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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Bottom line, is, despite TKs claims, if an Indian goes out of his way to win the trust of blacks, he will get their support.  Most blacks in 1953 knew full well that they were voting for Cheddi.


The opposite tends to happen only among that tiny group of Indo intellects like TK. Sadly most of them probably aren't even living in Guyana!

Do you have voter sentiments surveys from 1953 that say that Cheddi Jagan was the PRIMARY reason why Africans voted the united PPP? I am looking at a LAPOP survey on racial reference and voting habits in Guyana. You would be surprised. Don't be so certain of your speculations. Having said that APNU-AFC still has much to do.

TK I assume that you know that there was a party that was founded by the League of Colored People.  I also assume that you know that they didn't get votes outside of the black and colored middle class who despised Burnham, even though he came out of their ranks.


So how come blacks voted for a party led by an Indian, when there was a black party right there for them to support?  And they knew that Cheddi was #1 and Burnham was #2.  APNU AFC will NOT get anything like the support from Indians in 2015, that the PPP got from blacks in 1953.

This is not convincing at all.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My militant PYO founding member/gun smith of a grandfather actually says that the 1953 victory celebrations by the Indians left a deep impression on Blacks. It was an unabashed display of Indian triumphalism that he says "the Blacks took careful note of and bided their time." The split in 1957 didn't occur at the top. The seeds of it were sown from the grassroots on up. He actually traces Indian behavior in the aftermath of the 1953 victory as the beginning of our racial divisions electorally, not our moment our racial unity/utopia.

This was further under scored in 1961 when a PPP victory led to drunk Indians driving through black villages screaming that they were going to send "dem ni99ers back to slavery".  


A black PPP female, who came out to celebrate (she liked Cheddi, as indeed did many rural blacks, who did NOT trust Burnham........note that King didn't immediately leave the PPP), was assaulted.



This led to the vicious reaction from blacks the following year.  FEAR!


I bet that black woman who voted PPP in 1961, voted PNC in 1964.


Face it different identity formations (Africans, mixed, Portuguese as creoles, and Indians as an Indian NATION) lead to different responses to the ethnicity of candidates. An Indian who goes to blacks and woos them might win their support.  NEVER has an African been as successful with Indians outside of the intellectual class.


TK can jump as he wishes but APNU AFC CANNOT take for granted that they will get an Indian vote beyond the normal 5% who vote PNC.


Those who practice Racism....

will be rolling all over ...

like Goat Shit.....


but the Indo, Afro and All other Guyanese

will speak loud and.......

with a clear voice on May 11 2015.




Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

Born Jan 1st 1950 - Kick-de-Bucket March 4th 2015


With Deep Sorrow & Grief

CaribJ join in announcing

the Unexpected & untimely Death of

Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

which occurred

of Morning of March 4 2015

at the Pegasus Hotel.


Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

had deep roots and bases

 in Buxton, Enmore,

Plasiance, Mackenzi, Enterprise,

Agricola, Georgetown, Berbice & Essequibo...


Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

had outside Relatives in India,Africa

Rodeshia & South Africa...

Harlem, Brooklyn & Richmond Hill....


Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

believed and Practice

 Jihaji-ism, Black Power and Apan-Jaat...



The Late

Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

also had deep roots in the PPP & PNC



Wake & Celebration of Life for

Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

will be held by Indo & Black Goat Shit

and those interested can

contact CaribJ for Details...


The Late

Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

will be cremated/Buried

on Monday May 11th 2015

at all Polling Stations in Guyana.


May his soul rest in Peace


No wreaths by request

Last edited by Former Member


TK I assume that you know that there was a party that was founded by the League of Colored People.  I also assume that you know that they didn't get votes outside of the black and colored middle class who despised Burnham, even though he came out of their ranks.

(yes ....CaribJ is correct...LCP was a upperclass Black Party....from CaribJ Tribe




So how come blacks voted for a party led by an Indian, when there was a black party right there for them to support?  And they knew that Cheddi was #1 and Burnham was #2. 

