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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Poverty in the U.S.A: Nearly 50 Million Americans on Food Stamps

US food stamp use swells to a record 47.8 million

  79  51 

A record number of Americans are using food stamps, known today as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Despite official proclamations that the recession has ended and an economic recovery is underway, families are turning to SNAP benefits in record numbers. The working poor comprise a growing number of food stamp recipients, and about half of those receiving benefits are children.

Enrollment in the food stamp program has increased by 70 percent since 2008, to a record 47.8 million people as of December 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. The biggest factor driving the increase is the stagnating job market and a rising poverty rate. This means that a staggering 15 percent of the US population receives food stamp benefits, nearly double the rate of 1975.

In 2008, at the onset of the recession, 28.2 million people were enrolled in SNAP. While the official jobless rate, which peaked at 10 percent in 2009, had dipped slightly to 7.7 percent as of February this year, the SNAP program has continued to grow. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts that food stamp usage will drop only marginally, to 43.3 million people, by 2017. Even this estimate is predicated on the unemployment rate dropping to 5.6 percent over the next four years.

The number of people using food stamps roughly corresponds to the number of Americans living in poverty, which rose to just below 50 million people in 2011. Utilizing the Supplementary Poverty Measure (SPM), which factors in expenses for food, clothing, shelter, health care and other essentials, the US Census Bureau estimates that nearly one in six people in the US is living in poverty.

The average monthly benefit per person receiving SNAP benefits was only $133 last year. In order to qualify, a household’s income cannot be more than 130 percent of the poverty level, which is about $25,000 for a family of three, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP).

Enrollees receive benefits on a debit card, which can to be used to purchase cereal, meats, fruits, vegetables, bread, milk and other staples. When food is running low, recipients often seek out 24-hour grocery stores, waiting for 12 a.m. for their monthly benefits to kick in.

The fact that 15 percent of the population must rely on SNAP benefits has received little attention in the media or from politicians of either big business party. Earlier this week, President Obama signed a bill making permanent $85 billion in sequester cuts, which will slash billions of dollars from programs benefiting the poor, including Head Start, special education, housing and many other programs.

While SNAP technically evaded the sequester ax, other nutrition programs are facing deep cuts. The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, known as WIC, could be forced to cut almost 600,000 mothers, infants and children from its rolls. About half of all infants born in the US qualify for WIC benefits, and mothers use them to purchase food, formula and other vital necessities, as well as to access nutrition education and other services.

Due to the sequester cuts, about 4 million fewer meals will be delivered through Meals on Wheels programs, which provide daily meals to homebound seniors. For many recipients, it is not only their only hot meal of the day, but their sole connection to others in the community.

Millions of the long-term jobless—who have been forced to turn to food stamps—will also see an 11 percent cut to their extended unemployment benefits. The sequester cuts—which will constitute the baseline of future allocations of federal spending—come as the need for social programs benefiting working families is increasing at a rapid pace due to falling wages, unemployment and growing poverty.

The US government spent a record $74.6 billion on SNAP benefits last year, more than double the $30.4 billion spent on the program in 2007. Rules adopted under the Clinton administration allowed some leeway for states in allowing residents to qualify for benefits.

In 2001-2002, six states eased the income and asset requirements for SNAP benefits, making it somewhat easier for people to qualify if they had a low-wage job, or some savings. By 2009, in response to the recession, 17 states and US territories eased their eligibility requirements. Today, three out of four households receiving SNAP benefits include at least one person who is working.

The Obama administration’s 2009 stimulus bill expanded the SNAP program, raising the level of benefits recipients can receive, and allowing people to keep their benefits longer. This expansion is set to expire on October 31, and there are no moves afoot to extend it. The CBPP estimates that food stamp benefits will decrease by $8 per month per person with this expiration.

As of November 1, SNAP benefits will be returned to the level of the so-called Thrifty Food Plan, the lowest of four nutrition estimates calculated by the US Department of Agriculture. The four plans—Thrifty, Low-Cost, Moderate Cost, and Liberal—vary widely in cost. In February 2013, a family of four with two children on the “Thrifty” plan was expected to budget $636 a month for food at home, while the same family on the “Liberal” plan would spent $1,257—almost double the amount.

