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Former Member

System mix-up caused incorrect publication of naturalisation notices

By Staff Reporter - April 5, 2019

A GLITCH in the computer system at the Advertising Department of the Guyana Chronicle was responsible for the incorrect names and photographs of persons seeking naturalisation status here, being published recently.

General Manager (ag) of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited (GNNL), Ms. Donna Todd, explained that the incorrect information published on the individuals seeking naturalisation in Guyana was corrected within the days immediately after they were first carried. She reiterated that the errors were genuine mistakes which were corrected immediately. The issue surrounds two notices which were published during the months of February and March respectively.

On February 6 and 7, 2019, a notice in the form of an advertisement bearing the name of Daniel Garcia Farres of Cemetery Road in Georgetown was published in the daily newspaper. That information was the CORRECT version of another advertisement which was published on February 4 and 5, 2019. On the latter dates, the photograph of Mr. Farres was incorrectly placed next to the name Gabriel St Juste of Mahaicony.

A similar mistake was made in March. On March 29 and 30, 2019, another naturalisation notice in the name of Hajime Beltran Abreu of Owen Street, Kitty, Georgetown was published in the daily newspaper. That information was a CORRECTION of a similar advertisement which was published on March 27, 2019 when Mr. Abreu’s information appeared next to the name Rubesh Abdus of Tabatinga, Lethem. The management of the GNNL disputed comments made by the opposition this week regarding the notices.

It was noted that although Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, has indicated that the party was researching the issue, the group failed to notice that the corrected copies of the persons seeking naturalisation status were published following the mistakes. The GNNL management also noted that steps were immediately taken to ensure that there is no recurrence of such mistakes.

Meanwhile, in a separate release, the Ministry of the Presidency, Department of Citizenship has refuted what it termed libellous claims made by Jagdeo, at his press conference on Wednesday April 3, which posited that the ministry is involved in fraudulent immigration practices owing to the mix-up with the notices. “The ministry would like to make it pellucid that all of the processes that the Department of Citizenship applies to applications for citizenship are enshrined in the Laws of Guyana – the Guyana Citizenship Act 1401.”

Explaining the procedure, Minister of Citizenship, Mr. Winston Felix said that it “requires the applicant for naturalisation to publish their applications for naturalisation in one of the daily newspapers. The department has nothing to do with what appears in the Newspapers. If an error occurs in the publication, that is a problem for the newspapers and the applicant. They have to sort that out and clear up any error that may have occurred.” Felix referred to this newspaper’s acknowledgment that it was an error on our part, which was later corrected.

Advertising Manager (Ag), Mr. Calvin Marks, also said that both applicants noted the mistake and the corrections were later made and published. “The ministry therefore takes umbrage to the opposition leader’s continuous spurious allegations and half-truths, and urges him to first make checks before rushing to judgement. The ministry noted that at the same press conference, Mr. Jagdeo said that his approach to questionable reports was first to “verify it” and to “do your own research” before publicising, and as such, it strongly encourages him to utilise his own advice.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

On February 6 and 7, 2019, a notice in the form of an advertisement bearing the name of Daniel Garcia Farres of Cemetery Road in Georgetown was published in the daily newspaper. That information was the CORRECT version of another advertisement which was published on February 4 and 5, 2019. On the latter dates, the photograph of Mr. Farres was incorrectly placed next to the name Gabriel St Juste of Mahaicony.

A similar mistake was made in March. On March 29 and 30, 2019, another naturalisation notice in the name of Hajime Beltran Abreu of Owen Street, Kitty, Georgetown was published in the daily newspaper. That information was a CORRECTION of a similar advertisement which was published on March 27, 2019 when Mr. Abreu’s information appeared next to the name Rubesh Abdus of Tabatinga, Lethem.


"The Elite Liars of the PPP EXPOSED . . . Jagdeo's malign wrecking ball targeting race relations in Guyana for political gain"

1. Unless I am missing something is the opposition leader targeting "race relations"?

Why does everything have to be boiled down to the common denominator of "race"?

2. Two mistakes were made

..."On February 6 and 7, 2019,  and "On March 29 and 30, 2019"  

This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people at Chronicle.

3. I did some research on this ministry this early AM. My research (with no help from Django) shows that Granger created this ministry as  a separate one. Immigration (and citizenship), traditionally a domain of the Minister of Home Affairs is now placed in the hands of Felix the cat....

my antennas are buzzing...why did Granger place this portfolio in the hands of a "fit and propa" lPNC loyalist...?