( CaribJ because your Uncle Tom's were not trusted by the Black Grass Root)



APNU AFC will NOT get anything like the support from Indians in 2015, that the PPP got from blacks in 1953.

(CaribJ Go preach this Goat Shit at yuh Wake for Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana )


J ....

any info fuh share...

with De-Racist Goat Shit


Wake & Celebration of Life for

Coolieman/Blackman Racism in Guyana

will be held by Indo & Black Goat Shit

and those interested can

contact CaribJ for Details...

Originally Posted by KishanB:

It is 20% whom the alliance has to target.

And what are they doing to target these people. Press conferences in expensive hotels in front of specially invited guests.


Note that many of these people stopped voting as race voting doesn't interest them, and they don't see anything else that politics has on offer in Guyana.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:

TK I assume that you know that there was a party that was founded by the League of Colored People.  I also assume that you know that they didn't get votes outside of the black and colored middle class who despised Burnham, even though he came out of their ranks.


So how come blacks voted for a party led by an Indian, when there was a black party right there for them to support?  And they knew that Cheddi was #1 and Burnham was #2.  APNU AFC will NOT get anything like the support from Indians in 2015, that the PPP got from blacks in 1953.

This is not convincing at all.

I see you cannot respond, but are too proud to admit this.


Isn't it easier to furnish examples of when sizeable numbers of Indians voted for a black led party in Guyana?  Sorry Obama doesn't count.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

The opposition coalition on Wednesday officially launched

its campaign for the May 11, 2015 general elections,

pledging to end racially divisive politics

for the first time since the 1950s

and root out corruption, crime and bad governance.


Addressing a packed audience at the Pegasus Hotel,

Prime Ministerial candidate Moses Nagamootoo said that

after the 60 years Guyana was making

another giant step towards national reconciliation,

multi-ethnic and multi-party rule.


“It will be, as it has been,

a bumpy road to the Promised Land.


But we will not be daunted.

We will not be intimidated. 


We shall defeat

the monster of racism.

We shall overcome

the campaign of fear,”

he said to an audience that was made up of

largely urban Afro-Guyanese and

a smattering of mainly Indo-Guyanese professionals.



Spoken in front of specially invited guests.


OK sun too hot and mud and sand flies too bad, so no need to go out and campaign.  God has anointed APNU AFC as the victors already so they need only await the coronation.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:

TK I assume that you know that there was a party that was founded by the League of Colored People.  I also assume that you know that they didn't get votes outside of the black and colored middle class who despised Burnham, even though he came out of their ranks.


So how come blacks voted for a party led by an Indian, when there was a black party right there for them to support?  And they knew that Cheddi was #1 and Burnham was #2.  APNU AFC will NOT get anything like the support from Indians in 2015, that the PPP got from blacks in 1953.

This is not convincing at all.

I see you cannot respond, but are too proud to admit this.


Isn't it easier to furnish examples of when sizeable numbers of Indians voted for a black led party in Guyana?  Sorry Obama doesn't count.

More racist goat shit from Caribj.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

It is 20% whom the alliance has to target.

And what are they doing to target these people. Press conferences in expensive hotels in front of specially invited guests.


Note that many of these people stopped voting as race voting doesn't interest them, and they don't see anything else that politics has on offer in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



It is important to note that Guyana employs a peculiar system of registering voters. They appear to automatically register everyone possibly eligible.


People are normally registered at the age of 14 to the National Register of Registrants (whereby they obtain their National ID Card) which then becomes a Database and from this Database the Preliminary Voter List is extracted of those who are or will be over 18 by the statutory cut off date for the upcoming election and that List then goes through claims and objections to become the Official List of Electors to weed out only those who can be proven to be dead. (The law forbids striking nonresidents from the rolls.)


