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Gov’t vows to build tower at Plaisance

April 6, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

-    Luncheon says administration bewildered by protests


The government is now bent on returning to the very spot in Plaisance, East Coast Demerara, where protests by residents forced workers to abandon the setting up of a telecommunications tower. Protests by the residents had forced the Chinese company Huawei off the community’s playground. The hole which was dug by the workers to set up the tower has been refilled by the residents, but yesterday the government said it intends to dig another hole at that very spot.

Government is bent on using the Plaisance Community Centre ground to set up the telecommunications tower.

“Government will not allow this project to be hijacked and to be treated so irresponsibly,” the government’s main spokesperson, Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon said yesterday. Senior officials of the government had earlier indicated that after protests by residents of Plaisance, the setting up of the e-governance tower would be shifted to another location. This was indicated by the head of the project, Alexei Ramotar. His comments came after a protest by residents. However, Luncheon, speaking at a news conference, indicated that the government wants to resolve the problem, but resolving the problem does not mean shifting locations. “The e-governance team would be seeking to resolve the matter…I don’t believe I could contemplate another site identified as resolving the matter. Our intention in having the matter resolved is to have the matter resolved as planned,” Luncheon stated. “If this matter is resolved to our mutual satisfaction, we’ll have a new hole dug,” he added. That decision was taken Thursday when President Donald Ramotar met with his government ministers during the weekly Cabinet meeting. Through the e-governance project, towers have to set up from Moleson Creek to Charity. One of the locations was Plaisance, and in the area used as a community centre and playfield. Dr Luncheon said the government was at a loss over the reason for the protest. He stated that all the necessary permission was sought and granted by the authorities of the village. However, he could not say if the government gained permission from the elected representatives or from the interim management committee which was appointed by the government itself. Alexei Ramotar had told Kaieteur News that his team would be seeking an alternative site for the tower. He had said that the decision to site the tower at Plaisance had many considerations, one of them being the decision to supply the community with a wireless service, since Plaisance would have been one of the hotspots for the e-governance programme. The e-governance project is one that is expected to facilitate the linking of Government’s fibre optic cable that has been laid from Lethem to Linden, to the coastline, to enable internet access. As a result, 55 towers have to be constructed in Regions Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Nine and 10. Luncheon said that the first tower for Region Four is what was being set up at Plaisance, until protests by the community halted works. The ground at Plaisance allows for fundraising activities and shows and also caters for school sports and a number of recreational activities for both the young and old. The residents had said they have been honestly utilising and caring the facility ever since it was handed over to them in the 1960s.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Really, is that why you committed genocide in the 60's and why the Buxton FF's slaughtered so many mostly Indians in the 2000's.  Wow, I didn't realize this tower was an issue all this time.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Really, is that why you committed genocide in the 60's and why the Buxton FF's slaughtered so many mostly Indians in the 2000's.  Wow, I didn't realize this tower was an issue all this time.

bai u give me too much credit . . . I was wan lil lil bai in "the 60's"; but, if you're referring to the phantom "genocide" cooked up in the TRULY EVIL propaganda corner of the PPP's dark arts dept., i guess that's cool


now, weren't u taking a 'victory lap' on the other thread (a couple of days ago) regarding the compassionate PPP's handling of this matter . . . hmmm?


I guess your orders ARE your orders . . . keep stuffing yuh pockets with the stolen money bai


The PPP must have forgotten about peoples power. The residents of Plaisance must hold their Fort and demobilize the PPP. Roger Luncheon is an old man, he should start thinking about the after life. Unless he had planned all along to join the Jagans in HELL.


Cronysm MUST END.


Dr Luncheon said the government was at a loss over the reason for the protest.


Is he for real? Did they speak to the residents and not listened to their concerns. He  reminds me of the house N1gger (Stephen)  in the movie Django Unchained.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Really, is that why you committed genocide in the 60's and why the Buxton FF's slaughtered so many mostly Indians in the 2000's.  Wow, I didn't realize this tower was an issue all this time.

That's because you have your racist head too far up your poop chute.

