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Former Member

I write these words with a great deal of hesitation because I personally only became involved in Guyanese politics actively due to an accident of history borne solely of the violent street protest actions of the PNC post-1997 and the Buxton Insurgency. So I have always been hesitant to see the PNC "rewarded" for these blemishes. But there is a bigger picture and we must not let the future be prematurely destroyed to build useless monuments to the past.


I have wanted to see the PPP/C go from Day 1. I have never been a PPP supporter nor have I ever contemplated them as anything good for Guyana especially Indian people. The PPP is only slightly less anti-Indian than the PNC. Very very slightly. My family departed the PPP for the UF in the 1960s and we haven't looked back since.


The Coalition's one sticking point for me has always been post-1997 street violence and the Buxton Insurgency. There can be no excuses for this. I don't want anyone to give me some lang belly story about some PYO violence in the 1960s or some burnt canefields. I am not even against violence as a political tool. For as long as governments run the affairs of men, the right of the people to violent revolution is sacrosanct and even a sacred duty incumbent on free men. In this as in many other political respects, I am a Jeffersonian. My only objection to the PNC's utilization of violence as a political tool was that it targeted Indians specifically and further the ordinary poor Indians at that (as I don't give two ****s about these nouveau riche coolie dogs and the PPP Big Seeded Ones). I even supported the extra-constitutional removal of the PPP from power by the GDF in the early Jagdeo years when many of these johnny come lately Coalition-cultists were waving the enamel cup proudly still.


Guyana cannot progress under the current conditions. Our elections cannot perpetually be a racial civil war. We should get around to some issues in this new millenium. The racial stalemate will never be solved the way I would personally prefer it to be solved with a grand constitutional bargain brokered and negotiated by dispassionate patriots. That is a fantasy. Much like the Palestinian two-state solution is today the hope of those too stupid to acknowledge reality and those who are simply vested in the status quo in perpetuo.


The Guyanese status quo benefits no one except the PPP Big Seeded Ones and their nouveau riche coolies.


Having had some frank talks with PPP Big Seeded Ones lately, I am now fully convinced they must go. They offer only 5 more years and beyond of the same shyte. They are beyond clueless.


As for Indians (the 99% of us who ain't tiefing or running drugs or in Cabinet), we don't get shyte out of the deal except to bear the full force of this de facto racial government from every angle and from every sector.


We cannot expect the PPP to balance the State so that Indians are not targets of wanton ethnic violence or that they will make Blacks feel like equal stakeholders in the system. They have no interest in this.


From an Indian point of view, the status quo is not a recipe for our future as a people in the Guyanese State. We have no choice but to force the PPP from office. We must do so because we have no better option. The PPP will not negotiate us a better deal if they win on May 11th. There will be no new dispensation with a PPP win. Indians cannot afford another 5 years and neither can anyone else.


This Coalition is the only thing that is on offer. So we must swallow it. We must swallow it and hope for the best knowing that it could turn out for the worst. However, it is sadly not possible to do worst than the PPP in office. Even a triumphalist PNC Government won't really ever descend to the levels of our auntyman dem who couldn't even pacify some children with AK-47's in Buxton backlands.


Guyana will revert to a Black-dominated government (with some coolie VPs) because it that better than the status quo. Almost anything is better than the status quo.


The Coalition will come to power on the strength of significant Indian money and other significant Indian support. I expect the PNC to act like a mature Government in office. Granger is not Corbin. Granger comes from the class of people who have always served Guyana best. We can gamble on him. We have nothing really to lose.


So I urge my readers here to support the Coalition with money and votes. Yes, we are in some small fashion rewarding some recent historical terrorism. But we have no real alternative. If you want Indians (real Indians) to continue to perish, then vote PPP. If you want to give our people a fighting chance at survival within Guyana with a Guyanese Indian identity that may outlast this century then you must swallow the bitter pill of this Coalition. The Coalition is in Indian interests!


APNU Jaat!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

My friend...let there be democratic turnover. For all the madness of Burnham...Guyana has never experienced anything like Sri Lanka or Rwanda. Forbes gave them Hindu and Muslim holidays. He wanted unity on his terms...which don't necessarily work out. And when Forbes banned flour (which we now know give us big belly), the more enterprising amongst us made millions in the parallel economy. Why are you afraid? Let there be democratic turnover. And if those political warlords who deliberately sabotaged their leader to embarrass  him should succumb to primitive nihilistic anti-nationalist instincts you who survived Afghanistan have the upper hand. Of what are you afraid?    

