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Originally Posted by Kari:
 be punished because you have "wasteful" health insurance.

Your racism is now exposed. This explains why your racism towards Indians in Guyana is prefaced by the duplicitous caveat of Burnham being equally destructive to Blacks. You too myopic and this makes your racism even more glaring. Gwan suh!



Explain exactly how am I racist towards Indians in Guyana.


Because I call the PPP frauds?


Because I say that the PPP and the Indo elites are committing ethnocide against blacks in Guyana?


And since when is using the term community organizer racist?  Arent you insulting the excellent work of community organizers, including Obama.  After all the best work of Obama was when he was involved as a community organizer, even if this was to the chagrin of his wife, who was stuck paying the bills.


Don't see  how any one can claim that Obama is a good president, and his record as a state senator and also at the federal level was mediocre. The fact that a president McCain or Romney  would most likelt have been worse is beside the point.  Twenty years from now I would be shocked if any one saw Obama as representing anything other than the SYMBOLISM of being the first black president. Symbolism because blacks will be worse off after his presidency, with a complete implosion of large segments of the black lower middle class, if trends continue.


 Endless squealing about the GOP gets tiresome, especially given that he had total control over congress in his first two years.


You Kari lack the ability to refute my claims on a fact based basis so you join with rev and others in condemning my views in race in Guyana.  And you rehash White House press clippings like a simpleton, but lack the intellectual basis for defending the views that they peddle to you.


This is an intelligent response by caribny to Obama groupie karimullah---kari is a 3rd rate intellect---studied economics at a 3rd rate University in England----took a few cisco IT courses in New York---and now thinks he is the Bill Gates of IT----poor soul.






Insults and screaming just show that you have no intelligent response.  This is a capitalist country, so there is no "politics" if it isn't tied to those who make decisions which impact the economy.  When politicians do not listen to what those in the industry tell them then they shoot themselves in the foot.


The ONLY thing that Obama has done that is of interest to the average American is Obamacare.  And even that he cant do properly.


 Kari if all of these people were involved on a day to day basis why do we have this fiasco with the ACA where people who have non compliant plans are being shocked by premium increases?


The White House would have had enough time to either warn people about this possibility, or do something about it before this situation developed?  They didn't know because they know little about why health insurance works, and clearly were not communicating with those who do.


The very fact that Obama WHEN IT IS TOO LATE suddenly decides to give these people are chance to keep their plans shows that there is NO communication between the White House and the regulators, health care providers and the insurance companies.


Because Kari many of the regulators (INCLUDING NEW YORK) have said that they are not going to allow the renewal of non compliant ACA policies in their states when the Fed had previously insisted that this was not allowed.  Further many insurance companies have already removed the non compliant contracts from their systems and so are not able to renew.


But you say that it is all politics.  Yes.  It is.  But NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REALITY OF HEALTHCARE in this country.


And you make me laugh when you attempt to use the race card to defend a man who only addresses that issue when he is forced into doing so.



Unlike karimullah who calls names and insults inorder to mask his shallowness---caribny has demonstrated an impeccable grasp and understanding of the health insurance crisis in America.




Another solid response by caribny--this time to baseman:



Baseman you are another person who knows little about this topic. Every form of health insurance bought by individuals or small business has to be compliant.  So the insurers will NOT undercut ACA.  There is no law which forces people to buy on the exchanges.



And I do not think that the health insurance companies have a problem as those who do to decide to buy, to be compliant with the mandates, provide a whole new market for insurers.  The bulk of these people will be young and healthy and so cheap to insure.


The issue is the implementation of the ACA and the lies told be BOTH sides to cover their cheap political rear ends.  No ACA is not a govt take over as health insurance has always been regulated. All it does is to ensure that plans meet federal minimum standards, that there is more transparency, and that insurers are forced to charge no more than what they need to remain viable.


Where Obama went wrong is making promises, based on his political trickery. No Obama if health care delivery in this country is expensive getting something that is high quality AND affordable is not possible.  If the plans must meet higher standards as set by the ACA, then clearly they will be more expensive.