As with all aspects of social life in America, there is one standard for the working class and another for the wealthy. In this case the divide is between those who struggle to provide adequate nutrition for their families under conditions of rising costs for housing, utilities and other necessities, and the tiny elite who think nothing of splurging on a restaurant meal with a tab far in excess of the “Liberal” monthly budget for a family of four.

Almost half the children presently receiving SNAP benefits—some 10 million—already live in extreme poverty, which means household income is less than half the official poverty level, already set an unrealistically low level. Another 9 million receiving food stamps are elderly or have a serious disability. The cuts in SNAP benefits will quite literally take food off the table for millions of American families at a time of deepening poverty and burgeoning social inequality.




Stupid person did not:


  1. Did not say how Obama handled the economy like a "Community Leader". Maybe he's praising Obama for leading the US Community and the world community.
  2. Did not say how Obama leads from behind in foreign affairs. Maybe he should just bomb Iran, Syria, Libya, China, Iran again, oh, and don't forget Iraq all over again. Maybe Obama should stop trying to dismantle Al Qaeda and bring peace to the Middle East.
  3. Did not show how Putin, by being the most influential leader in the world, has checkmated China in the Pacific ocean, drag Israel towards a peace process and Iran to come back into the community of nations by abandoning its nuclear program.


Stupid person does not know that there is a lag in economics - that all the economic fundamentals in the years prior to Obama taking over are having their impact in Obama's terms. Food stamp recipients don't happen overnight.


Why am I even trying to educate stupid person!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Kathleen Sebelius has been in the hot seat for the whole fiasco.  Republicans have been on a witch-hunt and clamouring for her resignation.  We'll see what happens.

Nah, she is the fall "guy".  Obama lack of management skills is the major issue.  Remember, he openly lied, he has a huge credibility issue.

You are talking straight up shit. Obama is the president. He does not have to manage the development of a website. There are experts to do that. Sebelius ought to begin with the hundreds of really cool developers available than that fool they selected. I do not know how or why he was selected but his ass need to be banned from web development. They needed to give it to people developing Amazon or IBM...people with experience doing this job. She could have hired even Halliburton or Booze Allen to manage and not be let down by that fraud.

I don't think you have a clue of management responsibility.  Please read SOX 404.

Dude...quit the shit.  I do not have to read a damn thing. The fact is obama had to delegate not micro manage.

D2, there is a difference between delegating away tasks and delegating away responsibility.





* We already know millions of Americans will be losing their health insurance policies.


* And we know that health insurance premiums will explode to ridiculously high levels.




The Foundry recently posted a story that detailed the extreme hardship that Obamacare is going to impose on one middle class family in Sonora, California. 


This particular family is very healthy and does not have a history of health problems.  Up until now, they have had a health insurance policy with Anthem Blue Cross Insurance that they have been very happy with.


Back in 2011, this family was paying $389 a month for health insurance.


In 2012, due to changes in California law that figure went up to $499 a month.


Now, this family has just received a letter informing them that their current plan is being canceled and that if they want a new plan it is going to cost them $1,252 a month.


Needless to say, that news did not go over very well with that family.





When all is said an done---millions of Americans will choose to go without health insurance---give praise to Obama care.


Americans voted for him---their as$ deserve to punish.






Last edited by Former Member

You're back into numbers again? Being selective and posting numbers with no context? That's called propaganda. And knowing how much your racist ass hates Obama, we all know how to react. So go on wasting your time.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I don't think you have a clue of management responsibility.  Please read SOX 404.

Dude...quit the shit.  I do not have to read a damn thing. The fact is obama had to delegate not micro manage.

D2, there is a difference between delegating away tasks and delegating away responsibility.

I am making the point that your pre occupation with internal record keeping process and redundant checks has little to do with Obama. His personnel under him should have to take care of that and even they are not to be bothered by the procedural stuff since they have career staff looking at that.


BTW How come you are not clamoring for he corrupt PPP to  have internal and external consistences in their management/accounting processes? Do you think we would have all the naked corruption at NICIL if that was available? You clamor here for the ridiculous from the president who does not have autocratic authority and yet give a free walk to Jabba the Hutt ramorar when he demands that authority and still screw up to high heaven.





New Hampshire business owner Nancy Clark appeared in White House ads pushing Obamacare, or what she called “Nancy-care.”

“The health care law is for people like me, It’s “Nancy-care.”





