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Originally Posted by kp:

You Americans, mind your business. This is Canada, general election will be in October, 2015, the prime minister is playing the political game, the judge is right. WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS. Talk about what ISIS is doing, if you don't convert, they kill you. Look at the world today, all the fighting and killing has one common religion ie Muslim. WHY< WHY.

Only if you chose to have a tunnel vision. But it is your life to live it your way. I will continue to live mine my way. I guard myself against developing a second class citizen mentality.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S...I like how you moonheads always like to throw around the "hate Muslims" card. It's how you people attempt to shut down debate with your infidel opponents.

Bai, only yesterday we established that GNI is a rum shap hang out spot, whay yuh think there can me meaningful interactions here? Secondly. debates are respectful interactions between two parties putting forth their thesis and then seeking to prove it. One can never begin such an endeavor when one side addresses them as mud heads or jihadists or refer to their thesis as whowhobars. The other person would be wise to just regard that person as poisoned and either cuss them out Guyanese rum shap style or ignore them. 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:

You Americans, mind your business. This is Canada, general election will be in October, 2015, the prime minister is playing the political game, the judge is right. WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS. Talk about what ISIS is doing, if you don't convert, they kill you. Look at the world today, all the fighting and killing has one common religion ie Muslim. WHY< WHY.

Only if you chose to have a tunnel vision. But it is your life to live it your way. I will continue to live mine my way. I guard myself against developing a second class citizen mentality.

That's why I am saying , stay out of Canadian Politics, you know the old saying, " you give them an inch and thy take a mile"

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:

You Americans, mind your business. This is Canada, general election will be in October, 2015, the prime minister is playing the political game, the judge is right. WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS. Talk about what ISIS is doing, if you don't convert, they kill you. Look at the world today, all the fighting and killing has one common religion ie Muslim. WHY< WHY.

Only if you chose to have a tunnel vision. But it is your life to live it your way. I will continue to live mine my way. I guard myself against developing a second class citizen mentality.

That's why I am saying , stay out of Canadian Politics, you know the old saying, " you give them an inch and thy take a mile"

That is a loser mentality. Everyone has the god given right to seek as much from life as they can.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:

You Americans, mind your business. This is Canada, general election will be in October, 2015, the prime minister is playing the political game, the judge is right. WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS. Talk about what ISIS is doing, if you don't convert, they kill you. Look at the world today, all the fighting and killing has one common religion ie Muslim. WHY< WHY.

Only if you chose to have a tunnel vision. But it is your life to live it your way. I will continue to live mine my way. I guard myself against developing a second class citizen mentality.

So you should try attend a court dress like a Taliban or even with shorts and Tshirt to prove you are "not developing a second class citizen mentality"...  

Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:

You Americans, mind your business. This is Canada, general election will be in October, 2015, the prime minister is playing the political game, the judge is right. WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS. Talk about what ISIS is doing, if you don't convert, they kill you. Look at the world today, all the fighting and killing has one common religion ie Muslim. WHY< WHY.

Only if you chose to have a tunnel vision. But it is your life to live it your way. I will continue to live mine my way. I guard myself against developing a second class citizen mentality.

So you should try attend a court dress like a Taliban or even with shorts and Tshirt to prove you are "not developing a second class citizen mentality"...  

Do you find it necessary to go to this extreme to subjugate yourself?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:

You Americans, mind your business. This is Canada, general election will be in October, 2015, the prime minister is playing the political game, the judge is right. WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMANS. Talk about what ISIS is doing, if you don't convert, they kill you. Look at the world today, all the fighting and killing has one common religion ie Muslim. WHY< WHY.

Only if you chose to have a tunnel vision. But it is your life to live it your way. I will continue to live mine my way. I guard myself against developing a second class citizen mentality.

So you should try attend a court dress like a Taliban or even with shorts and Tshirt to prove you are "not developing a second class citizen mentality"...  

Do you find it necessary to go to this extreme to subjugate yourself?

You still don't get it, the point I am trying to make is you have to dress for every event appropreiatly ...would you attend a funeral with a tuxedo?


