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kp posted:
VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:
VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

The PNC of today is more extreme and ruthless. They will make part one look like a trailer after they rig in 2020. Indos better pack their suitcases and leave.

They just needed to UF the AFC and they got their wish. They WILL execute their master plan in 2020.

So, let me ask you a serious question....

If you know the history of the PNC, and you really believe they will rig in 2020 (I believe they will, if they have to), your advise seems to be "PACK UP AND LEAVE". Your ancestors were extracted from India and worked under"slave-like conditions" to build that 83,000 sq miles of land like others with their sweat and tears, why is it so easy for yall coolie people to RUN rather than FIGHT for what is rightfully yours. YOU sound like a SHEEP without a Plan B.

Would Black people think this way? Never. Afros see Guyana as their own, a place they belong to and a country they build. This is why the Afros in my family see Indos as COWARDS and UNPATRIOTIC. This is why even Afro women have no respect for Indo men, even the righteous ones like Cheddi Jagan, etc.

Afros have no reason to respect people like you (with all your big mouth and anger emanating from your posts). You are simply a COWARD like Skeleton Brain and Baseman....willing to give up an entire country your ancestors help build. AND, willing to go to another country and live with the discrimination you face in these country.

YALL Indos full of it...none of you are willing to sacrifice anything to reclaim dignity and respect in Guyana...yall need to look in the mirror and wipe that Ghandian smile off your face...act like a proud people with a destiny...and stop letting others "MOULD" your destiny for you.

Let me ask you,where do you live,work and play??? Why did you run. If you live in glass house don't ____₮ ___ and you know the rest.

Seems like I tough a point exactly....I am not the one defending the rights and virtues of Indos out here, cussin at the "others", while doing so and seeing faults in the "others" instead of looking for solutions from within.  

Not a nerve, it's a simple question. Can you answer? I know your type.

I live in NY...what type is that?

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Would Black people think this way? Never. Afros see Guyana as their own, a place they belong to and a country they build. This is why the Afros in my family see Indos as COWARDS and UNPATRIOTIC. This is why even Afro women have no respect for Indo men, even the righteous ones like Cheddi Jagan, etc.

Afros have no reason to respect people like you (with all your big mouth and anger emanating from your posts). You are simply a COWARD like Skeleton Brain and Baseman....willing to give up an entire country your ancestors help build. AND, willing to go to another country and live with the discrimination you face in these country.

YALL Indos full of it...none of you are willing to sacrifice anything to reclaim dignity and respect in Guyana...yall need to look in the mirror and wipe that Ghandian smile off your face...act like a proud people with a destiny...and stop letting others "MOULD" your destiny for you.

Hey hey hey, why you dragging Baseman into your cockfight.  If so, then your statement applies to all Indians on this board and many more living abroad, not just the few you mentioned!

You should also pull up Caribj who pouts from afar and complain that Indians in Guyana dilutes the power of the freed slaves!

Yes others too.  But yall keep defending the Indo cause and talking like you have all the answers. Its GROUPTHINK....all you people want to do is uphold a moral high ground against others, but dont like you address the weakness in your own people.

What does Carib have to do with Indo cowardice?...dont follow  your quantum leap here.

Oh yes, some do.  Indians were cursed with *****foot leadership in the PPP.  I always said, the only Indian leader who broke the mold was BJ.  And I will never criticize him on that front!

Jagdeo look like he is highly revered by most Indos in Guyana. However, I do not believe that Indos truly understand the extent to which BJ is despised by Afros. 

My point is BJ may have served his purpose, but the PPP needs to look beyond Jagdeo ...for many reasons...if they hope to play a role in Guyana's future political and economic development. 

This again raises my question: Even if the PPP wins the 2020 elections, how are their leaders going to guarantee that they cam maintain law and order, and dont have their term of government cut short by protests, or govern in a manner that ALL Guyanese can live with the government for 5 yerrs...somewhat like 1992 when Jagan was elected?

It is important to note that he is "hated" by Blacks and yes, one of the few Indian leaders who punched back at bullies!!  Only traitors would define it as "wrong"!  Understand, the more he is hated by the other side, the more his base rallies around him!

Yes, I agree he needs to move over and let others rise and take the mantle of leadership.  I believe any leader should serve and move over and give new ideas a chance to flourish!

On what happens if the PPP wins in 2020, we have to see!

ronan posted:
yuji22 posted:

Every single Black President in Guyana was a Rigger with Hoyte taking the record as the Biggest Rigger.

The "biggest rigger" Desmond Hoyte, wan of dem "Black President" was a far, far, far better leader of Guyana than Bharrat Jagdeo

go figure

OK steppin in mud hay....

...thats a loaded set of words here, namely  "far, far, far better"....never mind the subjectivity, but by what objective yardstick you measuring dis historical timeline...yo hero, Hoit, was one a dem biggest rigger ever in de1968 election (somebady mentioned that here). 