Something smells bad in this stable...    

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

  This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people at Chronicle.

i agree.

what's your point?

jes saying...

LOL...that must be one of your shortest response...was expecting a cuss down...

like you getting soft? 

Nehru posted:

Vish, and the stupidity, ignorance and slave mentality of the heading

thus bleats one of baseman's cross-burning Nazi friends hiding behind a handle

i understand bt selling is your other sideline . . . true?

ronan posted:
Nehru posted:

Vish, and the stupidity, ignorance and slave

thus bleats one of baseman's cross-burning Nazi friends hiding behind a handle

i understand bt selling is your other sideline . . . true?

Why always invoking antimanism into discussions?  They say those who like to point finger have two pointing back at them!

VishMahabir posted:

"The Elite Liars of the PPP EXPOSED . . . Jagdeo's malign wrecking ball targeting race relations in Guyana for political gain"

1. Unless I am missing something is the opposition leader targeting "race relations"?

Why does everything have to be boiled down to the common denominator of "race"?

2. Two mistakes were made

..."On February 6 and 7, 2019,  and "On March 29 and 30, 2019"  

This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people at Chronicle.

3. I did some research on this ministry this early AM. My research (with no help from Django) shows that Granger created this ministry as  a separate one. Immigration (and citizenship), traditionally a domain of the Minister of Home Affairs is now placed in the hands of Felix the cat....

my antennas are buzzing...why did Granger place this portfolio in the hands of a "fit and propa" lPNC loyalist...?

Something smells bad in this stable...    

Y’all don’t understand how the system works in Guyana and you’re swallowing the BS that Jagdeo is feeding y’all because that’s what he does, preys on the ignorant. When you apply for citizenship, the applicant has to pay to run an ad in the papers. It has nothing to do with the Ministry. You as an individual have to go to the newspapers and publish your ad. After you publish your ad, then you take a copy of your ad to the ministry along with your application for citizenship. For many other processes in Guyana, you have to do the same thing, go to the newspapers and publish your ad. This is not the USA and things only work with a lot of manual effort. How come Jackass Jagdeo didn’t notice that the newspapers published a correction a few days later? Do you really think that if the PNC were rigging the elections they would publish it in the national newspapers for all to see? Are you this naive Knucklehead or is jus stupid yuh stupid? 

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Nehru posted:

Vish, and the stupidity, ignorance and slave

thus bleats one of baseman's cross-burning Nazi friends hiding behind a handle

i understand bt selling is your other sideline . . . true?

Why always invoking antimanism into discussions?  They say those who like to point finger have two pointing back at them!

no one is impressed with your faux outrage

g'wan dahside you fraud

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Nehru posted:

Vish, and the stupidity, ignorance and slave

thus bleats one of baseman's cross-burning Nazi friends hiding behind a handle

i understand bt selling is your other sideline . . . true?

Why always invoking antimanism into discussions?  They say those who like to point finger have two pointing back at them!

no one is impressed with your faux outrage

g'wan dahside you fraud

Why the rage?   Did I hit s raw nerve?

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Nehru posted:

Vish, and the stupidity, ignorance and slave

thus bleats one of baseman's cross-burning Nazi friends hiding behind a handle

i understand bt selling is your other sideline . . . true?

Why always invoking antimanism into discussions?  They say those who like to point finger have two pointing back at them!

no one is impressed with your faux outrage

g'wan dahside you fraud

Why them ah hussle you suh early marnin, Ayuh lef G/T Gay bwoy alone, don't worry somebody will sorry for you and pick you up.

Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"The Elite Liars of the PPP EXPOSED . . . Jagdeo's malign wrecking ball targeting race relations in Guyana for political gain"

1. Unless I am missing something is the opposition leader targeting "race relations"?

Why does everything have to be boiled down to the common denominator of "race"?

2. Two mistakes were made

..."On February 6 and 7, 2019,  and "On March 29 and 30, 2019"  

This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people at Chronicle.

3. I did some research on this ministry this early AM. My research (with no help from Django) shows that Granger created this ministry as  a separate one. Immigration (and citizenship), traditionally a domain of the Minister of Home Affairs is now placed in the hands of Felix the cat....

my antennas are buzzing...why did Granger place this portfolio in the hands of a "fit and propa" lPNC loyalist...?

Something smells bad in this stable...    

