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Contract signed between GOG and JJ&B LLC for 40,000usd to lobby the state dept for electoral soloution in guyana

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'BART S. FISHER Washington D.C. Bfishe <a vCard BAR ADMISSIONS State Bar of District of Columbia AREAS OF PRACTICE International Trade/WTO Export Controls and Sanctions Global Finance Investment Trade and Export Finance Global Disputes China Practice'" src="" />


Several nations led by the USA had warned of severe consequences if the APNU/AFC and GECOM did not refrain from the path to undermine our democracy.

It appears that the APNU/AFC is still hell bent on occupying office ilegally and at all cost which is why their operatives inside GECOM have come up with a 154 day timespan for a recount.

Their plan is to use this period to see if they can fend off sanctions and continue to drag the electoral process along by injecting a new issue every time we are nearing finality.

The APNU/AFC will not stop and it is up to us as a nation collectively and stakeholders of democracy globally to say enough is enough.


There are human identities in America and Guyana known as "America" and "Guyana." We have to identify and locate who they are and where they are living and conspiring with each other. They are the metaphors of the name of the two countries. The one known as "America" is using me and others for their thoughts by using our brains simultaneously as we think. So we cannot be ourselves. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune

I told you guys on another thread, the PNC wants to push beyond the US elections hoping for a deal with the Democrats which keeps them in power.

The Black caucuses are lobbying for the PNC and the Trump administration is not buying.

The strategy now is to drag out the process until there is a change in the US. Then the PPP will be offered a junior position in a face-saving shared government where they will get staff responsibilities!


True, but that’s a gamble they willing to take as they know they lost.  They have nothing to lose.

Jagdeo is agreeing to things too piece-meal and the PNC exploiting to the maximum.

You NEVER agree to a total recount or anything without agreeing to all the mechanisms including timing.  Only then you make one agreement!  A violation of one renders it null and void. And involve the US ambassador.  Forget Caricom or anyone else.  The US is who matters.

Sometimes your people baffle me!

Last edited by Former Member

Afro_Guyanese no longer support rigging of elections in Guyana.  It is the PNC negroids who are corrupt.   Trotman now supports the COUP D'ETAT. They are desperate to stay in power so they can cover up the theft of state properties so they would do anything.  The question is, "will they use the army to usurp power" as they did in 1973, which I was a witness to?

Ramakant-P posted:

They know that the PPP/C has won the election.  Do they  actually think that Obama is still in power? The PNC has demonstrated a glaring case of hippocracy.  What is an electoral solution? A win is a win.   The US will not declare a win for the Coalition. How stupid is the State Department?

Who told you you that’s what they hoping for? PNC working on scenarios.  They are more calculating than you give them credit.

Ramakant-P posted:

Afro_Guyanese no longer support rigging of elections in Guyana.  It is the PNC negroids who are corrupt.   Trotman now supports the COUP D'ETAT. They are desperate to stay in power so they can cover up the theft of state properties so they would do anything.  The question is, "will they use the army to usurp power" as they did in 1973, which I was a witness to?

Wake up.  Yes some not, the majority say they won but they know the number don’t add up.


The strategy for PNC is to hold on until November and hope that the Democrats take the Presidency back then the black lobby will come into effect with Biden. In the mean time they will start lobbying Black democrats in New York and New Jersey. And influential black Republican contacts in New York (I have no doubt in my mind that is what that koolie with sprinklings of white blood  Ben Chopsticks may be doing in New York right now.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

If Obama was President, Granger would be sworn in since March 3. The international observers and the small parties are the ones who stood in the way twice as he attempted to get sworn in.

Why would you say that about Obama? What Trump has done so far?  He already has a plate full of problems of his own.




Coalition hires US lobbying firm to convince Guyanese it won 2020 elections


Even as it continues to face a tsunami of criticism for stymieing the credible tabulation of the votes cast in the General and Regional Elections, it appears that the coalition administration is working quietly in Chambers to alter the perception of the citizenry. According to a registration form filed with the Department of Justice, the coalition administration entered into a contract on March 31, 2020, with an American lobbying firm called JJ & B, LLC.

Based in Washington D.C, JJ & B specializes in assisting small and medium-sized enterprises and serves as a one-stop-shop for finance, law, lobbying, and public relations. Joseph Harmon, the Director-General for the Ministry of the Presidency, is listed as the official who would be engaged with the company on behalf of the government. (See link for document filed with US Department of Justice:

In a dossier that was distributed by the lobbyist firm, it is alleged that it was the Granger led coalition that won the 2020 elections but it is the People’s Progressive Party that has consistently refused to concede to the results. It also stated that the PPP has been trying for some time to gain US support to stage a coup against the Granger administration.

The Guyana Standard understands that the firm is being paid approximately $8M a month for this job.

Ramakant-P posted:

Afro_Guyanese no longer support rigging of elections in Guyana.  It is the PNC negroids who are corrupt.   Trotman now supports the COUP D'ETAT. They are desperate to stay in power so they can cover up the theft of state properties so they would do anything.  The question is, "will they use the army to usurp power" as they did in 1973, which I was a witness to?

Rama kant pee/piss (he uses a bag), Afro Guyanese overwhelmingly support Granger both inside of Guyana and outside of Guyana.

Last edited by Prashad
Ramakant-P posted:

Afro_Guyanese no longer support rigging of elections in Guyana.  It is the PNC negroids who are corrupt.   Trotman now supports the COUP D'ETAT. They are desperate to stay in power so they can cover up the theft of state properties so they would do anything.  The question is, "will they use the army to usurp power" as they did in 1973, which I was a witness to?

You didn't do squat at the '73 usurpation but fighting now behind your laptop?...Good going...

Prashad posted:
Ramakant-P posted:

Afro_Guyanese no longer support rigging of elections in Guyana.  It is the PNC negroids who are corrupt.   Trotman now supports the COUP D'ETAT. They are desperate to stay in power so they can cover up the theft of state properties so they would do anything.  The question is, "will they use the army to usurp power" as they did in 1973, which I was a witness to?

Rama kant pee/piss (he uses a bag), Afro Guyanese overwhelmingly support Granger both inside of Guyana and outside of Guyana.

Prash, you mouth like a batty, yuh talking kaka. Have some respect for uncle Rama.


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