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Hughes dropped from list of speakers at Linden meeting

Posted By Stabroek staff On January 14, 2013 @ 5:23 am In Local News | No Comments

Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC) Nigel Hughes on Saturday left the Linden meeting to update residents on talks with the government after he was told that he could not speak as part of the official proceedings.

This newspaper was told that Hughes had earlier been invited by the organizers to speak at the meeting. However, according to sources, Hughes’ name was not mentioned when notice of the meeting was being spread among the townsfolk.

Stabroek News understands that when officials of Region 10(Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice) met representatives from the AFC just prior to the start of the meeting on Saturday, “you could cut the tension with a knife.” At the time Sharma Solomon, trade unionist Lincoln Lewis and PNCR member Aubrey Norton were in the room at the regional office.

Nigel Hughes

Nigel Hughes

It was at this point that the AFC was told that Hughes could not speak at the meeting because the Region had invited A Partnership for National Unity and the party had not responded and it would have looked bad to have the AFC without the APNU. This newspaper understands that Hughes was offered a chance to speak but only to convey a brief message of greetings on his party’s behalf. Hughes declined this offer.

An observer pointed out that at the meeting, APNU Members of Parliament, Renis Morian and Vanessa Kissoon spoke, as did Solomon, himself a member of APNU. “To say that APNU was not represented at the meeting was nonsense,” said the observer. “Clearly they did not want Nigel to speak,” the person said. “They are afraid of Nigel coming [to Linden],” the person said. Efforts by Stabroek News to reach Hughes for a comment on the matter proved futile.

Contacted yesterday, Chairman of the Region 10 RDC, Solomon denied any knowledge of why it was that Hughes abruptly left and said he was only made aware of the situation on Saturday afternoon. “I was not the person making the [administrative arrangements] for the meeting,” he said. “I spoke to all of the political parties because I believe it [would have been good] for them to make their presence felt,” he said.

Earlier on Saturday afternoon, this newspaper observed Hughes, Christopher Ram and Mark Benschop walking around the town and meeting with residents.
The meeting saw residents calling for the arrangements between the Government and the Region 10 RDC being advanced so that they could have their own television station.

Sources say the mix-up over Hughes’ appearance is another manifestation of the ongoing move by APNU to limit inroads by the AFC in the community. Hughes has attracted a following in Linden and other parts of the country.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I prefer die under Prez Ramu that live under the PNC.


The PNC is a bandit party that is even more oppressive than the PPP.


1.  destroy Moses chance for speaker;


2.  broke the principle of the collection of minority opposition party must hold 1 GECOM seat and shut out David Patterson from the AFC;


3.  Scare of the influence of Nigel Hughes in afro-Guyanese communities - shutting him out.



The facts are the PNC will chew any black man who threathen their hold over black people.


Just like how the PPP going insane that the AFC tek them votes from Berbice.










The PPP has been in power now for nearly a quarter of a century. In that time crime and corruption has surpassed that of the PNC. Murders are also far higher.

So exactly how can anyone say that the PNC cannot be trusted with power when the PPP is doing a far worse job in power? Must the average Guyanese put up with a worse situation than any other Western country except Haiti just so that the PPP can remain in control?


Alyuh gon get a good kick in alyuh ass.  Alyuh tink da PNC democratic?  You go in PPP stronghold and cuss the PPP, you go to PNC stronghold and cuss the PPP and the PNC turn round and kick you. You go to Linden and create mayhem and death and now the PNC decide your agenda.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh gon get a good kick in alyuh ass.  Alyuh tink da PNC democratic?  You go in PPP stronghold and cuss the PPP, you go to PNC stronghold and cuss the PPP and the PNC turn round and kick you. You go to Linden and create mayhem and death and now the PNC decide your agenda.

ress yourself with the pitiful straw man u lameass


if Nigel were allowed to speak, u would be braying here bout AFC = PNC

Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh gon get a good kick in alyuh ass.  Alyuh tink da PNC democratic?  You go in PPP stronghold and cuss the PPP, you go to PNC stronghold and cuss the PPP and the PNC turn round and kick you. You go to Linden and create mayhem and death and now the PNC decide your agenda.