Y’all don’t understand how the system works in Guyana and you’re swallowing the BS that Jagdeo is feeding y’all because that’s what he does, preys on the ignorant. When you apply for citizenship, the applicant has to pay to run an ad in the papers. It has nothing to do with the Ministry. You as an individual have to go to the newspapers and publish your ad. After you publish your ad, then you take a copy of your ad to the ministry along with your application for citizenship. For many other processes in Guyana, you have to do the same thing, go to the newspapers and publish your ad. This is not the USA and things only work with a lot of manual effort. How come Jackass Jagdeo didn’t notice that the newspapers published a correction a few days later? Do you really think that if the PNC were rigging the elections they would publish it in the national newspapers for all to see? Are you this naive Knucklehead or is jus stupid yuh stupid? 

banna, the PPP dark arts operation only cares that de fake 'charge' circulating . . .

come election time, the same story will resurrect wearing new clothes

Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"The Elite Liars of the PPP EXPOSED . . . Jagdeo's malign wrecking ball targeting race relations in Guyana for political gain"

1. Unless I am missing something is the opposition leader targeting "race relations"?

Why does everything have to be boiled down to the common denominator of "race"?

2. Two mistakes were made

..."On February 6 and 7, 2019,  and "On March 29 and 30, 2019"  

This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people at Chronicle.

3. I did some research on this ministry this early AM. My research (with no help from Django) shows that Granger created this ministry as  a separate one. Immigration (and citizenship), traditionally a domain of the Minister of Home Affairs is now placed in the hands of Felix the cat....

my antennas are buzzing...why did Granger place this portfolio in the hands of a "fit and propa" lPNC loyalist...?

Something smells bad in this stable...    

Y’all don’t understand how the system works in Guyana and you’re swallowing the BS that Jagdeo is feeding y’all because that’s what he does, preys on the ignorant. When you apply for citizenship, the applicant has to pay to run an ad in the papers. It has nothing to do with the Ministry. You as an individual have to go to the newspapers and publish your ad. After you publish your ad, then you take a copy of your ad to the ministry along with your application for citizenship. For many other processes in Guyana, you have to do the same thing, go to the newspapers and publish your ad. This is not the USA and things only work with a lot of manual effort. How come Jackass Jagdeo didn’t notice that the newspapers published a correction a few days later? Do you really think that if the PNC were rigging the elections they would publish it in the national newspapers for all to see? Are you this naive Knucklehead or is jus stupid yuh stupid? 

They publish a correction after they got caught, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Excuse, Excuse!!!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Nehru posted:

Vish, and the stupidity, ignorance and slave

thus bleats one of baseman's cross-burning Nazi friends hiding behind a handle

i understand bt selling is your other sideline . . . true?

Why always invoking antimanism into discussions?  They say those who like to point finger have two pointing back at them!

no one is impressed with your faux outrage

g'wan dahside you fraud

Why the rage?   Did I hit s raw nerve?

is it comforting to you to fantasize that you have the chops to "[en]rage" me . . . hmmm?

mediocre people . . . lol

kp posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"The Elite Liars of the PPP EXPOSED . . . Jagdeo's malign wrecking ball targeting race relations in Guyana for political gain"

1. Unless I am missing something is the opposition leader targeting "race relations"?

Why does everything have to be boiled down to the common denominator of "race"?

2. Two mistakes were made

..."On February 6 and 7, 2019,  and "On March 29 and 30, 2019"  

This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people at Chronicle.

3. I did some research on this ministry this early AM. My research (with no help from Django) shows that Granger created this ministry as  a separate one. Immigration (and citizenship), traditionally a domain of the Minister of Home Affairs is now placed in the hands of Felix the cat....

my antennas are buzzing...why did Granger place this portfolio in the hands of a "fit and propa" lPNC loyalist...?

Something smells bad in this stable...    

Y’all don’t understand how the system works in Guyana and you’re swallowing the BS that Jagdeo is feeding y’all because that’s what he does, preys on the ignorant. When you apply for citizenship, the applicant has to pay to run an ad in the papers. It has nothing to do with the Ministry. You as an individual have to go to the newspapers and publish your ad. After you publish your ad, then you take a copy of your ad to the ministry along with your application for citizenship. For many other processes in Guyana, you have to do the same thing, go to the newspapers and publish your ad. This is not the USA and things only work with a lot of manual effort. How come Jackass Jagdeo didn’t notice that the newspapers published a correction a few days later? Do you really think that if the PNC were rigging the elections they would publish it in the national newspapers for all to see? Are you this naive Knucklehead or is jus stupid yuh stupid? 

They publish a correction after they got caught, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Excuse, Excuse!!!