So why is Obama now shocked when people in states which allowed low quality insurance (not NY) now have a sticker shock?  I do not blame the people as they scream against Obama care because he told them that premiums would have been lower.


What Obama needs to stop doing is letting his rhetoric replace the facts, because the facts will ultimately come back to bite him on his ample rear end.


Keep up the good work caribny---you and the Rev don't agree on Guyana's politics---but you are making a ton of sense regarding healthcare in America.





Originally Posted by Rev:

Another solid response by caribny--this time to baseman:



Baseman you are another person who knows little about this topic. Every form of health insurance bought by individuals or small business has to be compliant.  So the insurers will NOT undercut ACA.  There is no law which forces people to buy on the exchanges.




Keep up the good work caribny---you and the Rev don't agree on Guyana's politics---but you are making a ton of sense regarding healthcare in America.





I never said they will not be compliant, I never said they will undercut. However, with the higher risks pools going to ACA, it will drive up costs and the privates will offer attractive rates for the youths and draw them away from the ACA program.


I may be wrong, but given we are dealing in a free market economy we have to wait and see.  Remember many years ago when the NJ state set up NJFIUA to manage "uninsurable" drivers, it ended up insolvent as Ins Cos creamed off the low risks and left the high risk ti the State.


As I said, let's wait and see.  I'm not anti-Obamacare in principle as there is a need to be met, I'm skeptical that the current model will work.


Obama is a lost cause, just hear him on Barbara Walters.  Does he really think people trust him?  And to say the proof is in his re-election.  This is exactly why he is not trusted, he lied to get re-elected and his lies got exposed after the election.  Every time he talks, I am reminded of my apprehension to him.  Thank god for the opposition.

Originally Posted by Kari:

BaseBoard, RevSkunk, and CribPoop - dumb, dumber and dumbest....nay, dumberest  


Pointless having a conversation about Obama and ACA

Obama care will prevail. After this stress test, a few more enchancements and tweaks in the future, it will survive. It surprised me that the system was not stress tested.







Mike Tyson isn't known for his towering intellect but he does seem to have command of the obvious.


On Wednesday Tyson, who previously supported the Affordable Care Act(ACA), told Piers Morgan:


"This thing just really went horrible, didn't it? It really... it's really bad... I was for it a hundred percent, but we just have to come to the reality that it didn't work. So we have to find another plan"




* Tyson is a racist hater.


* Tyson hates Mullah Obama.


* Tyson hates Muslims.


* How can Tyson be second guessing "the most intellectual president" ever ?





Originally Posted by Rev:






Mike Tyson isn't known for his towering intellect but he does seem to have command of the obvious.


On Wednesday Tyson, who previously supported the Affordable Care Act(ACA), told Piers Morgan:


"This thing just really went horrible, didn't it? It really... it's really bad... I was for it a hundred percent, but we just have to come to the reality that it didn't work. So we have to find another plan"




* Tyson is a racist hater.


* Tyson hates Mullah Obama.


* Tyson hates Muslims.


* How can Tyson be second guessing "the most intellectual president" ever ?






Let's not think Tyson is a bright bulb. I don't think his statements criticize the president. We have to realise that the president was not the MIS director or the project leader for this project. He was lied to by his subordinates. They should be fired.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:






Mike Tyson isn't known for his towering intellect but he does seem to have command of the obvious.


On Wednesday Tyson, who previously supported the Affordable Care Act(ACA), told Piers Morgan:


"This thing just really went horrible, didn't it? It really... it's really bad... I was for it a hundred percent, but we just have to come to the reality that it didn't work. So we have to find another plan"




* Tyson is a racist hater.


* Tyson hates Mullah Obama.


* Tyson hates Muslims.


* How can Tyson be second guessing "the most intellectual president" ever ?






Let's not think Tyson is a bright bulb. I don't think his statements criticize the president. We have to realise that the president was not the MIS director or the project leader for this project. He was lied to by his subordinates. They should be fired.