So basically, it can be safely assumed that Guyana's national voter registration rate should be in the 95 to 100% range because practically every Guyanese is registered on the National Register of Registrants except those people who fall through the cracks in the extreme hinterlands and those in really broken homes.


My point....voter registration is not a problem in Guyana. The Coalition or the PPP do not have much wiggle room as far as adding new voters to the rolls to expand the existing electorate. It's a matter of turnout.



A very pertinent point.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

FACT: Having spoken to Indian eyewitnesses of the 1953 election (in Berbice anyway), they tell the same story. They voted apaan jaat proudly. They voted for Indian rule of British Guiana. They didn't vote for some racial utopia. They voted for Cheddi to be the official Maharaja of the Indo tribe. And they certainly didn't vote out of some great affinity for Burnham. They didn't even know who the hell that was because he wasn't that important to bother knowing. My grandfather even recalls Indians openly taunting Blacks that they were now subject to Indian rule (I've cleaned it up here as the quotes are just too disturbingly racist to write) on the day of the victory processions. In 1953!

Shaitaan mentions the key word here - TRIBE. How much will tribe trump decency, policy, transparency and clean governance?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:

TK I assume that you know that there was a party that was founded by the League of Colored People.  I also assume that you know that they didn't get votes outside of the black and colored middle class who despised Burnham, even though he came out of their ranks.


So how come blacks voted for a party led by an Indian, when there was a black party right there for them to support?  And they knew that Cheddi was #1 and Burnham was #2.  APNU AFC will NOT get anything like the support from Indians in 2015, that the PPP got from blacks in 1953.

This is not convincing at all.

I see you cannot respond, but are too proud to admit this.


Isn't it easier to furnish examples of when sizeable numbers of Indians voted for a black led party in Guyana?  Sorry Obama doesn't count.


I don't find your argument convincing because if Afros voted for Cheddi in 1953 then they would have stayed with Cheddi after the split. You know you would be better off helping to nurture that 20% of swing voters.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

If 6% of Indians will vote for the Coalition because of Moses Nagamootoo, then it is only fair to assume that almost 8& blacks will vote PPP because of Elizabeth harper.




That would be "fair" if we were using the human ass as a tool of electoral divination to just pluck out random numbers.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by caribny:

TK I assume that you know that there was a party that was founded by the League of Colored People.  I also assume that you know that they didn't get votes outside of the black and colored middle class who despised Burnham, even though he came out of their ranks.


So how come blacks voted for a party led by an Indian, when there was a black party right there for them to support?  And they knew that Cheddi was #1 and Burnham was #2.  APNU AFC will NOT get anything like the support from Indians in 2015, that the PPP got from blacks in 1953.

This is not convincing at all.

I see you cannot respond, but are too proud to admit this.


Isn't it easier to furnish examples of when sizeable numbers of Indians voted for a black led party in Guyana?  Sorry Obama doesn't count.

if, mirroring the zeitgeist of that era, British Guiana's African working class voted in their numbers for an Indian-led 'coalition' of sorts in 1953 . . . remind me again why it is so far-fetched to contemplate Indo-Guyanese voting in significant numbers for an Afro-led coalition in line with the zeitgeist of the current era, of course


history teaches . . . but repeats itself only in the eyes of fools and light thinkers

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PPP in 1953 was a black party.  Most of the voters were blacks.

The Blacks didn't vote for an Indian Party and they never will.

i wasn't around, and stand in the shadow of your wisdom


so, who did Indos vote for?


btw klown, u do understand that i am not engaged in some LCD 'findin & provin' about which ethnic group is more disposed to vote race, rite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PPP in 1953 was a black party.  Most of the voters were blacks.

The Blacks didn't vote for an Indian Party and they never will.

I see you know nothing of Guyanese history, and didn't even read your bible "The West on Trial".


I also note that you consider Cheddi Jagan to be Afro Guyanese.  Hmmmm!