April 6, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 


Gerry got a problem wid de budget. All of a sudden he see a big flaw. De budget ain’t got nuff things fuh tourism. Nuff people find fault wid de budget but Gerry didn’t see nutten wrang till he notice that he hotel ain’t get no tax break and he still got to pay VAT.
Now everybody does think bout demself. Gerry now notice that he ain’t getting nutten extra this year suh he criticize de budget. He ain’t get nutten to put in he pocket.
But while he grumbling Luncheon showing that he is a bully. De Plaisance people seh that dem don’t want no tower pun dem playground. The very government people who building de tower decide to back off, but not Luncheon. He announce that de tower gun build right pun de playground because he seh suh.
Dem boys know that is a big quarrel gun start and everybody gun join in, which is just wha Luncheon want. He want de confusion, because it gun distract people from de real issue. Jagdeo share out de radio frequency to he friend and family and Luncheon didn’t got shame. He seh that de sharing out ain’t nutten, that all people gun remember is that radio free-up.
But people ain’t tekking that. Dem was de same people who hear when Luncheon seh that anybody who want can get one, but dem boys want to see what is right. But Luncheon creating de distraction. Once people rowing and fighting over tower in a playground, dem ain’t got time to look at de real issue. Luncheon is a smart man, but he gun get outsmart.
But dem boys seh that dem got something else. Luncheon want to show Alexei and Walter de Wicked that he is de boss. Dem two done shut down de project, but Luncheon determine that wha he seh is de law. He telling de world that dem two ain’t got no real say.
Talk half and don’t let Luncheon distract you.


The PPP has a bunch of unconscionable ppl. I am surprise at Luncheoan and Hinds. Is like kuli PPP ppl obeah dem-dem meking some really stupid decisions.


Next election, I can see it from now-is goan be war. The PPP provoking ppl in the hinterlands and now on the East Coast, Demerara.


i hope roger lunchon not only bully them but also slap some of them the black people of guyana who is not house slave to this lowlife ppp government the rest turn sheep the black people need a new party or elected mark benchop as their leader the days for talking is over heck a saint will get piss off with this ppp government


"However, Luncheon, speaking at a news conference, indicated that the government wants to resolve the problem, but resolving the problem does not mean shifting locations. “The e-governance team would be seeking to resolve the matter…I don’t believe I could contemplate another site identified as resolving the matter. "



Sayyyyy what?


In other words, "screw you all hard working "populace" what I say goes"


If the afc/pnc rabble rousers spearheading this protest want to deny the people of Plaisance the opportunity for a wireless hotspot and the residents don't come out in support of govt then so be it. Govt should bypass them and move the hotspot to another village. ahhahha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If the afc/pnc rabble rousers spearheading this protest want to deny the people of Plaisance the opportunity for a wireless hotspot and the residents don't come out in support of govt then so be it. Govt should bypass them and move the hotspot to another village. ahhahha

this is the antiman hyena thinking that will lead Guyana over a cliff


but, abee pan tap . . . nah suh bai?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If the afc/pnc rabble rousers spearheading this protest want to deny the people of Plaisance the opportunity for a wireless hotspot and the residents don't come out in support of govt then so be it. Govt should bypass them and move the hotspot to another village. ahhahha

the whole e government scheme is a ppp enrichment scheme. They are set to use the nations assets to enrich themselves. Alexi Ramotar and Vishal persaud stand to make a killing on the backs of Guyanese. This is their leech opportunity at the states expense.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If the afc/pnc rabble rousers spearheading this protest want to deny the people of Plaisance the opportunity for a wireless hotspot and the residents don't come out in support of govt then so be it. Govt should bypass them and move the hotspot to another village. ahhahha

the whole e government scheme is a ppp enrichment scheme. They are set to use the nations assets to enrich themselves. Alexi Ramotar and Vishal persaud stand to make a killing on the backs of Guyanese. This is their leech opportunity at the states expense.

Yuh right, who needs Technology when we have Cassava Bread, Donkey Cart, Jug Lamp, TElegram and coals.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If the afc/pnc rabble rousers spearheading this protest want to deny the people of Plaisance the opportunity for a wireless hotspot and the residents don't come out in support of govt then so be it. Govt should bypass them and move the hotspot to another village. ahhahha

the whole e government scheme is a ppp enrichment scheme. They are set to use the nations assets to enrich themselves. Alexi Ramotar and Vishal persaud stand to make a killing on the backs of Guyanese. This is their leech opportunity at the states expense.