Originally Posted by redux:

a slightly more innovative angle on the Ravi Dev/Guyana Times 'approach' . . .


in de ole days, they called it damning-with-faint-praise, or something like dat




Would you rather to be privy to the thoughts of an honest man or the support of a dishonest cultist who does not respect you enough to be honest with you? The world is filled with the latter which is why I always strive to be the former.


My approach to politics is practical, pragmatic, and steeped in realism. I like ideals but I am not a hostage to them. Which is why I am not against supporting a Black-dominated Government for Guyana if that is the best on offer. Seems to work just fine in every other CARICOM realm and republic. Might work for Guyana. I've never heard my relatives in Barbados complain much about their Black-dominated Government.

Originally Posted by TK:

My friend...let there be democratic turnover. For all the madness of Burnham...Guyana has never experienced anything like Sri Lanka or Rwanda. Forbes gave them Hindu and Muslim holidays. He wanted unity on his terms...which don't necessarily work out. And when Forbes banned flour (which we now know give us big belly), the more enterprising amongst us made millions in the parallel economy. Why are you afraid? Let there be democratic turnover. And if those political warlords who deliberately sabotaged their leader to embarrass  him should succumb to primitive nihilistic anti-nationalist instincts you who survived Afghanistan have the upper hand. Of what are you afraid?    


I am not afraid chap. I think you know me.


No matter what you say or prevent yourself from saying, we are in some way rewarding the PNC's recent history of terrorism. I don't like the idea of rewarding terrorist behavior but sometimes that is what happens in politics. And sometimes it is the best option available.


Lastly, Indians have zero hope in waiting for the PPP to bargain us a better deal whereby Guyana can become a plural secular democratic state which is what all races would want. I don't care if Guyana has a Black or Indian President. I want a competent one who is constrained by the Constitution. What passes for Indian "power" in Guyana has always in my mind been or should have been a temporary state of affairs so that the State could be reorganized along modern democratic principles in line with our CARICOM neighbors I (or better) so that it cannot once again be turned against us Indians or any other national/ethnic group in Guyana. It is nor ever should be an end. Drug dealing mercenaries and the PPP in office is not a desirable or legitimate end. The PPP however sees it as an end. That is where we part company.


The status quo leads us nowhere and has zero potential to lead us anywhere desirable. The Coalition may lead us somewhere better. So we must support the Coalition.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

a slightly more innovative angle on the Ravi Dev/Guyana Times 'approach' . . .


in de ole days, they called it damning-with-faint-praise, or something like dat




Would you rather to be privy to the thoughts of an honest man or the support of a dishonest cultist who does not respect you enough to be honest with you? The world is filled with the latter which is why I always strive to be the former.


My approach to politics is practical, pragmatic, and steeped in realism. I like ideals but I am not a hostage to them. Which is why I am not against supporting a Black-dominated Government for Guyana if that is the best on offer. Seems to work just fine in every other CARICOM realm and republic. Might work for Guyana. I've never heard my relatives in Barbados complain much about their Black-dominated Government.

stop your nonsense . . . no one is privy to your inner thoughts


and it doesn't matter; we are all "honest" in our own ways


i don't know what u are trying to prove here

Originally Posted by redux:

a slightly more innovative angle on the Ravi Dev/Guyana Times 'approach' . . .


in de ole days, they called it damning-with-faint-praise, or something like dat



You are something else.  Why don't you just take the APNU AFC vote from some one who just last week was screaming that it meant an Indian Holocaust?


We have to get rid of the PPP and then decide what is next.  At least that is what I think!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

a slightly more innovative angle on the Ravi Dev/Guyana Times 'approach' . . .


in de ole days, they called it damning-with-faint-praise, or something like dat



You are something else.  Why don't you just take the APNU AFC vote from some one who just last week was screaming that it meant an Indian Holocaust?


We have to get rid of the PPP and then decide what is next.  At least that is what I think!

sir, u are truly naive

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The status quo leads us nowhere and has zero potential to lead us anywhere desirable. The Coalition may lead us somewhere better. So we must support the Coalition.



And this is my point.  I will be the last one to say that an APNU AFC coalition will bring all the national unity which their most fanatical supporters will sing.


What it will do is rid Guyana of a corrupt and violent band of thieves who will stoop at nothing to remain in power.  A group which operates much like the oligarchs of Russia, and as with Russia the most powerful are now beginning to feast on the weaker ones within the cabal (you should hear the complaints about the use of corrupt cops and mercenaries for purely predatory purposes).


