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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by warrior:

Originally Posted by caribny:

Mars please outline what APNU AFC are doing, given that, according to you, they are doing so much.


there are eradicating hateful mentality like yours

In the past few weeks, I've seen reports of coalition events in 28 villages in the Rupununi, in the Barima-Waini region in the North, up and down East Coast Dem, Berbice, among Essequibo rice farmers and many more all over the country. I distinctly remember the Rupununi and Waini visits being reported in The Stabroek News. You can do a search, it is there. Now you are just sitting in Brooklyn and whining that the Coalition is not reaching out to the people without knowing what is going on in Guyana. You are doing the opposition teams a major disservice by accusing them of not doing anything since that is totally untrue.

# 1. I am not sitting down in Brooklyn.


# 2.  We will see how effective their campaigning is on May 12th. I have my doubts.  I note that this campaigning isn't graphic enough for you to prove. A few bottom house meetings?  You do know that bottom house meetings are usually preaching to the choir, already loyal and converted, or they wouldn't be there.


   If the PPP wins, don't blame me.



go lay down some where and die you old dog 

Originally Posted by Mars:
. Strange bedfellows the two of you, one hates the coalition because it has Indo Party 2 and the other hates it because the Leader is black.

Did I tell you that I hated the coalition?  I said that they have adopted a risky strategy and need to adopt aggressive and innovative campaigning. 


Given race voting in Guyana do you deny that it is risky? Nagamootoo now has to convince the same people, who he told many times over the past decades that the PNC is evil, that they ought to trust him as he joins a PNC dominated union.


You will concede that this changes how many in the PPP strongholds will view him, and that he now has to work even harder to regain their trust.


So given all the obstacles of the coalition winning the election, pardon me if I seem underwhelmed by their campaign strategy.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:
. Strange bedfellows the two of you, one hates the coalition because it has Indo Party 2 and the other hates it because the Leader is black.

Did I tell you that I hated the coalition?  I said that they have adopted a risky strategy and need to adopt aggressive and innovative campaigning. 


Given race voting in Guyana do you deny that it is risky? Nagamootoo now has to convince the same people, who he told many times over the past decades that the PNC is evil, that they ought to trust him as he joins a PNC dominated union.


You will concede that this changes how many in the PPP strongholds will view him, and that he now has to work even harder to regain their trust.


So given all the obstacles of the coalition winning the election, pardon me if I seem underwhelmed by their campaign strategy.


What sort of stuff that comes out of bull's behind you are posting about "risky" and "strategy"?

The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
What is this aggressive and innovative campaigning you are talking about?  What did Nagamooto say about fighting racism at Pegasus?
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:
. Strange bedfellows the two of you, one hates the coalition because it has Indo Party 2 and the other hates it because the Leader is black.

Did I tell you that I hated the coalition?  I said that they have adopted a risky strategy and need to adopt aggressive and innovative campaigning. 


Given race voting in Guyana do you deny that it is risky? Nagamootoo now has to convince the same people, who he told many times over the past decades that the PNC is evil, that they ought to trust him as he joins a PNC dominated union.


You will concede that this changes how many in the PPP strongholds will view him, and that he now has to work even harder to regain their trust.


So given all the obstacles of the coalition winning the election, pardon me if I seem underwhelmed by their campaign strategy.


What sort of stuff that comes out of bull's behind you are posting about "risky" and "strategy"?

The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
What is this aggressive and innovative campaigning you are talking about?  What did Nagamooto say about fighting racism at Pegasus?


This is not an appeal to authority just an attempt to draw your attention to other passionate political observers and professional analysts who note the same concerns about the Coalition.


David Hinds flat out calls this a "gamble." That is beyond "risky." So Caribj here is not staking out some new and radical territory of Coalition analysis.


P.S.....If my memory serves me correctly it was Dr. Ramayya who had to publicly promise in Berbice before a huge crowd of Indos that he would personally take a spear and shove it into Ravi Dev's guts if he ever "joined with the PNC" about 13 years ago. And the Buxton Rebellion hadn't happened yet. And now the SAME Dr. Ramayya has to go and ask Berbician Indos to vote PNC.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:
. Strange bedfellows the two of you, one hates the coalition because it has Indo Party 2 and the other hates it because the Leader is black.

