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caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:
antabanta poste

His posits here speaks volumes of him as a possible abuser. 

To the contrary. He speaks like an abuse victim.  Maybe his black baigan is abusing him.

Now Baseman sounds like an abuser.  Implying that something that women do triggers an attack.

Caribj, as usual, you refer to all Indians as racist and Clannish.  Anyone who disagrees with you, you malign and shut up with the "nuclear war" option.

Just like with the Guyana political/race situation, you haul it out your arse!  Below is a study conducted by Harvard on DV in the USA.  Now go cuss dem White people!

Harvard study says 70 percent of domestic violence is committed by women against men


  Photo of Boudicataken in London England by Joseph Earnest

by Joseph Earnest November 15, 2013

Newscast Media HOUSTONβ€”Three years ago I wrote an article based on a scientific study done by Harvard Medical School that revealed domestic violence was not as one-sided as the media often depicts it.  The article to this very day is the second most popular article I've written and is widely cited online and offline.

I have since discovered that the original article that was published on the Harvard Medical School Web site has been scrubbed, and my guess is that certain activist groups perhaps pressured the professors to remove it.  Most of these institutions depend on endowments and grants to function, so it is understandable how that may have been the cause of its removal. As you can see, if you click on this original hyperlink, the article is gone:

However, fear not.  Even three years ago, my discernment and sound judgment enabled me to envisage something like that happening, so I took a screen-shot of the entire article, just in case it was taken down.  I am re-posting the article and will compress it into PDF format that way you are able to use it as a reference resource.  You will find the PDF at the very end of the article.

One thing about Newscast Media is that it does not receive any funds from sponsors and is self-funded, therefore we are not beholden to any entity, and have the liberty to publish content as we so wish. That's what true independent and objective journalism exemplifies.

Another interesting aspect of the article is the comments section.  There are over 250 comments on this particular article, that you might find either amusing, or instructive at the very end. Below is the original article:




Original article by Joseph Earnest July 15, 2010


 Newscast Media HOUSTONβ€”As the media flashes images and plays tapes of Mel Gibson screaming at his former lover, one has to wonder what the other side of the story is. It is obvious that Mel Gibson was set up by his girlfriend, whom he claims tried to extort him. While I don't condone any kind of violence, I have to present to my reading audience some cold hard facts that the 'mainstream media' has chosen to ignore in relation to domestic violence.

Forensic expert  Arlo West said on Good Morning America, in regard to the tapes, "I believe these are professionally done. I think she had help. She clearly was speaking into what we call a large diaphragm microphone. Her voice is very well engineered. She sounds great. To authenticate a recording it must be an original."

The information presented to you comes from investigative research of data produced by reputable organizations like Harvard Medical School, The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Psychiatric Association, just to mention a few.

The mainstream media seems to imply that men are the sole perpetrators of violence against women, but research proves otherwise.  A recent study by Harvard Medical School conducted a survey of 11,000 men and women and found that 50% of the violence was reciprocal. Both men and women also took responsibility for being equally violent in the heat of passion. 

The Harvard study found that when violence was one-sided, meaning unprovoked, both men and the women themselves who took the study said 70% of the time it was the women who committed violence against the men.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

KP Bhai and Mitwah Bahi need to draw a truce.

The fact that KP is  willing to admit holding a PNC card and celebrate extorting Indians for free food, Lord only knows what he is not willing to admit in public!  I met his partner in crime who never practiced as a pundit in Guyana but became a Pundit overnight as soon as he landed in TO. My friend from De William confirmed their shake down of their mattee coolees for free fried rice.

There are lots of cases of exploitation of females in Guyana by men with little, or pretend, power. Further I say not.


I take that as a serious threat to my well being.  I am not one of them coolies that you used to shake down for fried rice. BTW, dem used to spit and add feces in it before giving it you to eat. 

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

KP Bhai and Mitwah Bahi need to draw a truce.