"Unfortunately, due to the high costs of the plans offered, Nancy was forced to drop insurance coverage for her employees this year."




long live obamacare.HAHAHAHA











Finally, the liberal media is telling us something we already knew.
The high costs of Obamacare is forcing employers to drop coverage for workers.




"An estimated 80 million people with employer health plans will likely lose their coverage next year."






You don't get in life what you want---you get what you deserve---and Americans deserve to be royally ****$%




Originally Posted by Kari:

. But don't fault his intent and the success he achieved in getting thee Affordable Care Act passed (never mind the way it happened).

Right now the ACA is in serious trouble.  Please note that many Democrats in the House and Senate serve from swing districts and will quickly bolt if this becomes an issue in 2014, for those who have to run next year. If they have to dump ACA they will if the GOP start looking less stupid on this issue.


Had they delayed the individual mandates for one year, and viewed next year as a soft launch they would be better off.  But instead they were so interested in responding to GOP rants that they might have handed them a gift that might indeed rescue the GOP from the govt shut down fiasco.


Kari healthcare remains in the hands of the private sector, but the ACA was designed by politicians as they attempted to respond to other politicians.  This is why all these mistakes are being made. 


From where I see it what ACA did that was good it has already done.  Keeping kids after college, removing life limits, forcing the companies to either spend a defined % of premium, or return to the entity responsible for paying the premiums,etc. I am serious concerned about these health exchanges and the further requirements/mandates that have to be adhered to.


What do we have now. The rollout has been a fiasco, and not just because of the website glitches.  But because people were fed a bunch of lies, the biggest being that health care would be "affordable".  How can it be affordable when delivering health care in the USA is extremely expensive? 


You see Obama has spent more time trying to defend his ONLY achievement which matters to most people, than in being honest about the realities of healthcare. He fed Americans that propaganda that the only villains in high costs were the insurance companies and so "more competition" would solve the problem.  Look at who many of those "competitors" are.  Medicaid companies with their networks of ghetto doctors, as these are the only ones who are forced to accept the low Medicaid rates.


I asked my doctor about the ACA.  The doctors don't know if they will remain in the various networks, because In order to make these plans affordable the insurance companies are reducing their networks.  They also do not know what they will be paid.  Many stronger hospitals are opting out of the health exchange plans as they know that they can attract patients who will be willing to pay out of network to get quality cancer or cardiac care.


What Obama should have done was to safeguard his legacy by focusing on the economy in 2008/10 when the Democrats were fully in control.  Instead time was wasted with the ACA, and lies were told giving the public the impression that the only villains are the insurance companies, and not the full range of stakeholders in the health care industry.


So now he must spend time spinning tales and telling half truths, and then when found out, further confusing the issue. 


LIE.  Obama telling Americans that they can keep their existing individual insurance for another year.  Many state regulators and insurance companies have said "no way" as they have already removed those plans and cannot place them back with only a month left in the year.  Wait for that bubble to burst.  Before you scream that the GOP is not cooperating, even Cuomo has said that NYC is not going to allow people to keep their old health insurance plans.


This is where Obama reveals the reality that he is a mere community organizer, who was mediocre both in the Illinois govt and as a Senator, and doesn't have a sophisticated view of how the private sector works. A fear that I also have about de Blasio, but that's a separate topic.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Stupid person did not:


  1. Did not say how Obama handled the economy like a "Community Leader". Maybe he's praising Obama for leading the US Community and the world community.
  2. Did not say how Obama leads from behind in foreign affairs. Maybe he should just bomb Iran, Syria, Libya, China, Iran again, oh, and don't forget Iraq all over again. Maybe Obama should stop trying to dismantle Al Qaeda and bring peace to the Middle East.
  3. Did not show how Putin, by being the most influential leader in the world, has checkmated China in the Pacific ocean, drag Israel towards a peace process and Iran to come back into the community of nations by abandoning its nuclear program.


Stupid person does not know that there is a lag in economics - that all the economic fundamentals in the years prior to Obama taking over are having their impact in Obama's terms. Food stamp recipients don't happen overnight.


Why am I even trying to educate stupid person!

More White House propaganda.  Israel still tells the USA what to do.  Putin made Obama look stupid over the Syria issue when Obama decided to do a Bush and threaten an unnecessary war.


Obama is some one who campaigns well, but who lacks the sophistication to understand how the economy works, and how to get what he wants out of Congress.  He needs to take a page out of the Reagan and Clinton book.  Both also had to contend with a divided govt, weren't left with blaming the opposition because they are failing.  Really!  In which universe does an opposition party ever help a govt when it looks as vulnerable as Obama does?


