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It has been clarified by GECOM that it does not have the statutory documents for 29 boxes from the lower East Coast.  Moreover, GECOM disclosed that the relevant polling officers were invited to a meeting today to be interviewed about the missing documents but they did not attend.  This is going to pose a problem for GECOM.  Nandlall and the PPP have been trying to mislead the public on this matter.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jagdeo and his minions ,plot this a long time ago ,there are a group of people who will benefit, the tax evaders and players in the underground business ,including some in the media.

There will be no Democracy in Guyana ,Guyanese prepare to live under elected dictatorship ,the new breed of riggers will fixed the system to always be a winner. GECOM will be back under their control. There will be no constitutional reforms ,Burnham document stays.

The country will continue to be corrupted ,the fat cats wealth will increase ,the poor will remain the same. By the time the oil wells dried up Guyana will be a wasteland. I may be around to witness it.

Unless there is a revolution and the country divided ,perhaps it may happen in my lifetime.

Last edited by Django
@Rochelle posted:

Hope Madame Singh does the right thing and nullify these tallied votes.

She should not ,declare Jagdeo and his puppy as winners. The people will settle the issue after. There are no authority can solve Guyana problems.

The Country was heading in the right direction of Coalition government . Jagdeo wants every thing for himself , he get it by rigging the elections .There are lots of people with skin in the game for dirty money. Time will tell what the repercussions will be.

Last edited by Django

Desperation in the camp of the coalition as the time draws near for completion of the recount.  It is also reflected here on GNI. Granger will try his best to stop GECOM from issuing a declaration.  The PNC governed undemocratically for three decades and did everything possible to stop the swearing of Dr. Jagan as president in 1992.  They told their people that the PPP used computer experts from India to manipulate the votes at GECOM.   Up until this darn day they have never been able to present a shred of evidence.  They are now talking about the dead and migrated voted.  No evidence of such happening.  All charges have been refuted so far.  GECOM is under international pressure to do the right thing - count everyone's vote in region 4 and declare the winner.  It is as simple as that.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Desperation in the camp of the coalition as the time draws near for completion of the recount.  It is also reflected here on GNI. Granger will try his best to stop GECOM from issuing a declaration.  The PNC governed undemocratically for three decades and did everything possible to stop the swearing of Dr. Jagan as president in 1992.  They told their people that the PPP used computer experts from India to manipulate the votes at GECOM.   Up until this darn day they have never been able to present a shred of evidence.  They are now talking about the dead and migrated voted.  No evidence of such happening.  All charges have been refuted so far.  GECOM is under international pressure to do the right thing - count everyone's vote in region 4 and declare the winner.  It is as simple as that.

Do you not understand the issue of the missing statutory documents?  This is proof of PPP rigging and is additional to several other issues.   T GECOM will decide and one option open to them is to call for a new election.  


Desperation in the camp of the coalition as the time draws near for completion of the recount.  It is also reflected here on GNI. Granger will try his best to stop GECOM from issuing a declaration.  The PNC governed undemocratically for three decades and did everything possible to stop the swearing of Dr. Jagan as president in 1992.  They told their people that the PPP used computer experts from India to manipulate the votes at GECOM.   Up until this darn day they have never been able to present a shred of evidence.  They are now talking about the dead and migrated voted.  No evidence of such happening.  All charges have been refuted so far.  GECOM is under international pressure to do the right thing - count everyone's vote in region 4 and declare the winner.  It is as simple as that.

I thought it was only me who notice... try dey with them 


Desperation in the camp of the coalition as the time draws near for completion of the recount.  It is also reflected here on GNI. Granger will try his best to stop GECOM from issuing a declaration.  The PNC governed undemocratically for three decades and did everything possible to stop the swearing of Dr. Jagan as president in 1992.  They told their people that the PPP used computer experts from India to manipulate the votes at GECOM.   Up until this darn day they have never been able to present a shred of evidence.  They are now talking about the dead and migrated voted.  No evidence of such happening.  All charges have been refuted so far.  GECOM is under international pressure to do the right thing - count everyone's vote in region 4 and declare the winner.  It is as simple as that.

How the 1992 elections was declared ?  What happen to votes ,when a temporary place was set up as a polling station ,was the votes counted ?

GECOM is under no pressure ,there is a recount ,how will the votes be valid without the requisite documents ?

@Django posted:

Jagdeo and his minions ,plot this a long time ago ,there are a group of people who will benefit, the tax evaders and players in the underground business ,including some in the media.

There will be no Democracy in Guyana ,Guyanese prepare to live under elected dictatorship ,the new breed of riggers will fixed the system to always be a winner. GECOM will be back under their control. There will be no constitutional reforms ,Burnham document stays.