Guyana needs a break.  What the coalition does is ensure that an African led government cannot remain in power if it excludes Indians.  As the Afro dominated APNU and the Indo dominated AFC learn to dance with each other without mashing each other's toes, then maybe there will be space for serious discussions as to how the THREE ethnic anxieties (Indian, African, and Amerindian) will be resolved. 


BOTH Granger and Nagamootoo acknowledge these anxieties.  The PPP refuses to!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

a slightly more innovative angle on the Ravi Dev/Guyana Times 'approach' . . .


in de ole days, they called it damning-with-faint-praise, or something like dat



You are something else.  Why don't you just take the APNU AFC vote from some one who just last week was screaming that it meant an Indian Holocaust?


We have to get rid of the PPP and then decide what is next.  At least that is what I think!

sir, u are truly naive

Redux two scenarios.


1.  APNU AFC subjects those who vote to "purity" tests where they only accept votes from those who think that their leaders can do no wrong.




2. APNU AFC take votes from all segments of the anti PPP spectrum.  Put it this way, unless they WIN, none of the things which you hope that they will do wilget done.


Granger and Nagamootoo will happily take Shaitaan's vote and will happily let others know that they have his support, even if only grudgingly.  After all this was a PPP vote last week.  One less now for the PPP and one more for the coalition.



You are the one who is naÃŊve!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

a slightly more innovative angle on the Ravi Dev/Guyana Times 'approach' . . .


in de ole days, they called it damning-with-faint-praise, or something like dat



You are something else.  Why don't you just take the APNU AFC vote from some one who just last week was screaming that it meant an Indian Holocaust?


We have to get rid of the PPP and then decide what is next.  At least that is what I think!

sir, u are truly naive

Redux two scenarios.


1.  APNU AFC subjects those who vote to "purity" tests where they only accept votes from those who think that their leaders can do no wrong.




2. APNU AFC take votes from all segments of the anti PPP spectrum.  Put it this way, unless they WIN, none of the things which you hope that they will do wilget done.


Granger and Nagamootoo will happily take Shaitaan's vote and will happily let others know that they have his support, even if only grudgingly.  After all this was a PPP vote last week.  One less now for the PPP and one more for the coalition.



You are the one who is naÃŊve!

what in gawd's name are u talking about?


who cares about shaitaan's "vote" whatever that is? and what's all this nonsense about "purity tests" and other pompous, delusional shyte being thrown around here?


getting a little carried away, no?


look klown, if Shaitaan or anyone else chooses to support the PPP and not the Coalition just because of harsh stuff some poster called Redux said, what does it say about the petulant individual and their convictions?


u guys are worse than naive

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

a slightly more innovative angle on the Ravi Dev/Guyana Times 'approach' . . .


in de ole days, they called it damning-with-faint-praise, or something like dat



You are something else.  Why don't you just take the APNU AFC vote from some one who just last week was screaming that it meant an Indian Holocaust?


We have to get rid of the PPP and then decide what is next.  At least that is what I think!

sir, u are truly naive


You must be the only virgin among Guyanese people. I lost mine many many moons ago and I have never once pretended that I still retained my boyish innocence.


If anything chap, I am the kind of Indian that will make or break the Coalition.


I have done more for the Coalition behind the scenes than you or many others will ever know. And I am content to take those things to my grave.


Before Granger was the new popular Indian version of roti, I angered many people by seeking him out to personally sit down and give him a hearing. I sent Indian businessmen his way BEFORE this Coalition.


I urged and fought others like Vishnu Mahadeo here when they tried to muddy my friends who facilitated Granger in Richmond Hill. I helped to strengthen their resolve against PPP aggression against Granger in Richmond Hill.


I have been quite consistent in all things. That I am not a virgin is a claim I will readily concede to. The Coalition needs Indians willing to let the PNC skate by on some rather atrocious acts. And I'm willing to do that. And I have consistently done so chap.


P.S....My consistent anti-PPP stances have cost me dearly amongst major pro-PPP businessmen (many who personally like me but for my anti-PPPness and question my political judgment only because of my history of antagonizing the PPP and it's principals) here in Queens in my own bids for elective office. But I've always had principles. That you don't think I do is not my problem. My principles today lead me to support the Coalition but not as psalmist or cultist.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

what in gawd's name are u talking about?


who cares about shaitaan's "vote" whatever that is? and what's all this nonsense about "purity tests" and other pompous, delusional shyte being thrown around here?


getting a little carried away, no?


look klown, if Shaitaan or anyone else chooses to support the PPP and not the Coalition just because of harsh stuff some poster called Redux said, what does it say about the petulant individual and their convictions?


u guys are worse than naive

Shaitaan said he was going to vote APNU AFC.  Obviously you are not in marketing.  When a customers say "Yes I will buy, you stop selling and take the order".  You don't question why he changed his mind!