The economy is improving because of Bernanke.  You cannot tell me a thing that Obama has done, aside from blaming the GOP.


The jury is out on Iran and the embargo by the EU might have more to do with their need to "negotiate" than anything that Obama has done.


I remember when Obama was campaigning in 2008 and he visited Europe.  Millions turned out or watched him on TV anticipating what he would do if he won.  Well he won.  How many Europeans will come out, especially now they feel that he is using Cheney like tactics on how he spies on his allies.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev's racism is alive and kicking.

It might be but then Obama is making it easy for them.  He posts a news item from CBS and NOTHING about that is inaccurate.


OBVIOUSLY if plans with higher standards were going to replace the existing plans, there was a risk that the premiums will go up.  Not because of the underlying health costs.  But because the insurance companies would have been less able to refuse to cover certain situations as the new regulations force them to. 


I have no problem with increased standards.  What I am astounded by is the fcat that NO one in Obama's cabinet seemed to have thought that this issue should have been addressed up front so that may be some strategy could have been developed to offset the premium increase shock.


You see Obama the community organizer didn't see this coming because he had his increased Medicaid and subsidies and was too stupid to understand that this would not be enough to help many in the middle class.


So now the woman told her employees that they will no longer have coverage, and as she is a small company she has no obligation to offer coverage.


So the low paid will get a subsidy.  But what of the $100k employee who now suddenly finds an additional $900/month if they want a plan with a decent network of accessible and quality providers, and who will only be partially helped by the subsidy.


Oh and by the way those of us who live in NY, and who have employer paid health insurance might, in a few years, have to pay income tax on this benefit unless they are in a trade union (yes the Democrats have exempted out their friends).  Obama thinks that you are rich people who need to be punished because you have "wasteful" health insurance.


The Rev is most impressed. Caribny is extremely well informed and knowledgeable regarding Obama care. Excellent posts by caribny above.


While mullah karimullah has been reduced to licking Obama'a a$$--and bawling racism---caribny is making a ton of sense.


Keep up the good work caribny.



Originally Posted by Rev:

The Rev is most impressed. Caribny is extremely well informed and knowledgeable regarding Obama care. Excellent posts by caribny above.


While mullah karimullah has been reduced to licking Obama'a a$$--and bawling racism---caribny is making a ton of sense.


Keep up the good work caribny.



Caribj is actually a brilliant guy, just like Obama.  However, Obama never had a real operational job.  Somehow I believe the Caribj man does have a leg up here.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev's racism is alive and kicking.


You see Obama the community organizer didn't see this coming because he had his increased Medicaid and subsidies and was too stupid to understand that this would not be enough to help many in the middle class.


Oh lord, you have awaken a sleeping pit-bull in Kari-mullah.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj is actually a brilliant guy, just like Obama.  However, Obama never had a real operational job.  Somehow I believe the Caribj man does have a leg up here.


* The Rev is always willing to give honest, sincere and genuine credit where it's rightfully due---and I am very impressed with carib's understanding of the health care situation.


* He has waaaay more sense than Obama regarding healthcare.


* By the way regarding Obama---please don't get carried away---Obama and brilliant ought not be placed in the same sentence.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj is actually a brilliant guy, just like Obama.  However, Obama never had a real operational job.  Somehow I believe the Caribj man does have a leg up here.


* The Rev is always willing to give honest, sincere and genuine credit where it's rightfully due---and I am very impressed with carib's understanding of the health care situation.


* He has waaaay more sense than Obama regarding healthcare.


* By the way regarding Obama---please don't get carried away---Obama and brilliant ought not be placed in the same sentence.



I see you even envy Mr Obama. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

. But don't fault his intent and the success he achieved in getting thee Affordable Care Act passed (never mind the way it happened).

Right now the ACA is in serious trouble.  Please note that many Democrats in the House and Senate serve from swing districts and will quickly bolt if this becomes an issue in 2014, for those who have to run next year. If they have to dump ACA they will if the GOP start looking less stupid on this issue.



