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baseman posted:

Great to see the PPP youth arm in action.  The multi-ethnicity send shivers down the spines of racists like Caribj who likes to portray the PPP as an "Indian only" party.  PPP will field some good Afro candidates in 2020!!

Yes one or two 18 y/o who have to march when Jagdeo screams march, and who will have NO input into what the PPP does.

Wake me up when Jagdeo resigns and a black man replaces him.  What happened to the "soup man" by the way!  PPP soup was too stink and he fled, cussing Jagdeo on his way out!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

What you are and your PNC friends doing to unite anyone?  Show me your pictures.

Name the top 5 people in PPP leadership.

Your idea of "diversity" are 3 or 4 18 y/o marching in the hot sun, and having no ability to voice their opinions.  Jagdeo barks "halt" and they have to do so, or else!

Django posted:
,so they get a few window dressers.

Yes children marching "left right left right".  Proving how much Jagdeo is like Burnham.  Reminds me of all of the YSM marches in the 70s.

When blacks laugh at this, you will scream how racist they are for falling for the scam, after suffering through 23 years of PPP exclusion.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

AAfros went to the polls and voted overwhelmingly for the PNC

And their fears of the PPP were proven right when they endured a "silent holocaust" after 23 years of PPP racist exclusion.

I guess only Indians are allowed to vote race to avoid institutional racism. OK when they do this.  Bad when blacks behave the same!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  Look at those pics, .

Yes, very "communist" of the PPP. Taking little kids to march up and down in the hot sun, and recite like automatons what they are told to say.

When you tell me that any of those black children can ask why an old man like Jagdeo is still heading the PPP, and still survive, then we can talk.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok.  Understood.  And explain to me how this is the PPP fault alone.  Why isn't the PNC getting any blame for this?

I have always said that the PPP and the PNC were EQUALLY guilty of institutional racism, and ethnic exclusion.

YOU and others call me a racist for saying this!

You see when Indians vote race, out of fear, based on what they suffered under the PNC that is good.  When blacks similarly vote race, out of fear of the PPP, then you scream that they are racists.

Just as a black person cannot tell an Indian about what they suffered under the PNC, an Indian cannot tell blacks about what their lives under the PPP was like.

Last edited by Former Member
susan posted:
. I  know him and I like him so I listen to what he has to say today and am forgiving. Not many are as forgiving because they

So a politicians says sweet things to get votes, and he is immediately forgiven?

Now what I would prefer is if he made a black person his successor in the PPP, then THAT would show that he has repented for his ways.

Not little kids marching up and down!

baseman posted:
Again, is the police force not mainly Black?  Did the GPF and GDF not vote 90% PNC?  So why you think BJ and the PPP can influence them to hassle Black youths? 

Their boss was the PPP so cut your nonsense.  The police and the GDF have ALWAYS done as they were told by the gov't in charge.  Jagdeo ensured that he had his henchmen at the top.  Just as Burnham did. 

Guyana has NO tradition of low ranks defying orders given to them by the upper ranks.  They did as Burnham told them.  They did as Jagdeo told them, and now they will do as Granger tells them.

In any case the bulk of the murders of blacks during the Jagdeo reign of terror were committed by a certain savage (Of Indian ethnicity) who killed all who he wished!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The PPP is working tirelessly on their youth.  Some of these young men and women work nonstop on the LGE campaign.  They began with a parade at Babu John and now they take us to March 18th.  Many of them are running as candidates for the first time in an election.  Good luck to all of them.  This is the future of Guyana.ppp pyo 5ppp pyo 2PPP PYO 4ppp pyo 3

They look like they training for the Guyana Militia

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These kids are serious about saving Guyana from the people who once destroyed it. They have my support

This reminds of the People's Militia.  I am always amazed at how much Jagdeo copies Burnham, and how the Indo supremacists are blind to this.

Now they could have been in a forum, advising the PPP about how it could improve its image, and maybe win in 2020.

But that would require Jagdeo to listen to voices other than his own.

caribny posted:
susan posted:
. I  know him and I like him so I listen to what he has to say today and am forgiving. Not many are as forgiving because they

So a politicians says sweet things to get votes, and he is immediately forgiven?

Oh, Ms Dough at it again!!  Don't worry, she will zag back to you for a lil trinket!!  Besides, she is one of your big [coolie] admirer!!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
Again, is the police force not mainly Black?  Did the GPF and GDF not vote 90% PNC?  So why you think BJ and the PPP can influence them to hassle Black youths? 

