. 


Then add Amerindians who will vote for the highest bidder.


So its 32+12=44% and then subtract the segment of these voters which the PPP can buy off.  Many urban Africans don't vote and will never vote because they see no benefit from voting.


So the Indian voting base remains above its representation in the total population, probably around 45%.


The PPP still starts with an advantage over the PNC, and reducing this to a two party competition advantages the PPP.  However the PNC keeps its core 40% base.


So what makes you believe the PPP will get all 38-40% Indian votes?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.

Indian = 38-40%. African + Mixed = 46%. How is that a numeric advantage?

I guarantee you we Indians are still an absolute majority on the electoral rolls.

Do you have some publications or surveys showing that?

he has none . . . but this is how the PPP prepares the ground for (just enough) rigging

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.


PS: don't fool yourself that Nagamootoo has power.  You will note that the president has the final say in most matters, and you know which party ensured that they retained control over that position.


I suggest to you that APNU has nothing to lose. Once ethnic paranoia exists they will always be the largest opposition party, waiting for the day when the mixed and African vote significantly outnumbers the Indian vote.


Its the AFC which might sink into oblivion, just as the UF did.  They became part of the PPP. Where are they today?

Your racist tendencies will always get the better of you and prevent you from seeing properly.


Moses and the AFC will bring votes to the AFC, Naith Ram and the rice farmers of Region 2 are not voting PPP this time around papi and your racist fart about indians voting for PPP is pure hogwash...........

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The ultimate irony is that my 2015 Corentyne family (PPP voters) believe that Roopnarine has real influence in APNU and they believe Granger consults with him on all matters..

There is truth in this, however Roopnarine ironically brings more black votes as his campaigning is much more charismatic than the bland Granger.


The close ties that he enjoys with Afro Guyanese has made him a traitor to the vast majority of Indians.


Roopnarine also proves the lie that an Indian cannot speak in front of an African grass roots crowd, something that Nagamootoo will now learn to do. He can no longer shy away from this as he did when he was screaming that he wanted no part of the PNC.


BTW where are redux and Mr T who defended Nagamootoo not speaking at that APNU protest because it would have tied him too closely to APNU, this jeopardizing his ability to get Indian votes?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses and the AFC will bring votes to the AFC,...........

OK so let them host huge meetings in the PPP belt and prove this.  Why the reluctance and only keeping to bottom house meetings with a few score voters.


If one has power one not only must claim to have it but to SHOW that they have it.



Please note that Kari is a fervent Nagamootoo supporter, but that doesn't blind him to the ethnic political realities of Guyana.

I also see that you are calling Kari a racist (against Indians) because he is of the belief that this move guarantees a PPP victory and returning to majority gov't status.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.


PS: don't fool yourself that Nagamootoo has power.  You will note that the president has the final say in most matters, and you know which party ensured that they retained control over that position.


I suggest to you that APNU has nothing to lose. Once ethnic paranoia exists they will always be the largest opposition party, waiting for the day when the mixed and African vote significantly outnumbers the Indian vote.


Its the AFC which might sink into oblivion, just as the UF did.  They became part of the PPP. Where are they today?

Your racist tendencies will always get the better of you and prevent you from seeing properly.


Moses and the AFC will bring votes to the AFC, Naith Ram and the rice farmers of Region 2 are not voting PPP this time around papi and your racist fart about indians voting for PPP is pure hogwash...........

Moses and the AFC PNC will NOT bring votes to the AFC PNC. AFC was cremated today. RIP AFC.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.


PS: don't fool yourself that Nagamootoo has power.  You will note that the president has the final say in most matters, and you know which party ensured that they retained control over that position.


I suggest to you that APNU has nothing to lose. Once ethnic paranoia exists they will always be the largest opposition party, waiting for the day when the mixed and African vote significantly outnumbers the Indian vote.


Its the AFC which might sink into oblivion, just as the UF did.  They became part of the PPP. Where are they today?

Your racist tendencies will always get the better of you and prevent you from seeing properly.