Yuh right, who needs Technology when we have Cassava Bread, Donkey Cart, Jug Lamp, TElegram and coals.

 Where in the above did you get a sense I was adverse to technology? Let me reiterate, those crooks are using the nations assets to implant their kith and kin on every  economic niche in the society. The above  is an example.


And  what do you know about technology any kind, that I do not? You are an ass and I am sure you do not know how the text on your screen is generated. If you do, tell me so I can inform you how stupid you are. Barring someone with tech sense helping you there is no damn way you can tell me how a computer represents a word.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If the afc/pnc rabble rousers spearheading this protest want to deny the people of Plaisance the opportunity for a wireless hotspot and the residents don't come out in support of govt then so be it. Govt should bypass them and move the hotspot to another village. ahhahha

the whole e government scheme is a ppp enrichment scheme. They are set to use the nations assets to enrich themselves. Alexi Ramotar and Vishal persaud stand to make a killing on the backs of Guyanese. This is their leech opportunity at the states expense.

Yuh right, who needs Technology when we have Cassava Bread, Donkey Cart, Jug Lamp, TElegram and coals.

 Where in the above did you get a sense I was adverse to technology? Let me reiterate, those crooks are using the nations assets to implant their kith and kin on every  economic niche in the society. The above  is an example.


And  what do you know about technology any kind, that I do not? You are an ass and I am sure you do not know how the text on your screen is generated. If you do, tell me so I can inform you how stupid you are. Barring someone with tech sense helping you there is no damn way you can tell me how a computer represents a word.

I forgot your favorite IWARI.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If the afc/pnc rabble rousers spearheading this protest want to deny the people of Plaisance the opportunity for a wireless hotspot and the residents don't come out in support of govt then so be it. Govt should bypass them and move the hotspot to another village. ahhahha

the whole e government scheme is a ppp enrichment scheme. They are set to use the nations assets to enrich themselves. Alexi Ramotar and Vishal persaud stand to make a killing on the backs of Guyanese. This is their leech opportunity at the states expense.

Yuh right, who needs Technology when we have Cassava Bread, Donkey Cart, Jug Lamp, TElegram and coals.

 Where in the above did you get a sense I was adverse to technology? Let me reiterate, those crooks are using the nations assets to implant their kith and kin on every  economic niche in the society. The above  is an example.


And  what do you know about technology any kind, that I do not? You are an ass and I am sure you do not know how the text on your screen is generated. If you do, tell me so I can inform you how stupid you are. Barring someone with tech sense helping you there is no damn way you can tell me how a computer represents a word.

I forgot your favorite IWARI.

Just making a point that the world is  prolific with fools like you using terms and pretending knowledge of it and are as daft as a bat on the matter when asked to explain. You to technology is as an ass to classical music.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If the afc/pnc rabble rousers spearheading this protest want to deny the people of Plaisance the opportunity for a wireless hotspot and the residents don't come out in support of govt then so be it. Govt should bypass them and move the hotspot to another village. ahhahha

the whole e government scheme is a ppp enrichment scheme. They are set to use the nations assets to enrich themselves. Alexi Ramotar and Vishal persaud stand to make a killing on the backs of Guyanese. This is their leech opportunity at the states expense.

Yuh right, who needs Technology when we have Cassava Bread, Donkey Cart, Jug Lamp, TElegram and coals.

 Where in the above did you get a sense I was adverse to technology? Let me reiterate, those crooks are using the nations assets to implant their kith and kin on every  economic niche in the society. The above  is an example.


And  what do you know about technology any kind, that I do not? You are an ass and I am sure you do not know how the text on your screen is generated. If you do, tell me so I can inform you how stupid you are. Barring someone with tech sense helping you there is no damn way you can tell me how a computer represents a word.

I forgot your favorite IWARI.

Just making a point that the world is  prolific with fools like you using terms and pretending knowledge of it and are as daft as a bat on the matter when asked to explain. You to technology is as an ass to classical music.