This is how you dress in court according to a The Schlitt Law Firm.




  2. The Right Clothing Choices for a Man Who Must Appear in Court

    For a man, you can never go wrong wearing a suit, though it is generally not necessary. You can wear nice slacks and a long-sleeved, collared shirt. A sport coat or blazer always makes a good choice. Do not wear jeans; khakis or dress slacks are fine. Do not even think of wearing shorts and make sure you wear a belt or suspenders. Dress shoes are a good choice; avoid sneakers, sandals or anything too casual. Please comb or brush your hair and trim your beard. Keep the cologne and jewelry to a minimum and you would be best served to remove any piercings before showing up court. While more and more people have tattoos, you would be best served to keep them covered while in court. Unless you need to wear headwear for religious purposes, you should avoid hats unless they are of a fashionable type that will enhance your outfit without drawing attention. Do not wear anything too tight or too baggy and yes, pull up your pants.


  3. The Right Clothing Choices for a Woman Who Must Appear in Court

    For a woman, wear flat shoes or ones with a small heel. Avoid sandals or any open-toed shoes. A suit would be fine, though you can wear a dress or skirt and blouse. Skirts and dresses should be modest; nice slacks and a blouse are fine. The courtroom is not the time to feature cleavage and keep the amount of visible skin to a minimum. If you wear a dress or skirt, then you need pantyhose. No spaghetti straps, off-the-shoulder wear or sundresses. Keep your hairstyling reasonable and do not wear clothing or a style that will call undue attention to you. Make-up is okay, but best kept to a minimum. Make sure your nails are neat and polished, though you do not want any attention grabbing nail polish design that would have the jury staring at your fingers.  The keywords that should guide your fashion decisions are conservative and serious.


"The courtroom is not the time to feature cleavage and keep the amount of visible skin to a minimum. "



How preposterous! Eh Eh, Imagine dat?



Hey TI I notice they mentioned in the men's section but not the women's.


"Unless you need to wear headwear for religious purposes, you should avoid hats unless they are of a fashionable type that will enhance your outfit without drawing attention."

Originally Posted by sachin_05:

You still don't get it, the point I am trying to make is you have to dress for every event appropreiatly ...would you attend a funeral with a tuxedo?

You don't have a point. This topic is not about the required courtroom attire. It is whether the judge misjudged the situation. The Canadian Prime Minister and Premier of Quebec think so although neither of them have a law background. Time will tell if her ruling prevails or if the non-infidels get to wreck the infidel's system again.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:

You still don't get it, the point I am trying to make is you have to dress for every event appropreiatly ...would you attend a funeral with a tuxedo?

You don't have a point. This topic is not about the required courtroom attire. It is whether the judge misjudged the situation. The Canadian Prime Minister and Premier of Quebec think so although neither of them have a law background. Time will tell if her ruling prevails or if the non-infidels get to wreck the infidel's system again.

I was responding to your comment "I guard myself against developing a second class citizen mentality"

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:

You still don't get it, the point I am trying to make is you have to dress for every event appropreiatly ...would you attend a funeral with a tuxedo?

You don't have a point. This topic is not about the required courtroom attire. It is whether the judge misjudged the situation. The Canadian Prime Minister and Premier of Quebec think so although neither of them have a law background. Time will tell if her ruling prevails or if the non-infidels get to wreck the infidel's system again.

I was responding to your comment "I guard myself against developing a second class citizen mentality"

Now you know why I injected the tunnel vision comment. Seeing the whole picture leads to better judgment.  


You go to Saudi Arabia, Can a woman drive a car? Can a woman hold public office? no and no, but they come to North America and abuse their privileges . Like I say follow the law of the courts, follow the law of the country. The line to come to North America is quite long, They hate America and yet they want to be here. If I go to Saudi, can I have a drink,  no but I Iove a good drink, so I will never go there.

Originally Posted by TI:

The law of Canada does not forbid wearing a headscarf.

it is quite legal.

the problem is that Canadians don't know their own laws or merely bigoted.

