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This seems to be a good deal representing both major races in Guyana, but some Indians still have bad memories of the PNC [aka APNU] rule and they might  be 'afraid of the black man' to vote for them.

If this coalition works, it will be good for Guyana, but TRUST [lacking in Guyana] is riding pretty high. 

I wish them well, but I hope Moses don't make the same mistake Cheddi did with Duncan Sandys, or Guyana might be screwed for life.    


Remember what Ramjhattan said sometime ago" AFC is DEAD MEAT" if they join APNU. Do you think he was serious then OR Fooling People?  How does he explain this and other flip flops to voters? Do you believe him now and if so why not?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. This is just a terrible deal even on paper (even for something that is unenforceable). But it's principal sin is that it failed to accomplish the whole point of the make enough Indos agree to surrender control of the State.

It actually raises my respect for APNU who I always thought were a bunch of dummies, with the exception of a few like Carl Greenidge.


They outsource thankless jobs to the AFC, like Ministry of Home Affairs.  They leave the AFC to deal with the Indians (Agriculture) while retaining most of the presidential powers. 


By according the AFC way more positions than they merit, 40% of the cabinet positions and the power to RECOMMEND personnel to fill slots, they appear magnanimous, and so give Nagamootoo an ability to make some think that he has real power.


But he doesn't.


And if Nagamootoo cannot deliver an Indian vote then APNU just shrugs their shoulders and remain the largest opposition party, and no one can blame them for not trying to embrace people beyond its core base.


Clearly the AFC was begging and APNU told them take it or leave it.

Clearly the AFC was begging and APNU told them take it or leave it.


This may be have been a key in the coalition talks, and I believe, because the  PNC is not monolithic and the Granger wing has its own fight with the Burnhamite wing, that APNU had to take this strong stance. The question  is why the AFC feels it will improve on its voting contribution in a coalition given that it has been successful in poaching votes away from the PPP base, especially with Moses on board.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So basically APNU controls the show, and outsources some work to the AFC.


Let us see the AFC sell this to the folks in the Corentyne who still have Cheddi's photograph NAILED into the wall.

Stop being cynical, Carib. Give the Cummingsburg Accord a chance.

For me, it's a good agreement, a solid base to build a national unity movement.

AFC will justify the Accord to all its supporters, not only Corentyne folks.

Gilly, this will be very apt in 2020 but in 2015?????

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:

  Why don't you point out to me what remedies does the AFC have to resist Granger when he starts treating them as he treated Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon?  If he treated people WITHIN the PNC that way, imagine what he will do to a weak party.

non sequitur . . . get some help dude

OK if the APNU/AFC do win and Granger starts treating Nagamootoo like he treated Solomon we will talk then.  He retains full ability to do so, unless there is something that is DOCUMENTED that says otherwise.

we have nothing to talk about (see previous)


this red herring discussion u started in your own head has nothing to do with me

What you think doesn't matter in the scheme of things as you live safely in North America so can opine on theories.


Others must deal with the realities of Guyana where a poorly educated and impoverished population, increasingly doubtful about the relevance of the political process and its ability/desire to help them deal with their problems.


The AFC made its bed and so must lie in it.  They will just have to convince the votes that they got that they aren't being sold out to the PNC.  Only the AFC can convince these voters.  NOT YOU, who don't have to face the consequences of a Granger who didn't respect Solomon, and can treat Nagamootoo similarly if and when he wishes.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So basically APNU controls the show, and outsources some work to the AFC.


Let us see the AFC sell this to the folks in the Corentyne who still have Cheddi's photograph NAILED into the wall.

Stop being cynical, Carib. Give the Cummingsburg Accord a chance.

For me, it's a good agreement, a solid base to build a national unity movement.

AFC will justify the Accord to all its supporters, not only Corentyne folks.

Gilly, this will be very apt in 2020 but in 2015?????

exactly how would 5 more years of Jagdeo/Ramotarism fattened beyond measure on corruption make the terrain more hospitable to an Opposition coalition?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So basically APNU controls the show, and outsources some work to the AFC.


Let us see the AFC sell this to the folks in the Corentyne who still have Cheddi's photograph NAILED into the wall.

Stop being cynical, Carib. Give the Cummingsburg Accord a chance.

For me, it's a good agreement, a solid base to build a national unity movement.