So why are you still arguing with him, or with me for that matter?  Go fight with cobra, yuji and the other PPP frauds who spend all day spreading lies.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

a slightly more innovative angle on the Ravi Dev/Guyana Times 'approach' . . .


in de ole days, they called it damning-with-faint-praise, or something like dat



You are something else.  Why don't you just take the APNU AFC vote from some one who just last week was screaming that it meant an Indian Holocaust?


We have to get rid of the PPP and then decide what is next.  At least that is what I think!

sir, u are truly naive


You must be the only virgin among Guyanese people. I lost mine many many moons ago and I have never once pretended that I still retained my boyish innocence.


If anything chap, I am the kind of Indian that will make or break the Coalition.


I have done more for the Coalition behind the scenes than you or many others will ever know. And I am content to take those things to my grave.


Before Granger was the new popular Indian version of roti, I angered many people by seeking him out to personally sit down and give him a hearing. I sent Indian businessmen his way BEFORE this Coalition.


I urged and fought others like Vishnu Mahadeo here when they tried to muddy my friends who facilitated Granger in Richmond Hill. I helped to strengthen their resolve against PPP aggression against Granger in Richmond Hill.


I have been quite consistent in all things. That I am not a virgin is a claim I have never made nor will ever make. The Coalition needs Indians willing to let the PNC skate by on some rather atrocious acts. And I'm willing to do that. And I have consistently done so chap.

u don't need to prove anything to me . . . i don't know you


what i do know is what you post there; and frankly much of it lately is calculated, naked, racist demagoguery and beyond disgusting


especially since i know that u are not some not-fully-formed teenager


u are a pretty smart, pretty sophisticated guy, and u know the power of words


spare me . . .

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


You must be the only virgin among Guyanese people. I lost mine many many moons ago and I have never once pretended that I still retained my boyish innocence.


You do know that redux spends more time fighting anti PPP folks than he does the PPP frauds.


IMHO we do not see eye to eye but that doesn't matter at this time.  That is a battle best reserved for when the APNU AFC win.  If they win that is.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

what in gawd's name are u talking about?


who cares about shaitaan's "vote" whatever that is? and what's all this nonsense about "purity tests" and other pompous, delusional shyte being thrown around here?


getting a little carried away, no?


look klown, if Shaitaan or anyone else chooses to support the PPP and not the Coalition just because of harsh stuff some poster called Redux said, what does it say about the petulant individual and their convictions?


u guys are worse than naive

Shaitaan said he was going to vote APNU AFC.  Obviously you are not in marketing.  When a customers say "Yes I will buy, you stop selling and take the order".  You don't question why he changed his mind!


So why are you still arguing with him, or with me for that matter?  Go fight with cobra, yuji and the other PPP frauds who spend all day spreading lies.

dude, stop your delusional shit, neither of us three are "voting" in Guyana's elections


and even if we were . . . it doesn't matter


get it? smh!

Originally Posted by redux:

what i do know is what you post there; and frankly much of it lately is calculated, naked, racist demagoguery and beyond disgusting



Redux you do know that there are loads of blacks who worry that maybe Granger might give away the whole store to Nagamootoo if APNU AFC wins.



They know full well that to begin that fight now doesn't make sense, because they need the alliance with the AFC to prevent an APNU defeat.


Shaitaan has been quite clear where he stands and both factions of the anti PPP group will begin their battle when President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo begin their administration.


I really don't care what Shaitaan thinks, once he isn't a PPP operative. His Indocentrocity is open and I much prefer that than those people like Jalil, HM_Redux, and Mitwah who are similarly Indocentric, but who hide it.

Originally Posted by redux:
. . . it doesn't matter


get it? smh!

I guess you are unaware of the influence that Guyanese in NYC have over their relatives in Guyana.


Interesting that on live feeds which I have heard over the weekend of the various speeches made by Granger and Nagamootoo, they appealed not only for financial support from Guyanese who live in the USA and Canada, but also that we call our friends and relatives in Guyana to get them to vote APNU AFC.


