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Former Member

Jagdeo creating “racial incitement”- APNU’s Harmon

March 10, 2015 6:00 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Tracey Khan – Drakes

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo (second from left) along with President Donald Ramotar, Prime Minister Sam Hinds, PPP PM Candidate, Elisabeth Harper and PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee. [GINA Photo]

[] – A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) will not take lightly the statements made by Former President Bharrat Jagdeo on Sunday, March 08 at the Babu John Memorial Site to honour the work and life of the late President, Dr. Cheddi Jagan.

The APNU has described Jagdeo’s speech as ‘racial incitement’.

The Partnership’s General Secretary, Joseph Harmon told iNews that the Party will not take this type of behavior, “sitting down.”

He noted that the APNU intends to write the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and other local and international agencies as it relates to the statements made by the Former President.

“We’re going to write the Guyana Human Rights Association, we’re going to write both local and international Bodies and make it clear what kind of behaviour this gentleman is engaging in during an election time and the behaviour which the PPP endorses and applause,” Harmon told iNews.

He further noted that Jagdeo’s speech “goes against the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) and other laws that were established in this country and should be condemned.”

General Secretary of the APNU, Joseph Harmon

“We are disappointed in what the former President would have said, we would have thought that after 2011 and all his cussing down that he would have learnt a lesson. The Guyanese people have gone pass that kind of behaviour in public and that they would reject that kind of racial incitement which his speech was intended to create.”

Additionally, Harmon says the Party intends to inform the relevant organisations that have conferred Jagdeo with honorary doctorates, with an aim to have them revoke it.

“Jagdeo should not be allowed to behave in that manner in Guyana in 2015.”

Some of Jagdeo’s statements at the event have been dubbed as “vulgar” given that it goes against Dr Jagan’s principles which the Party has incessantly swore to uphold.

In his scathing attack against the Opposition, he said: “The Opposition consistently shout about the racism of the PPP but they practice racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote. Throw out the coolie people. That’s the kind of language they use. Anybody from our Party who uses that sort of language we’ll kick them out.”

Meanwhile, the APNU+AFC in a subsequent press release noted that it is not surprised by the tone of the PPP’s remembrance of Cheddi and Janet Jagan at the Babu John event.

According to the Coalition, “As was the case with previous such events it was once again transformed into a platform for cuss down politics.”

The release noted, “Regrettably even after five Presidencies and administering the affairs of this nation for almost a quarter of a century, the bankrupt PPP continues to be a party empty of ideas, unable to articulate a clear vision for Guyana’s development.”

According to the APNY + AFC, instead of forward looking, the PPP is trapped in the politics of the past and filled with leaders who are more comfortable “wallowing in the gutter of fear and ignorance rather than travelling the high road of National Unity and hope.”

“From President Donald Ramotar, to PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee to former President Bharrat Jagdeo they each demonstrated obscene contempt for the Guyanese people.

“Comments such as “kick up the asses” are symptomatic of Donald Ramotar and Bharrat Jagdeo public posture of disrespect and contempt for the Guyanese people. It speaks too to a streak and pattern of violence which has been introduced into PPP public statements. This follows comments by President Ramotar about the slapping of Amerindians. Despite a million dollar campaign to persuade the nation that they care the actions of the PPP are consistently contrary to that.”

The Coalition noted that what is even more disturbing is “Jagdeo’s appeal for racist politics. His comments about a certain group of people “being in” contradicts all the pleadings of the PPP being a multi-ethnic party representative of all Guyana.”

“APNU+AFC condemns this subliminal call for racist politics which is just a despicable modern call for apaan jhaat.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

my bad . . . i meant responses from actual people with average or better IQs




Unless the acronyms PPP and PNC is outlawed in Guyana politics, apaan jhat will be a constant reminder of the past. No matter 2000 generations come and die.


Joe Harmon wasting his time to write to anybody. What I suggest he do, is to be mischievous. He and his gang of APNU+AFC must go down to Babu John and hold not only one meeting, but there every Sunday and talk and talk and talk. If there must be a change in Corentyne people attitudes, then dey gat to hear fram de odah side ovah and ovah. Now, Babu John is the Corentyne Squqre of the Revolution.


Dem APNU+AFC bhais need an excellent Campaign Manager-they could employ me.


My strategy would be to bound Corentyne people good-with words of history. Jagan poor judgement nd the thieves he leff in powah.     

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

my bad . . . i meant responses from actual people with average or better IQs



People with a slightly higher iq(.999999%) than yours will understand the history of "slo fiah mo fiah".