Suh you go tell them rass. The judge has the discretion do do as she did. You may disagree with her, second guess her and even call her unfair and prejudiced but within her discretion is the authority to determine the mode of dress appropriate for her court room.


The lady would not die if she takes off her scarf as men do not die when told to take off their hats etc as a sigh on respect.


I actually do not care either way as long it is not an anonymizing burka or, hoodie. The point being made is the not what other say of the judge but whether she has the authority to control her court room. And she does.

Originally Posted by kp:

You go to Saudi Arabia, Can a woman drive a car? Can a woman hold public office? no and no, but they come to North America and abuse their privileges . Like I say follow the law of the courts, follow the law of the country. The line to come to North America is quite long, They hate America and yet they want to be here. If I go to Saudi, can I have a drink,  no but I Iove a good drink, so I will never go there.

How did the scope of what is legal in Canada gets expanded to include Saudi Arabia? Stupidity abounds.


Sorry,  judges cannot make decisions that violate laws of the country. If in her opinion a headscarf is similar to a baseball cap or sunglasses, the good lady is an idiot.

She may show discretion in the matter or reveal herself as a religious bigot.  I bet you if the pope show up in court with his little hat, she wouldn't tell him take it off.

Originally Posted by TI:

Sorry,  judges cannot make decisions that violate laws of the country. If in her opinion a headscarf is similar to a baseball cap or sunglasses, the good lady is an idiot.

She may show discretion in the matter or reveal herself as a religious bigot.  I bet you if the pope show up in court with his little hat, she wouldn't tell him take it off.


Do you Muslims ever wake up one day in an infidel society without being butthurt over something?


One single day?


It must sooooooooooooooooo tough being a Muslim in the West. You people are always being oppressed by Abercrombie and Fitch and then Judges are trying to treat you people as equal to other people.


I admire the courage of you people. Sticking it out in the midst of such horrors while resisting the temptation to move to the Ummah.

Originally Posted by TI:

Sorry,  judges cannot make decisions that violate laws of the country. If in her opinion a headscarf is similar to a baseball cap or sunglasses, the good lady is an idiot.

She may show discretion in the matter or reveal herself as a religious bigot.  I bet you if the pope show up in court with his little hat, she wouldn't tell him take it off.

the judge is not necessarily a bigot


she has that discretion in her court


unfortunately, what is a "reasonable accommodation" has not caught up with changing demographics in the West . . . and a failure to assimilate


the aggrieved lady needs to chill . . . this is neither a human rights issue nor an assault on her religion


the legislatures (and he courts) will work these things out in the public interest . . . that's how you do things in a secular law-based society


Quran enjoins modesty . . . all the allied nonsense about dress (burka, niqab, hijab, chadoor, etc.) is a function of culture/place - temporal shyte informed by history, circumstance and traditions

Last edited by Former Member

Yes, it catching on


Florida Dad Protests Islam Lessons in Son's H.S. History Class


<button class="pull-left btn btn-default meta-container" data-target="#meta" data-toggle="collapse" type="button">Feb 10, 2015 // 9:55am </button>

As seen on Fox and Friends 


The father of a Florida high schooler says students were required to recite an Islamic prayer in a 10th grade history class.

"Students were instructed to recite this prayer as the first Pillar of Islam, off of the board at the teacher's instruction," Ron Wagner said. 

He said that his son's world history book at Lyman High School has a chapter dedicated to the "Rise of Islam," which includes prayers and scriptures from the Koran. 

"For it to be mandatory and part of the curriculum and in the textbooks, didn't seem right," Wagner said, adding that the book doesn't contain similar sections about Judaism and Christianity.

Wagner said he became concerned when he noticed a text message reminder from the teacher to his son about completing a prayer rug assignment and studying an Islam packet.