The correction was published the next day on February 6 & 7 immediately after the mistake of February 4 & 5. This is long before Jagdeo came up with this nonsense.

Labba posted:

Awww...wan simple mix up. Hey hey hey...Ayoo find de tape wid de man sayin how he go plant de wite ting pon dem na? Hey hey hey...

EVERYTHING said by the paper on this matter can and has been verified

pelting random squishy stuff pulled from your ass in retreat is unmanly

i know y'all disappointed, but try to focus . . . arite?

Mars posted:
kp posted:

They publish a correction after they got caught, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Excuse, Excuse!!!

The correction was published the next day on February 6 & 7 immediately after the mistake of February 4 & 5. This is long before Jagdeo came up with this nonsense.

dem PPP bais steppin up stupidly and tekkin heavy lash


Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"The Elite Liars of the PPP EXPOSED . . . Jagdeo's malign wrecking ball targeting race relations in Guyana for political gain"

1. Unless I am missing something is the opposition leader targeting "race relations"?

Why does everything have to be boiled down to the common denominator of "race"?

2. Two mistakes were made

..."On February 6 and 7, 2019,  and "On March 29 and 30, 2019"  

This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people at Chronicle.

3. I did some research on this ministry this early AM. My research (with no help from Django) shows that Granger created this ministry as  a separate one. Immigration (and citizenship), traditionally a domain of the Minister of Home Affairs is now placed in the hands of Felix the cat....

my antennas are buzzing...why did Granger place this portfolio in the hands of a "fit and propa" lPNC loyalist...?

Something smells bad in this stable...    

Y’all don’t understand how the system works in Guyana and you’re swallowing the BS that Jagdeo is feeding y’all because that’s what he does, preys on the ignorant. When you apply for citizenship, the applicant has to pay to run an ad in the papers. It has nothing to do with the Ministry. You as an individual have to go to the newspapers and publish your ad. After you publish your ad, then you take a copy of your ad to the ministry along with your application for citizenship. For many other processes in Guyana, you have to do the same thing, go to the newspapers and publish your ad. This is not the USA and things only work with a lot of manual effort. How come Jackass Jagdeo didn’t notice that the newspapers published a correction a few days later? Do you really think that if the PNC were rigging the elections they would publish it in the national newspapers for all to see? Are you this naive Knucklehead or is jus stupid yuh stupid? 

Easy with the knucklehead are one of the smarter ones here...thanks for the schooling...

What is the reason for publishing the info in the newspaper??

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"The Elite Liars of the PPP EXPOSED . . . Jagdeo's malign wrecking ball targeting race relations in Guyana for political gain"

1. Unless I am missing something is the opposition leader targeting "race relations"?

Why does everything have to be boiled down to the common denominator of "race"?

2. Two mistakes were made

..."On February 6 and 7, 2019,  and "On March 29 and 30, 2019"  

This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people at Chronicle.

3. I did some research on this ministry this early AM. My research (with no help from Django) shows that Granger created this ministry as  a separate one. Immigration (and citizenship), traditionally a domain of the Minister of Home Affairs is now placed in the hands of Felix the cat....

my antennas are buzzing...why did Granger place this portfolio in the hands of a "fit and propa" lPNC loyalist...?

Something smells bad in this stable...    

Y’all don’t understand how the system works in Guyana and you’re swallowing the BS that Jagdeo is feeding y’all because that’s what he does, preys on the ignorant. When you apply for citizenship, the applicant has to pay to run an ad in the papers. It has nothing to do with the Ministry. You as an individual have to go to the newspapers and publish your ad. After you publish your ad, then you take a copy of your ad to the ministry along with your application for citizenship. For many other processes in Guyana, you have to do the same thing, go to the newspapers and publish your ad. This is not the USA and things only work with a lot of manual effort. How come Jackass Jagdeo didn’t notice that the newspapers published a correction a few days later? Do you really think that if the PNC were rigging the elections they would publish it in the national newspapers for all to see? Are you this naive Knucklehead or is jus stupid yuh stupid? 

Easy with the knucklehead are one of the smarter ones here...thanks for the schooling...

What is the reason for publishing the info in the newspaper??

It’s a legal requirement giving public notice. My mom died a couple years ago and I had to go to Guyana to sort out family business. You have to publish a public notice in the newspapers, go to the ministry, go to the courts before you can get legal processes done in Guyana.  That’s just the way the system works. Totally manual and time consuming. I was there for three months trying to sort things out. Good thing I can work from anywhere once I have a WiFi connection.

Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:

"The Elite Liars of the PPP EXPOSED . . . Jagdeo's malign wrecking ball targeting race relations in Guyana for political gain"

1. Unless I am missing something is the opposition leader targeting "race relations"?

Why does everything have to be boiled down to the common denominator of "race"?

2. Two mistakes were made

..."On February 6 and 7, 2019,  and "On March 29 and 30, 2019"  

This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people at Chronicle.

3. I did some research on this ministry this early AM. My research (with no help from Django) shows that Granger created this ministry as  a separate one. Immigration (and citizenship), traditionally a domain of the Minister of Home Affairs is now placed in the hands of Felix the cat....

my antennas are buzzing...why did Granger place this portfolio in the hands of a "fit and propa" lPNC loyalist...?

Something smells bad in this stable...    

Y’all don’t understand how the system works in Guyana and you’re swallowing the BS that Jagdeo is feeding y’all because that’s what he does, preys on the ignorant. When you apply for citizenship, the applicant has to pay to run an ad in the papers. It has nothing to do with the Ministry. You as an individual have to go to the newspapers and publish your ad. After you publish your ad, then you take a copy of your ad to the ministry along with your application for citizenship. For many other processes in Guyana, you have to do the same thing, go to the newspapers and publish your ad. This is not the USA and things only work with a lot of manual effort. How come Jackass Jagdeo didn’t notice that the newspapers published a correction a few days later? Do you really think that if the PNC were rigging the elections they would publish it in the national newspapers for all to see? Are you this naive Knucklehead or is jus stupid yuh stupid? 

Easy with the knucklehead are one of the smarter ones here...thanks for the schooling...

What is the reason for publishing the info in the newspaper??

It’s a legal requirement giving public notice. My mom died a couple years ago and I had to go to Guyana to sort out family business. You have to publish a public notice in the newspapers, go to the ministry, go to the courts before you can get legal processes done in Guyana.  That’s just the way the system works. Totally manual and time consuming. I was there for three months trying to sort things out. Good thing I can work from anywhere once I have a WiFi connection.

And and thanks to the PPP Guyana has good internet connectivity!


Technology waits for no one. Regardless of who’s in power it will happen. People are not going to drive donkey carts their entire lives. Look on the street corner anywhere in the world. Even the poorest beggar has a cell phone.

GT&T upgraded their system with high speed internet since PPP left but it’s not because of PNC. It happened regardless of who’s at the top.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:

Technology waits for no one. Regardless of who’s in power it will happen. People are not going to drive donkey carts their entire lives. Look on the street corner anywhere in the world. Even the poorest beggar has a cell phone.

GT&T upgraded their system since PPP left but it’s not because of PNC. It happened regardless of who’s at the top.

Not so.  I travelled to countries where things did not work well. A few years back I met a Veno woman who commented on it telling me it seemed better than Venezuela!

Some of you just like to put down everything the PPP accomplished.  I remember not too long ago when the PNC had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the television sge!  Then they allowed Viera one channel.  Meanwhile the people of courentyne were all tuned into multiple channels in Suriname!

Good, so the PNC upgraded.  But you were able to work with what the PPP built, correct!

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:

Technology waits for no one. Regardless of who’s in power it will happen. People are not going to drive donkey carts their entire lives. Look on the street corner anywhere in the world. Even the poorest beggar has a cell phone.

GT&T upgraded their system since PPP left but it’s not because of PNC. It happened regardless of who’s at the top.

Not so.  I travelled to countries where things did not work well. A few years back I met a Veno woman who commented on it telling me it seemed better than Venezuela!

Some of you just like to put down everything the PPP accomplished.  I remember not too long ago when the PNC had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the television sge!  Then they allowed Viera one channel.  Meanwhile the people of courentyne were all tuned into multiple channels in Suriname!

Good, so the PNC upgraded.  But you were able to work with what the PPP built, correct!

Private companies built TV stations (not the PPP) and are internet providers for the most part in Guyana besides GT&T. Private companies are leading the advance in technology regardless of who’s in government. If the PPP were so great for TV, how is it that Linden still had one TV channel until recently and it’s only under the Coalition Government that they are getting more channels?

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:

Technology waits for no one. Regardless of who’s in power it will happen. People are not going to drive donkey carts their entire lives. Look on the street corner anywhere in the world. Even the poorest beggar has a cell phone.

GT&T upgraded their system since PPP left but it’s not because of PNC. It happened regardless of who’s at the top.