Yet you say that we are irrelevant.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

what i do know is what you post there; and frankly much of it lately is calculated, naked, racist demagoguery and beyond disgusting


Redux you do know that there are loads of blacks who worry that maybe Granger might give away the whole store to Nagamootoo if APNU AFC wins.


They know full well that to begin that fight now doesn't make sense, because they need the alliance with the AFC to prevent an APNU defeat.


Shaitaan has been quite clear where he stands and both factions of the anti PPP group will begin their battle when President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo begin their administration.


I really don't care what Shaitaan thinks, once he isn't a PPP operative. His Indocentrocity is open and I much prefer that than those people like Jalil, HM_Redux, and Mitwah who are similarly Indocentric, but who hide it.

i really don't know what all this has to do with my response to Shaitaan

Originally Posted by redux:

i really don't know what all this has to do with my response to Shaitaan

You don't know either.  You know what you are like.  A shop owner who refuses a customer to make a major purchase because they had a "buse out" the week before.


Shaitaan (who has influence among many RH people) is now signaling his support for the coalition, as well as his reasons for doing so.  Just take the support and quit whining that you don't like why he is offering it!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

what in gawd's name are u talking about?


who cares about shaitaan's "vote" whatever that is? and what's all this nonsense about "purity tests" and other pompous, delusional shyte being thrown around here?


getting a little carried away, no?


look klown, if Shaitaan or anyone else chooses to support the PPP and not the Coalition just because of harsh stuff some poster called Redux said, what does it say about the petulant individual and their convictions?


u guys are worse than naive

Shaitaan said he was going to vote APNU AFC.  Obviously you are not in marketing.  When a customers say "Yes I will buy, you stop selling and take the order".  You don't question why he changed his mind!


So why are you still arguing with him, or with me for that matter?  Go fight with cobra, yuji and the other PPP frauds who spend all day spreading lies.

dude, stop your delusional shit, neither of us three are "voting" in Guyana's elections


and even if we were . . . it doesn't matter


get it? smh!


I don't vote. You're correct. But Indian people who can support the Coalition or not support the PPP seem to value my opinion privately.


So I suppose I count a little. Without tooting my own horns, I was one of the principal legs that made ROAR a once formidable existential threat to the PPP. At one point various foreign governments (including the United States and India) conspired with ROAR against the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
. . . it doesn't matter


get it? smh!

I guess you are unaware of the influence that Guyanese in NYC have over their relatives in Guyana.


Interesting that on live feeds which I have heard over the weekend of the various speeches made by Granger and Nagamootoo, they appealed not only for financial support from Guyanese who live in the USA and Canada, but also that we call our friends and relatives in Guyana to get them to vote APNU AFC.


Yet you say that we are irrelevant.

dude, stop inventing stuff


Shaitaan and i have a disagreement . . . are u his lawyer?


give it a rest

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

what in gawd's name are u talking about?


who cares about shaitaan's "vote" whatever that is? and what's all this nonsense about "purity tests" and other pompous, delusional shyte being thrown around here?


getting a little carried away, no?


look klown, if Shaitaan or anyone else chooses to support the PPP and not the Coalition just because of harsh stuff some poster called Redux said, what does it say about the petulant individual and their convictions?


u guys are worse than naive

Shaitaan said he was going to vote APNU AFC.  Obviously you are not in marketing.  When a customers say "Yes I will buy, you stop selling and take the order".  You don't question why he changed his mind!


So why are you still arguing with him, or with me for that matter?  Go fight with cobra, yuji and the other PPP frauds who spend all day spreading lies.

dude, stop your delusional shit, neither of us three are "voting" in Guyana's elections


and even if we were . . . it doesn't matter


get it? smh!


I don't vote. You're correct. But Indian people who can support the Coalition or not support the PPP seem to value my opinion privately.


So I suppose I count a little. Without tooting my own horns, I was one of the principal legs that made ROAR a once formidable existential threat to the PPP. At one point the various foreign governments (including India) conspired with ROAR against the PPP.

i happen to believe that your activities on GNI since the coalition announced is one fully dedicated to preserving PPP rule in Guyana with lies and appalling racebaiting


the record is there . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

what in gawd's name are u talking about?


who cares about shaitaan's "vote" whatever that is? and what's all this nonsense about "purity tests" and other pompous, delusional shyte being thrown around here?


getting a little carried away, no?


look klown, if Shaitaan or anyone else chooses to support the PPP and not the Coalition just because of harsh stuff some poster called Redux said, what does it say about the petulant individual and their convictions?


u guys are worse than naive

Shaitaan said he was going to vote APNU AFC.  Obviously you are not in marketing.  When a customers say "Yes I will buy, you stop selling and take the order".  You don't question why he changed his mind!