Yeah yuh should heed you own advise and wear some butt pad fuh wen Bynoe, Hamilton and Lubumba "turn around" and dig some kick pun yuh....


Oi Baseman and Mahen:


Hold your horse.  Every story got 2 sides or if we believe Mita Sharma - 3 sides.


In this case  - Nigel/AFC side, Sharma/APNU side and the TRUTH.


Let us hear Nigel's side first please before rushing to judgement.


Gerard Ramsaroop, the AFC leader on this blog -  can we get the AFC side please.


Thanks You.



Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

I prefer die under Prez Ramu that live under the PNC.



Most Indians get that wish granted, like these folks here:


This is a nasty piece of work from you joker.


1.  this is a picture from a foreign country and not Guyana so you are a LIAR;


2. is it the wish of East Indians to DIE like DOGS?  Look haul yu rass you jackass joker.


3.  In your racism against East Indians you are so willing to kill them to change them, not recognising it is a process and it will take time.


4.  I am grateful to the East Indians of Guyana for giving us VICTORY IN 2011 GENERAL ELECTIONS.  Yes it is the East Indians who voted against the PPP and took those votes to the AFC that produced the minority Government.  Which ethnic group produced the 40% for the PNC/APNU in the 2011 elections?


True victory will never be earned until the afro-Guyanese join the East Indians in rebelling against their former masters in the PNC and PPP.


5.  It is a process, this ethnic evolution and the people are getting it especially the young and the women and they are going to break from the PNC and the PPP but please respect their intelligence to decipher when is the right time to MOVE away from these racist forces (PNC and PPP).


It is jackass like you who cause a revolution to fail.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

 5.  It is a process, this ethnic evolution and the people are getting it especially the young and the women and they are going to break from the PNC and the PPP but please respect their intelligence to decipher when is the right time to MOVE away from these racist forces (PNC and PPP).


It is jackass like you who cause a revolution to fail.


I figure 63 years is just about enough time


what revolution? The overwhelming majority of Indians and Blacks voted apaan jhaat in 2011

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

 5.  It is a process, this ethnic evolution and the people are getting it especially the young and the women and they are going to break from the PNC and the PPP but please respect their intelligence to decipher when is the right time to MOVE away from these racist forces (PNC and PPP).


It is jackass like you who cause a revolution to fail.


I figure 63 years is just about enough time


what revolution? The overwhelming majority of Indians and Blacks voted apaan jhaat in 2011

Perhaps, perhaps NOT!

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer die under Prez Ramu that live under the PNC.



It is jackass like you who cause a revolution to fail.

u are far from being "revolutionary" when making silly statements like that in bold

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer die under Prez Ramu that live under the PNC.



It is jackass like you who cause a revolution to fail.

u are far from a "revolutionary" when making silly statements like that in bold

We all have our opinion, I stand by mine - I prefer to die under Prez Ramu than live under the PNC.


In the final analysis, we can pontificate how much we want on this blogs, the essence of the revolution is leadership, and the willingness of the people to be led.


Look at Syria - over 30,000 have died and they are prepared to sacrifice 30,000 more once they get rid of the dictator.


The Guyanese are not ready  to even sacrifice 10 people, so clearly you are right we the people are not ready to get rid of Ramu and not ready for the REVOLUTION since the alternative at this time is the PNC and I am not willing to live with a PNC.  It has nothing to with race but the information I am getting is the PNC will be worst than the PPP this time around.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer die under Prez Ramu that live under the PNC.



It is jackass like you who cause a revolution to fail.

u are far from being "revolutionary" when making silly statements like that in bold


Tis a far bettuh ting fuh die pon tap dan fuh live at de battam house


I prefer Ramu because I know he still afraid of the GDF and the Police thus this is a check and balance.


A PNC in power would mean total domination of all segments of the society - economic, security, political, social, religious.  There will be no windows for an independent views - now Stabroek News, No Kaiteur News, just PNC, PNC, PNC.


There will be a new sophia declaration making all PNC members supreme beings.





Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer Ramu because I know he still afraid of the GDF and the Police thus this is a check and balance.


A PNC in power would mean total domination of all segments of the society - economic, security, political, social, religious.  There will be no windows for an independent views - now Stabroek News, No Kaiteur News, just PNC, PNC, PNC.