Originally Posted by redux:

she has that discretion in her court


unfortunately, what is a "reasonable accommodation" has not caught up with changing demographics in the West . . . and a failure to assimilate


the aggrieved lady needs to chill . . . this is neither a human rights issue nor an assault on her religion


the legislatures (and he courts) will work these things out in the public interest . . . that's how you do things in a secular law-based society


Quran enjoins modesty . . . all the allied nonsense about dress (burka, niqab, hijab, chadoor, etc.) is a function of culture/place - temporal shyte informed by particular historic circumstance(s)

Excellent point. Unfortunately many Muslims don't understand this. For instance, this shariah that many speak of is not some law stuck in the 7th century. My understanding is that shariah is fluid. It adapts to the conditions and circumstances as long as it stays within the guidelines of the Qur'an and sunnah. I do also see the new trend of Muslim garb to be more about the Arab world and will dare to say unnecessary. I stopped wearing the gown because I determined that I can control the cleanliness of my clothes better if they are shirts and trousers. Haven't worn a gown in nearly 10 years. Not even for any special event. 

Originally Posted by TI:

Yes, it catching on


Florida Dad Protests Islam Lessons in Son's H.S. History Class


<button class="pull-left btn btn-default meta-container" data-target="#meta" data-toggle="collapse" type="button">Feb 10, 2015 // 9:55am </button>

As seen on Fox and Friends 


The father of a Florida high schooler says students were required to recite an Islamic prayer in a 10th grade history class.

"Students were instructed to recite this prayer as the first Pillar of Islam, off of the board at the teacher's instruction," Ron Wagner said. 

He said that his son's world history book at Lyman High School has a chapter dedicated to the "Rise of Islam," which includes prayers and scriptures from the Koran. 

"For it to be mandatory and part of the curriculum and in the textbooks, didn't seem right," Wagner said, adding that the book doesn't contain similar sections about Judaism and Christianity.

Wagner said he became concerned when he noticed a text message reminder from the teacher to his son about completing a prayer rug assignment and studying an Islam packet.

This to me is unnecessary.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
I stopped wearing the gown because I determined that I can control the cleanliness of my clothes better if they are shirts and trousers. Haven't worn a gown in nearly 10 years. Not even for any special event. 


Wait wait wait.


You were born in a pants wearing country and dem Arab chaps convinced you to opt for a man dress?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
I stopped wearing the gown because I determined that I can control the cleanliness of my clothes better if they are shirts and trousers. Haven't worn a gown in nearly 10 years. Not even for any special event. 


Wait wait wait.


You were born in a pants wearing country and dem Arab chaps convinced you to opt for a man dress?

I do only that what I am comfortable with. I don't praise or blame anyone for my actions.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
I stopped wearing the gown because I determined that I can control the cleanliness of my clothes better if they are shirts and trousers. Haven't worn a gown in nearly 10 years. Not even for any special event. 


Wait wait wait.


You were born in a pants wearing country and dem Arab chaps convinced you to opt for a man dress?

I do only that what I am comfortable with. I don't praise or blame anyone for my actions.


I even hear some Guyanese Muslims are claiming to be descended from Arabs and not Hindu converts


A friend once told me that my uncle (a Khan surnamed fullahman) boasted of his long Arab lineage

Last edited by Former Member

Why do traditional cultures and values have to sell out to western cultural imperialism?  And that's cool and civilized?


Can't you see the decadence?  Europe and North America are bent on shedding as much clothes as possible - nudity or near nudity.


In New York there is one day when people go to work in their underwear, riding in the subways in lingerie.  There are movements to "free the nipple."  What's wrong with these people.


Are these values we in the 3rd world need to ape?  USA is legalizing drugs;now we have Jamaica announced decriminalization of drugs.


In India, they are moving away from traditional wear and adopting western clothes more and more.  Whose economy are they building?


They are messing with the traditional family and marriage, and anything goes.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by kp:

You go to Saudi Arabia, Can a woman drive a car? Can a woman hold public office? no and no, but they come to North America and abuse their privileges . Like I say follow the law of the courts, follow the law of the country. The line to come to North America is quite long, They hate America and yet they want to be here. If I go to Saudi, can I have a drink,  no but I Iove a good drink, so I will never go there.

How did the scope of what is legal in Canada gets expanded to include Saudi Arabia? Stupidity abounds.

Is that a Muslim thing to call someone stupid, we live in an ever changing world, try and adapt.


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