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The merging parties have more leaders of quality than the  PPP/C can ever hope to field

February 23, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, I welcome the news of the formation of an alliance from the National Assembly’s majority parties. To my mind, this is the surest way to start to defeat the incumbent PPP/C at the forthcoming elections. However, what I do not quite understand is the stance taken by a major op-ed columnist of yours β€˜Peeping Tom’ and a few of your letter columns contributors. It is my view that these persons are entitled to their personal opinions and that they can court your patience and space in airing their views in public. No problem at all. What I object to is the simplistic air that perhaps the personalities who lead the AFC and the APNU are naÏve in their approach to unseating the incumbent party. That only an alliance led by a person of Indian extraction will be attractive to the polity; that the AFC has gone against its original stance and has supposedly betrayed its membership. The AFC is not a race oriented party like the PPP/C .It never was and perhaps never will be. To my mind the merging parties have more leaders of quality than the PPP/C can ever hope to field. There is much scholarship to be found in these parties. The dregs of the PNC and who have sordid records are safely embedded within the ranks of the PPP/C. Above all the scourge of corruption has not tainted these personalities. Persons writing in small countries like Guyana where their views can make or break the minds of persons must be mindful of what they place in the public domain. Those of us who write must be mindful of this caveat. The leadership of this new alliance are not simplistic fools but they are the best possible leaders that a small country like Guyana can assemble. We need to congratulate them on this courageous step taken. We need to support them in their efforts to remove an utterly corrupt regime. It is my opinion that this new alliance will overcome its problems and give us good governance at long last. Cyril Walker

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Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rawmouthtar was forced to shut down parliament in an act of desperation so as to not face the No Confidence Motion.

An election was due and he did what was necessary to preserve the security of the country.    Moses should be charged with treason.

The fact of the matter is that the PPP/C days are numbered. I would suggest, you start looking for gainful employment.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rawmouthtar was forced to shut down parliament in an act of desperation so as to not face the No Confidence Motion.

An election was due and he did what was necessary to preserve the security of the country.    Moses should be charged with treason.

The fact of the matter is that the PPP/C days are numbered. I would suggest, you start looking for gainful employment.


Is that your answer or you do not understand what I am saying.


Please sober up before you reply.


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rawmouthtar was forced to shut down parliament in an act of desperation so as to not face the No Confidence Motion.

An election was due and he did what was necessary to preserve the security of the country.    Moses should be charged with treason.

you need Jesus 


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