There will be a new sophia declaration making all PNC members supreme beings.






Are you Granger's wife or sweet homan to know all this?


Where are these secret plans of the PNC to rape you and your wife and the country?

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer die under Prez Ramu that live under the PNC.



It is jackass like you who cause a revolution to fail.

u are far from a "revolutionary" when making silly statements like that in bold

We all have our opinion, I stand by mine - I prefer to die under Prez Ramu than live under the PNC.


In the final analysis, we can pontificate how much we want on this blogs, the essence of the revolution is leadership, and the willingness of the people to be led.


Look at Syria - over 30,000 have died and they are prepared to sacrifice 30,000 more once they get rid of the dictator.


The Guyanese are not ready  to even sacrifice 10 people, so clearly you are right we the people are not ready to get rid of Ramu and not ready for the REVOLUTION since the alternative at this time is the PNC and I am not willing to live with a PNC.  It has nothing to with race but the information I am getting is the PNC will be worst than the PPP this time around.

reeally . . . so why support the AFC if you see it as an existential zero sum game?

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer Ramu because I know he still afraid of the GDF and the Police thus this is a check and balance.


A PNC in power would mean total domination of all segments of the society - economic, security, political, social, religious.  There will be no windows for an independent views - now Stabroek News, No Kaiteur News, just PNC, PNC, PNC.


There will be a new sophia declaration making all PNC members supreme beings.






Are you Granger's wife or sweet homan to know all this?


Where are these secret plans of the PNC to rape you and your wife and the country?

Mr Ronald you scaring me, you mean another X-13 Plan?

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer Ramu because I know he still afraid of the GDF and the Police thus this is a check and balance.


A PNC in power would mean total domination of all segments of the society - economic, security, political, social, religious.  There will be no windows for an independent views - now Stabroek News, No Kaiteur News, just PNC, PNC, PNC.


There will be a new sophia declaration making all PNC members supreme beings.






Are you Granger's wife or sweet homan to know all this?


Where are these secret plans of the PNC to rape you and your wife and the country?

Mr Ronald you scaring me, you mean another X-13 Plan?


Oh we go.


Some good old fashioned Indian PPP mutual political masturbation.


One Mudhead hear wan oddah Mudhead seh suh.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer Ramu because I know he still afraid of the GDF and the Police thus this is a check and balance.


A PNC in power would mean total domination of all segments of the society - economic, security, political, social, religious.  There will be no windows for an independent views - now Stabroek News, No Kaiteur News, just PNC, PNC, PNC.


There will be a new sophia declaration making all PNC members supreme beings.





remarkable . . . this is what passes for 'progressive?' thought in certain quarters of Guyanese society

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer Ramu because I know he still afraid of the GDF and the Police thus this is a check and balance.


A PNC in power would mean total domination of all segments of the society - economic, security, political, social, religious.  There will be no windows for an independent views - now Stabroek News, No Kaiteur News, just PNC, PNC, PNC.


There will be a new sophia declaration making all PNC members supreme beings.






Are you Granger's wife or sweet homan to know all this?


Where are these secret plans of the PNC to rape you and your wife and the country?

Mr Ronald you scaring me, you mean another X-13 Plan?


Oh we go.


Some good old fashioned Indian PPP mutual political masturbation.


One Mudhead hear wan oddah Mudhead seh suh.

This mean I have to re-look at my political stance with respect to the PPP.


I cannot deal with another X-13 plan.

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer Ramu because I know he still afraid of the GDF and the Police thus this is a check and balance.


A PNC in power would mean total domination of all segments of the society - economic, security, political, social, religious.  There will be no windows for an independent views - now Stabroek News, No Kaiteur News, just PNC, PNC, PNC.


There will be a new sophia declaration making all PNC members supreme beings.






Are you Granger's wife or sweet homan to know all this?


Where are these secret plans of the PNC to rape you and your wife and the country?

Mr Ronald you scaring me, you mean another X-13 Plan?


Oh we go.


Some good old fashioned Indian PPP mutual political masturbation.


One Mudhead hear wan oddah Mudhead seh suh.

This mean I have to re-look at my political stance with respect to the PPP.