Originally Posted by redux:
. . . remind me again why it is so far-fetched to contemplate Indo-Guyanese voting in significant numbers for an Afro-led coalition in line with the zeitgeist of the current era, of course



Because working class Indians associate negative things with the PNC.  Go and debate with them as to whether they are right or wrong, but the fact is that they do.


Henry Jefferies and others have commented on this, and they live in Guyana in 2015.  Do you?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

if, mirroring the zeitgeist of that era, British Guiana's African working class voted in their numbers for an Indian-led 'coalition' of sorts in 1953 . . . remind me again why it is so far-fetched to contemplate Indo-Guyanese voting in significant numbers for an Afro-led coalition in line with the zeitgeist of the current era, of course


history teaches . . . but repeats itself only in the eyes of fools and light thinkers


Because working class Indians associate negative things with the PNC.  Go and debate with them as to whether they are right or wrong, but the fact is that they do.


Henry Jefferies and others have commented on this, and they live in Guyana in 2015.  Do you?

have someone you trust explain my post to you and then come again, arite?

Originally Posted by redux:

have someone you trust explain my post to you and then come again, arite?

Go and scream and rage at M Maxwell, a man who supported the AFC from its inception, David Hinds, and Henry Jefferies.


They are way more important in this process than I am, or you are for that matter, and yet they too speak of the risk taken by the AFC, given the realities of racial voting in Guyana.


The risk that suggests that the APNU AFC coalition will have to be very aggressive and innovative and hard working, if they wish to have a solid shot at winning this election.


Yes go and scream at these people who actually LIVE in Guyana, and analyze politics in Guyana.


Something tells me that they are on the scene and so deal in reality, while you are lost in ideological fantasy.

Last edited by Former Member

This reminds me of 2011.  I remember saying that the AFC is lazy and will lose.


I remember the same hysterical reaction from the AFC fanatics.


I also remember the 10.8% of the votes that the AFC got, 1/3 of what they had boasted that they would get.  I also remember that the AFC lost almost 30% of the votes that they had received in G/town and Region 10 in 2006, when I specifically warned them that this would happen, as they neglected these areas.


At least they tried in Berbice last time.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

have someone you trust explain my post to you and then come again, arite?

Go and scream and rage at M Maxwell, a man who supported the AFC from its inception, David Hinds, and Henry Jefferies.


They are way more important in this process than I am, or you are for that matter, and yet they too speak of the risk taken by the AFC, given the realities of racial voting in Guyana.


The risk that suggests that the APNU AFC coalition will have to be very aggressive and innovative and hard working, if they wish to have a solid shot at winning this election.


Yes go and scream at these people who actually LIVE in Guyana, and analyze politics in Guyana.


Something tells me that they are on the scene and so deal in reality, while you are lost in ideological fantasy.

so, how u figure I am the one ragin and screamin . . .?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

have someone you trust explain my post to you and then come again, arite?

Go and scream and rage at M Maxwell, a man who supported the AFC from its inception, David Hinds, and Henry Jefferies.


They are way more important in this process than I am, or you are for that matter, and yet they too speak of the risk taken by the AFC, given the realities of racial voting in Guyana.


The risk that suggests that the APNU AFC coalition will have to be very aggressive and innovative and hard working, if they wish to have a solid shot at winning this election.


Yes go and scream at these people who actually LIVE in Guyana, and analyze politics in Guyana.


Something tells me that they are on the scene and so deal in reality, while you are lost in ideological fantasy.

so, how u figure I am the one ragin and screamin . . .?

Still talking to me?  Go and rage against M Maxwell, David Hinds and Henry Jefferies, all of whom wish to see the PPP gone, but are not convinced the APNU AFC are doing what they will have to do to achieve this.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

have someone you trust explain my post to you and then come again, arite?

Go and scream and rage at M Maxwell, a man who supported the AFC from its inception, David Hinds, and Henry Jefferies.