AFC will justify the Accord to all its supporters, not only Corentyne folks.

Gilly, this will be very apt in 2020 but in 2015?????

  this is my problem with idealists who behave like college kids and not understanding reality.


The better strategy would have been for a separate AFC and a separate APNU working on their bases, and coordinating strategies.


Not trying to suddenly dump an ill understand coalition on an unsophisticated and cynical electorate who have been dumped on by ethnic elites for 60 years, so no longer trust them.


The AFC should have used the post 2011 period to educate the electorate, but didn't.


They have taken a gamble.  Let us hope that I am wrong because a PPP with a majority will be a dictatorship answerable to none, and out for revenge.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So basically APNU controls the show, and outsources some work to the AFC.


Let us see the AFC sell this to the folks in the Corentyne who still have Cheddi's photograph NAILED into the wall.

Stop being cynical, Carib. Give the Cummingsburg Accord a chance.

For me, it's a good agreement, a solid base to build a national unity movement.

AFC will justify the Accord to all its supporters, not only Corentyne folks.

Gilly, this will be very apt in 2020 but in 2015?????

exactly how would 5 more years of Jagdeo/Ramotarism fattened beyond measure on corruption make the terrain more hospitable to an Opposition coalition?

In this cycle the AFC is guaranteed to win more than 10% of seats with Moses at the helm and the AFC as a separate party. APNU would have maintained its percentage. The PPP would have maintained the Presidency but would be a minority government with less seats than the last Parliament.


5 more years give the demographics - youth, mixed voters and emigration patterns - to change the binary blackman party/coolieman party mentality. Coalition in 2020 would have a chance to knock the PPP from the Presidency and Parliament.

Originally Posted by redux:

exactly how would 5 more years of Jagdeo/Ramotarism fattened beyond measure on corruption make the terrain more hospitable to an Opposition coalition?

Listen George Bush was a nutcase but won a second term.  So continue to think that the electorate vote based on careful and sophisticated analysis.  They vote their fears and many who voted for Nagamootoo will think that he sold them out to their nemesis, the PNC.


He will now have to salvage his position and indicate to them how exactly he will be able to make them feel comfortable with a President Granger.


If he is like you, and thinks that he is right, need do little, and that those who don't agree with him are strange, then he will be seated wherever, but not as a major figure in parliament. 


I am not even sure if this agreement addresses what happens to the AFC if the alliance loses.  But you can bet that in that eventuality, if APNU sees that the AFC didn't contribute much to the votes, that they will seek to deprive the AFC of its 12 seats that were promised.

Originally Posted by Kari:


5 more years give the demographics - youth, mixed voters and emigration patterns - to change the binary blackman party/coolieman party mentality. Coalition in 2020 would have a chance to knock the PPP from the Presidency and Parliament.

Kari this is a practical analysis, based on an analysis of reality.  But it doesn't fit into binary world of right and wrong that redux operates in.


Problem is that politics is won by those who campaign, based on assessing the fears of their target audience and crafting a message.  Issues like the constitution are a snore.


Any case a few months ago when the AFC was playing cute and claiming that they wanted no part of any alliance with the APNU, these folks agreed. Now suddenly Nagamootoo figured that no way that the AFC on its own could win an election, and he badly needs to be president, that these tactics have changed, and now the AFC fanatics spin a different reality.


Now suddenly PPP supporters will gladly endorse Granger for president.


I was skeptical, but could have been brought over to the idea of Nagamootoo as the candidate.  But this version doesn't seem workable.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So basically APNU controls the show, and outsources some work to the AFC.


Let us see the AFC sell this to the folks in the Corentyne who still have Cheddi's photograph NAILED into the wall.

Stop being cynical, Carib. Give the Cummingsburg Accord a chance.

For me, it's a good agreement, a solid base to build a national unity movement.

AFC will justify the Accord to all its supporters, not only Corentyne folks.

Gilly, this will be very apt in 2020 but in 2015?????

  this is my problem with idealists who behave like college kids and not understanding reality.


The better strategy would have been for a separate AFC and a separate APNU working on their bases, and coordinating strategies.


Not trying to suddenly dump an ill understand coalition on an unsophisticated and cynical electorate who have been dumped on by ethnic elites for 60 years, so no longer trust them.


The AFC should have used the post 2011 period to educate the electorate, but didn't.