So why are you still arguing with him, or with me for that matter?  Go fight with cobra, yuji and the other PPP frauds who spend all day spreading lies.

dude, stop your delusional shit, neither of us three are "voting" in Guyana's elections


and even if we were . . . it doesn't matter


get it? smh!


I don't vote. You're correct. But Indian people who can support the Coalition or not support the PPP seem to value my opinion privately.


So I suppose I count a little. Without tooting my own horns, I was one of the principal legs that made ROAR a once formidable existential threat to the PPP. At one point the various foreign governments (including India) conspired with ROAR against the PPP.

i happen to believe that your activities on GNI since the coalition announced is one fully dedicated to preserving PPP rule in Guyana with lies and appalling racebaiting


the record is there . . .


Well then you are wrong Sir. I was in favor of preserving PPP rule as a means to an end. The end being the dissolution of the authoritarian state and the ethnic balancing of the State apparatus before Indians inevitably lose their monopoly on elections. That is not gonna happen with the PPP. Ever! And I don't expect the PNC to do so either. I simply expect the PNC to perform better in Government in spite of the fact they will be Afrocentric in orientation. I don't think being pro-Black is anti-Indian. Which is why I happen to like Dr. Hinds. I can do business with a man like Hinds. He understands Guyana and he understands Indians more than 99% of Indians. And he takes us seriously. That's all.


If the PNC was extremely smart, they would ethnically balance the State and Indians would pretty much ignore whose in Government and no "Indian" party would ever arise in Guyana again. There would be no reason. We Indians could get on with our more important past times and long overdue business of our numerous civil wars over religion and class and skin color.


I don't racebait chap. That you think that PNC=Blackman and that racist Indos do as well is not my problem. I don't do PNC=Blackman. I am in no way opposed to Black people and their legitimate aspirations individually and as a people. You want Cobra. Not me. I have genuine concerns about rewarding the PNC for it's bad behavior. I really mean what I said and what I say now. If the PNC did not engage in vile and disgusting anti-Indian riots and the Buxton Insurgency against ordinary Indos (and Blacks as well in the case of Buxton), you couldn't book my flight fast enough to Guyana to preach the Gospel of David Granger.


I had some time to sit down with the PPP at the highest levels for a frank and open chat. I will keep their confidence. However, suffice to say I was not impressed (grotesque understatement). Actually, I left friggin mortified for all of us (Black, Indian, and Amerindian). My gentlemanly Brittanic inclinations prevent me from laying bare the full horror. Evidence my recent thread on the State of the PPP Re-Election Campaign. I wasn't being hysterical. I took pains to not offer specifics. Every word was carefully chosen.


Shaitaan, I've read your opening remarks in this thread. There is no doubt in my mind that you've written candidly and honestly. I am repeating here the part I like most, with a word of appreciation.

QUOTE: "This Coalition is the only thing that is on offer. So we must swallow it. We must swallow it and hope for the best knowing that it could turn out for the worst... Guyana will revert to a Black-dominated government (with some coolie VPs) because it that better than the status quo. Almost anything is better than the status quo.

"The Coalition will come to power on the strength of significant Indian money and other significant Indian support. I expect the PNC to act like a mature Government in office. Granger is not Corbin. Granger comes from the class of people who have always served Guyana best. We can gamble on him. We have nothing really to lose."

A good day to you, sir.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitaan, I've read your opening remarks in this thread. There is no doubt in my mind that you've written candidly and honestly. I am repeating here the part I like most, with a word of appreciation.

QUOTE: "This Coalition is the only thing that is on offer. So we must swallow it. We must swallow it and hope for the best knowing that it could turn out for the worst... Guyana will revert to a Black-dominated government (with some coolie VPs) because it that better than the status quo. Almost anything is better than the status quo.

"The Coalition will come to power on the strength of significant Indian money and other significant Indian support. I expect the PNC to act like a mature Government in office. Granger is not Corbin. Granger comes from the class of people who have always served Guyana best. We can gamble on him. We have nothing really to lose."



What Shaitaan is saying be prepared for Breadfruit Curry should the coalition wins.  And he is RIGHT, as always.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitaan, I've read your opening remarks in this thread. There is no doubt in my mind that you've written candidly and honestly. I am repeating here the part I like most, with a word of appreciation.