They are way more important in this process than I am, or you are for that matter, and yet they too speak of the risk taken by the AFC, given the realities of racial voting in Guyana.


The risk that suggests that the APNU AFC coalition will have to be very aggressive and innovative and hard working, if they wish to have a solid shot at winning this election.


Yes go and scream at these people who actually LIVE in Guyana, and analyze politics in Guyana.


Something tells me that they are on the scene and so deal in reality, while you are lost in ideological fantasy.

so, how u figure I am the one ragin and screamin . . .?

Still talking to me?  Go and rage against M Maxwell, David Hinds and Henry Jefferies, all of whom wish to see the PPP gone, but are not convinced the APNU AFC are doing what they will have to do to achieve this.

my question stands . . . how u figure i am the one ragin and screamin


i mean, your words MUST reference/mean something beyond the fact that u may be a little bit embarrassed and feel compelled to 'respond' with faux aggression, i mean, projection . . . no?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:

I don't find your argument convincing because if Afros voted for Cheddi in 1953 then they would have stayed with Cheddi after the split. You know you would be better off helping to nurture that 20% of swing voters.

Africans in rural Guyana did NOT trust Burnham in the 50s.  Even the Sydney King, who you cite, only left the PPP when it became a racist party as it contested the 1957 elections. He DID NOT leave with Burnham!


Sydney was way more popular in the East Coast Demerara villages than was Burnham, whose popularity was mainly in G/town and Linden, because of his involvement with the trade unions.


With racist elements who joined the PPP after the split, screaming apaan jhat, now why would blacks have remained?


Any way it is a known fact that the PNC gets minimal Indian support, some estimate 5%.  The PPP also gets some black/mixed support, maybe 10%.


Clearly your 6% number is way off.


Serious people break down the electorate based on certain metrics.  They attempt to determine how many are registered, how many plan to vote.  And which party these people will vote for.


You all look at the ethnic break down of the census and look no further.  Even as you trivialize the reality of the race vote!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

my question stands . . . how u figure i am the one ragin and screamin



Just the fact that you obsess over nonsense which has nothing to do with the topic at hand.  Various political analysts in Guyana point out that the AFC took a big risk, given the political realities of Guyana, and they hope that the APNU AFC have a plan that takes this into account.


Unless this is the focus of your comments, you are stuck in the mud like mad bull, and are clearly enraged as  result.


In any case TK you are failing in your own argument.


In 1953 the PPP, led by an Indian, with strong African involvement, won the bulk of the African vote.


In 2015 APNU AFC, led by an African, with what you will consider to be strong Indian involvement (Nagamootoo) you think will be lucky to get 6%.  Basically this means that the coalition will get marginally more Indian votes than the PNC already gets.  94% of the Indians might refuse to vote for it, according to you.  They will instead support a party with no strong African leaders.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



It is important to note that Guyana employs a peculiar system of registering voters. They appear to automatically register everyone possibly eligible.


People are normally registered at the age of 14 to the National Register of Registrants (whereby they obtain their National ID Card) which then becomes a Database and from this Database the Preliminary Voter List is extracted of those who are or will be over 18 by the statutory cut off date for the upcoming election and that List then goes through claims and objections to become the Official List of Electors to weed out only those who can be proven to be dead. (The law forbids striking nonresidents from the rolls.)


So basically, it can be safely assumed that Guyana's national voter registration rate should be in the 95 to 100% range because practically every Guyanese is registered on the National Register of Registrants except those people who fall through the cracks in the extreme hinterlands and those in really broken homes.


My point....voter registration is not a problem in Guyana. The Coalition or the PPP do not have much wiggle room as far as adding new voters to the rolls to expand the existing electorate. It's a matter of turnout.



A very pertinent point.