The country will continue to be corrupted ,the fat cats wealth will increase ,the poor will remain the same. By the time the oil wells dried up Guyana will be a wasteland. I may be around to witness it.

Unless there is a revolution and the country divided ,perhaps it may happen in my lifetime.

I understand how you feel at this crucial point in time. And so I am overlooking what you write here, except your hope for "revolution".

I have read many books intensively on Revolution: the 17th century English Revolution, the 18th century  American Revolution and French Revolution, the 19th century revolutions in Europe, the 1917 Russian Revolution, the 1959 Cuban Revolution as well as revolutions in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Believe me, a revolutionary war in Guyana will result in ETHNIC  CLEANSING one way or the other. Don't wish for revolution in Guyana. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I understand how you feel at this crucial point in time. And so I am overlooking what you write here, except your hope for "revolution".

I have read many books intensively on Revolution: the 17th century English Revolution, the 18th century  American Revolution and French Revolution, the 1917 Russian Revolution, the 1959 Cuban Revolution as well as revolutions in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Believe me, a revolutionary war in Guyana will result in ethnic cleansing one way or the other.

Don't wish for revolution in Guyana. 

Thank you for the heads up.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

1. Votes were counted after the March 02, 2020 elections with the requisite documents.

2. It is of interest to know how the documents were separated and are perhaps lost for this recount.

You are confused beyond redemption.  Moreover, you obviously aren't following the news out of Guyana and just making up stuff.

@Django posted:

Jagdeo and his minions ,plot this a long time ago ,there are a group of people who will benefit, the tax evaders and players in the underground business ,including some in the media.

There will be no Democracy in Guyana ,Guyanese prepare to live under elected dictatorship ,the new breed of riggers will fixed the system to always be a winner. GECOM will be back under their control. There will be no constitutional reforms ,Burnham document stays.

The country will continue to be corrupted ,the fat cats wealth will increase ,the poor will remain the same. By the time the oil wells dried up Guyana will be a wasteland. I may be around to witness it.

Unless there is a revolution and the country divided ,perhaps it may happen in my lifetime.

You sounding desperate, whoever give you that to post is a greedy , unpatriotic Guyanese. The people have spoken, accept the winner even if it is the PPP, which is obvious, What do you have to lose?? you are an American Dream, be happy. Oh you are the proprietor of GNI, what else do you want, ?leave the Guyanese people alone, they are Happy and content with the PPP.


So now hear Granger saying he made a mistake to declare himself winner because the electoral irregularities.

Well, given the count thus far, which he claims are due to electoral irregularities, what was the basis for his claim of victory?

Are they admitting they used Mingo's fraudulent numbers?  Are they now admitting Mingo did inflate the numbers?

So tell us, who are the admitted fraudsters?  The PNC will not got through with the lies.  Too much evidence and fake stories coming from them.  Their stories are a moving target of convenience.

@kp posted:

You sounding desperate, whoever give you that to post is a greedy , unpatriotic Guyanese. The people have spoken, accept the winner even if it is the PPP, which is obvious, What do you have to lose?? you are an American Dream, be happy. Oh you are the proprietor of GNI, what else do you want, ?

leave the Guyanese people alone, they are Happy and content with the PPP.

Every piece writing on the forum is my own ,don't take instructions from no one.

Unfortunately more than 50 % are not content with the PPP ,the fraud perpetuated doesn't make the PPP the majority winner.

Last edited by Django
@Totaram posted:

GECOM will be making a decision--respect that.

GECOM is not a power onto themselves, they are obliged to honor the will of the people, not the will of GECOM. 

GECOM are an administrative body charged with administering the electoral process and ensuring a smooth and efficient execution.  This they touted as mission accomplished on the evening of March 2.  Their job then was to ensure a credible tabulation process of the votes cast, where they failed.

Everyone knows what's expected, even the world.  All except the PNC and their cohorts at GECOM.  They are being watched the world over and will not prevail.

Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:

It has been clarified by GECOM that it does not have the statutory documents for 29 boxes from the lower East Coast.  Moreover, GECOM disclosed that the relevant polling officers were invited to a meeting today to be interviewed about the missing documents but they did not attend.  This is going to pose a problem for GECOM.  Nandlall and the PPP have been trying to mislead the public on this matter.

How is Nandlall "trying to mislead the public on this matter"?

You people are shooting from the hips without looking at all the facts. Which allegations of the coalition accusations of fraud have been proven so far? ghosts? immigrants?