They have taken a gamble.  Let us hope that I am wrong because a PPP with a majority will be a dictatorship answerable to none, and out for revenge.

calling people smarter than u "college kids" does not make u a big man dude


jokers like u would would do nothing besides talking up a storm under the same ole same ole dispensation waiting for some magic in 2020 to effect change while the PPP piles on super strength as we watch helplessly


those at the big people table understand the lateness of the hour and, yes, we have to gamble


the only guarantee for sure is that the politics of racial inertia will have received a second telling blow and things will not be the same after


hopefully, that blow will do it and we will have a new government


regardless, how can we go wrong after all these years of the same shyte and no change


calling people smarter than u "college kids" does not make u a big man dude


jokers like u would would do nothing besides talking up a storm under the same ole same ole dispensation waiting for some magic in 2020 to effect change while the PPP piles on super strength as we watch helplessly


those at the big people table understand the lateness of the hour and, yes, we have to gamble


the only guarantee for sure is that the politics of racial inertia will have received a second telling blow and things will not be the same after


hopefully, that blow will do it and we will have a new government


regardless, how can we go wrong after all these years of the same shyte and no change

Ok so go and tell people who Nagamootoo spent all his life telling, that they must now go PNC. Even as late as the proroguing of parliament when Nagamootoo sent "his blacks" to address the black crowd, one being the chairman of the AFC, and yet he as the presidential candidate didn't see fit to. The defense offered was that this would allow the PPP to play to Indian paranoia.


And now you think that Indians will not be paranoid about the PNC and that the PPP will not play to this paranoia to the hilt.  Oh yes, folks all their lives told that the PNC is the bogeyman, with Nagamootoo definitely among those doing so.


Its like a mother telling their kids not to talk to the neighbor because he will hurt them, but one day she gets a crush on this man, and is now shocked that her kids are confused and refuse to believe her when she says, this guy is OK.


Redux you have to have an answer to address this problem and telling them "de PPP baad" isn't enough.  These same folks think that PNC "even wuss".   So many will either not vote out of confusion, or will flock back to the PPP in fright.  



Its a truly naïve college kid who doesn't even acknowledge this to be a problem.

Originally Posted by caribny:

calling people smarter than u "college kids" does not make u a big man dude


jokers like u would would do nothing besides talking up a storm under the same ole same ole dispensation waiting for some magic in 2020 to effect change while the PPP piles on super strength as we watch helplessly


those at the big people table understand the lateness of the hour and, yes, we have to gamble


the only guarantee for sure is that the politics of racial inertia will have received a second telling blow and things will not be the same after


hopefully, that blow will do it and we will have a new government


regardless, how can we go wrong after all these years of the same shyte and no change

Ok so go and tell people who Nagamootoo spent all his life telling, that they must now go PNC. Even as late as the proroguing of parliament when Nagamootoo sent "his blacks" to address the black crowd, one being the chairman of the AFC, and yet he as the presidential candidate didn't see fit to. The defense offered was that this would allow the PPP to play to Indian paranoia.


And now you think that Indians will not be paranoid about the PNC and that the PPP will not play to this paranoia to the hilt.  Oh yes, folks all their lives told that the PNC is the bogeyman, with Nagamootoo definitely among those doing so.


Its like a mother telling their kids not to talk to the neighbor because he will hurt them, but one day she gets a crush on this man, and is now shocked that her kids are confused and refuse to believe her when she says, this guy is OK.


Redux you have to have an answer to address this problem and telling them "de PPP baad" isn't enough.  These same folks think that PNC "even wuss".   So many will either not vote out of confusion, or will flock back to the PPP in fright.  



Its a truly naïve college kid who doesn't even acknowledge this to be a problem.

i understand the problem . . . the parties are going to campaign to combat this


those challenges will remain in 2020 . . . what is your point!?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So basically APNU controls the show, and outsources some work to the AFC.


Let us see the AFC sell this to the folks in the Corentyne who still have Cheddi's photograph NAILED into the wall.

Stop being cynical, Carib. Give the Cummingsburg Accord a chance.

For me, it's a good agreement, a solid base to build a national unity movement.

AFC will justify the Accord to all its supporters, not only Corentyne folks.

Gilly, this will be very apt in 2020 but in 2015?????

  this is my problem with idealists who behave like college kids and not understanding reality.