He cannot, he knew more than he is admitting.  Furthermore, HE himself lied, so he cannot discipline anyone.  He will note take action as he do not want more "shyte" flying around.


The fact that he was not the MIS director is irrelevant.  His job was to ensure he has a team and have his hands on the pulse of the progress and successful delivery of HIS signature project.  As he admitted, the buck stops with him.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I never said they will not be compliant, I never said they will undercut. However, with the higher risks pools going to ACA, it will drive up costs and the privates will offer attractive rates for the youths and draw them away from the ACA program.


I may be wrong, but given we are dealing in a free market economy we have to wait and see.  Remember many years ago when the NJ state set up NJFIUA to manage "uninsurable" drivers, it ended up insolvent as Ins Cos creamed off the low risks and left the high risk ti the State.


As I said, let's wait and see.  I'm not anti-Obamacare in principle as there is a need to be met, I'm skeptical that the current model will work.

You do not seem to get it.  The health exchanges are PART of ACA,  Every single plan sold to individuals and small businesses must be ACA compliant.


So no the insurance companies will not under cut THEMSELVES.  If the health exchanges fail it will be because not enough young/healthy people enrolled.  With all the White House confusion, and most of it ironically isn't the website (which hopefully will be ready by next week), it is indeed likely that many will pay the fine and many small businesses will not offer health insurance.

Originally Posted by Kari:

BaseBoard, RevSkunk, and CribPoop - dumb, dumber and dumbest....nay, dumberest  


Pointless having a conversation about Obama and ACA

Proven my point.  Rather than engaging in a sensible discussion about the ACA, or just admitting that you are just as confused about this as your hero Obama is, you resort to filth.


Kari you are an intelligent man.  Why are you resorting to the type of behavior that one would only expect to see in a lunatic asylum? I do not  stoop to this level of filth so I will leave you to wallow in fecal matter.


If I am that dumb then it would be easy for you to show how wrong I am.  But then you see you know that I am not dumb, and that I raise arguments that you cannot respond to, because your White House briefings do not provide you with sufficient detail. 


Obama himself is busy scratching his head trying to understand the mess that he got himself into with his glib rhetoric instead of developing a solid understanding of health care economics in this country,  So he cannot help you.


Have a happy and do not rub yourself in that dog fecal matter that is seen all over NYC.  It doesn't become you. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
 We have to realise that the president was not the MIS director or the project leader for this project. He was lied to by his subordinates. They should be fired.

The people who Obama should fire are those White House idiots who think that every thing in this country should be about the latest poll ratings for Obama.  He is not going to run for any other political office.  He will spend his days doing what he does best.  Being a professor and making speeches.  So why is this their sole focus?



They coach him to say what they think that the public wants to hear, to offset the GOP.  They don't take the time to understand how all of this works and so Obama gets blamed. 


So ultimately they have failed Obama as his ratings are now through the tank..sadly at a time when the Democrats should have been focusing on how they could take back the House, so he could finish up his last 2 years with a better shot at leaving a legacy.


But they failed again just as they did in 2009 when they decided that Obamacare and not a single focus on job creation, tied to helping people to keep their homes should have been the main goal.   Obama is so impressed with his team of white males and yet they fail him, except in running his campaigns.


So now it looks like the GOP have a shot at keeping the House and maybe even taking back the Senate.  Wonder what Kari would wail them because while he can argue that congressional seats have been jerrymandered he cannot make such claims in senatorial elections.


Even if the website worked there would still be other issues, so are you going to blame the IT guys for that?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
 We have to realise that the president was not the MIS director or the project leader for this project. He was lied to by his subordinates. They should be fired.

.  Wonder what Kari would wail them because while he can argue that congressional seats have been jerrymandered he cannot make such claims in senatorial elections.


Kari is about to get long-term diarrhea, and not from the mouth, which he already has.  He will be in the shit-house for a long time.


Kari picks losers, first was Commie Cheddie, now it's Commie Organizer, Barak.  Poor Kari, once a loser, always a loser.


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