CaribJ, you have a singular lack of the underpinnings of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It was indeed a political exercise – that’s how Governance gets done. Obama got the Insurance companies, the provider associations (hospitals and Doctors) and the Pharmaceuticals on board then went to the Legislative body of Congress to get passage. The Bill necessarily got changed and necessarily is not a finished product. That’s why the phrase “making a more perfect Union” is so instructive. You have to start from somewhere. That’s how leaders with guts do it – go for it not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard.


The ACA is meant to keep the supply side pure free market. The demand side is what keeps cost going up and cost is what keeps the demand low and the vicious cycle of a doomed loop spiraling downwards and inwards. Obama brilliantly used the Republican personal accountability (as opposed to the Liberals’ single-payer) to tweak the demand side.


The rest of your post is just garbage – and it must be sophisticated garbage as it must have impressed other ass-holes here on this Board. Or maybe they like your racist code “Community Organizer”. Remember Reagan was a ”B” list cowboy actor and never run a cake shop and he is revered by those who shout “Community Organizer” as if it is some cancer. You know Jack-shit about the Centrist Clinton-esque Bill de Blasio. So just shut up and learn politics and how to change society.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Stupid person did not:


  1. Did not say how Obama handled the economy like a "Community Leader". Maybe he's praising Obama for leading the US Community and the world community.
  2. Did not say how Obama leads from behind in foreign affairs. Maybe he should just bomb Iran, Syria, Libya, China, Iran again, oh, and don't forget Iraq all over again. Maybe Obama should stop trying to dismantle Al Qaeda and bring peace to the Middle East.
  3. Did not show how Putin, by being the most influential leader in the world, has checkmated China in the Pacific ocean, drag Israel towards a peace process and Iran to come back into the community of nations by abandoning its nuclear program.


Stupid person does not know that there is a lag in economics - that all the economic fundamentals in the years prior to Obama taking over are having their impact in Obama's terms. Food stamp recipients don't happen overnight.


Why am I even trying to educate stupid person!

More White House propaganda.  Israel still tells the USA what to do.  Putin made Obama look stupid over the Syria issue when Obama decided to do a Bush and threaten an unnecessary war.


Obama is some one who campaigns well, but who lacks the sophistication to understand how the economy works, and how to get what he wants out of Congress.  He needs to take a page out of the Reagan and Clinton book.  Both also had to contend with a divided govt, weren't left with blaming the opposition because they are failing.  Really!  In which universe does an opposition party ever help a govt when it looks as vulnerable as Obama does?


The economy is improving because of Bernanke.  You cannot tell me a thing that Obama has done, aside from blaming the GOP.


The jury is out on Iran and the embargo by the EU might have more to do with their need to "negotiate" than anything that Obama has done.


I remember when Obama was campaigning in 2008 and he visited Europe.  Millions turned out or watched him on TV anticipating what he would do if he won.  Well he won.  How many Europeans will come out, especially now they feel that he is using Cheney like tactics on how he spies on his allies.

You are just as stupid as those you champion (Rev, et al). You think that old disused Russian naval base in Syria gave Putin any power? You are stupid to say Putin made anybody looked stupid, period.


Yeah, the Presidency of the United States is like the Chairmanship of Boards – sterile and powerless. You have no concept of the Obama Presidency. Everything you write here is just clap trap. Speak to Obama’s Presidency and see his legislative achievements and making the country moving forward since the Great Recession, and how he’s shepherding the world to a better place.


Address his handling of the toppling of a dictator in Egypt of all places. Address his handling of the two wars and demolishing Al Qaeda’s infrastructure (no one will ever get rid of terrorism). Look at how he’s containing China in the Pacific to the relief of over a dozen Asian/Pacific countries. Look at him twisting Netanyahu publicly over a range of issues, while famously saying we got Israel’s back. Obama is separating Netanyahu from his people. Remember how he brought the country from the brink. It’s not just Bernanke. Look at his determination to save the auto industry (and got paid back fully). Look how he’s changing education and science. All with a political environment that is radically from that faced by Reagan and Clinton. Look at how safe districts are iron-clad. So don’t give me this clap-trap about these two. The man is more Kenedy-esque in more ways than he is in the “transformative” Presidents you quote. Clinton had the technology boom (unprecedented productivity in America). Reagan incarcerated many Blacks with his war on drugs and gave us the First Bush (Herbert Walker) S & L fiasco.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev's racism is alive and kicking.

It might be but then Obama is making it easy for them.  He posts a news item from CBS and NOTHING about that is inaccurate.