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?




You tryin to do a lil posthumous PR for Hoyte's "Slow Fiah Moh Fiah" Legacy as Opposition Leader?


Truth is always the first casualty of election campaigns.


I applaud your courage in taking on mission impossible with "slow fiah moh fiah" but I think I'll stick with reality.


The history books of this chapter is written in Indian blood and the ashes of Indian businesses in our capital.


The PNC doesn't have the credibility to scream about "racial incitement." David Hinds does. Andaiye does. Kwayana does. Legions of other Blacks do. The particular organization that is the PNC does not.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?




You tryin to do a lil posthumous PR for Hoyte's "Slow Fiah Moh Fiah" Legacy as Opposition Leader?


Truth is always the first casualty of election campaigns.


I applaud your courage in taking on mission impossible with "slow fiah moh fiah" but I think I'll stick with reality.


The history books of this chapter is written in Indian blood and the ashes of Indian businesses in our capital.


The PNC doesn't have the credibility to scream about "racial incitement." David Hinds does. Andaiye does. Kwayana does. Legions of other Blacks do. The particular organization that is the PNC does not.

when collie was burning cane field,and killing police at the toll station you think that was god wish,the ppp is not clean both party destroy guyana.but that was 25 yrs ago,between then and now the whole world change excepted the thinking of Guyanese people,maybe this is one of the wonder of the world  

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?




You tryin to do a lil posthumous PR for Hoyte's "Slow Fiah Moh Fiah" Legacy as Opposition Leader?


Truth is always the first casualty of election campaigns.


I applaud your courage in taking on mission impossible with "slow fiah moh fiah" but I think I'll stick with reality.


The history books of this chapter is written in Indian blood and the ashes of Indian businesses in our capital.


The PNC doesn't have the credibility to scream about "racial incitement." David Hinds does. Andaiye does. Kwayana does. Legions of other Blacks do. The particular organization that is the PNC does not.

if u have don't have any real knowledge regarding my question, do the decent thing and hold your peace lil man, arite


and btw, hiding what u are attempting to hide behind Hinds, Andaiye and Kwayana is kinda coward . . . ironic and a littttle bit funny

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

your family burn they building for insurance money

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

your family burn they building for insurance money

Since me phambily bisness bun down, dem nah gat no phren and no phambily in Guyana.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

my bad . . . i meant responses from actual people with average or better IQs



People with a slightly higher iq(.999999%) than yours will understand the history of "slo fiah mo fiah".


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

your family burn they building for insurance money

Since me phambily bisness bun down, dem nah gat no phren and no phambily in Guyana.

i think your family business was freelancing,house jumping,kidnapping,and miscellaneous panhandling 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

This piece was taken from The Grand Ayatollah that was just posted.

Former President Jimmy Carter:

When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

This piece was taken from The Grand Ayatollah that was just posted.

Former President Jimmy Carter:

When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.


some one need to ask jimmy carter what was the color of the police officers that restore order,let him tell us if it was racist or political 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

This piece was taken from The Grand Ayatollah that was just posted.

Former President Jimmy Carter:

When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.


some one need to ask jimmy carter what was the color of the police officers that restore order,let him tell us if it was racist or political 

What a stupid ass and ignorant comment. Aw laad, please help dis ignar one time only.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

This piece was taken from The Grand Ayatollah that was just posted.

Former President Jimmy Carter:

When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.


some one need to ask jimmy carter what was the color of the police officers that restore order,let him tell us if it was racist or political 


Are you mad? Indians should not need "protection" on account of their race.


The fact that we need special protection on account of our race is galling.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

This piece was taken from The Grand Ayatollah that was just posted.

Former President Jimmy Carter:

When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.


some one need to ask jimmy carter what was the color of the police officers that restore order,let him tell us if it was racist or political 

What a stupid ass and ignorant comment. Aw laad, please help dis ignar one time only.

HEHEHE Ow bhai he Baan suh.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

This piece was taken from The Grand Ayatollah that was just posted.

Former President Jimmy Carter:

When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.


some one need to ask jimmy carter what was the color of the police officers that restore order,let him tell us if it was racist or political 

What a stupid ass and ignorant comment. Aw laad, please help dis ignar one time only.

HEHEHE Ow bhai he Baan suh.

you will not know about any riot you two fools was hiding under the bed when them black police was trying to save your life 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

This piece was taken from The Grand Ayatollah that was just posted.