Moses and the AFC will bring votes to the AFC, Naith Ram and the rice farmers of Region 2 are not voting PPP this time around papi and your racist fart about indians voting for PPP is pure hogwash...........

Moses and the AFC PNC will NOT bring votes to the AFC PNC


Why yuh na goh drink yuh piss rum da side. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
, Naith Ram and the rice farmers of Region 2 are not voting PPP this time around

No they are voting for the same Granger who you used to scream was a terrorist.


I suggest you read that agreement and you will note that APNU retains full power, and merely outsources some work to the AFC.  The PPP will ensure that the rice farmers know this.


Now run off and convince Kari that he is wrong when he thinks that this is an error bound to benefit the PPP.  He loves Nagamootoo even more than you do.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
BTW where are redux and Mr T who defended Nagamootoo not speaking at that APNU protest because it would have tied him too closely to APNU, this jeopardizing his ability to get Indian votes?

u may have wanted me to say that . . . go check the record and come again


and u may need to explain how what i actually said then is relevant to the events of today, since i haven't a bloody clue


keep reaching


Actually, the PNC and AFC had coalesced all along in the last Parliament, the actions today have only formalized what they have been doing.They had been the majority, only that they did not have the Executive Power because of constitutional arrangements.


Truth be told, they gave no rest to the PPP Jagdeoite who had been stealing as if there is no tomorrow. APNU said it will support AFC's no confidence motion and that's why PPP Jagdeoite turned rogues.


Even if this is an unholy alliance, it's the road we must take to throw the rascals out of power.


The Alliance should now go to the churches and civil society and get their support for this multi-racial initiative.  They should ask Granger to use good strategy and apologize for the PNCs past.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

 They should ask Granger to use good strategy and apologize for the PNCs past.

Granger will not apologize as he fully well knows that Burnham is a "God" in many parts of his support base, who have felt ethnically excluded and need a black hero. And even those who don't think that he is will not see why Indians shouldn't also apologize.


Just be glad that they have accepted Nagamootoo getting some day to day power in excess of what Sam Hinds, has, even if this is subject to Granger's right to veto.


The AFC cannot rest on its supposed 7 seats.  They have to assume that they start from ZERO and win every one back, plus the additional 5 which APNU promised them.


If there is an unlikely event and masses of Indians stay home, and Africans show up in large numbers, and APNU wins on the own, the AFC will have no respect in the APNU/AFC coalition gov't.


So stop putting the onus on APNU and rest it with Nagamootoo.  It is HIS ambition which created both the MONC and now this coalition, when it isn't obvious that the AFC was ready to contest.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The PPP's nightmare has begun.

Despite desperate attempts to divide and rule, the PPP failed to drive a wedge between the AFC and APNU which together secured more than 51 percent of votes cast in 2011.


  So Gilbakka how many PPP supporters plan to vote for Granger?

You're wording the question wrongly, my friend.

The question should be: how many ex-PPP supporters plan to vote for the national unity coalition?

Answer: Many.

This is not about Granger and/or Nagamootoo only. This is bigger than both individuals. This is about saying a big NO to five more years of corrupt PPP excesses.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

, corruption will be battled,

Listen all one can expect is that an entrenched dictatorship will be removed.  Hopefully this will then free up civil society that govt SERVES the people and not ENSLAVES the people as have all govt done since Janet Jagan in the early 60s.


To really think that corruption will end, based on the volitions of the politicians is naïve.  We already saw the hypocrisy of the Hughes family on Amaila, and we know that many PNC officials yearn for the ill gotten gains that they see the PPP now getting.


Whether excessive corruption ends or not will depend on whether Guyanese demand that it ends.

Carib, I said corruption would be battled, not end.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Granger will not apologize as he fully well knows that Burnham is a "God" in many parts of his support base, who have felt ethnically excluded and need a black hero. And even those who don't think that he is will not see why Indians shouldn't also apologize.


