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Profile enhancement update is live!
As promised in our last newsletter, we’ve rolled out a major (I mean, on-steroids major) release for Look for:
  • The ability to integrate your site with many more social networks, including Google, YouTube, Foursquare, Flickr, Twitter, and more
  • Member profiles that support social network widgets and links
  • A new activity stream for the community and on member profile pages
  • Support for "following" other members
  • New “Stuff I Love” section for member profiles
  • Much more!
Read all about it here!
Quick Tip: What’s the difference between the "Insert/Attach Photo" button in the posting form editor and the "Attach Clips" link below the posting input area?
Thanks to Richard Craft for this great question!

The Insert/Edit Button:This button that appears in the posting form editor is used to do two different things:
  • Insert an image in your post without actually uploading it.This useful if you want to include an image in your post that is already hosted somewhere else on the web. If you link to images this way, they will NOT be included in your site's Clips section.
  • Edit the properties of any embedded image in your post. You can change the image's title or alignment, or even add custom CSS for the image (to add padding, for instance).
The "Attach Clips" link below the posting input area.: Use this whenever you want to UPLOAD an image (or other supported file type). When you attach/upload, the photos will be automatically added to your Clips section, and you also have the option of embedding these attached/uploaded photos directly in your post. Just use the "Insert all photos and videos into post body (large size)" option while uploading or click on the "Insert in post body" link after you upload. If you do embed your attached/uploaded photos in your post body, you can also edit the properties of the embedded images using the "Insert/Edit" button referenced above. Gets Highlighted
We were so honored to get a great review of from the V3 Blog recently:

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