I cannot deal with another X-13 plan.


so you expect the PPP to "protect" you? When has the PPP ever been able to protect their own wives?


so this is a zero sum game



under the pnc - the kuli man get ****ed.


under the ppp - he get ****ed also.


look I glad I am under sponsorship - richmond hill here I come at least NYPD will take care of me.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

so this is a zero sum game



under the pnc - the kuli man get ****ed.


under the ppp - he get ****ed also.


look I glad I am under sponsorship - richmond hill here I come at least NYPD will take care of me.


well, the PNC is liable to use a lil kitchen grease as opposed to the PPP

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

I prefer die under Prez Ramu that live under the PNC.



It is jackass like you who cause a revolution to fail.

u are far from a "revolutionary" when making silly statements like that in bold

We all have our opinion, I stand by mine - I prefer to die under Prez Ramu than live under the PNC.


In the final analysis, we can pontificate how much we want on this blogs, the essence of the revolution is leadership, and the willingness of the people to be led.


Look at Syria - over 30,000 have died and they are prepared to sacrifice 30,000 more once they get rid of the dictator.


The Guyanese are not ready  to even sacrifice 10 people, so clearly you are right we the people are not ready to get rid of Ramu and not ready for the REVOLUTION since the alternative at this time is the PNC and I am not willing to live with a PNC.  It has nothing to with race but the information I am getting is the PNC will be worst than the PPP this time around.

reeally . . . so why support the AFC if you see it as an existential zero sum game?

Mahen/Ronald/Joker/Davendra: All the same. Don't waste your time.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PNC-UF Coalition disintegrated within three years. How long would the APNU-AFC coalition would last?....time will tell

Did you not hear? There is a bamboo wedding brewing between Corbo and Jagdo? Ramo will move as they pull the string. Make sure you put a mala pun Lumuba and those former Washington thugs. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh gon get a good kick in alyuh ass.  Alyuh tink da PNC democratic?  You go in PPP stronghold and cuss the PPP, you go to PNC stronghold and cuss the PPP and the PNC turn round and kick you. You go to Linden and create mayhem and death and now the PNC decide your agenda.

ress yourself with the pitiful straw man u lameass


if Nigel were allowed to speak, u would be braying here bout AFC = PNC

Well it shows AFC not equal PNC = PPP. Conscience and Baseman will put a mala on Lumumba at de wedding. 


I really don't care if the PNC gets back in power. What's the big deal? Can the government become more corrupted than CARICOM's most corrupt government. The PNC however if full of some ignorant asses. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The APNU and the AFC seems to  be heading for a Mexican standoff in the mining town of Linden......


Yea bai and it proves that PPP = PNC not equal to AFC. So you have just indicted yourself as a spammer of the board with lies. 

Originally Posted by Mahen:

I prefer die under Prez Ramu that live under the PNC.


The PNC is a bandit party that is even more oppressive than the PPP.


1.  destroy Moses chance for speaker;


2.  broke the principle of the collection of minority opposition party must hold 1 GECOM seat and shut out David Patterson from the AFC;


3.  Scare of the influence of Nigel Hughes in afro-Guyanese communities - shutting him out.



The facts are the PNC will chew any black man who threathen their hold over black people.


Just like how the PPP going insane that the AFC tek them votes from Berbice.









If you don't trust the PNC how can you trust the AFC? That's the question of the day.


Originally Posted by TK:

I really don't care if the PNC gets back in power. What's the big deal? Can the government become more corrupted than CARICOM's most corrupt government. The PNC however if full of some ignorant asses. 

Shows the fool and simpleton you are.  What's the big deal?  Sometimes I do have to agree with some opinions as to your lack of reality and professorial simple mindedness.  You don't give a damn cuz when it back-fires you will stick to the USA and let Indians in Guyana be re-enslaved.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

I really don't care if the PNC gets back in power. What's the big deal? Can the government become more corrupted than CARICOM's most corrupt government. The PNC however if full of some ignorant asses. 

Shows the fool and simpleton you are.  What's the big deal?  Sometimes I do have to agree with some opinions as to your lack of reality and professorial simple mindedness.  You don't give a damn cuz when it back-fires you will stick to the USA and let Indians in Guyana be re-enslaved.


Re-enslaved you say? Were scenes like this usual under the PNC Government?



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