It is public knowledge that during the course of yesterday, at the National Recount Exercise, certain ballot boxes were recounted from a particular part of the East Coast of Demerara. These boxes contained only ballots cast which when recounted, matched the Statements of Polls. Other documents that were supposed to be included in the Ballot Boxes were excluded. A Presiding Officer who worked in one of these very Polling Stations published on social media that the Presiding Officers, including herself, were specifically instructed by the Deputy Returning Officer to place the Ballots cast into the Ballot Boxes and to exclude all other materials in separate packages for transmission to the Returning Officer.

We also noted that a letter addressed to the Chairperson of GECOM was written by Mr. Paul Jaisingh, a Deputy Returning Officer, who worked in that specific geographic area. This letter was also published on social media. In this letter, Mr. Jaisingh confirmed receiving the very same instructions pertaining to the used, unused and rejected ballots outlined above, from Miss. Carlyn Duncan, Clerk, to the Returning Officer, Mr. Clairmont Mingo. Mr. Jaisingh further pointed out that as a result, the other documents were placed in a bag provided and delivered to Mr. Mingo.

Rather than deal with the issue internally, with what is clearly an in-house matter, the GECOM Secretariat chose to make a public statement that it received yet, another letter from a group of Deputy Returning Officers, apparently from the East Coast of Demerara but it is unclear who these DROs are and whether they are from the same geographical area under review, where the DROs’ dispute the controversial instructions. This public statement seems to be in concert with the narrative and false allegations peddled by the APNU+AFC, aimed at disenfranchising electors in PPP/C strongholds.

The matter is made even more complicated by another statement issued by the PRO Yolanda Warde later today, informing the public that the investigation of the matter is not yet completed since “the CEO has also contacted some of the Deputy Returning Officers (DROs) responsible for those areas for a meeting and while they have committed to meet with the CEO today, 6th June 2020: as at 16:00 hours, no DRO showed up to be interviewed.” It is clear that the Secretariat intend to create unnecessary public confusion and excite tension in the public domain by including these issues in a press statement.

We wish to make it abundantly clear that whatever is the outcome of GECOM’s investigations of their internal issues, not a single Guyanese elector must lose their franchise in the process.

It is hoped that the Commission will address this matter satisfactorily in accordance with the purpose of the exercise, which is a recount of the ballots cast on 2nd March 2020, and consistent with the comment of the Chairperson at the commencement of this exercise: “Every vote will be counted”.

People’s Progressive Party

June 6th, 2020.



@Former Member posted:

I understand how you feel at this crucial point in time. And so I am overlooking what you write here, except your hope for "revolution".

I have read many books intensively on Revolution: the 17th century English Revolution, the 18th century  American Revolution and French Revolution, the 19th century revolutions in Europe, the 1917 Russian Revolution, the 1959 Cuban Revolution as well as revolutions in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Believe me, a revolutionary war in Guyana will result in ETHNIC  CLEANSING one way or the other. Don't wish for revolution in Guyana. 

I thought all dem PPP people who used to walk around with Castro's tshirt and who went to the Soviet Union were revolutionaries...where ae they?

@Totaram posted:

Do you not understand the issue of the missing statutory documents?  This is proof of PPP rigging and is additional to several other issues.   T GECOM will decide and one option open to them is to call for a new election.  

Knuchlehead...the rigging is in your head, and in your biasness. 

GECOM have to declare a winner, they dont have the authority to "call for a new election", as per Nandalall. However, you can bet your life, Lowenfield will write it up in such a way that there were massive rigging conducted by the PPP...from the outside. How the discredited Chairwoman cast her vote is another matter.

So far, the coalition have not mentioned the Mingo fraud, which KN has exposed, and they were willing to swear in Granger with those numbers...that is the only fraud so far...witnessed by the world. 


@VishMahabir posted:

Knuchlehead...the rigging is in your head, and in your biasness. 

GECOM have to declare a winner, they dont have the authority to "call for a new election", as per Nandalall. However, you can bet your life, Lowenfield will write it up in such a way that there were massive rigging conducted by the PPP...from the outside. How the discredited Chairwoman cast her vote is another matter.

So far, the coalition have not mentioned the Mingo fraud, which KN has exposed, and they were willing to swear in Granger with those numbers...that is the only fraud so far...witnessed by the world. 


Why is Vish being allowed to call anyone a knucklehead? That's a personal attack.

@VishMahabir posted:

Knuchlehead...the rigging is in your head, and in your biasness. 

GECOM have to declare a winner, they dont have the authority to "call for a new election", as per Nandalall. However, you can bet your life, Lowenfield will write it up in such a way that there were massive rigging conducted by the PPP...from the outside. How the discredited Chairwoman cast her vote is another matter.

So far, the coalition have not mentioned the Mingo fraud, which KN has exposed, and they were willing to swear in Granger with those numbers...that is the only fraud so far...witnessed by the world. 


You so damn stupid you can't even spell knucklehead you bloody knucklehead!


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