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The PPP congress is over the leader Bharat Jagdeo is elected as expected,they have not changed their doctrine " Marxism and Leninism"Jagdeo may want run again for a third term is this acceptable ??

The PNC have a few old timers lurking around that carry some baggage,dropping some will give the party more credibility that they have changed.

The AFC emerged to balance the power of "the two pea of the same pod" they have made a dent to that power in two elections,it's time for them to ratchet up their campaign to attract more supporters,can they do this?? it's worthy to try.

The electorate in Guyana are too race based and the majority are inclined to vote PPP and PNC.

Guyana needs serious political change,hopefully the people will wake up and realize race base voting is detrimental to their future and the children future.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Djanjo - AFC is dead, only few core supporters/financiers will remain with it.

Guyana needs a new party with people with high level experience (most likely international) that want to sacrifice a few years of their lives for the country.  This would be people who "already made it" so they will not be another set of pigs at the trough.

I expect the coalition will f up the country so bad by 2020 that the people will be begging for salvation.

The ABC countries will not let the PPP back in if there is a viable substitute.



Chief Justice Chang ruled that there is no law preventing Jagdeo from running for a third term. There is a law preventing him from running for more than two consecutive terms of which he had to step down after those two terms concluded.

Jagdeo won majorities during both of his terms in certified free and fair elections. The PNC is yet to win a free and fair election.

Ralph Ramkarran did a very nice piece on his blog where he clearly stated that there is no law in Guyana preventing Jagdeo from running for a term term after stepping down when his two terms were finished.

He is still very popular and will win if he runs as a presidential candidate for the PPP. The disgusting record of this failed, clueless and corrupt record of these AFC/PNC clowns speaks for itself after only 18 months.

You are clueless as the PNC which you support. The AFC is dead, that is why they ran under Granger's skirt at local elections in order to hide from humiliation. May I remind you that the PPP won the Local Elections fair and square.

The issue of race in Guyana is one of mistrust.

The biggest disappointment was the clowns Moses and Ramjattan who ended up proving that they are a bunch of conmen.

The PPP is poised to Govern again, take that in your piper and some it.

PPP !! PPP !! PPP !! PPP !!


Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:

Djanjo - AFC is dead, only few core supporters/financiers will remain with it.

Guyana needs a new party with people with high level experience (most likely international) that want to sacrifice a few years of their lives for the country.  This would be people who "already made it" so they will not be another set of pigs at the trough.

I expect the coalition will f up the country so bad by 2020 that the people will be begging for salvation.

The ABC countries will not let the PPP back in if there is a viable substitute.

For sure they will not get back in power.

I may retire soon and will have some time,let start a movement looking forward to no rewards,i am a very moderate fella.

I will be be one of the foot soldier ,no office for me.

Last edited by Django


Chief Justice Chang ruled that there is no law preventing Jagdeo from running for a third term. There is a law preventing him from running for more than two consecutive terms of which he had to step down after those two terms concluded."



I have the document of the ruling and Ramkaran viewpoint,

Jagdeo third term Presidential run will be blocked by the court,by an appeal which is already done.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"Chief Justice Chang ruled that there is no law preventing Jagdeo from running for a third term. There is a law preventing him from running for more than two consecutive terms of which he had to step down after those two terms concluded."

Yuji - you are correct!

Alyuh need to dig deeper one man can't interpret the Constitution and pass judgment.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"Chief Justice Chang ruled that there is no law preventing Jagdeo from running for a third term. There is a law preventing him from running for more than two consecutive terms of which he had to step down after those two terms concluded."

Yuji - you are correct!

Alyuh need to dig deeper one man can't interpret the Constitution and pass judgment.

That constitution is not legal. It was written by an illegal administration that got into power by rigging the elections. Put dat in you pipe an smoke am nah bai.

Mitwah posted:

Constitution or Constipation! The PPP has moved away from being a champion to the working class.

Mits you are talking about lil boy politics.

Let me educate you. 

Ask Gil how many times his working class NDP won federal elections compared to the Conservatives and Liberals.

Now, Money talks and BS walks.

That jackass Rammo had your mentality and refused big money to run his campaigns. Guess what, He lost TWICE.

Jagged only has to ask and the money will flow to run his campaign. Big Money wins elections in the modern era not the working class.

Again, Money talks and BS walks.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"Chief Justice Chang ruled that there is no law preventing Jagdeo from running for a third term. There is a law preventing him from running for more than two consecutive terms of which he had to step down after those two terms concluded."

Yuji - you are correct!

Alyuh need to dig deeper one man can't interpret the Constitution and pass judgment.