The better strategy would have been for a separate AFC and a separate APNU working on their bases, and coordinating strategies.


Not trying to suddenly dump an ill understand coalition on an unsophisticated and cynical electorate who have been dumped on by ethnic elites for 60 years, so no longer trust them.


The AFC should have used the post 2011 period to educate the electorate, but didn't.


They have taken a gamble.  Let us hope that I am wrong because a PPP with a majority will be a dictatorship answerable to none, and out for revenge.

calling people smarter than u "college kids" does not make u a big man dude


jokers like u would would do nothing besides talking up a storm under the same ole same ole dispensation waiting for some magic in 2020 to effect change while the PPP piles on super strength as we watch helplessly


those at the big people table understand the lateness of the hour and, yes, we have to gamble


the only guarantee for sure is that the politics of racial inertia will have received a second telling blow and things will not be the same after


hopefully, that blow will do it and we will have a new government


regardless, how can we go wrong after all these years of the same shyte and no change

Redux, this confused rambling only reinforces the notion that you are in a sophomoric mode. Grow up, address points posted and stay away from "kewl" idioms that are laughable in a forum like this.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So basically APNU controls the show, and outsources some work to the AFC.


Let us see the AFC sell this to the folks in the Corentyne who still have Cheddi's photograph NAILED into the wall.

Stop being cynical, Carib. Give the Cummingsburg Accord a chance.

For me, it's a good agreement, a solid base to build a national unity movement.

AFC will justify the Accord to all its supporters, not only Corentyne folks.

Gilly, this will be very apt in 2020 but in 2015?????

  this is my problem with idealists who behave like college kids and not understanding reality.


The better strategy would have been for a separate AFC and a separate APNU working on their bases, and coordinating strategies.


Not trying to suddenly dump an ill understand coalition on an unsophisticated and cynical electorate who have been dumped on by ethnic elites for 60 years, so no longer trust them.


The AFC should have used the post 2011 period to educate the electorate, but didn't.


They have taken a gamble.  Let us hope that I am wrong because a PPP with a majority will be a dictatorship answerable to none, and out for revenge.

calling people smarter than u "college kids" does not make u a big man dude


jokers like u would would do nothing besides talking up a storm under the same ole same ole dispensation waiting for some magic in 2020 to effect change while the PPP piles on super strength as we watch helplessly


those at the big people table understand the lateness of the hour and, yes, we have to gamble


the only guarantee for sure is that the politics of racial inertia will have received a second telling blow and things will not be the same after


hopefully, that blow will do it and we will have a new government


regardless, how can we go wrong after all these years of the same shyte and no change

Redux, this confused rambling only reinforces the notion that you are in a sophomoric mode. Grow up, address points posted and stay away from "kewl" idioms that are laughable in a forum like this.

whose notion bai? somehow i seem to annoy u


this is a good thing; part of what i do here is expose and make posers like you and shaitaan uncomfortable


i don't play the 'game' . . . and i do not suffer fools


your mediocrity is your own affair


The Indian prime minister, Narendra Mohdi, won the hearts of voters by running his state of Gujaraat efficiently. The capital city of Georgetown has been under a pro-PNC administration for over half a century. There little or nothing to admire about how this city is run. Why should ordinary citizens trust to have these same politicians to solve the economic problems of the nation? 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:

In the next week or two Moses must outline clearly in simple pamphlet how Cheddi Jagan worked hard for a unity government. Print 50000 copies and distribute to every corner of regions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

I do recall hearing about "Cheddi Blackman", so don't think that even Cheddi wasn't under some restraint on this topic. 


You will note than when he was able to reopen this discussions he refused, instead appointing some bogus group called "Civic".


APNU found it's Civic in the AFC. Only problem is that APNU's vote bank is still not translatable into automatic government.

Civic brought no votes to the PPP.



Indeed its uncanny.  An Indian president and a token negro as PM.  Now we will see an African president, and an Indian PM.  The AFC needs to prove that Nagamootoo will not be like Sam Hinds.

You are the whiningest man ever! I guess you got your lunch money taken one too often. The AFC cannot logically prove anything. They can state intent, offer reassurances and hope it is convincing. Given Sam Hinds was never showed up and allowed himself to do the presidential shuffle to work around the constitution two three times there is not much to do to beat his wos factor.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.