Did I tell you that I hated the coalition?  I said that they have adopted a risky strategy and need to adopt aggressive and innovative campaigning. 


Given race voting in Guyana do you deny that it is risky? Nagamootoo now has to convince the same people, who he told many times over the past decades that the PNC is evil, that they ought to trust him as he joins a PNC dominated union.


You will concede that this changes how many in the PPP strongholds will view him, and that he now has to work even harder to regain their trust.


So given all the obstacles of the coalition winning the election, pardon me if I seem underwhelmed by their campaign strategy.


What sort of stuff that comes out of bull's behind you are posting about "risky" and "strategy"?

The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
What is this aggressive and innovative campaigning you are talking about?  What did Nagamooto say about fighting racism at Pegasus?


This is not an appeal to authority just an attempt to draw your attention to other passionate political observers and professional analysts who note the same concerns about the Coalition.


David Hinds flat out calls this a "gamble." That is beyond "risky." So Caribj here is not staking out some new and radical territory of Coalition analysis.

Everyone agrees that there are risks involved. I don't remember anyone in their right mind saying that the coalition will win hands down. Hinds also thinks that the coalition can win and he supports them.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S.....If my memory serves me correctly it was Dr. Ramayya who had to publicly promise in Berbice before a huge crowd of Indos that he would personally take a spear and shove it into Ravi Dev's guts if he ever "joined with the PNC" about 13 years ago. And the Buxton Rebellion hadn't happened yet. And now the SAME Dr. Ramayya has to go and ask Berbician Indos to vote PNC.

Politics make for strange bedfellows. Just look at all the ex-PNC thugs currently in the PPP camp.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S.....If my memory serves me correctly it was Dr. Ramayya who had to publicly promise in Berbice before a huge crowd of Indos that he would personally take a spear and shove it into Ravi Dev's guts if he ever "joined with the PNC" about 13 years ago. And the Buxton Rebellion hadn't happened yet. And now the SAME Dr. Ramayya has to go and ask Berbician Indos to vote PNC.

Politics make for strange bedfellows. Just look at all the ex-PNC thugs currently in the PPP camp.

One of the most overused political phrases of all time. I'm not so sure fancy talk about "strategic alliances" and "fail safe" Motions of No Confidence can undo the PNC's recent track record as an Opposition Party in the minds of ordinary Indians. Not to mention its abysmal performance as a regime.


The ordinary Indos can and do ignore the ex-PNC thugs in the PPP because the PPP still remains in their eyes an Indian party of Indians, for Indians, and by Indians.


We can't even get African-Americans to vote Republican in America in significant numbers. And Republicans don't really have the PNC's track record of violence both in and out of Government towards one particular race.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S.....If my memory serves me correctly it was Dr. Ramayya who had to publicly promise in Berbice before a huge crowd of Indos that he would personally take a spear and shove it into Ravi Dev's guts if he ever "joined with the PNC" about 13 years ago. And the Buxton Rebellion hadn't happened yet. And now the SAME Dr. Ramayya has to go and ask Berbician Indos to vote PNC.

Politics make for strange bedfellows. Just look at all the ex-PNC thugs currently in the PPP camp.

One of the most overused political phrases of all time. I'm not so sure fancy talk about "strategic alliances" and "fail safe" Motions of No Confidence can undo the PNC's recent track record as an Opposition Party in the minds of ordinary Indians. Not to mention its abysmal performance as a regime.


The ordinary Indos can and do ignore the ex-PNC thugs in the PPP because the PPP still remains in their eyes an Indian party of Indians, for Indians, and by Indians.


We can't even get African-Americans to vote Republican in America in significant numbers. And Republicans don't really have the PNC's track record of violence both in and out of Government towards one particular race.

This thread is very good read, I learn lot more of you guys, so far no punches, keep it civil. It seems as though you are doing more campaigning here than the fellas in Guyana. Oh, they are counting the ballots.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S.....If my memory serves me correctly it was Dr. Ramayya who had to publicly promise in Berbice before a huge crowd of Indos that he would personally take a spear and shove it into Ravi Dev's guts if he ever "joined with the PNC" about 13 years ago. And the Buxton Rebellion hadn't happened yet. And now the SAME Dr. Ramayya has to go and ask Berbician Indos to vote PNC.