That constitution is not legal. It was written by an illegal administration that got into power by rigging the elections. Put dat in you pipe an smoke am nah bai.

Bhai,baby kong said it's one of the best in the Caribbean.

yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:

Constitution or Constipation! The PPP has moved away from being a champion to the working class.

Mits you are talking about lil boy politics.

Let me educate you. 

Ask Gil how many times his working class NDP won federal elections compared to the Conservatives and Liberals.

Now, Money talks and BS walks.

That jackass Rammo had your mentality and refused big money to run his campaigns. Guess what, He lost TWICE.

Jagged only has to ask and the money will flow to run his campaign. Big Money wins elections in the modern era not the working class.

Again, Money talks and BS walks.

The new party running in 2020 will be covertly financed by the ABC countries.  They are on the hook for keeping the country alive anyways.

VVP posted:

Djanjo - AFC is dead, only few core supporters/financiers will remain with it.

Guyana needs a new party with people with high level experience (most likely international) that want to sacrifice a few years of their lives for the country.  This would be people who "already made it" so they will not be another set of pigs at the trough.

I expect the coalition will f up the country so bad by 2020 that the people will be begging for salvation.

The ABC countries will not let the PPP back in if there is a viable substitute.

You are right and you are wrong.  When they "f" up, there will be BJ and the PPP to pick up the pieces...........once again!

VVP posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:

Constitution or Constipation! The PPP has moved away from being a champion to the working class.

Mits you are talking about lil boy politics.

Let me educate you. 

Ask Gil how many times his working class NDP won federal elections compared to the Conservatives and Liberals.

Now, Money talks and BS walks.

That jackass Rammo had your mentality and refused big money to run his campaigns. Guess what, He lost TWICE.

Jagged only has to ask and the money will flow to run his campaign. Big Money wins elections in the modern era not the working class.

Again, Money talks and BS walks.

The new party running in 2020 will be covertly financed by the ABC countries.  They are on the hook for keeping the country alive anyways.

Will not happen!  There will be no "covert" new party to come and sweep power in Guyana.  You are into video-games politics!

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:

Constitution or Constipation! The PPP has moved away from being a champion to the working class.

Mits you are talking about lil boy politics.

Let me educate you. 

Ask Gil how many times his working class NDP won federal elections compared to the Conservatives and Liberals.

Now, Money talks and BS walks.

That jackass Rammo had your mentality and refused big money to run his campaigns. Guess what, He lost TWICE.

Jagged only has to ask and the money will flow to run his campaign. Big Money wins elections in the modern era not the working class.

Again, Money talks and BS walks.

The new party running in 2020 will be covertly financed by the ABC countries.  They are on the hook for keeping the country alive anyways.

Will not happen!  There will be no "covert" new party to come and sweep power in Guyana.  You are into video-games politics!

Shows how little you know about politics.  This is not about cold war anymore it is about ABC interest.  PPP and PNC does not cut it.

Don't you think if the PPP had any favourable outlook for the ABC that the election petition would be heard by now and they would have been a recount of the close votes?  PPP is not getting back in once a viable alternative shows up, which is very likely given the state of affairs in Guyana.

Now Get some sleep for the night watch job LOL.

VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:

The new party running in 2020 will be covertly financed by the ABC countries.  They are on the hook for keeping the country alive anyways.

Will not happen!  There will be no "covert" new party to come and sweep power in Guyana.  You are into video-games politics!

Shows how little you know about politics.  This is not about cold war anymore it is about ABC interest.  PPP and PNC does not cut it.

Banna, you are in a bubble.  No foreign entity will "covertly" impose some non-existing entity in Guyana or any other nation.  You are in a kindergarten mindset if you think that's how it will work.  The PPP and PNC are the political reality in Guyana!

Any change will come from parties who prove themselves on the ground in Guyana.  The AFC tried to court the US in 2011, I was with them.  But they had to prove themselves before the US invest any political or other capital.

Any change from a new homegrown party, that party will have to build consensus and prove themselves as a viable alternative to the PPP and PNC.  This was the mantra of the AFC in 2011.  They failed miserably and decided to join the PNC in 2015.  More realistically, change will come from within the PPP or PNC who could best reinvent themselves to have more mass and extra-ethnic appeal.

Given the distrust and divisive nature of politics in Guyana, I doubt this will happen.  What is more realistic, if the PNC loses the next election without any military of other non-democratic intervention and concedes, Guyana will have changed forever.   The PPP lost in 2015 was one shoe that dropped.  The PNC losing and submit to the will of the people will be the other.