Their boss was the PPP so cut your nonsense.  The police and the GDF have ALWAYS done as they were told by the gov't in charge.  Jagdeo ensured that he had his henchmen at the top.  Just as Burnham did. 

Guyana has NO tradition of low ranks defying orders given to them by the upper ranks.  They did as Burnham told them.  They did as Jagdeo told them, and now they will do as Granger tells them.

In any case the bulk of the murders of blacks during the Jagdeo reign of terror were committed by a certain savage (Of Indian ethnicity) who killed all who he wished!

Nah, you can rest assure, the GDF/GPF would never intervene in national elections at the PP's request to effect the outcome in favor of the PPP.

And you can rest assure, the Buxton/Agricola gangs would have never reigned back in the 2000s' if not for the support of the GDF/GPF!  The PPP complained about the non-cooperation of elements within the military, police.

And you can rest assure, they would never target Black youths just because the PPP/BJ asked them to.  Blacks are not crab dawgish like Indians!!

caribny posted:
susan posted:
. I  know him and I like him so I listen to what he has to say today and am forgiving. Not many are as forgiving because they

So a politicians says sweet things to get votes, and he is immediately forgiven?

Now what I would prefer is if he made a black person his successor in the PPP, then THAT would show that he has repented for his ways.

Not little kids marching up and down!

It is not simply that he says sweets things and I forgive him. It is a bit different because he is someone I knew    2 decades ago and I know he has a good brilliant side. Believe me when he carried on with racist stuff in order to get votes during the lead up to elections in 2011 and 2015 I was so disgusted and I stayed away from  Guyana choosing not to vote in 2015. But  in recent times I sense that he is waking up to the reality of what the PPP had become and why some of their supporters became apathetic or moved away. That is why I am forgiving. 

Guyana is yet to see better, sound politicians emerge as leaders. We have not had great leaders. I had a lot of hope for afc once but they quickly disappointed.

But Who knows what the future will bring. I believe in miracles. 

baseman posted:

Oh, Ms Dough at it again!!  Don't worry, she will zag back to you for a lil trinket!!  Besides, she is one of your big [coolie] admirer!!

Always interesting that an Indian who thinks for themselves (no it wasn't obvious that she was Indian) is damned by racists like you as being a "ni99er lover," to use a term that you will frequently hear at Trump rallies, when they refer to the Democrats.

susan posted:
 But  in recent times I sense that he is waking up to the reality of what the PPP had become and why some of their supporters became apathetic or moved away. That is why I am forgiving. 

Jagdeo screamed race, as he thought that galvanizing East Indians, and Amerindians, against the "black demon" would assure him of victory.

Well 5%-10% of East Indians, and 30-40% of Amerindians didn't buy into this, and he created a huge tsunami of black and mixed voters who lived in terror of what a blatantly racist PPP would bring.

So the snake has now changed his tactics.

Until he admits that he chose a wrong tactic out of political expediency, and he apologizes, he just remains another "sweet talking" politicians. Just like when Burnham went to the Hindu temples, pretending that he loved Indians.

warrior posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The young people in Guyana are not as racist as how many believe.  There is unity among them.  It's the older diehard racists who are the troublemakers!

Oh Rass gal let me help u with some names nehru,skeltonman, yugi ,baseman, Kp,carbary  this is gold 

Well you know Uncle Nehru old BUT he nah cold.

Last edited by Nehru
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Ms. Sussie, you are here to defend the blacks, according to you they are targeted in Guyana, in the USA they are profiled, in Canada they are Carded. Why is it only BLACKS.

Because there are white racists in those countries, and Indo racists like YOU, who copy every thing that they do.

Are you Sussie mouth piece?? You are known as the Official GNI Racist.

kp posted:
caribny posted:

Are you Sussie mouth piece?? You are known as the Official GNI Racist.

When I was absent many offered their opinions.

The folks who think that I am racist are Indosupremacist racists who hate black people, and are angered that I expose their attitudes.

You cannot even say why I am a racist, without telling some out and out lie.

caribny posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:

Are you Sussie mouth piece?? You are known as the Official GNI Racist.

When I was absent many offered their opinions.

The folks who think that I am racist are Indosupremacist racists who hate black people, and are angered that I expose their attitudes.

You cannot even say why I am a racist, without telling some out and out lie.

You are black. That is, these numbskull requirement.

What a pitiful lot!!!


I wish this gyal can join the Guyana People Army - the GDF, but unfortunately this is an old picture from 2015.  This picknie has since migrated.

Why - you all ask Irfaat Ali - the PPP tief what he did to her that cause her family to post her out the place.

You all think PPP good nah.  It is a political party full of bigotted men.



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