OBVIOUSLY if plans with higher standards were going to replace the existing plans, there was a risk that the premiums will go up.  Not because of the underlying health costs.  But because the insurance companies would have been less able to refuse to cover certain situations as the new regulations force them to. 


I have no problem with increased standards.  What I am astounded by is the fcat that NO one in Obama's cabinet seemed to have thought that this issue should have been addressed up front so that may be some strategy could have been developed to offset the premium increase shock.


You see Obama the community organizer didn't see this coming because he had his increased Medicaid and subsidies and was too stupid to understand that this would not be enough to help many in the middle class.


So now the woman told her employees that they will no longer have coverage, and as she is a small company she has no obligation to offer coverage.


So the low paid will get a subsidy.  But what of the $100k employee who now suddenly finds an additional $900/month if they want a plan with a decent network of accessible and quality providers, and who will only be partially helped by the subsidy.


Oh and by the way those of us who live in NY, and who have employer paid health insurance might, in a few years, have to pay income tax on this benefit unless they are in a trade union (yes the Democrats have exempted out their friends).  Obama thinks that you are rich people who need to be punished because you have "wasteful" health insurance.

Your racism is now exposed. This explains why your racism towards Indians in Guyana is prefaced by the duplicitous caveat of Burnham being equally destructive to Blacks. You too myopic and this makes your racism even more glaring. Gwan suh!

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Looks like Mullah Karimullah ran away from his thread----is he is hiding from caribny ?



You're just an empty intellectual repository with a racist outlook on people you hate. Lose the loser mentality (like your compadre CaribJ) and you'll see the world is a nice place with nice people. Until then you will feed upon your mouth-breathing maggot self with assinine graphics and photos that confirms your girliness. Be a man.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev's racism is alive and kicking.


You see Obama the community organizer didn't see this coming because he had his increased Medicaid and subsidies and was too stupid to understand that this would not be enough to help many in the middle class.


Oh lord, you have awaken a sleeping pit-bull in Kari-mullah.

Hey deBase.....ah see the smirk is still there......

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Rev's racism is alive and kicking.


You see Obama the community organizer didn't see this coming because he had his increased Medicaid and subsidies and was too stupid to understand that this would not be enough to help many in the middle class.


Oh lord, you have awaken a sleeping pit-bull in Kari-mullah.

Hey deBase.....ah see the smirk is still there......

Still deh deh bai.  Now you have to do like what many Democrats are doing, running away from this failed administration.  Shit will hit the fan with the Clintons come 2016.  He has done a good thing with Iran, so I have moderated...if you notice.

This is a technical issue but ultimately the American people sees it as an Obama issue..the same analogy applies in corporate america...If a big technical implementation fails, the ceo is held responsible.

In addition, there are more negative impacts of obamacare that are not even mentioned..For example.. Companies which sell certain medicall equipment are now required to pay higher taxes on each piece of equipment they sell...this is killing their bottomline and hurting their obama has jusr lost the support of anyone impacted by this

Bottomline, Obamacare will not work and has caused obama t lose credibility

Taxes and subsidies can be debated till the cows come home. I guess if tax spending (corporate subsidies) are withdrawn there will people breathing fire.


The ACA will be good in time. It will show its flaws in the beginning - and that's to be expected.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Taxes and subsidies can be debated till the cows come home. I guess if tax spending (corporate subsidies) are withdrawn there will people breathing fire.


The ACA will be good in time. It will show its flaws in the beginning - and that's to be expected.

Typical liberal garbage.  You philosophy failed in Guyana and the USSR.

Originally Posted by alena06:
This is a technical issue but ultimately the American people sees it as an Obama issue..the same analogy applies in corporate america...If a big technical implementation fails, the ceo is held responsible.

In addition, there are more negative impacts of obamacare that are not even mentioned..For example.. Companies which sell certain medicall equipment are now required to pay higher taxes on each piece of equipment they sell...this is killing their bottomline and hurting their obama has jusr lost the support of anyone impacted by this

Bottomline, Obamacare will not work and has caused obama t lose credibility

Obamacare has has some well-intentioned goals however, I think it was too grand and convoluted to work.  Remember 90-95% of the people were ok.  Obama should have seek a solution for exposed people using the existing Medicaid framework.  In addition, on the revenue side, the tax penalty was fine, also he should have sought to tax benefits (employer subsidized plans) over and above a certain amount.