If this occurs, the mistrust will begin to break down and you will see more cross-over swing votes capable to democratically removing any Govt and the Govt will be forced to be accountable to the people rather than relying to ethnic appeal!

In a perverse way, should the PNC under Granger, given his military connection, lose and concede, he [Granger] will become the god-father of true democracy in Guyana!

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:

Banna, you are in a bubble.  No foreign entity will "covertly" impose some non-existing entity in Guyana or any other nation.  You are in a kindergarten mindset if you think that's how it will work.  The PPP and PNC are the political reality in Guyana!

Any change will come from parties who prove themselves on the ground in Guyana.  The AFC tried to court the US in 2011, I was with them.  But they had to prove themselves before the US invest any political or other capital.

Any change from a new homegrown party, that party will have to build consensus and prove themselves as a viable alternative to the PPP and PNC.  This was the mantra of the AFC in 2011.  They failed miserably and decided to join the PNC in 2015.  More realistically, change will come from within the PPP or PNC who could best reinvent themselves to have more mass and extra-ethnic appeal.

Given the distrust and divisive nature of politics in Guyana, I doubt this will happen.  What is more realistic, if the PNC loses the next election without any military of other non-democratic intervention and concedes, Guyana will have changed forever.   The PPP lost in 2015 was one shoe that dropped.  The PNC losing and submit to the will of the people will be the other.

If this occurs, the mistrust will begin to break down and you will see more cross-over swing votes capable to democratically removing any Govt and the Govt will be forced to be accountable to the people rather than relying to ethnic appeal!

In a perverse way, should the PNC under Granger, given his military connection, lose and concede, he [Granger] will become the god-father of true democracy in Guyana!

I never said non-existing.  The new party will have to show some traction before they would be supported by the ABC.  It is in the ABC interest to have stability and good governance in Guyana.  The PPP, AFC  and PNC have PROVEN that they do not cut it.

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:

Banna, you are in a bubble.  No foreign entity will "covertly" impose some non-existing entity in Guyana or any other nation.  You are in a kindergarten mindset if you think that's how it will work.  The PPP and PNC are the political reality in Guyana!

Any change will come from parties who prove themselves on the ground in Guyana.  The AFC tried to court the US in 2011, I was with them.  But they had to prove themselves before the US invest any political or other capital.

Any change from a new homegrown party, that party will have to build consensus and prove themselves as a viable alternative to the PPP and PNC.  This was the mantra of the AFC in 2011.  They failed miserably and decided to join the PNC in 2015.  More realistically, change will come from within the PPP or PNC who could best reinvent themselves to have more mass and extra-ethnic appeal.

Given the distrust and divisive nature of politics in Guyana, I doubt this will happen.  What is more realistic, if the PNC loses the next election without any military of other non-democratic intervention and concedes, Guyana will have changed forever.   The PPP lost in 2015 was one shoe that dropped.  The PNC losing and submit to the will of the people will be the other.

If this occurs, the mistrust will begin to break down and you will see more cross-over swing votes capable to democratically removing any Govt and the Govt will be forced to be accountable to the people rather than relying to ethnic appeal!

In a perverse way, should the PNC under Granger, given his military connection, lose and concede, he [Granger] will become the god-father of true democracy in Guyana!

I never said non-existing.  The new party will have to show some traction before they would be supported by the ABC.  It is in the ABC interest to have stability and good governance in Guyana.  The PPP, AFC  and PNC have PROVEN that they do not cut it.

OK, good luck, Guyana awaits the president VVP!!

ABC wants good governance by "covertly" imposing a political party upon the people of Guyana.  You prapa funny!

The PPP is the ONLY PROVEN entity who can "cut it"!  I agree, the PPP had drifted away from their roots and principles, but within their DNA, those values and attributes are still there.  They are going through a reforming process which will bring them back to where they ought to be, i.e. with the people!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
ba$eman posted:

Banna, you are in a bubble.  No foreign entity will "covertly" impose some non-existing entity in Guyana or any other nation.  You are in a kindergarten mindset if you think that's how it will work.  The PPP and PNC are the political reality in Guyana!

Any change will come from parties who prove themselves on the ground in Guyana.  The AFC tried to court the US in 2011, I was with them.  But they had to prove themselves before the US invest any political or other capital.

Any change from a new homegrown party, that party will have to build consensus and prove themselves as a viable alternative to the PPP and PNC.  This was the mantra of the AFC in 2011.  They failed miserably and d

OK, good luck, Guyana awaits the president VVP!!

ABC wants good governance by "covertly" imposing a political party upon the people of Guyana.  You prapa funny!


You really know very little about politics.  I know how government works ,I dare say at a very high level.