Just be glad that they have accepted Nagamootoo getting some day to day power in excess of what Sam Hinds, has, even if this is subject to Granger's right to veto.


The AFC cannot rest on its supposed 7 seats.  They have to assume that they start from ZERO and win every one back, plus the additional 5 which APNU promised them.


If there is an unlikely event and masses of Indians stay home, and Africans show up in large numbers, and APNU wins on the own, the AFC will have no respect in the APNU/AFC coalition gov't.


So stop putting the onus on APNU and rest it with Nagamootoo.  It is HIS ambition which created both the MONC and now this coalition, when it isn't obvious that the AFC was ready to contest.

dude, the stuff that comes out of your mouth sometimes . . . smh


someone must have hurt u really bad in a previous life

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


"Cummingsburg Accord”

Following weeks of intense high level negotiations the APNU and AFC have arrived at an Accord title the “Cummingsburg Accord” which has been signed by both parties February 14, 2015.

This accord is in respect of their participation in the May 11, 2015 General and Regional Elections In the interest Guyana and responding to the overwhelming encouragements of both parties membership, supporters and the general public at large; the parties have agreed to the following.

Both parties will contest the elections on a single list of candidates;

APNU will nominate the Presidential candidate and AFC will nominate the Prime Ministerial candidate.

The AFC is assured of 12 seats in the National Assembly (Parliament)

In the construct of a new government the APNU will be allocated one Vice President and AFC two Vice Presidents both of whom will be members of the Cabinet.

In reflecting the thinking and commitment to and for future constitutional reform it has been agreed that the Presidency will be reorganised along the following lines;

1)- The President as Head of State, Head of Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and shall have responsibility for; the appointment of Constitutional Agencies and Commissions with the required and agreed democratic mechanisms of consultation and appoint.

2)- Foreign Affairs, International Relations and Non-Commercial Treaties.

3)- National Security Policy, the Defence Board. The Joint Intelligence Committee, the Guyana Defence Force et al.

The President will delegate the following responsibilities to the Prime Minister;

1)- Domestic national Affairs and Chairing Cabinet;

2)- Recommending Ministerial appointments and providing the organizational structures of Ministries for the approval of the President;

3)- Appointment of Head of Agencies and Non-Constitutional Commissions with the required and agreed democratic mechanisms of consultation and appoint;

4)- Domestic Security (Home Affairs)

The Parties further agree that Cabinet positions will allocated on a 60/40 basis between the APNU and the AFC respectively.

Both the Representative of the list and the Speaker of The House will be mutually selected by both parties from independent members of civil society.

This is a historic and watershed political development for our country as this new electoral alliance moves to put Guyana on the correct path, where all Guyanese regardless of ethnicity can feel fully motivated to be proud of his or her nation and is afforded the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the society while successfully caring for themselves and family.

These discussions were not easy and both parties had to give up some of their demands and overcome decades of prejudices for us to have arrived at this most significant and momentous point of national renewal.

The work has just began and we have no time to lose, starting immediately the General Secretaries of both parties will commence the process of combining our campaign teams into one unbeatable electoral machine to secure the victory this country urgently demands of us.

The leadership of both APNU and AFC pledge here today to lead our beloved country into a new dawn of national development, transparent governance, full accountability and invite all well thinking Guyanese to join in this important march as we give Guyana a second chance and to ensure you are on the right-side of history, “We ready for the VOTE”

So basically APNU controls the show, and outsources some work to the AFC.


Let us see the AFC sell this to the folks in the Corentyne who still have Cheddi's photograph NAILED into the wall.

Stop being cynical, Carib. Give the Cummingsburg Accord a chance.

For me, it's a good agreement, a solid base to build a national unity movement.

AFC will justify the Accord to all its supporters, not only Corentyne folks.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

An utterly corrupt arrogant and deceitful PPP regime will soon be discarded into the dustbin of history.


Bottom house campaign about "Nigamootoo" and "black man raping yu daughter" and " conversion of Indians into Christian douglas".  Then show APNU/AFC posters with Granger's face.