Shaitaan it is reported that many people do not have ID cards in their possession.  It was also rumored that the PPP was going into PNC strongholds late last year, buying some of these ID cards from people who preferred the cash than the vote.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

my question stands . . . how u figure i am the one ragin and screamin


i mean, your words MUST reference/mean something beyond the fact that u may be a little bit embarrassed and feel compelled to 'respond' with faux aggression, i mean, projection . . . no?

Just the fact that you obsess over nonsense which has nothing to do with the topic at hand.  Various political analysts in Guyana point out that the AFC took a big risk, given the political realities of Guyana, and they hope that the APNU AFC have a plan that takes this into account.


Unless this is the focus of your comments, you are stuck in the mud like mad bull, and are clearly enraged as  result.

shhhhhhh . . . your 'answer' of the 1st paragraph contextually makes no sense


i suggest u enquire as to the meaning of psychological/Freudian projection  . . . it should help a lot when you decide to do some quiet contemplation

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:


i suggest u enquire as to the meaning of psychological/Freudian projection  . . . it should help a lot when you decide to do some quiet contemplation

  Go find a truck to pull you out of the mud. I have no interest in doing so.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

shhhhhhh . . . your 'answer' of the 1st paragraph contextually makes no sense


i suggest u enquire as to the meaning of psychological/Freudian projection  . . . it should help a lot when you decide to do some quiet contemplation

  Go find a truck to pull you out of the mud. I have no interest in doing so.

i consider this a service, arite?


Psychological [Freudian] projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. (Wiki)

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

shhhhhhh . . . your 'answer' of the 1st paragraph contextually makes no sense


i suggest u enquire as to the meaning of psychological/Freudian projection  . . . it should help a lot when you decide to do some quiet contemplation

  Go find a truck to pull you out of the mud. I have no interest in doing so.

i consider this a service, arite?


Psychological [Freudian] projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. (Wiki)

I sent a truck to help you out of the mud, but they came back saying that you are a lunatic and they cannot risk their lives or property.  So you will stay stuck in the mud.

Originally Posted by caribny:

This reminds me of 2011.  I remember saying that the AFC is lazy and will lose.


I remember the same hysterical reaction from the AFC fanatics.


I also remember the 10.8% of the votes that the AFC got, 1/3 of what they had boasted that they would get.  I also remember that the AFC lost almost 30% of the votes that they had received in G/town and Region 10 in 2006, when I specifically warned them that this would happen, as they neglected these areas.


At least they tried in Berbice last time.

The AFC didn't lose because they were lazy stupid man. They increased the amount of votes they received over the last elections. They never lost for it was unrealistic to think that the AFC would have won the elections. Only an idiot like you would make that argument. The AFC achieved a small victory since they fulfilled their aim of making the PPP a minority government. This year the strategy is different and the stakes are higher. They are playing to win this time unlike you for you will continue to live your life as the black man who is constantly the victim of racism.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by caribny:

This reminds me of 2011.  I remember saying that the AFC is lazy and will lose.


I remember the same hysterical reaction from the AFC fanatics.


I also remember the 10.8% of the votes that the AFC got, 1/3 of what they had boasted that they would get. 

I also remember that the AFC lost almost 30% of the votes that they had received in G/town and Region 10 in 2006, when I specifically warned them that this would happen, as they neglected these areas.


At least they tried in Berbice last time.

Lill Breeze mek CaribJ thing

Goat poop!

Scatter & roll all over


The AFC didn't lose because they were lazy stupid man. They increased the amount of votes they received over the last elections. They never lost for it was unrealistic to think that the AFC would have won the elections. Only an idiot like you would make that argument. The AFC achieved a small victory since they fulfilled their aim of making the PPP a minority government. This year the strategy is different and the stakes are higher. They are playing to win this time unlike you for you will continue to live your life as the black man who is constantly the victim of racism.

goat's shitGone with the Wind

Yuh cant stop CaribJ from rolling all-over de place.


Yuh need to X-Ray yuh head....