Politics make for strange bedfellows. Just look at all the ex-PNC thugs currently in the PPP camp.

One of the most overused political phrases of all time. I'm not so sure fancy talk about "strategic alliances" and "fail safe" Motions of No Confidence can undo the PNC's recent track record as an Opposition Party in the minds of ordinary Indians. Not to mention its abysmal performance as a regime.


The ordinary Indos can and do ignore the ex-PNC thugs in the PPP because the PPP still remains in their eyes an Indian party of Indians, for Indians, and by Indians.


We can't even get African-Americans to vote Republican in America in significant numbers. And Republicans don't really have the PNC's track record of violence both in and out of Government towards one particular race.

This thread is very good read, I learn lot more of you guys, so far no punches, keep it civil. It seems as though you are doing more campaigning here than the fellas in Guyana. Oh, they are counting the ballots.


Dem bais in Guyana not even counting ballots. Dem still counting the four or five Vice-Presidencies they will be sharing amongst themselves.

Originally Posted by redux:

give it a rest shyteaann . . . baseman did it better

Redux, we are grown men here and like to read stuff that is not only entertaining, clichéd and passionate but also what is engaging. And quite frankly you tend to veer off into the periphery (and I'm being charitable here) and steer clear of addressing people's points.


It is clear that the question  the May elections will answer is whether instead of building to a genuine 3-party polity (1/3 or the votes basically for each of the three parties) the AFC made the right move to rid the PPP in a 2-way fight.


I made the point sometime back that the trend points to an AFC that would get close to 20% and in the next election cycle achieve polling parity, and that that ascendancy would be diminished by merging its personality to one that clearly plateaus at 40% of the votes.


That to me is germane to a discussion about the elections. I see where the "Nagamootoo 2011 Indians" is used as a determining metric. Will he retain these given the new dynamic?


Pertinent too is whether the expected gains in turnout by Blacks disenchanted with milk-drinking Corbin will rally to Granger will materialize.


When Caribny or Shaitaan or others make the point that their sense is that the "Nagamootoo 2011 Indians" will lose its potency and that Granger will not necessarily gain the stay-at-home PNC 2011 registered voters because of a perceived gentlemanly weakness or a hard line faction within the PNC, they are not necessarily championing the PPP cause. They do acknowledge the superior political machinery and assets of an experienced PPP and look at the combined coalition opposition as not generating sufficient urgency.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


David Hinds flat out calls this a "gamble." That is beyond "risky." So Caribj here is not staking out some new and radical territory of Coalition analysis.

The AFC clowns do not have a response to real concerns that LOYAL AFC people like M Maxwell has raised, in addition to others like Henry Jefferies, and David Hinds.  So they attack me.  I have been attacked since my first post on GNI, so attacks do not intimidate me.


Folks who wish to prove me wrong need to engage in FACTs and not vulgarity. Blocked 2 people today and will block others who waste people's time with nonsensical babble which adds nothing to the discussion.

Originally Posted by Mars:

Everyone agrees that there are risks involved. I don't remember anyone in their right mind saying that the coalition will win hands down. Hinds also thinks that the coalition can win and he supports them.

So when some one says that they would like to see more actionm precisely because of these risks, why then do you make that person into your enemy?'


Hinds raised concerns and he rasied SPECIFIC actions which the coalition needs to take.  Obviously they hadnt, as of the time that he wrote, engaged in this. 


M Maxwell, a staunch AFC loyalist since 2006, more recently raised the same concerns.  Again he stated a coalition win was possible provided that the coalition did certain things.  Clearly those certain things hadnt been done as of the beginning of this week when he penned that letter.


So continue to cheer on the coalition without offering constructive criticsim, much as folks like you did for AFC in 2011, and then watched it crash and burn into an 11% party, only able to function if they could get APNU to go along with them.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PPP in 1953 was a black party.  Most of the voters were blacks.

The Blacks didn't vote for an Indian Party and they never will.