Former President Jimmy Carter:

When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.


some one need to ask jimmy carter what was the color of the police officers that restore order,let him tell us if it was racist or political 

What a stupid ass and ignorant comment. Aw laad, please help dis ignar one time only.

HEHEHE Ow bhai he Baan suh.

you will not know about any riot you two fools was hiding under the bed when them black police was trying to save your life 


Save our lives from other Black people?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

This piece was taken from The Grand Ayatollah that was just posted.

Former President Jimmy Carter:

When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.


some one need to ask jimmy carter what was the color of the police officers that restore order,let him tell us if it was racist or political 

What a stupid ass and ignorant comment. Aw laad, please help dis ignar one time only.

HEHEHE Ow bhai he Baan suh.

you will not know about any riot you two fools was hiding under the bed when them black police was trying to save your life 


Save our lives from other Black people?

at least there was people trying to save people lives more that what i can say for the ppp government

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?



Burn coolie people business in the city.

did any collie business get burn 

An ostrich whose head is in the sand sees nothing.

name one collie business that get burn

Me family.

This piece was taken from The Grand Ayatollah that was just posted.

Former President Jimmy Carter:

When we served as the primary international monitors in 1992, the first really free and fair election, there were serious riots in Georgetown, with three people killed and several dozen wounded. A number of stores and other buildings were burned before police could restore order. This was when I was most in physical danger since leaving the White House -- or, in fact, since leaving the submarine service.

I was surrounded by an irate mob that had already destroyed the central election headquarters and was rescued only after appealing twice by telephone to incumbent president Desmond Hoyte, whose party members had launched the riots when they learned that they would probably lose the election after 28 years in power.


some one need to ask jimmy carter what was the color of the police officers that restore order,let him tell us if it was racist or political 

What a stupid ass and ignorant comment. Aw laad, please help dis ignar one time only.

HEHEHE Ow bhai he Baan suh.

you will not know about any riot you two fools was hiding under the bed when them black police was trying to save your life 


Save our lives from other Black people?

at least there was people trying to save people lives more that what i can say for the ppp government

Those days the only protection you get, is having vigilante in every village. Maybe you read about the horror or someone told you so, but I see it with my own eyes.



The Party of Slo Fiah Moh Fiah Complains of "Racial Incitement"


Wikileaks –

Confirms what most Guyanese knew,

the Bharrat Jagdeo PPP/C are a cocaine friendly government

August 27, 2011 Leave a comment

Guyana heading for narco-statehood; govt lukewarm about drug trade– Wikileaks|
Written by Demerara Waves
Saturday, 27 August 2011 13:47


The United States (US) badly wants a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) office in Guyana because the South American country is approaching narco-statehood, already resulting in drug seeping into almost all layers of the society.

“Post requests the formal establishment of a DEA office at Embassy Georgetown. Guyana is well on its way to narco-statehood — a prospect that poses a real threat to U.S. interests,” said then American ambassador, Roland Bullen.

The cable was dispatched on May 24, 2006 to, among others, the US Secretary of State, DEA Headquarters in Washington. “The level of narco-trafficking influence on the political, judicial and economic systems in Guyana creates ripe conditions for the emergence of a narco- state,” the Grenada-born ambassador told his principals as well as counterparts in Trinidad, Suriname and Venezuela.

The American envoy believed that a DEA presence in Guyana would significantly improve the US government’s ability to fight drug trafficking in Guyana.

Bullen noted that while Guyana, with a population of 750,000 people and an official Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of less than US$1 billion does not attract much US government attention, narco-traffickers regarded Guyana where they can “operate with impunity” partly because of its geography, law enforcement corruption and a government that is less than enthusiastic about smashing the drug trade.

“They see a country with porous borders, corrupt and ineffective law enforcement, little or no control over its airspace, vast swaths of uncontrolled land, ready access to the Caribbean, North America, and Europe, and a government that has been lukewarm about clamping down on the drug trade,” Bullen said in his missive.

In an earlier cable dated January 6, 2006, Bullen noted that the two countries have been talking about setting up a DEA office here since 1999 and questioned the Guyana government’s sincerity in wanting one. “The current stumbling block is the GoG’s inability or reluctance to give approval for basic logistical details. Post’s position remains the same — the USG is ready to work with and advise the GoG as soon as the GoG is fully prepared to move forward in its fight against narco-trafficking.”

The Guyana government has, over the years, complained bitterly that countries like the US have been reluctant to provide enough funding and other rescources to combat the narco-trade. Guyana expects support through the one-year old US-Caribbean Basin Secuity Initiative (CBSI) to fight the narcotics trade and money laundering.