QUOTE: "This Coalition is the only thing that is on offer. So we must swallow it. We must swallow it and hope for the best knowing that it could turn out for the worst... Guyana will revert to a Black-dominated government (with some coolie VPs) because it that better than the status quo. Almost anything is better than the status quo.

"The Coalition will come to power on the strength of significant Indian money and other significant Indian support. I expect the PNC to act like a mature Government in office. Granger is not Corbin. Granger comes from the class of people who have always served Guyana best. We can gamble on him. We have nothing really to lose."

A good day to you, sir.

When the PPP read Shaitaan's comments pure panic set in.


Jagdeo begin screaming at FreeDUMB House for not getting their rigging strategy on stream.  He even told them that he DELIBERATELY brought in notorious riggers from the Burnham era to help them.  He told them "comrades, if we don't rig dis ting, we gun lose, and of we lose.....JAIL, because of that TRAITOR Nagamootoo".

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitaan, I've read your opening remarks in this thread. There is no doubt in my mind that you've written candidly and honestly. I am repeating here the part I like most, with a word of appreciation.

QUOTE: "This Coalition is the only thing that is on offer. So we must swallow it. We must swallow it and hope for the best knowing that it could turn out for the worst... Guyana will revert to a Black-dominated government (with some coolie VPs) because it that better than the status quo. Almost anything is better than the status quo.

"The Coalition will come to power on the strength of significant Indian money and other significant Indian support. I expect the PNC to act like a mature Government in office. Granger is not Corbin. Granger comes from the class of people who have always served Guyana best. We can gamble on him. We have nothing really to lose."

A good day to you, sir.


Good day to you too Sir.


I always strive to write honestly and candidly here (which is probably why I have few to no friends on GNI) .


The fact is that the PPP is not gonna change. They can't and they won't. So we have a stark choice. I mean really what could be "more" worse that the PNC will do that the PPP hasn't already done over the past 23 years?


1) Chase out approximately 100,000 Indians in 10 years?

2) Create a lawless Guyana where old Indian women get raped and murdered in the night?

3) Corrupt the law courts and fire magistrates who attempt to do their jobs?

4) Destroy the sugar industry?

5) Destroy the rice industry? Make rice farmers work for pennies on the earned dollar?

6) Steal 75 cents of every public works dollar?

7) Victimize Indians (and non Indians) for not supporting the Government?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
What Shaitaan is saying be prepared for Breadfruit Curry should the coalition wins.  And he is RIGHT, as always.


Nah, we doan need to worry about no Breadfruited Curries. The worst that can and probably will happen is that the majority of Government policies will be engineered to favor Blacks. The ordinary Indian may get katahar or may get katahar. Currently he gets katahar so if the PNC wins and he gets katahar again then he will at least be assured of katahar. I hope I'm being clear


My point chap is that the ordinary Indian may see some crumbs from the PNC table (like law and order). He ain't gettin any crumbs from the PPP table right now, so he ain't really gambling away anything.


"Abbe pon tap" doan even get you some katahar fuh eat. It gets you only no katahar which is katahar.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
What Shaitaan is saying be prepared for Breadfruit Curry should the coalition wins.  And he is RIGHT, as always.


Nah, we doan need to worry about no Breadfruited Curries. The worst that can and probably will happen is that the majority of Government policies will be engineered to favor Blacks. The ordinary Indian may get katahar or may get katahar. Currently he gets katahar so if the PNC wins and he gets katahar again then he will at least be assured of katahar. I hope I'm being clear


My point chap is that the ordinary Indian may see some crumbs from the PNC table (like law and order). He ain't gettin any crumbs from the PPP table right now, so he ain't really gambling away anything.


"Abbe pon tap" doan even get you some katahar fuh eat. It gets you only no katahar which is katahar.

Pon Tap a Punanai is all I want0;

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Shaitaan, I've read your opening remarks in this thread. There is no doubt in my mind that you've written candidly and honestly. I am repeating here the part I like most, with a word of appreciation.

QUOTE: "This Coalition is the only thing that is on offer. So we must swallow it. We must swallow it and hope for the best knowing that it could turn out for the worst... Guyana will revert to a Black-dominated government (with some coolie VPs) because it that better than the status quo. Almost anything is better than the status quo.

"The Coalition will come to power on the strength of significant Indian money and other significant Indian support. I expect the PNC to act like a mature Government in office. Granger is not Corbin. Granger comes from the class of people who have always served Guyana best. We can gamble on him. We have nothing really to lose."