That is false. It was the first election in Guyana under universal suffrage. Uneducated and the poor mass of Indians voted for the first time.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Redux, we are grown men here and like to read stuff that is not only entertaining, clichéd and passionate but also what is engaging. And quite frankly you tend to veer off into the periphery (and I'm being charitable here) and steer clear of addressing people's points . . .

nah, u just bothered and uncomfortable because i don't play the game


u see, i don't live in your world, and am not privy to the secret handshake tranforming ignorant, nasty little racists into jolly good fellows in their time off GNI


i am neither deceived nor amused by yugee, ramakant_p, skeldon_man, cobra, dondadda, baseman, KP, rev, nehru, etc., . . . they will take their sick tribal shyte to their graves


shaitaan is a smart fella whose tribalism is ideological, and plumbs a deep vein of mis-directed ethnic chauvinism (not really accessible to the ole man rufugees from Burnham) that apogeed with the emergence of GIFT, ROAR, etc; he gets away with a lot because he is a funny and engaging guy . . . his type is zero-sum in a fundamentaly different way, and would ignite a race war in Guyana


the "periphery" i occupy allows debate on sensible and serious shit . . . it does NOT encourage indulgence of red herring scampishness when i (and others), on occasion, expose the filthy, racist underbelly of much faux 'debate' on this BB


feel free to run interference for these low-breed bhais from your bamboo tower whenever u feel so inclined . . . this is America, after all

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Redux, we are grown men here and like to read stuff that is not only entertaining, clichéd and passionate but also what is engaging. And quite frankly you tend to veer off into the periphery (and I'm being charitable here) and steer clear of addressing people's points . . .

nah, u just bothered and uncomfortable because i don't play the game


u see, i don't live in your world, and am not privy to the secret handshake tranforming ignorant, nasty little racists into jolly good fellows in their time off GNI


i am neither deceived nor amused by yugee, ramakant_p, skeldon_man, cobra, dondadda, baseman, KP, rev, nehru, etc., . . . they will take their sick tribal shyte to their graves


shaitaan is a smart fella whose tribalism is ideological, and plumbs a deep vein of mis-directed ethnic chauvinism (not really accessible to the ole man rufugees from Burnham) that apogeed with the emergence of GIFT, ROAR, etc; he gets away with a lot because he is a funny and engaging guy . . . his type is zero-sum in a fundamentaly different way, and would ignite a race war in Guyana


the "periphery" i occupy allows debate on sensible and serious shit . . . it does NOT encourage indulgence of red herring scampishness when i (and others), on occasion, expose the filthy, racist underbelly of much faux 'debate' on this BB


feel free to run interference for these low-breed bhais from your bamboo tower whenever u feel so inclined . . . this is America, after all

I'll just xerox my response to Stormy....


You're in esteemed company redux (with a meandering Storm). Totally "Prem Misir-like" response - 1,000 words and not one meaningful.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Redux, we are grown men here and like to read stuff that is not only entertaining, clichéd and passionate but also what is engaging. And quite frankly you tend to veer off into the periphery (and I'm being charitable here) and steer clear of addressing people's points . . .

nah, u just bothered and uncomfortable because i don't play the game


u see, i don't live in your world, and am not privy to the secret handshake tranforming ignorant, nasty little racists into jolly good fellows in their time off GNI


i am neither deceived nor amused by yugee, ramakant_p, skeldon_man, cobra, dondadda, baseman, KP, rev, nehru, etc., . . . they will take their sick tribal shyte to their graves


shaitaan is a smart fella whose tribalism is ideological, and plumbs a deep vein of mis-directed ethnic chauvinism (not really accessible to the ole man rufugees from Burnham) that apogeed with the emergence of GIFT, ROAR, etc; he gets away with a lot because he is a funny and engaging guy . . . his type is zero-sum in a fundamentaly different way, and would ignite a race war in Guyana


the "periphery" i occupy allows debate on sensible and serious shit . . . it does NOT encourage indulgence of red herring scampishness when i (and others), on occasion, expose the filthy, racist underbelly of much faux 'debate' on this BB


feel free to run interference for these low-breed bhais from your bamboo tower whenever u feel so inclined . . . this is America, after all

I'll just xerox my response to Stormy....