In the May 24, 2006 cable , the American envoy described as “an especially disturbing development” was Guyana’s involvement in “drugs for arms; financing for insurgent groups like the FARC throughout the region.

In addition, large-scale Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) infiltration into Venezuela has led to their playing a significant role in narcotics smuggling activities on the Guyana/Venezuela border, he said.

The US embassy’ primary objective in 2008 of disrupting criminal organisations was, he said, difficult by the lack of a permanent DEA presence in Guyana. The office in Trinidad is fully pre-occupied with the counter-narcotics initiatives in their host nation.

Describing the narco-situation in Guyana as “severe”, he said the DEA could work more effectively to accomplish the critical MPP counter-narcotics objectives and provide more sustained support to local law enforcement agencies in Guyana.

The DEA was expected to establish a vetted counter-narcotics unit in Guyana but the ambassador told the Secretary of State that he was worried that it could become infected by corruption.

“An important challenge facing this unit is the pervasive corruption in the country, which has undermined previous Guyanese counter-narcotics initiatives,” he said, adding that establishing a DEA office will allow close and constant monitoring of the vetted unit to help alleviate this problem.”

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?




You tryin to do a lil posthumous PR for Hoyte's "Slow Fiah Moh Fiah" Legacy as Opposition Leader?


Truth is always the first casualty of election campaigns.


I applaud your courage in taking on mission impossible with "slow fiah moh fiah" but I think I'll stick with reality.


The history books of this chapter is written in Indian blood and the ashes of Indian businesses in our capital.


The PNC doesn't have the credibility to scream about "racial incitement." David Hinds does. Andaiye does. Kwayana does. Legions of other Blacks do. The particular organization that is the PNC does not.

since i got plenty kwameesque cuss from sundry PPP race hores but no takers for my eminently sensible question [wonder why?], i move to point out the following since u ushered me there


the "credible" Eusi Kwayana wrote a little something called "There is no Guilty Race" . . . did u read it bai?


and this other "credible" blackman seh:


"African Guyanese have been progressively reduced to second class citizens and political aliens in Guyana. The ethno-racial cabal that has governed Guyana for most of the last nineteen years are the worst rulers in our modern history. They have engaged in the worst form of ethnic politics. Ten years ago it was marginalization. Today I call it colonization-internal colonization of Africans. I join Freddy Kissoon in declaring this government an elected dictatorship-an elected ethno-racial dictatorship. They have given democracy a bad name. This PPP government is worse than anything Burnham ever dreamt of. They have not rigged elections. They have instead rigged the government, the treasury and the state of Guyana."

-David Hinds, April 2011


btw, do you know what the deadliest single act of terrorism in Guyana's history is, and who the victims were?


the narratives of victimhood/oppression cuts every which way on this particular cardboard


tribal ignorance is no excuse bai

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?




You tryin to do a lil posthumous PR for Hoyte's "Slow Fiah Moh Fiah" Legacy as Opposition Leader?


Truth is always the first casualty of election campaigns.


I applaud your courage in taking on mission impossible with "slow fiah moh fiah" but I think I'll stick with reality.


The history books of this chapter is written in Indian blood and the ashes of Indian businesses in our capital.


The PNC doesn't have the credibility to scream about "racial incitement." David Hinds does. Andaiye does. Kwayana does. Legions of other Blacks do. The particular organization that is the PNC does not.

since i got plenty kwameesque cuss from sundry PPP race hores but no takers for my eminently sensible question [wonder why?], i move to point out the following since u ushered me there


the "credible" Eusi Kwayana wrote a little something called "There is no Guilty Race" . . . did u read it bai?


and this other 'credible' blackman seh:


"African Guyanese have been progressively reduced to second class citizens and political aliens in Guyana. The ethno-racial cabal that has governed Guyana for most of the last nineteen years are the worst rulers in our modern history. They have engaged in the worst form of ethnic politics. Ten years ago it was marginalization. Today I call it colonization-internal colonization of Africans. I join Freddy Kissoon in declaring this government an elected dictatorship-an elected ethno-racial dictatorship. They have given democracy a bad name. This PPP government is worse than anything Burnham ever dreamt of. They have not rigged elections. They have instead rigged the government, the treasury and the state of Guyana."

-David Hinds, April 2011


btw, do you know what the deadliest single act of terrorism in Guyana's history is, and who the victims were?


the narratives of victimhood/oppression cuts every which way on this particular cardboard


tribal ignorance is no excuse bai

Oh we poor black people!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?