I do agree with the certain shared risk criteria, I do agree with safeguards against pre-existing conditions, I do agree with safeguards against life-time caps, etc.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Taxes and subsidies can be debated till the cows come home. I guess if tax spending (corporate subsidies) are withdrawn there will people breathing fire.


The ACA will be good in time. It will show its flaws in the beginning - and that's to be expected.

Typical liberal garbage.  You philosophy failed in Guyana and the USSR.

On this day of giving Thanks, I  thank you BaseBoard for showing what a decent and smart person I am. I thank you for being you, as it reminds me by contrast to you how happy I am in myself. I thank the human spirit as it speaks of some hope that one day you will have decency, smarts and happiness like me.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:
This is a technical issue but ultimately the American people sees it as an Obama issue..the same analogy applies in corporate america...If a big technical implementation fails, the ceo is held responsible.

In addition, there are more negative impacts of obamacare that are not even mentioned..For example.. Companies which sell certain medicall equipment are now required to pay higher taxes on each piece of equipment they sell...this is killing their bottomline and hurting their obama has jusr lost the support of anyone impacted by this

Bottomline, Obamacare will not work and has caused obama t lose credibility

Obamacare has has some well-intentioned goals however, I think it was too grand and convoluted to work.  Remember 90-95% of the people were ok.  Obama should have seek a solution for exposed people using the existing Medicaid framework.  In addition, on the revenue side, the tax penalty was fine, also he should have sought to tax benefits (employer subsidized plans) over and above a certain amount.


I do agree with the certain shared risk criteria, I do agree with safeguards against pre-existing conditions, I do agree with safeguards against life-time caps, etc.

Well some smart contribution at last. The ACA needs to be implemented in parts at a time, indeed. Yesterday the Obama Administration delayed the small business mandate for a year. Sometyimes you think he's toying with the heads of the likes of McConnel, and Boenher, and Ryan, et al.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Taxes and subsidies can be debated till the cows come home. I guess if tax spending (corporate subsidies) are withdrawn there will people breathing fire.


The ACA will be good in time. It will show its flaws in the beginning - and that's to be expected.

Typical liberal garbage.  You philosophy failed in Guyana and the USSR.

On this day of giving Thanks, I  thank you BaseBoard for showing what a decent and smart person I am. I thank you for being you, as it reminds me by contrast to you how happy I am in myself. I thank the human spirit as it speaks of some hope that one day you will have decency, smarts and happiness like me.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Happy thanksgiving Kari.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Taxes and subsidies can be debated till the cows come home. I guess if tax spending (corporate subsidies) are withdrawn there will people breathing fire.


The ACA will be good in time. It will show its flaws in the beginning - and that's to be expected.

I think ACA will collapse in due course.  Watch Insurance companies offering young low-risk individuals attractive rates to compete with ACA.  This will draw away the badly needed low-risk pool leaving the ACA program with the high-risk pool and it will not be able to sustain itself.  The Govt will need to step in and bail it out.  Mark my words.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:
This is a technical issue but ultimately the American people sees it as an Obama issue..the same analogy applies in corporate america...If a big technical implementation fails, the ceo is held responsible.

In addition, there are more negative impacts of obamacare that are not even mentioned..For example.. Companies which sell certain medicall equipment are now required to pay higher taxes on each piece of equipment they sell...this is killing their bottomline and hurting their obama has jusr lost the support of anyone impacted by this

Bottomline, Obamacare will not work and has caused obama t lose credibility

Obamacare has has some well-intentioned goals however, I think it was too grand and convoluted to work.  Remember 90-95% of the people were ok.  Obama should have seek a solution for exposed people using the existing Medicaid framework.  In addition, on the revenue side, the tax penalty was fine, also he should have sought to tax benefits (employer subsidized plans) over and above a certain amount.


I do agree with the certain shared risk criteria, I do agree with safeguards against pre-existing conditions, I do agree with safeguards against life-time caps, etc.

Well some smart contribution at last. The ACA needs to be implemented in parts at a time, indeed. Yesterday the Obama Administration delayed the small business mandate for a year. Sometyimes you think he's toying with the heads of the likes of McConnel, and Boenher, and Ryan, et al.

Yes, but it seems it's ass-backwards, "de-implementing" parts at a time.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I think ACA will collapse in due course. 