The fact that KP is  willing to admit holding a PNC card and celebrate extorting Indians for free food, Lord only knows what he is not willing to admit in public!  I met his partner in crime who never practiced as a pundit in Guyana but became a Pundit overnight as soon as he landed in TO. My friend from De William confirmed their shake down of their mattee coolees for free fried rice.

There are lots of cases of exploitation of females in Guyana by men with little, or pretend, power. Further I say not.


I take that as a serious threat to my well being.  I am not one of them coolies that you used to shake down for fried rice. BTW, dem used to spit and add feces in it before giving it you to eat. 

Looks like spit and feces are the spices you used in your cooking for your everyday meal. I will get someone to "shake down in your ass hole" your purpose on GNI is looking for a strong man, perverted Gay Boy. Don't get scared, I can put the fix on you, so continue the Bull Shit of LIES.

kp posted:

Looks like spit and feces are the spices you used in your cooking for your everyday meal. I will get someone to "shake down in your ass hole" your purpose on GNI is looking for a strong man, perverted Gay Boy. Don't get scared, I can put the fix on you, so continue the Bull Shit of LIES.

I take that as another threat. Why the vulgarity and screaming?

Drugb posted:

Looks like you are the one coming up in google search for usage of "black bigan" You keep repeating it as though you want some, but lilly and djangy already hog it all to themselves. 

You are the one who introduced that topic and blabbers about it daily.  Screaming about all of those Indos selling out because they are using a big black bigan.  So you are the expert on that.

Baseman posted:


Original article by Joseph Earnest July 15, 2010


 Newscast Media HOUSTONβ€”As the media flashes images and plays tapes of Mel Gibson screaming at his former lover, one has to wonder what the other side of the story is. It is obvious that Mel Gibson was set up by his girlfriend, whom he claims tried to extort him. While I don't condone any kind of violence, I have to present to my reading audience some cold hard facts that the 'mainstream media' has chosen to ignore in relation to domestic violence.

Forensic expert  Arlo West said on Good Morning America, in regard to the tapes, "I believe these are professionally done. I think she had help. She clearly was speaking into what we call a large diaphragm microphone. Her voice is very well engineered. She sounds great. To authenticate a recording it must be an original."

The information presented to you comes from investigative research of data produced by reputable organizations like Harvard Medical School, The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Psychiatric Association, just to mention a few.

The mainstream media seems to imply that men are the sole perpetrators of violence against women, but research proves otherwise.  A recent study by Harvard Medical School conducted a survey of 11,000 men and women and found that 50% of the violence was reciprocal. Both men and women also took responsibility for being equally violent in the heat of passion. 

The Harvard study found that when violence was one-sided, meaning unprovoked, both men and the women themselves who took the study said 70% of the time it was the women who committed violence against the men.

Let's not be comfuffled by the numbers. 50% of the violence was reciprocal means half of the violence committed by both men and women was in retaliation.

The 70% number refers only to one-sided, unprovoked violence. Does that mean there is a large number of provoked violence committed by men? What is considered provoked violence? Is that excusable?

Last edited by antabanta
seignet posted:
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:
You do know this is a forum for Guyanese and about Guyana... right? Look at the website name for a hint. Are you saying that you're not aware of an unusually high rate of violence against women in Guyana?

Based on what study? You compared statistics against the rest of the world? Or you jumping to conclusions based on newspaper articles?

You got too much slop in your head and black bigan up your rear end. You are asking stupid questions.

Hey GTAngler, yuh tink this post is assinine?

Your Christ have failed these women. They are told to endure domestic violence in the name of God.

"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Saviour."
Ephesians 5: 22-23




Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Looks like spit and feces are the spices you used in your cooking for your everyday meal. I will get someone to "shake down in your ass hole" your purpose on GNI is looking for a strong man, perverted Gay Boy. Don't get scared, I can put the fix on you, so continue the Bull Shit of LIES.