PS: don't fool yourself that Nagamootoo has power.  You will note that the president has the final say in most matters, and you know which party ensured that they retained control over that position.


I suggest to you that APNU has nothing to lose. Once ethnic paranoia exists they will always be the largest opposition party, waiting for the day when the mixed and African vote significantly outnumbers the Indian vote.


Its the AFC which might sink into oblivion, just as the UF did.  They became part of the PPP. Where are they today?

Your racist tendencies will always get the better of you and prevent you from seeing properly.


Moses and the AFC will bring votes to the AFC, Naith Ram and the rice farmers of Region 2 are not voting PPP this time around papi and your racist fart about indians voting for PPP is pure hogwash...........

Moses and the AFC PNC will NOT bring votes to the AFC PNC. AFC was cremated today. RIP AFC.

Your reliance on Indians voting for Indians is not unsurprising. I did not want the AFC with the APNU and for no other reason except I suspect you are right and Indian parochialism and racism in combination will keep them with the PPP. But only a 2 to three percent leech here with the Amerindian vote staying as it does means the PPP still lose. The APNU and the AFC may have run the scenarios on on their so know better The AFC only need to get some 7 tp 10 thousand in the corentyne to make a difference with good turnout in the other regions for the APNU and the PPP is toast.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The Indian prime minister, Narendra Mohdi, won the hearts of voters by running his state of Gujaraat efficiently. The capital city of Georgetown has been under a pro-PNC administration for over half a century. There little or nothing to admire about how this city is run. Why should ordinary citizens trust to have these same politicians to solve the economic problems of the nation? 

THe comparison is not the same. In GT, the PPP controls the cash allocations and the Mayor simply organizes the spending trajectories. Unfortunately, Sooba now seem to do both at the deliberate contrivances of the PPP. They are responsible for GT and the rest.


But the garbage problem is not with respect to GT alone. Every village has the same problem with the people never being offered any PSAs on environmental cleanliness or the installation of a garbage collection system. This is the PPP's fault. They can control collection and stop nuisance plastics, plus they have the power of enforcement enforcement.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Caribny seems like you are bitter.....and very upset.


Doan worry pun de odda side got nuff chaps like you just as suicidal.....

Yes.  Now the PPP will win 51% of the seats and will gloat over that.


Its now a straight PPP vs. PNC battle with the PPP having an ethnic numeric base advantage, and the incumbency to buy additional votes.  This who resent both the PPP and the PNC stay home.


If you thought seriously about it, you too would be upset.

Indian = 38-40%. African + Mixed = 46%. How is that a numeric advantage?

  What you forgot is that in 1991 mixed was 12%.  Most of these mixed people are too young to vote, as they were born AFTER 1996.  In addition young people are less likely to vote.  In addition not all mixed people will vote alongside blacks. 


Then add Amerindians who will vote for the highest bidder.


So its 32+12=44% and then subtract the segment of these voters which the PPP can buy off.  Many urban Africans don't vote and will never vote because they see no benefit from voting.


So the Indian voting base remains above its representation in the total population, probably around 45%.


The PPP still starts with an advantage over the PNC, and reducing this to a two party competition advantages the PPP.  However the PNC keeps its core 40% base.


The mixed population is a lot more volatile and you know that. It all depends on whether they choose to fill out the census form. What we know is less volatile is the fact that East Indians are down from the 43% of the 2000 census.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Remember what Ramjhattan said sometime ago" AFC is DEAD MEAT" if they join APNU. Do you think he was serious then OR Fooling People?  How does he explain this and other flip flops to voters? Do you believe him now and if so why not?

Remember that all through his political life Cheddi Jagan was an avowed Marxist-Leninist/scientific socialist/communist. Suddenly in 1991 when the Carter Centre started taking an interest in Guyana, Cheddi Jagan and the Mirror newspaper stopped mentioning Marxism-Leninism/socialism/communism the highest stage of socialism, and even stopped mentioning imperialism too.

Remember that for many years Cheddi Jagan was an implacable opponent of the International Monetary Fund [IMF]. Suddenly in 1992 Jagan stopped attacking the IMF.

Remember that Jagan bitterly criticized Burnham's 1980 constitution for giving the President excessive powers. Suddenly in 1992 newly elected President Jagan felt comfortable with his powers bequeathed by Burnham and didn't touch a word in the constitution.