* Didn't Americans get the impression that millions of people without health insurance would be helped by Obama care ?




A new survey by the Commonwealth fund reveals that over a third of Americans say that they don't have access to health care because of cost or insurance red tape. The idea that the affordable care act(ACA) will somehow make this situation better is the biggest Obama care lie of all.



You maybe right basey---this is where Obamacare is likely headed:






Originally Posted by Kari:

CaribJ, you have a singular lack of the underpinnings of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It was indeed a political exercise – that’s how Governance gets done. Obama got the Insurance companies, the provider associations (hospitals and Doctors) and the Pharmaceuticals on board then went to the Legislative body of Congress to get passage. The Bill necessarily got changed and necessarily is not a finished product. That’s why the phrase “making a more perfect Union” is so instructive. You have to start from somewhere. That’s how leaders with guts do it – go for it not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard.


The ACA is meant to keep the supply side pure free market. The demand side is what keeps cost going up and cost is what keeps the demand low and the vicious cycle of a doomed loop spiraling downwards and inwards. Obama brilliantly used the Republican personal accountability (as opposed to the Liberals’ single-payer) to tweak the demand side.


The rest of your post is just garbage – and it must be sophisticated garbage as it must have impressed other ass-holes here on this Board. Or maybe they like your racist code “Community Organizer”. Remember Reagan was a ”B” list cowboy actor and never run a cake shop and he is revered by those who shout “Community Organizer” as if it is some cancer. You know Jack-shit about the Centrist Clinton-esque Bill de Blasio. So just shut up and learn politics and how to change society.



Insults and screaming just show that you have no intelligent response.  This is a capitalist country, so there is no "politics" if it isn't tied to those who make decisions which impact the economy.  When politicians do not listen to what those in the industry tell them then they shoot themselves in the foot.


The ONLY thing that Obama has done that is of interest to the average American is Obamacare.  And even that he cant do properly.


 Kari if all of these people were involved on a day to day basis why do we have this fiasco with the ACA where people who have non compliant plans are being shocked by premium increases?


The White House would have had enough time to either warn people about this possibility, or do something about it before this situation developed?  They didn't know because they know little about why health insurance works, and clearly were not communicating with those who do.



  The very fact that Obama WHEN IT IS TOO LATE suddenly decides to give these people are chance to keep their plans shows that there is NO communication between the White House and the regulators, health care providers and the insurance companies.


Because Kari many of the regulators (INCLUDING NEW YORK) have said that they are not going to allow the renewal of non compliant ACA policies in their states when the Fed had previously insisted that this was not allowed.  Further many insurance companies have already removed the non compliant contracts from their systems and so are not able to renew.


But you say that it is all politics.  Yes.  It is.  But NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REALITY OF HEALTHCARE in this country.


And you make me laugh when you attempt to use the race card to defend a man who only addresses that issue when he is forced into doing so.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

I think ACA will collapse in due course.  Watch Insurance companies offering young low-risk individuals attractive rates to compete with ACA.  This will draw away the badly needed low-risk pool leaving the ACA program with the high-risk pool and it will not be able to sustain itself.  The Govt will need to step in and bail it out.  Mark my words.

Baseman you are another person who knows little about this topic. Every form of health insurance bought by individuals or small business has to be compliant.  So the insurers will NOT undercut ACA.  There is no law which forces people to buy on the exchanges.



And I do not think that the health insurance companies have a problem as those who do to decide to buy, to be compliant with the mandates, provide a whole new market for insurers.  The bulk of these people will be young and healthy and so cheap to insure.


The issue is the implementation of the ACA and the lies told be BOTH sides to cover their cheap political rear ends.  No ACA is not a govt take over as health insurance has always been regulated. All it does is to ensure that plans meet federal minimum standards, that there is more transparency, and that insurers are forced to charge no more than what they need to remain viable.


Where Obama went wrong is making promises, based on his political trickery. No Obama if health care delivery in this country is expensive getting something that is high quality AND affordable is not possible.  If the plans must meet higher standards as set by the ACA, then clearly they will be more expensive.


So why is Obama now shocked when people in states which allowed low quality insurance (not NY) now have a sticker shock?  I do not blame the people as they scream against Obama care because he told them that premiums would have been lower.


What Obama needs to stop doing is letting his rhetoric replace the facts, because the facts will ultimately come back to bite him on his ample rear end.


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