Scatter Brain - Random Thoughts

This is wha CaribJ

cannot comprehend....

 AFC-APNU will end racially divisive politics

for the first time since the 1950s


and root out corruption,


crime and


bad governance.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



It is important to note that Guyana employs a peculiar system of registering voters. They appear to automatically register everyone possibly eligible.


People are normally registered at the age of 14 to the National Register of Registrants (whereby they obtain their National ID Card) which then becomes a Database and from this Database the Preliminary Voter List is extracted of those who are or will be over 18 by the statutory cut off date for the upcoming election and that List then goes through claims and objections to become the Official List of Electors to weed out only those who can be proven to be dead. (The law forbids striking nonresidents from the rolls.)


So basically, it can be safely assumed that Guyana's national voter registration rate should be in the 95 to 100% range because practically every Guyanese is registered on the National Register of Registrants except those people who fall through the cracks in the extreme hinterlands and those in really broken homes.


My point....voter registration is not a problem in Guyana. The Coalition or the PPP do not have much wiggle room as far as adding new voters to the rolls to expand the existing electorate. It's a matter of turnout.



A very pertinent point.

Shaitaan it is reported that many people do not have ID cards in their possession.  It was also rumored that the PPP was going into PNC strongholds late last year, buying some of these ID cards from people who preferred the cash than the vote.


I understand your points. I assume our new underclasses of Port-au-Prince and New Delhi style poor may not have National IDs and that the PPP is perfectly capable of purchasing ID cards from poor people.


I'm just trying to respectfully undermine the argument of urging the Opposition to "register" people so we can further refine our analysis from its current inelegant mass. We have Continuous Registration so this should never have been compressed into the short period that is a Commonwealth parliamentary election. Who ain't register yet ain't gonna impact 2015. Also new registrants anywhere especially in Guyana's system of Compulsory Registration are generally not inclined to vote and a small percentage of them ever become habitual "prime" voters. I suspect the only person in Guyana who speaks to this large pool of Black underclass voters who don't vote is Mark Benschop. I've seen up close and personal how they interact with Mark. It's quite genuine and it looks like a "base."


While I'm all for challengers like the Coalition reaching out to non-habitual voters like "youth", I'd strongly urge them to spend a good chunk of time and effort moving a portion of the current Indian/Amerindian majority electorate that are habitual voters. They're gonna show up anyway so one should talk to some of them and make a case.


I've come to the conclusion based on no empirical data whatsoever (this is Guyana of course) that the Coalition cannot hold Nagamootoo's 2011 Indians. I suspect I know those Indians well. They tend to not like Black people in general much less the PNC. They are anti-PPP because the PPP is not pro-Indian enough. I further suspect what is referred to as "Nagamootoo Indians" are actually the residual soft support of ROAR in Berbice who didn't cast votes for ROAR in 2001 and 2006 but wanted to in 2011. These Indians voted AFC to teach the PPP a lesson while not ousting them from Government. Consider the vast majority of them gone. The Coalition needs to find other Indians to occupy this year's anti-PPP protest Indian vote. These would be the motley crew of the personally aggrieved Indians and the Indian youth (18-35). The Coalition must micro-target a message to them and then have it delivered by one or two Coalition folks who have established young Indian "cred." I don't know who that is.


And this anti-PPP protest vote only exists in the overall context of retaining the PPP in office. The Indian electorate from 2001 has traditionally been willing to diminish the PPP in office but not remove them altogether.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. . . I've come to the conclusion based on no empirical data whatsoever (this is Guyana of course) that the Coalition cannot hold Nagamootoo's 2011 Indians. I suspect I know those Indians well. They tend to not like Black people in general much less the PNC. They are anti-PPP because the PPP is not pro-Indian enough. I further suspect what is referred to as "Nagamootoo Indians" are actually the residual soft support of ROAR in Berbice who didn't cast votes for ROAR in 2001 and 2006 but wanted to in 2011. These Indians voted AFC to teach the PPP a lesson while not ousting them from Government. Consider the vast majority of them gone . . .