OR, you just trying fo antaganize dem Jagdeo boys??? 

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
yuji22 posted:

Every single Black President in Guyana was a Rigger with Hoyte taking the record as the Biggest Rigger.

The "biggest rigger" Desmond Hoyte, wan of dem "Black President" was a far, far, far better leader of Guyana than Bharrat Jagdeo

go figure

OK steppin in mud hay....

...thats a loaded set of words here, namely  "far, far, far better"....never mind the subjectivity, but by what objective yardstick you measuring dis historical timeline...yo hero, Hoit, was one a dem biggest rigger ever in de1968 election (somebady mentioned that here). 

OR, you just trying fo antaganize dem Jagdeo boys??? 

don't re-interpret my words . . . you have absolutely no idea who my political "hero(es)" are

now, i meant exactly what i posted . . . including the fact that Hoyte presided over the "biggest" rigged elections in Guyana's history

clear enuf?

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Would Black people think this way? Never. Afros see Guyana as their own, a place they belong to and a country they build. This is why the Afros in my family see Indos as COWARDS and UNPATRIOTIC. This is why even Afro women have no respect for Indo men, even the righteous ones like Cheddi Jagan, etc.

Afros have no reason to respect people like you (with all your big mouth and anger emanating from your posts). You are simply a COWARD like Skeleton Brain and Baseman....willing to give up an entire country your ancestors help build. AND, willing to go to another country and live with the discrimination you face in these country.

YALL Indos full of it...none of you are willing to sacrifice anything to reclaim dignity and respect in Guyana...yall need to look in the mirror and wipe that Ghandian smile off your face...act like a proud people with a destiny...and stop letting others "MOULD" your destiny for you.

Hey hey hey, why you dragging Baseman into your cockfight.  If so, then your statement applies to all Indians on this board and many more living abroad, not just the few you mentioned!

You should also pull up Caribj who pouts from afar and complain that Indians in Guyana dilutes the power of the freed slaves!

Yes others too.  But yall keep defending the Indo cause and talking like you have all the answers. Its GROUPTHINK....all you people want to do is uphold a moral high ground against others, but dont like you address the weakness in your own people.

What does Carib have to do with Indo cowardice?...dont follow  your quantum leap here.

Oh yes, some do.  Indians were cursed with *****foot leadership in the PPP.  I always said, the only Indian leader who broke the mold was BJ.  And I will never criticize him on that front!

Jagdeo look like he is highly revered by most Indos in Guyana. However, I do not believe that Indos truly understand the extent to which BJ is despised by Afros. 

My point is BJ may have served his purpose, but the PPP needs to look beyond Jagdeo ...for many reasons...if they hope to play a role in Guyana's future political and economic development. 

This again raises my question: Even if the PPP wins the 2020 elections, how are their leaders going to guarantee that they cam maintain law and order, and dont have their term of government cut short by protests, or govern in a manner that ALL Guyanese can live with the government for 5 yerrs...somewhat like 1992 when Jagan was elected?

It is important to note that he is "hated" by Blacks and yes, one of the few Indian leaders who punched back at bullies!!  Only traitors would define it as "wrong"!  Understand, the more he is hated by the other side, the more his base rallies around him!

Yes, I agree he needs to move over and let others rise and take the mantle of leadership.  I believe any leader should serve and move over and give new ideas a chance to flourish!

On what happens if the PPP wins in 2020, we have to see!

Guyanese need to move away from labelling people as "traitors", "bourgeoisie", "capitalists", "reactionaries", etc...political leaders have a habit of doing this...dis only leads people to sharpen their steel...and you know what de Burnham dictator had to say about "sharper steel".

Understand, the more he is hated by the other side, the more his base rallies around him!

OK...dis sound like a Trumpian statement. So, if his base puts him or another leader in office 2020, lets assume, how are your leaders going to keep the OTHER half of the population at bay...especially if, as some of yall keep saying, de rioters are taking place and Afros are marching...Guyana heading fo further division.

On what happens if the PPP wins in 2020, we have to see!

Leaders plan ahead and have Plan Bs....waiting to see, or planning after the weak leadership....something the PPP is known for...especially if de bin out of power for 28 yrs. of the few Indian leaders who punched back at bullies!

If you referring to dem freedom fightas, and Gajraz time (you said dis in a previous post) then if Jagdeo was one of the "few" then Coolies in big trouble come 2020...


ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
yuji22 posted:

Every single Black President in Guyana was a Rigger with Hoyte taking the record as the Biggest Rigger.

The "biggest rigger" Desmond Hoyte, wan of dem "Black President" was a far, far, far better leader of Guyana than Bharrat Jagdeo

go figure

OK steppin in mud hay....

...thats a loaded set of words here, namely  "far, far, far better"....never mind the subjectivity, but by what objective yardstick you measuring dis historical timeline...yo hero, Hoit, was one a dem biggest rigger ever in de1968 election (somebady mentioned that here). 