I hope that I am wrong but some Indians are going to run right back home.  That is other than those who stopped voting PPP two election cycles ago.


Better hope that APNU gets out the black/mixed alienated people who never vote, or who stopped voting, so that they can return to their 166k turn out. And lets hope that Nagamootoo can woo the Amerindian vote.

Not much disagreement with you here. The racial PPP bottom house appeal will have fewer takers than bygone years.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Actually, the PNC and AFC had coalesced all along in the last Parliament, the actions today have only formalized what they have been doing.They had been the majority, only that they did not have the Executive Power because of constitutional arrangements.


Truth be told, they gave no rest to the PPP Jagdeoite who had been stealing as if there is no tomorrow. APNU said it will support AFC's no confidence motion and that's why PPP Jagdeoite turned rogues.


Even if this is an unholy alliance, it's the road we must take to throw the rascals out of power.


The Alliance should now go to the churches and civil society and get their support for this multi-racial initiative.  They should ask Granger to use good strategy and apologize for the PNCs past.

I'm optimistic that civil society, the churches and the local business community will view the Cummingsburg Accord favourably. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

AFC will justify the Accord to all its supporters, not only Corentyne folks.

I am still waiting for you to explain then why Nagamootoo refused to speak in front of a majority black audience which was protesting against parliament being prorogued.


If Guyanese are really as you claim that they are then we can seriously question Nagamootoo's attitudes to Afro Guyanese voters.


Sorry but you cannot have it both ways.


And any reading of this agreements shows that APNU has the upper hand.  You must think highly of Granger, however the confusion between him and Solomon/Kissoon, should give you pause.


"Let us see the AFC sell this to the folks in the Corentyne who still have Cheddi's photograph NAILED into the wall."


The job of the AFC would be to help PPP supporters understand there were 3 PPPs: 1. Nationalist with Burnham and Jagan, 2. PPP Jaganite, and 3. PPP Jagdeoite.


Help them to understand the PPP Jagdeoite is not a party of Jagan anymore. The current PPP Jagdeoite does not have the support of the Jagan's children or the Deputy PPP Leader's child, Ralph Ram Karran.


Help them understand the current version of the PPP is an aberration of the Jagans, that the PPP now is a big shot party of the new bourgeoisie.That will be the job of the AFC.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I'm optimistic that civil society, the churches and the local business community will view the Cummingsburg Accord favourably. 

Why did so many of these same groups allow themselves be bought out by Jagdeo, or silenced in fear.


Sorry I remain a skeptic until the AFC goes it out proves that it has the ability to bring in 15% of the votes, and the ability to withstand the race card paranoia that the PPP will now drop on them.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I'm optimistic that civil society, the churches and the local business community will view the Cummingsburg Accord favourably. 

Why did so many of these same groups allow themselves be bought out by Jagdeo, or silenced in fear.


Sorry I remain a skeptic until the AFC goes it out proves that it has the ability to bring in 15% of the votes, and the ability to withstand the race card paranoia that the PPP will now drop on them.

In that case, I'll wait patiently until May 13-14 and then get back to you.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

"Let us see the AFC sell this to the folks in the Corentyne who still have Cheddi's photograph NAILED into the wall."


The job of the AFC would be to help PPP supporters understand there were 3 PPPs: 1. Nationalist with Burnham and Jagan, 2. PPP Jaganite, and 3. PPP Jagdeoite.




You don't seem to understand that all of the PPPs are an anathema to the majority of the black voters post 1957.  So to bring up this PPP civil war will ensure that they become confused about what Granger did.



Mention Jagan and many blacks hear DEVIL!

It is not only the Indian vote which must be attended to, but also the African vote. 


The only way this works is if both parties hit the ground IMMEDIATELY and signal what this means. Guyanese have only known political dominance by ethnic elites for the past 60 years and so to naively think that they will move beyond the paranoias that this has created in a few months is truly naïve.


I see no evidence that either APNU or the AFC are truly energetic campaigners, so pardon my skepticism.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

In that case, I'll wait patiently until May 13-14 and then get back to you.