creative . . . but you are wrong

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. . . I've come to the conclusion based on no empirical data whatsoever (this is Guyana of course) that the Coalition cannot hold Nagamootoo's 2011 Indians. I suspect I know those Indians well. They tend to not like Black people in general much less the PNC. They are anti-PPP because the PPP is not pro-Indian enough. I further suspect what is referred to as "Nagamootoo Indians" are actually the residual soft support of ROAR in Berbice who didn't cast votes for ROAR in 2001 and 2006 but wanted to in 2011. These Indians voted AFC to teach the PPP a lesson while not ousting them from Government. Consider the vast majority of them gone . . .

creative . . . but you are wrong


Ummm....Sir, I have actually campaigned in Berbice to get Indians to vote against the PPP. I think I know these people a little. I'm not relying solely on Shaitaan's experience but also of polling that was conducted and the experiences of many ROAR canvassers in Berbice. The AFC did in effect inherit the pro-Indian anti-PPP vote in Berbice. That lot is not complicated for me to explain. They want to the PPP reformed not expelled from power.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:




It is important to note that Guyana employs a peculiar system of registering voters. They appear to automatically register everyone possibly eligible.


People are normally registered at the age of 14 to the National Register of Registrants (whereby they obtain their National ID Card) which then becomes a Database and from this Database the Preliminary Voter List is extracted of those who are or will be over 18 by the statutory cut off date for the upcoming election and that List then goes through claims and objections to become the Official List of Electors to weed out only those who can be proven to be dead. (The law forbids striking nonresidents from the rolls.)


So basically, it can be safely assumed that Guyana's national voter registration rate should be in the 95 to 100% range because practically every Guyanese is registered on the National Register of Registrants except those people who fall through the cracks in the extreme hinterlands and those in really broken homes.


My point....voter registration is not a problem in Guyana. The Coalition or the PPP do not have much wiggle room as far as adding new voters to the rolls to expand the existing electorate. It's a matter of turnout.



Thank you for enlightening that clown Caribny. The man constantly argues against scenarios that he makes up in his own head. He's going on and on about the coalition not registering voters when he doesn't have a clue as to what is happening in Guyana.
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:




It is important to note that Guyana employs a peculiar system of registering voters. They appear to automatically register everyone possibly eligible.


People are normally registered at the age of 14 to the National Register of Registrants (whereby they obtain their National ID Card) which then becomes a Database and from this Database the Preliminary Voter List is extracted of those who are or will be over 18 by the statutory cut off date for the upcoming election and that List then goes through claims and objections to become the Official List of Electors to weed out only those who can be proven to be dead. (The law forbids striking nonresidents from the rolls.)


So basically, it can be safely assumed that Guyana's national voter registration rate should be in the 95 to 100% range because practically every Guyanese is registered on the National Register of Registrants except those people who fall through the cracks in the extreme hinterlands and those in really broken homes.


My point....voter registration is not a problem in Guyana. The Coalition or the PPP do not have much wiggle room as far as adding new voters to the rolls to expand the existing electorate. It's a matter of turnout.



Thank you for enlightening that clown Caribny. The man constantly argues against scenarios that he makes up in his own head. He's going on and on about the coalition not registering voters when he doesn't have a clue as to what is happening in Guyana.


Alas, our Brother Caribj made a minor factual error that I don't think injures in any way the overall thrust of his analysis. While diminishing one aspect of his argument, it strengthens his overall narrative.


This system of Compulsory Registration in effect makes the possibility of a Coalition far more difficult to realize. While not impossible, I think the stars really have to align for a Coalition victory. And somehow I just don't see any of the usual indicators of popular discontent among the majority of the electorate. I'm looking for any signs of regime change sentiment. Not discerning any.


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