You gat to be knocking some PIWARI right now or yuh baan Stupid.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

You gat to be knocking some PIWARI right now or yuh baan Stupid.



the convenient retreat of an ass. You have no place to go so you took to cover in the bushes of ignorant prejudicial bullshit as if that will help you!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That boy d2 is only averse to technology if the ppp is the ones spearheading it. He wants Guyana to be backwards forever. 

I am all for technology. I am against Marcos and Suharto's model of nation building. I use to  think that at Suharto's audacity of turning over the road to the national airport to his daughter was among the most depraved corrupt act of national theft. But then we have this; a deprave implantation of siblings of party fat cats  on the national communication system built at the state's expense

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That boy d2 is only averse to technology if the ppp is the ones spearheading it. He wants Guyana to be backwards forever. 

I am all for technology. I am against Marcos and Suharto's model of nation building. I use to  think that at Suharto's audacity of turning over the road to the national airport to his daughter was among the most depraved corrupt act of national theft. But then we have this; a deprave implantation of siblings of party fat cats  on the national communication system built at the state's expense

Anyone who get a contract from the procurement process in Guyana is immediately labelled a fat cat and crony of the pPP. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That boy d2 is only averse to technology if the ppp is the ones spearheading it. He wants Guyana to be backwards forever. 

I am all for technology. I am against Marcos and Suharto's model of nation building. I use to  think that at Suharto's audacity of turning over the road to the national airport to his daughter was among the most depraved corrupt act of national theft. But then we have this; a deprave implantation of siblings of party fat cats  on the national communication system built at the state's expense

Anyone who get a contract from the procurement process in Guyana is immediately labelled a fat cat and crony of the pPP. 

 A fat cat is a fat Jabba the Hutt Ramorat and the old leech that just kicked the bucket.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That boy d2 is only averse to technology if the ppp is the ones spearheading it. He wants Guyana to be backwards forever. 

I am all for technology. I am against Marcos and Suharto's model of nation building. I use to  think that at Suharto's audacity of turning over the road to the national airport to his daughter was among the most depraved corrupt act of national theft. But then we have this; a deprave implantation of siblings of party fat cats  on the national communication system built at the state's expense

Anyone who get a contract from the procurement process in Guyana is immediately labelled a fat cat and crony of the pPP. 

 A fat cat is a fat Jabba the Hutt Ramorat and the old leech that just kicked the bucket.

Fat cats are usually defined by magga daggs.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 A fat cat is a fat Jabba the Hutt Ramorat and the old leech that just kicked the bucket.

Pandit Reepu was a fat cat? At least give a few days before berating the dead.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


Yes, more cancer. 

This is a myth, do you have cancer? You are surrounded with more electrical fields the the people in Plaisance and yet you are alive. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That boy d2 is only averse to technology if the ppp is the ones spearheading it. He wants Guyana to be backwards forever. 

And I note that Chinese workers were being used.  With all of the unemployment in Plaisance why cant they have been used?


It is noted that the govt refuses to release data on unemployment, which others estimate at over 15%.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That boy d2 is only averse to technology if the ppp is the ones spearheading it. He wants Guyana to be backwards forever. 

I am all for technology. I am against Marcos and Suharto's model of nation building. I use to  think that at Suharto's audacity of turning over the road to the national airport to his daughter was among the most depraved corrupt act of national theft. But then we have this; a deprave implantation of siblings of party fat cats  on the national communication system built at the state's expense

Anyone who get a contract from the procurement process in Guyana is immediately labelled a fat cat and crony of the pPP. 

 A fat cat is a fat Jabba the Hutt Ramorat and the old leech that just kicked the bucket.

Karma will catch up with you Storm. Ask Nigel.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That boy d2 is only averse to technology if the ppp is the ones spearheading it. He wants Guyana to be backwards forever. 

And I note that Chinese workers were being used.  With all of the unemployment in Plaisance why cant they have been used?


It is noted that the govt refuses to release data on unemployment, which others estimate at over 15%.

If you take a trip to Guyana you will see for yourself, those who claim unemployment are liars. If Brazilians and Surinamese are now flocking to Guyana for work then the people in Plaisance who claim to be unemployed are either lying or are now willing to travel to the city or interior for work. 


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