My brother was just thinking about forming a party and he had audiences with the ABC ambassadors in Guyana.  Covertly means that they cannot openly fund candidates in foreign elections.  Nothing new.  Don't waste my time bai.

seignet posted:

The electorate is held hostage. Just read Caribj and you will get the dilemma.


You were asked to say what racist comments I make.

Now I have told you about your racist comments many times as did the few other black GNI posters, none of whom remain.

Last year you were wanting to curse black Guyanese to unending poverty and hardships. This after your screams about their violence and laziness.

I have conceded that BOTH Indians and Africans have been racist towards each other and BOTH Indians and Africans have suffered from such racism.

Your scream is that Afro Guyanese are singularly racist and that Indians haven't been racist at all.

So who is the racist here? You and the rest of your Indo KKK tribe.

VVP posted:


Guyana needs a new party with people with high level experience (most likely international) .

Foreign based Guyanese need to stop thinking that they (we) can lead Guyana. Few Guyanese respect us except what they can get out of us. And many of us carry baggage from decades ago. Look how many still scream of the 60s!

The most that we can do is to support efforts led by people who PERMANENTLY live in Guyana. If no credible resident Guyanese emerge well Guyana is over. Life in North America is not easy, especially for those arriving now, and the Caribbean no longer wants Guyanese pouring into the lands. 

Guyanese need to think on this and insist upon better leadership.  And in fact good signs were in G/T and in Kwakwani where independent candidates did well. Now I cannot speak to how suitable each individual might be but its good to know that there are some Guyanese who are willing to move beyond the constraints of our current party system.

VVP posted:


The ABC countries will not let the PPP back in if there is a viable substitute.

The only thing that ABC nations did was to put pressure on Hoyte to have a relatively free and fair, and free from fear election in 1992.  Guyanese then voted in the PPP, no doubt because of the ethnic composition of those who bothered to vote.

Since then each election has NOT had any interference from ABC nations. And this includes the last one.  Guyanese showed that they were tired of the PPP in 2011 when the majority voted against them.  The two parties came together in 2015 and once again got more combined votes than did the PPP.

2020 provides an opportunity for Guyanese to carve a new way. The ageing denizens of the PPP, APNU, and the AFC will be too old by then in a young nation.  Will new leadership emerge?

yuji22 posted:

 May I remind you that the PPP won the Local Elections fair and square.

The issue of race in Guyana is one of mistrust.



Now you are ignorant, illiterate and a stooge.

Local elections indicate what who wins within each local jurisdiction. There are more rural local jurisdiction than there are urban and so the PPP will always win more local jurisdictions, given its mainly rural support base.

But why not compare 2016 with 1994 the last time there was LGE.

1. The PPP won the SAME number of jurisdictions, even though there are a few more.

2.  The PPP LOST seats in G/T, and in fact only won seats because of a top up provision.  This indicates that the PPP has lost ground in G/T when in 1994 they won about 1/3 of the seats.  G/T accounts for almost 30% of the total votes, so even though the PPP loses they get sufficient votes to offset the fact that G/T has a huge population.

In fact the PPP lost the 2015 election precisely because of their lost support in G/T.  They won back the Nagamootoo Berbice votes.  This is why Nagamootoo is so weak, because people know that he brought in very few votes, this despite the screams of the Moses fan base, most of whom no longer post on GNI.

3.  In the two new hinterland municipalities the PPP LOST in Lethem, and drew in Mabaruma. These areas, traditionally under the Catholic church and the UF, and then became solidly PPP as those institutions waned.  Yet the PPP did NOT win.  This indicates signs of slippage.

4. APNU AFC didn't even contest the LGE seriously, whereas the PPP went full out, still embarrassed over losing the national election.

So no the PPP didn't "win".  In fact the LGE ought to give it concern with its failure to break into new areas, and its loss of support in G/T and in Lethem and Mabaruma.

Its so bad that the PNC never even used to campaign in the North West district, knowing how few votes that they could expect. Yet now the share Mabaruma with the PPP!


I will suggest to you that both the PPP and APNU/AFC have reasons to worry. Maybe a new base of independent parties might develop to undermine both of them.


Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
VVP posted:


The ABC countries will not let the PPP back in if there is a viable substitute.

The only thing that ABC nations did was to put pressure on Hoyte to have a relatively free and fair, and free from fear election in 1992.  Guyanese then voted in the PPP, no doubt because of the ethnic composition of those who bothered to vote.

Since then each election has NOT had any interference from ABC nations. And this includes the last one.  Guyanese showed that they were tired of the PPP in 2011 when the majority voted against them.  The two parties came together in 2015 and once again got more combined votes than did the PPP.