I take that as another threat. Why the vulgarity and screaming?

Yuh rass get frighten, Lilly will not be happy that you have caused conflict that might affect him personally 

antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

It’s comical to see abusers of women discuss domestic violence.  Shame check please!!!!  Or y’all don’t have none?

I wonder why some people are not only reluctant to discuss this issue but actively opposed to anyone else raising it.

I wont have much time until tonight, busy time of the month for me.

Let me make it clear, men who I read abuse their wives over dinner not ready, not like this or that, they need the book thrown at them.  I don't include them in what I deem a balanced approach.

Anyway, it's good you bring up the topic as it's a worthy discussion however, someone having a different view on the solution to this issue does not mean they oppose you.

As I said, this issue is not one sided and cannot be solved with a one-sided approach.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

It’s comical to see abusers of women discuss domestic violence.  Shame check please!!!!  Or y’all don’t have none?

Yes, it is comical coming from you.  You are one who claims women working on chartiable/social issues in Guyana must be sleeping around with ministers to get their agenda pushed and with rich men to get funding.  You claim they are frauds and thieves!  You are exceptionally vicious against other women in this space, not in the least Varshanie!

You are one of the most prolific verbal abuser of both men and women on this board who disagrees with you or dislike BJ.  You also abuse people not on this site and not able to defend themselves!  You even abuse the virtue of a new-born baby two years ago!

So please, spare us your crocodile tears!

caribny posted:

Baseman who are discussing domestic violence.   Post links to all the men in Guyana who have been murdered by women.

And even your Harvard link isnt credible as it cites people's opinions. Now when they cite police records then we can talk.

Yes dummy, and the "dummy" who liked your stupid comment.  What Harvard documented is the precursor to what end up as police and court cases!  Only a fraction of what they documented actually escalate to a police case!

And dummy, it was not opinion, it was facts of relationships taken from couples!

antabanta posted:

So... if, hopefully, we've moved past the detractors and distractions, the brainstorming raised many points that I think are centered around culture, ignorance, lack of support for victims. I suggest the govt or relevant parties in Guyana should focus on educating children from kindergarten through secondary school about tolerance and self-control. There might be enough shelters in the urban areas for victims but none in the rural areas. Regardless, victims also need to be made aware of their options and that they have no need to remain in abusive relationships which brings us back to education. I suggest the govt or relevant parties launch a massive, on-going media campaign to educate women about their options, to educate the general public that the mothers and nurturers in any society should be treated with consideration instead of abuse, to push a culture change that makes a man understand he's no less of a man for not having absolute control of his wife/woman, and to educate people of the debilitating economic and social impact on society in general of abuse.

So... we should add ineffective policing for consideration but must bear in mind that the police can only act if a crime is reported or a complaint lodged. If a man or woman runs to the police for protection then refuse to follow up with a complaint, we're back to education and culture change. If, at a micro level, a victim keeps crying for help but refuse to prosecute the abuser, the police will get fed-up after a while and stop responding, which might unfortunately be the one time they should have responded.

So... we're back to education and culture change.


I congratulate Anta for bringing up this very important topic.  Kudos also to the good resposese, which covered the main resons behind this malaise. It seems that not a week goes in Guyana without some man battering, maiming or killing his girlfriend or wife. Very  distressing indeed!

I think this phenomenon also highlights another truth.  When we think of corruption in Guyana, we immediately (and mainly) think of politicians. And yes, many of that breed are corrupt.  However, a deeper look at Guyana reveals that moral rot and decay is THROUGHOUT the society - from cops shaking down citizens for a bribe, men having mistresses, prostitution, business people and others running rackets, corruption in the civil service and the judicial system, etc, etc, etc.....

This gets me to thinking that, when we boil it down, it's a PEOPLE PROBLEM - across the board.  People living in Guyana have gotten accustomed to it, it seems.  Many of them accept this is 'just the way things are'.  How do you fight that?


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