A good day to you, sir.

When the PPP read Shaitaan's comments pure panic set in.


Jagdeo begin screaming at FreeDUMB House for not getting their rigging strategy on stream.  He even told them that he DELIBERATELY brought in notorious riggers from the Burnham era to help them.  He told them "comrades, if we don't rig dis ting, we gun lose, and of we lose.....JAIL, because of that TRAITOR Nagamootoo".


Well the PPP never liked or trusted me so I don't think any PPPites will be shocked at my postings.


The fact is the right of center Indians never liked the PPP and the PPP is not offering them anything to help save their asses this election beyond some "abbe pon tap" notion which no one really cares about save for a few old Indian men who still wanna punish Burnham for making things tough on us in the 70s and 80s.


You would be surprised to know that the right of center Indians are the Indians who view the PPP as the real enemy of Indian people not the PNC.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
What Shaitaan is saying be prepared for Breadfruit Curry should the coalition wins.  And he is RIGHT, as always.


Nah, we doan need to worry about no Breadfruited Curries. The worst that can and probably will happen is that the majority of Government policies will be engineered to favor Blacks. The ordinary Indian may get katahar or may get katahar. Currently he gets katahar so if the PNC wins and he gets katahar again then he will at least be assured of katahar. I hope I'm being clear


My point chap is that the ordinary Indian may see some crumbs from the PNC table (like law and order). He ain't gettin any crumbs from the PPP table right now, so he ain't really gambling away anything.


"Abbe pon tap" doan even get you some katahar fuh eat. It gets you only no katahar which is katahar.

Pon Tap a Punanai is all I want0;


Kwame doan have no punanai chap. Duh is BT

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
What Shaitaan is saying be prepared for Breadfruit Curry should the coalition wins.  And he is RIGHT, as always.


Nah, we doan need to worry about no Breadfruited Curries. The worst that can and probably will happen is that the majority of Government policies will be engineered to favor Blacks. The ordinary Indian may get katahar or may get katahar. Currently he gets katahar so if the PNC wins and he gets katahar again then he will at least be assured of katahar. I hope I'm being clear


My point chap is that the ordinary Indian may see some crumbs from the PNC table (like law and order). He ain't gettin any crumbs from the PPP table right now, so he ain't really gambling away anything.


"Abbe pon tap" doan even get you some katahar fuh eat. It gets you only no katahar which is katahar.

Pon Tap a Punanai is all I want0;


Kwame doan have no punanai chap. Duh is BT

Yuh and Yuh Padna go dat way NOt Jack Hammer Uncle Nehru. Like yuh want meh mek yuh squeal OINK OINK!!!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
What Shaitaan is saying be prepared for Breadfruit Curry should the coalition wins.  And he is RIGHT, as always.


Nah, we doan need to worry about no Breadfruited Curries. The worst that can and probably will happen is that the majority of Government policies will be engineered to favor Blacks. The ordinary Indian may get katahar or may get katahar. Currently he gets katahar so if the PNC wins and he gets katahar again then he will at least be assured of katahar. I hope I'm being clear


My point chap is that the ordinary Indian may see some crumbs from the PNC table (like law and order). He ain't gettin any crumbs from the PPP table right now, so he ain't really gambling away anything.


"Abbe pon tap" doan even get you some katahar fuh eat. It gets you only no katahar which is katahar.

Pon Tap a Punanai is all I want0;


Kwame doan have no punanai chap. Duh is BT

MOST OF TIME he so drunk he never know the difference 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
What Shaitaan is saying be prepared for Breadfruit Curry should the coalition wins.  And he is RIGHT, as always.


Nah, we doan need to worry about no Breadfruited Curries. The worst that can and probably will happen is that the majority of Government policies will be engineered to favor Blacks. The ordinary Indian may get katahar or may get katahar. Currently he gets katahar so if the PNC wins and he gets katahar again then he will at least be assured of katahar. I hope I'm being clear


My point chap is that the ordinary Indian may see some crumbs from the PNC table (like law and order). He ain't gettin any crumbs from the PPP table right now, so he ain't really gambling away anything.


"Abbe pon tap" doan even get you some katahar fuh eat. It gets you only no katahar which is katahar.

Pon Tap a Punanai is all I want0;


Kwame doan have no punanai chap. Duh is BT

MOST OF TIME he so drunk he never know the difference 

Oh Rass wan ada Batty Boy show up. Come to Uncle Jack Hammer Nehru leh he mek yuh squeal OINK OINK!!!!


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