2020 provides an opportunity for Guyanese to carve a new way. The ageing denizens of the PPP, APNU, and the AFC will be too old by then in a young nation.  Will new leadership emerge?

If the ABC saw any worth to the PPP they would have pushed for a recount and speed up of the judicial review of the election petition.  So yes, they did influence the election by not siding with the PPP.  

ba$eman posted:
  Hopefully, they rediscover their calling and return to the "People" side of the equation!

If 2019 sees some PPP folks being carted off to jail when suddenly the results of the audits are released and people sent to court...........???!!!

Maybe only 30% of the voters, most over 50, will bother to vote in 2020.

It will also be a good idea if folks analyze data rather then screaming from their ass.

2015 showed that the trend of declining turn out was arrested. BOTH the PPP and the PNC did a credible job in turning out their bases.

So I don't know that there is some hidden vote for the PPP to get in 2020.  Their best hope is that the APNU base stay home, which is increasingly looking quite likely.  The only other source is if they win back the G/T voters that they lost when AFC started in 2006.  But the PPP galvanized the rural base with their screams of "black man  kill ahbe".

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:

If the ABC saw any worth to the PPP they would have pushed for a recount and speed up of the judicial review of the election petition.  So yes, they did influence the election by not siding with the PPP.  

Do you know that even in the overseas territories no one screams about foreign intervention in elections.

In PR when a party loses they lose. They don't invent conspiracies of DC intervention. Ditto for elections in the Cayman Islands. No London conspiracy.

So why do Guyanese think that we, who are worth LESS than the Cayman Islands or Puerto Rico, will attract the concern of the ABC nations to the point of them actually devoting resources.

The PPP lost because the Guyanese were tired of them!

caribny posted:
VVP posted:


Guyana needs a new party with people with high level experience (most likely international) .

Foreign based Guyanese need to stop thinking that they (we) can lead Guyana. Few Guyanese respect us except what they can get out of us. And many of us carry baggage from decades ago. 

Still to be tested.  I think logical people will choose what is best for them.  The race based voting is the biggest hurdle.

ba$eman posted:

If this occurs, the mistrust will begin to break down and you will see more cross-over swing votes capable to democratically removing any Govt and the Govt will be forced to be accountable to the people rather than relying to ethnic appeal!


The PPP is no more likely to win a credible level of swing votes than is the PNC. Winning a mere 10% swing vote doesn't arrest the reality that blacks and Indians really do not like each other.  And in fact as soon as we leave Guyana we completely separate from each other.

VVP posted:

Still to be tested.  I think logical people will choose what is best for them.  The race based voting is the biggest hurdle.

Under both the PPP and APNU dominated governments overseas Guyanese have been used to fund campaigns and then dumped.  And in fact the average Guyanese sees us the same way.  Their attitude is give us your money and then get lost.

The notion that Guyanese in Guyana will fo9llow overseas based Guyanese is a joke. They entertain serious resentment and jealousy towards us. I will admit for hugely misguided reasons.


How is the PPP "credible" 50% of the population love them, or at least think that they are the less bad choice. The other 50% hate them and see them as corrupt racist vipers.

BOTH the PPP and APNU have serious issues.  The winner in 2020 will be the party which can do the best job of getting seriously disaffected voters to the polls.

But to think that either will be revered is silly. A PPP win will simply mean that APNU supporters are disappointed with APNU, feel betrayed, and therefore in no mood to be used again to feather the nests of unethical politicians.

A PPP loss will mean that their base is even more disaffected than that of APNU, and that they don't think that APNU was that terrible after all, so see no need to trek to the polls to remove them.

The notion that ABC nations care about Guyana is pure nonsense. The Cold War is over. The Dems and the GOP will have too much to keep them busy, once Trump destroys the USA, with the Dems still remaining unable to be anything other than a party of dilettante celebrities.  The UK will be mired with Brexit, and Canada perplexed about the other two.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

The electorate is held hostage. Just read Caribj and you will get the dilemma.


You were asked to say what racist comments I make.

Now I have told you about your racist comments many times as did the few other black GNI posters, none of whom remain.

Last year you were wanting to curse black Guyanese to unending poverty and hardships. This after your screams about their violence and laziness.

I have conceded that BOTH Indians and Africans have been racist towards each other and BOTH Indians and Africans have suffered from such racism.

Your scream is that Afro Guyanese are singularly racist and that Indians haven't been racist at all.

So who is the racist here? You and the rest of your Indo KKK tribe.

And u think I am wrong. Re-read your post.


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