You tryin to do a lil posthumous PR for Hoyte's "Slow Fiah Moh Fiah" Legacy as Opposition Leader?


Truth is always the first casualty of election campaigns.


I applaud your courage in taking on mission impossible with "slow fiah moh fiah" but I think I'll stick with reality.


The history books of this chapter is written in Indian blood and the ashes of Indian businesses in our capital.


The PNC doesn't have the credibility to scream about "racial incitement." David Hinds does. Andaiye does. Kwayana does. Legions of other Blacks do. The particular organization that is the PNC does not.

since i got plenty kwameesque cuss from sundry PPP race hores but no takers for my eminently sensible question [wonder why?], i move to point out the following since u ushered me there


the "credible" Eusi Kwayana wrote a little something called "There is no Guilty Race" . . . did u read it bai?


and this other "credible" blackman seh:


"African Guyanese have been progressively reduced to second class citizens and political aliens in Guyana. The ethno-racial cabal that has governed Guyana for most of the last nineteen years are the worst rulers in our modern history. They have engaged in the worst form of ethnic politics. Ten years ago it was marginalization. Today I call it colonization-internal colonization of Africans. I join Freddy Kissoon in declaring this government an elected dictatorship-an elected ethno-racial dictatorship. They have given democracy a bad name. This PPP government is worse than anything Burnham ever dreamt of. They have not rigged elections. They have instead rigged the government, the treasury and the state of Guyana."

-David Hinds, April 2011


btw, do you know what the deadliest single act of terrorism in Guyana's history is, and who the victims were?


the narratives of victimhood/oppression cuts every which way on this particular cardboard


tribal ignorance is no excuse bai

Oh we poor black people!

plenty snark but no comment, eh dummy?


anyways, this is fuh Shaitaan . . . weh he hiding?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?




You tryin to do a lil posthumous PR for Hoyte's "Slow Fiah Moh Fiah" Legacy as Opposition Leader?


Truth is always the first casualty of election campaigns.


I applaud your courage in taking on mission impossible with "slow fiah moh fiah" but I think I'll stick with reality.


The history books of this chapter is written in Indian blood and the ashes of Indian businesses in our capital.


The PNC doesn't have the credibility to scream about "racial incitement." David Hinds does. Andaiye does. Kwayana does. Legions of other Blacks do. The particular organization that is the PNC does not.

since i got plenty kwameesque cuss from sundry PPP race hores but no takers for my eminently sensible question [wonder why?], i move to point out the following since u ushered me there


the "credible" Eusi Kwayana wrote a little something called "There is no Guilty Race" . . . did u read it bai?


and this other 'credible' blackman seh:


"African Guyanese have been progressively reduced to second class citizens and political aliens in Guyana. The ethno-racial cabal that has governed Guyana for most of the last nineteen years are the worst rulers in our modern history. They have engaged in the worst form of ethnic politics. Ten years ago it was marginalization. Today I call it colonization-internal colonization of Africans. I join Freddy Kissoon in declaring this government an elected dictatorship-an elected ethno-racial dictatorship. They have given democracy a bad name. This PPP government is worse than anything Burnham ever dreamt of. They have not rigged elections. They have instead rigged the government, the treasury and the state of Guyana."

-David Hinds, April 2011


btw, do you know what the deadliest single act of terrorism in Guyana's history is, and who the victims were?


the narratives of victimhood/oppression cuts every which way on this particular cardboard


tribal ignorance is no excuse bai

Oh we poor black people!


You racist coolie daags need to stop raping, beating, robbing, and murdering aweh Black people.


Every single election ayuh sk*** be tekkin advantage pon abbe poor Black people

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?




You tryin to do a lil posthumous PR for Hoyte's "Slow Fiah Moh Fiah" Legacy as Opposition Leader?


Truth is always the first casualty of election campaigns.


I applaud your courage in taking on mission impossible with "slow fiah moh fiah" but I think I'll stick with reality.


The history books of this chapter is written in Indian blood and the ashes of Indian businesses in our capital.