OR, you just trying fo antaganize dem Jagdeo boys??? 

don't re-interpret my words . . . you have absolutely no idea who my political "hero(es)" are

now, i meant exactly what i posted . . . including the fact that Hoyte presided over the "biggest" rigged elections in Guyana's history

clear enuf?

Artie...jus lil confuse with dem three "fars" you boasting about....

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Would Black people think this way? Never. Afros see Guyana as their own, a place they belong to and a country they build. This is why the Afros in my family see Indos as COWARDS and UNPATRIOTIC. This is why even Afro women have no respect for Indo men, even the righteous ones like Cheddi Jagan, etc.

Afros have no reason to respect people like you (with all your big mouth and anger emanating from your posts). You are simply a COWARD like Skeleton Brain and Baseman....willing to give up an entire country your ancestors help build. AND, willing to go to another country and live with the discrimination you face in these country.

YALL Indos full of it...none of you are willing to sacrifice anything to reclaim dignity and respect in Guyana...yall need to look in the mirror and wipe that Ghandian smile off your face...act like a proud people with a destiny...and stop letting others "MOULD" your destiny for you.

Hey hey hey, why you dragging Baseman into your cockfight.  If so, then your statement applies to all Indians on this board and many more living abroad, not just the few you mentioned!

You should also pull up Caribj who pouts from afar and complain that Indians in Guyana dilutes the power of the freed slaves!

Yes others too.  But yall keep defending the Indo cause and talking like you have all the answers. Its GROUPTHINK....all you people want to do is uphold a moral high ground against others, but dont like you address the weakness in your own people.

What does Carib have to do with Indo cowardice?...dont follow  your quantum leap here.

Oh yes, some do.  Indians were cursed with *****foot leadership in the PPP.  I always said, the only Indian leader who broke the mold was BJ.  And I will never criticize him on that front!

Jagdeo look like he is highly revered by most Indos in Guyana. However, I do not believe that Indos truly understand the extent to which BJ is despised by Afros. 

My point is BJ may have served his purpose, but the PPP needs to look beyond Jagdeo ...for many reasons...if they hope to play a role in Guyana's future political and economic development. 

This again raises my question: Even if the PPP wins the 2020 elections, how are their leaders going to guarantee that they cam maintain law and order, and dont have their term of government cut short by protests, or govern in a manner that ALL Guyanese can live with the government for 5 yerrs...somewhat like 1992 when Jagan was elected?

It is important to note that he is "hated" by Blacks and yes, one of the few Indian leaders who punched back at bullies!!  Only traitors would define it as "wrong"!  Understand, the more he is hated by the other side, the more his base rallies around him!

Yes, I agree he needs to move over and let others rise and take the mantle of leadership.  I believe any leader should serve and move over and give new ideas a chance to flourish!

On what happens if the PPP wins in 2020, we have to see!

Guyanese need to move away from labelling people as "traitors", "bourgeoisie", "capitalists", "reactionaries", etc...political leaders have a habit of doing this...dis only leads people to sharpen their steel...and you know what de Burnham dictator had to say about "sharper steel".

Understand, the more he is hated by the other side, the more his base rallies around him!

OK...dis sound like a Trumpian statement. So, if his base puts him or another leader in office 2020, lets assume, how are your leaders going to keep the OTHER half of the population at bay...especially if, as some of yall keep saying, de rioters are taking place and Afros are marching...Guyana heading fo further division.

On what happens if the PPP wins in 2020, we have to see!

Leaders plan ahead and have Plan Bs....waiting to see, or planning after the weak leadership....something the PPP is known for...especially if de bin out of power for 28 yrs. of the few Indian leaders who punched back at bullies!

If you referring to dem freedom fightas, and Gajraz time (you said dis in a previous post) then if Jagdeo was one of the "few" then Coolies in big trouble come 2020...


VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
yuji22 posted:

Every single Black President in Guyana was a Rigger with Hoyte taking the record as the Biggest Rigger.

The "biggest rigger" Desmond Hoyte, wan of dem "Black President" was a far, far, far better leader of Guyana than Bharrat Jagdeo

go figure

OK steppin in mud hay....

...thats a loaded set of words here, namely  "far, far, far better"....never mind the subjectivity, but by what objective yardstick you measuring dis historical timeline...yo hero, Hoit, was one a dem biggest rigger ever in de1968 election (somebady mentioned that here). 

OR, you just trying fo antaganize dem Jagdeo boys??? 

don't re-interpret my words . . . you have absolutely no idea who my political "hero(es)" are

now, i meant exactly what i posted . . . including the fact that Hoyte presided over the "biggest" rigged elections in Guyana's history

clear enuf?

Artie...jus lil confuse with dem three "fars" you boasting about....

"far far far far" better

clearer now?

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