Yes I agree.  While the PPP paints the Nigamootoo image the AFC can remain patient. In 2011 they remained patient and ended up with a scant 10%.  In 2015 we will see what patience brings.


The AFc needs to stop thinking that they are entitled to anything and go out and prove that they have support. Indeed its their very inability to do so which has rendered them as junior partners, akin to the UF and Burnham in the 60s.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Funny not that long ago you were screaming about how evil APNU is, and now you have joined an APNU government.


I must says hats off to APNU for devising an agreement where they maintain full control, and give AFC some day to day tasks to keep them busy. Ain't nothing going to happen in that gov't unless Granger approves of it.


Just understand that fact.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Funny not that long ago you were screaming about how evil APNU is, and now you have joined an APNU government.


I must says hats off to APNU for devising an agreement where they maintain full control, and give AFC some day to day tasks to keep them busy. Ain't nothing going to happen in that gov't unless Granger approves of it.


Just understand that fact.

like i said . . . u are experiencing some weird kind of vicarious thrill in 'power' that doesn't even exist (and you don't even believe will exist), wielded by a party (APNU) u supposedly don't even support


sorta pathetic . . . strange, really strange

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Funny not that long ago you were screaming about how evil APNU is, and now you have joined an APNU government.


I must says hats off to APNU for devising an agreement where they maintain full control, and give AFC some day to day tasks to keep them busy. Ain't nothing going to happen in that gov't unless Granger approves of it.


Just understand that fact.

like i said . . . u are experiencing some weird kind of vicarious thrill in 'power' that doesn't even exist (and you don't even believe will exist), wielded by a party (APNU) u supposedly don't even support


sorta pathetic . . . strange, really strange

  Why don't you point out to me what remedies does the AFC have to resist Granger when he starts treating them as he treated Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon?  If he treated people WITHIN the PNC that way, imagine what he will do to a weak party.


The APNU set a trap which Nagamootoo grabbed, so hats off to them in their brilliance.  They struck a deal which allows them to retain full power, while pretending to be so magnanimous.  I never thought that APNU was intelligent enough to do this.


If the AFC was so desperate what can I say.  Walking away from the deal mightn't have been the worst thing, and in fact might have strengthened their position with respect to this Indian vote that they so clearly cherish.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Funny not that long ago you were screaming about how evil APNU is, and now you have joined an APNU government.


I must says hats off to APNU for devising an agreement where they maintain full control, and give AFC some day to day tasks to keep them busy. Ain't nothing going to happen in that gov't unless Granger approves of it.


Just understand that fact.

like i said . . . u are experiencing some weird kind of vicarious thrill in 'power' that doesn't even exist (and you don't even believe will exist), wielded by a party (APNU) u supposedly don't even support


sorta pathetic . . . strange, really strange

  Why don't you point out to me what remedies does the AFC have to resist Granger when he starts treating them as he treated Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon?  If he treated people WITHIN the PNC that way, imagine what he will do to a weak party.

non sequitur . . . get some help dude

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:

  Why don't you point out to me what remedies does the AFC have to resist Granger when he starts treating them as he treated Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon?  If he treated people WITHIN the PNC that way, imagine what he will do to a weak party.

non sequitur . . . get some help dude

OK if the APNU/AFC do win and Granger starts treating Nagamootoo like he treated Solomon we will talk then.  He retains full ability to do so, unless there is something that is DOCUMENTED that says otherwise.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:

  Why don't you point out to me what remedies does the AFC have to resist Granger when he starts treating them as he treated Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon?  If he treated people WITHIN the PNC that way, imagine what he will do to a weak party.

non sequitur . . . get some help dude

OK if the APNU/AFC do win and Granger starts treating Nagamootoo like he treated Solomon we will talk then.  He retains full ability to do so, unless there is something that is DOCUMENTED that says otherwise.

we have nothing to talk about (see previous)


this red herring discussion u started in your own head has nothing to do with me


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