You're in esteemed company redux (with a meandering Storm). Totally "Prem Misir-like" response - 1,000 words and not one meaningful.

Actually, it is your mind that meanders given it is easily taxed when you attempt at employing reason. It lacks what it needs to get off the ground floor. No wonder you constantly need to reassure yourself by assuming you do indeed have something there. Well, it is yet to be seen.

Originally Posted by Kari:

When Caribny or Shaitaan or others make the point that their sense is that the "Nagamootoo 2011 Indians" will lose its potency and that Granger will not necessarily gain the stay-at-home PNC 2011 registered voters because of a perceived gentlemanly weakness or a hard line faction within the PNC, they are not necessarily championing the PPP cause. They do acknowledge the superior political machinery and assets of an experienced PPP and look at the combined coalition opposition as not generating sufficient urgency.

Some people live in fantasy and others live in the real world.


This is not to say that the APNU AFC coalition cannot win.  Indeed it has the potential to introduce a new dynamic that might well reduce racial paranoia, as they will each check the abuses of the other.  This while still maintaining the PPP as an opposition party (hopefully).  The PPP hopefully will learn its lesson and hopefully they will evolve into a new validly multi racial entity, which they would have to be to win, unless the APNU AFC coalition fails in a major way.


Having said that there are real issues and David Hinds, Henry Jefferies and M Maxwell have alluded to this.


1.  The PPP Nagamootoo voters whose votes for the AFC deprived the PPP of the 5k votes that it needed to get the majority.  What will they do this time? Will racial paranoia or a sense of deep disgust and a risk taking attitude dominate their thinking.


2.  Where else will the coalition get their votes if the PPP Nagamootoo voters either stay home (too confused to know what to do) or flee back to the PPP with the thinking that a bad Indian regime will be better than taking the chance on a new coalition?


3.  Will the disaffected African/mixed vote come out?  Are there enough of those voters?  Many aren't that inspired by Granger, and they don't know Nagamootoo.  Indeed there are those who claim that the WPA Rupert Roopnarine played an important role in getting back those who didn't vote in 2006.  But he isn't a major factor this year.


4.  The Amerindian factor as a increasingly educated population seeks independence from domination by corrupt tochaos.


5.  The youth factor.  Will they vote?  Are Indian youth willing to take a chance on a multi racial, though African dominated coalition?  We often hear that the youth will save the day, and then we discover, as Obama did last year, that the youth were too busy doing other things (Facebook, games?) to bother to vote.


6.  Seriously enraged parts of the PPP support base like the rice farmers, who might be ready to leave "home" and try something new.  Granger's photo ops indicate that not every Indian is viscerally hostile to him.



There are many uncertainties and it will take sustained aggressive, door to door campaigning, and mass campaigning to generate excitement and convey strength with the electorate.  I hope I am wrong that APNU AFC are being just a bit too cavalier about the whole thing, and are counting 40+11%=51%. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
. . . You're in esteemed company redux (with a meandering Storm). Totally "Prem Misir-like" response - 1,000 words and not one meaningful.

oh dear, oh dear, u wound me deeply sir


in my defense, i only wrote 210 words


you, i think, punished us with about 277 worth of bamboo tower stupidness


doan know how i recover from dis

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


David Hinds flat out calls this a "gamble." That is beyond "risky." So Caribj here is not staking out some new and radical territory of Coalition analysis.

The AFC clowns do not have a response to real concerns that LOYAL AFC people like M Maxwell has raised, in addition to others like Henry Jefferies, and David Hinds.  So they attack me.  I have been attacked since my first post on GNI, so attacks do not intimidate me.


Folks who wish to prove me wrong need to engage in FACTs and not vulgarity. Blocked 2 people today and will block others who waste people's time with nonsensical babble which adds nothing to the discussion.

Carib - some of the points from maxwell are valid but what would you have expected to the AFC to do right now?


2 months to go, the AFC has to focus and walk with this Alliance and work hard and win.


If it does not win, the AFC has a high chance of evaporating into thin air and Guyana will still have the PNC and PPP since they are not going anywhere.


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