What may appear as Ramjattan's "flip flop" to you is political realism and national imperative to others.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Remember that Jagan bitterly criticized Burnham's 1980 constitution for giving the President excessive powers. Suddenly in 1992 newly elected President Jagan felt comfortable with his powers bequeathed by Burnham and didn't touch a word in the constitution.

It requires about two-thirds of the MPs to make this change to the constitution.


PNC and AFC has never provided publicly in parliament solid efforts to make this change in the constitution.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Remember what Ramjhattan said sometime ago" AFC is DEAD MEAT" if they join APNU. Do you think he was serious then OR Fooling People?  How does he explain this and other flip flops to voters? Do you believe him now and if so why not?

At that moment, the AFC was dead meat.  Today after prorogation, the AFC is a LIVE BIRD in the Unity Government.   


Addendum to Breaking down this agreement-


1. AFC presently has 7 seats.

The agreement gives AFC12 seats win, lose or draw.


2. AFC gets Head of the presidential secretariat,

who is secretary to cabinet

and secretary of the Defence Board.


3. AFC gets Prime minister with increase power.

The prime minister will now chair cabinet,

is responsible for identifying ministers

and structuring the ministries.


4. AFC gets 40 percent of all ministerial positions.


5. AFC gets the ministries of


Natural Resources,

Home Affairs and



6. Civil society is promised

to be Leader of the List of Representatives and

Speaker of the National Assembly.


7. APNU gets the presidency with reduced powers.


8. AFC gets Two Vice presidents


9. APNU gets One Vice president


10. APNU gets 60 percent of the cabinet which includes

foreign affairs and



11. The parliamentary configuration of the APNU and AFC

does not equal 60/40.


12. AFC went into the negotiation

the smaller partner

but came out holding

all the critical power and

has secured more seats,

win lose or draw.


Now let us hear from the

Funny Fellas & Crab louse

Considering the alternatives, this was the best deal available for the opposition. Not merging before the elections is basically accepting defeat since the PPP would have gotten the largest percentage of votes. We would be back to square one with a PPP minority government and it would have been a waste of time to force new elections. if the AFC were given the presidency, why would anyone think that blacks would have thrown their blanket support behind Moses? Especially when the PNC are bringing a significantly larger percentage of votes to the coalition. They deserve to have the presidency. There is no guarantee of the opposition coalition winning but in my mind the least riskiest option is by having Granger as president.
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

David Granger embraces Gerhard Ramsaroop after the signing of the Cummingsburg Accord in this Kojo Mc Pherson photo:




real courage bai . . . these are the people Guyana will remember and respect

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

David Granger embraces Gerhard Ramsaroop after the signing of the Cummingsburg Accord in this Kojo Mc Pherson photo:




real courage bai . . . these are the people Guyana will remember and respect


In America, we also remember the Alamo. We respect and admire and hold it high esteem it's noble defenders. However, the Army does not teach it as sound military doctrine for good reason.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

David Granger embraces Gerhard Ramsaroop after the signing of the Cummingsburg Accord in this Kojo Mc Pherson photo:




real courage bai . . . these are the people Guyana will remember and respect

In America, we also remember the Alamo. We respect and admire and hold it high esteem it's noble defenders. However, the Army does not teach it as sound military doctrine for good reason. 

it's actually meant to hilite the difference between people like Gerhard and those insubstantial, like you, who pose, preen and pretend

Originally Posted by redux:

i understand the problem . . . the parties are going to campaign to combat this


those challenges will remain in 2020 . . . what is your point!?

Put it this way 5 years gives them more time to make rural Indians understand what they are doing than 3 months.


Any way what is done is done, and cannot be undone.


Nagamootoo will have to sell the fact that the PNC is now a cuddly animal and he will be a power house in there.  He better hope that people don't read the fine print, which basically gives Granger final decision making authority.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

So see...

Bro. Granger already embracing the Indo people.


Guyana moving forward.

like you never see bar-rat hugging kwame 

Mr. Einstein just graced us with his presence. Thank you sir!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

i understand the problem . . . the parties are going to campaign to combat this


those challenges will remain in 2020 . . . what is your point!?



Nagamootoo will have to sell the fact that the PNC is now a cuddly animal and he will be a power house in there.  He better hope that people don't read the fine print, which basically gives Granger final decision making authority.



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