The PNC doesn't have the credibility to scream about "racial incitement." David Hinds does. Andaiye does. Kwayana does. Legions of other Blacks do. The particular organization that is the PNC does not.

since i got plenty kwameesque cuss from sundry PPP race hores but no takers for my eminently sensible question [wonder why?], i move to point out the following since u ushered me there


the "credible" Eusi Kwayana wrote a little something called "There is no Guilty Race" . . . did u read it bai?


and this other "credible" blackman seh:


"African Guyanese have been progressively reduced to second class citizens and political aliens in Guyana. The ethno-racial cabal that has governed Guyana for most of the last nineteen years are the worst rulers in our modern history. They have engaged in the worst form of ethnic politics. Ten years ago it was marginalization. Today I call it colonization-internal colonization of Africans. I join Freddy Kissoon in declaring this government an elected dictatorship-an elected ethno-racial dictatorship. They have given democracy a bad name. This PPP government is worse than anything Burnham ever dreamt of. They have not rigged elections. They have instead rigged the government, the treasury and the state of Guyana."

-David Hinds, April 2011


btw, do you know what the deadliest single act of terrorism in Guyana's history is, and who the victims were?


the narratives of victimhood/oppression cuts every which way on this particular cardboard


tribal ignorance is no excuse bai


Oh Lawdy Lawdy, is gon blame dem poor innocent coolie peasants now for Sun Chapman?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

well, since we have a whole thread dedicated by shaitaan to PNC demon . . .


what did Desmond Hoyte actually mean/intend by "slo fiyah, mo fiyah"?




You tryin to do a lil posthumous PR for Hoyte's "Slow Fiah Moh Fiah" Legacy as Opposition Leader?


Truth is always the first casualty of election campaigns.


I applaud your courage in taking on mission impossible with "slow fiah moh fiah" but I think I'll stick with reality.


The history books of this chapter is written in Indian blood and the ashes of Indian businesses in our capital.


The PNC doesn't have the credibility to scream about "racial incitement." David Hinds does. Andaiye does. Kwayana does. Legions of other Blacks do. The particular organization that is the PNC does not.

since i got plenty kwameesque cuss from sundry PPP race hores but no takers for my eminently sensible question [wonder why?], i move to point out the following since u ushered me there


the "credible" Eusi Kwayana wrote a little something called "There is no Guilty Race" . . . did u read it bai?


and this other 'credible' blackman seh:


"African Guyanese have been progressively reduced to second class citizens and political aliens in Guyana. The ethno-racial cabal that has governed Guyana for most of the last nineteen years are the worst rulers in our modern history. They have engaged in the worst form of ethnic politics. Ten years ago it was marginalization. Today I call it colonization-internal colonization of Africans. I join Freddy Kissoon in declaring this government an elected dictatorship-an elected ethno-racial dictatorship. They have given democracy a bad name. This PPP government is worse than anything Burnham ever dreamt of. They have not rigged elections. They have instead rigged the government, the treasury and the state of Guyana."

-David Hinds, April 2011


btw, do you know what the deadliest single act of terrorism in Guyana's history is, and who the victims were?


the narratives of victimhood/oppression cuts every which way on this particular cardboard


tribal ignorance is no excuse bai

Oh we poor black people!


You racist coolie daags need to stop raping, beating, robbing, and murdering aweh Black people.


Every single election ayuh sk*** be tekkin advantage pon abbe poor Black people

not really . . .


smiley faces and jokes cannot disguise your effort here to deflect and avoid


take your time lil man

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Oh Lawdy Lawdy, is gon blame dem poor innocent coolie peasants now for Sun Chapman?

so, who is blaming "poor innocent coolie peasants" for "Sun Chapman" . . . YOU!!?


nice try


straw man alert!!!!!!!

Last edited by Former Member

Hinds wrote:

"African Guyanese have been progressively reduced to second class citizens and political aliens in Guyana."


While we want to see the PPP go, this kind of statement is simply not true.  While their iniquities are many, you really cannot accuse the PPP of racial and political discrimination as practiced under Burnham and Hoyte.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Hinds wrote:

"African Guyanese have been progressively reduced to second class citizens and political aliens in Guyana."


While we want to see the PPP go, this kind of statement is simply not true.  While their iniquities are many, you really cannot accuse the PPP of racial and political discrimination as practiced under Burnham and Hoyte.

the point of my quoting David Hinds is neither to endorse nor criticize


please re-read my entire post in context.


that said, i don't know what qualitative standards you are embracing in your assessment of PPP racial and political discrimination vs Burnham/Hoyte, but the PPP of the past decade +, has [demonstrably] far outdistanced the PNC record for that kind of wickedness . . . i most certainly disagree with you!


Afros control everything in Guyana except the Presidency.


The PPP has done nothing for its Indian supporters as a constituency.


Afros dominate public service, police, teaching, nursing, medical, legal, etc.


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