Not so.  I travelled to countries where things did not work well. A few years back I met a Veno woman who commented on it telling me it seemed better than Venezuela!

Some of you just like to put down everything the PPP accomplished.  I remember not too long ago when the PNC had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the television sge!  Then they allowed Viera one channel.  Meanwhile the people of courentyne were all tuned into multiple channels in Suriname!

Good, so the PNC upgraded.  But you were able to work with what the PPP built, correct!

Private companies built TV stations (not the PPP) and are internet providers for the most part in Guyana besides GT&T. Private companies are leading the advance in technology regardless of who’s in government. If the PPP were so great for TV, how is it that Linden still had one TV channel until recently and it’s only under the Coalition Government that they are getting more channels?

Yes, they walked in and just did it.  How foolish a thought.  

Do you understand the amount out legal frameworks. , agreements and contracts the government had to put in place?  This is as complex as the technology itself.   Do you think you just plopped into Guyana, logged on locally and started traversing international networks just like that?  I’m sure you do, you are just being a bold face ignar!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:

Technology waits for no one. Regardless of who’s in power it will happen. People are not going to drive donkey carts their entire lives. Look on the street corner anywhere in the world. Even the poorest beggar has a cell phone.

GT&T upgraded their system since PPP left but it’s not because of PNC. It happened regardless of who’s at the top.

Not so.  I travelled to countries where things did not work well. A few years back I met a Veno woman who commented on it telling me it seemed better than Venezuela!

Some of you just like to put down everything the PPP accomplished.  I remember not too long ago when the PNC had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the television sge!  Then they allowed Viera one channel.  Meanwhile the people of courentyne were all tuned into multiple channels in Suriname!

Good, so the PNC upgraded.  But you were able to work with what the PPP built, correct!

Private companies built TV stations (not the PPP) and are internet providers for the most part in Guyana besides GT&T. Private companies are leading the advance in technology regardless of who’s in government. If the PPP were so great for TV, how is it that Linden still had one TV channel until recently and it’s only under the Coalition Government that they are getting more channels?

Yes, they walked in and just did it.  How foolish a thought.  

Do you understand the amount out legal frameworks. , agreements and contracts the government had to put in place?  This is as complex as the technology itself.   Do you think you just plopped into Guyana, logged on locally and started traversing international networks just like that?  I’m sure you do, you are just being a bold face ignar!

Banna you’re a clown. You think Digicel wouldn’t be in Guyana regardless of the government. You really think they’re there because of the PPP?

Look at what’s happening with the oil business. All of the infrastructure is being set up under the PNC by companies such as Muneshwer’s who knew nothing about oil business. Do you really think it’s  because of the PNC? They or someone else would be filling that void regardless of the Government. Y’all need to think before you start talking fart.

Last edited by Mars

Baseman sometimes , you does talk too much skvnt. Most of the technology companies in Guyana are in private hands, including the largest GTT.

On June 18th 1990, the Government of Guyana (GOG) and Atlantic Tele-Network (ATN) signed an agreement that would create a new, private limited liability company, GTT. ATN purchased 80 percent of the issued share capital and the GOG retained 20 percent of the company.

Consistent with this agreement, the previous telecommunications provider, Government-owned Guyana Telecommunication Corporation (GTC) was dissolved, and on January 28th 1991 the new private sector company, GTT, commenced operations under new management as a subsidiary of ATN.

Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:

"The Elite Liars of the PPP EXPOSED . . . Jagdeo's malign wrecking ball targeting race relations in Guyana for political gain"

1. Unless I am missing something is the opposition leader targeting "race relations"?

Why does everything have to be boiled down to the common denominator of "race"?


The PPP is screaming about a conspiracy by the PNC to bring in Haitians so that they can rig.

If you cannot see the racial conspiracy behind this you should cease claiming any connection to Guyana.

ronan posted:



banna, the PPP dark arts operation only cares that de fake 'charge' circulating . . .

come election time, the same story will resurrect wearing new clothes

Clearly they have already begun their bottom house conspiracies by peddling an invasion of Haitians by the PNC to deprive Indians of their "rightful role" of dominating Guyana.

The problem is that no one quite knows where the PNC is hiding these Haitians because you dont hear of them in every day Guyanese discourse as you hear of Cubans, Brazilians,  Chinese and even Venezuelans.

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

  This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people at Chronicle.

i agree.

what's your point?

To clear your name, you should simply and quietly inbox Admin to change the Subject of this thread to “PNC made a stupid error while trying to rig the election.” That should settle the score and clear things up.

Bibi Haniffa

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