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Originally Posted by chameli:

Congrats to Miss Reshma and to Shanaz and hubby...job well done!!!

I wish her success in whatever career she chooses....



4 yrs ago, our eldest graduated with honours from UofT and worked 2 yrs at the YMCA as an employment consultant...then 2 yrs ago, she quit to do something loves and  wanted to do since she was 12 !!! totally unrelaated to what she did in Univ.!!!

Congrats to your daughter shanaz.


Hey cham, I don't know if you remember my Shannon, she went for legal secretary ending up getting out of it, she's just graduated as a Vet tech.

Nothing's wrong with change, just look at my various job titles ...and I'm still looking into dancing at bachelorette parties.

Last edited by cain

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