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and her statement.................Comedy at best...


Jaya Speaks...Following revelations in Court documents that she attempted to secure a settlement from the Speaker of the National Assembly on behalf of Johnny Welshman in the sex abuse allegations, Attorney at Law Jaya Manickchand has issued a statement on her Facebook page detailing her involvement in the matter. See her FB post below:

"Let me state clearly for the benefit of the persons who have been contacting me: I was never RETAINED by Johnny Welshman in the ongoing matter with allegations against Raphel Trotman. I am not retained by him and I do not ( present tense) represent Mr. Welshman.

Welshman tried making contact with me on Friday 19th September, 2014 in the afternoon by visiting my Chambers. I was out of Chambers at the time he visited. I subsequently returned a telephone call to Welshman, where he disclosed certain information to me. At the time, Welshman spoke with me on Friday, 19th September, 2014, he told me had had made a report at the CID. I never confirmed this information but I believed it to be true then as I do now.

I told Johnny Welshman that the proper Attorney-at-Law to address complaints of a criminal nature ,is the DPP and he should seek Counsel with the DPP Chambers.

Based on certain information from Mr. Welshman, I offered to speak with Raphel Trotman to mediate between the parties and if a likely "settlement" could have been met then I would have considered facilitating that settlement. I thought it best to have Raphel deal with this matter privately because he has young daughters and I know allegations like the ones being made, can be hurtful to anyone, much less young girls. 

I sent Raphel sms messages regarding Johnny Welshman and he subsequently returned a telephone call later that night. Raphel and I had one telephone conversation regarding this entire matter. Based on that telephone conversation. I formed the opinion that there was no way I could have assisted and recused my self from the entire matter. This information was communicated with Johnny Welshman via telephone. I have not met Johnny Welshman in person to date, save and except when he consulted with me at the Children's legal aid clinic a few years ago.

If the media or anyone said that I gave Raphel a heads up regarding this matter, that would be accurate and further, that heads up may have also allowed him to disclose this information to his family, to prepare them for the serious allegations which were about to hit the media.

I have chosen not to disclose the content of conversations with Jhonny Welshman or with Raphel Trotman. Raphel is a colleague of mine and I will still extend him that courtesy, whilst Johnny's conversation, I believe is privileged.

Let me state clearly for the benefit of the press and people who just cannotseem to read. "I am not RETAINED" means that there is no contract between me and Johnny Welshman for me to provide legal services to him.

I DO NOT REPRESENT JOHNNY WELSHMAN ( is present tense) at the time I spoke with Gordon Mosley and Stabroek News Reporter ( the only two reporters I gave statements to) which was approximately 11: 30 am on Sunday, 21st September, 2014. I had completely recused myself from the matter because, as stated earlier, I could not provide assistance in the matter and so there was nothing incorrect in that statement.

Further, let me state clearly, I never denied speaking or contacting Raphel, I just gave "no comment" to the question posed by the Stabroek News Reporter whether I had made contact with Raphel Trotman

Now, for whatever motive it is of Trotman's to disclose my text to him, it only supports what I have said in relation to my involvement in this matter. How I wish persons can extend themselves to be objective and really read and understand.
It appears however, that certain sections of the Media and certain persons wish to throw their support behind Raphel Trotman and make the FACTS related to my involvement something sinister.

Now ,let me give my opinion on the matter: I do not know whether Raphel Trotman sexually assaulted or buggered Johnny Welshman. If the allegation is false, then Johnny is one sick person and deserves urgent medical attention because this is seriously damaging to Raphel's reputation, amongst other things. BUT, if Welshman is telling the truth, doesn't he deserve the opportunity to be heard fairly without Trotman's political interference and that of his friends? Give the justice system an opportunity to work.

Further Johnny Welshman is entitled to retain a lawyer of his choice and that Lawyer is free to enter into contractual relation with him to provide legal representation, regardless if that lawyer is myself or any other lawyer who represents him. 

Raphel, the AFC and his Media friends are attempting to distract this very serious issue by making me a highlighted issue in their so called defence

Using Manickchand to broker a deal with Trotman was all part of the PPP's diabolical plan to ruin Trotman. If he had paid the settlement with the promise of keeping the story a secret, that would have been the end of him. This is Guyana and sooner or later, the story would have came out. The PPP twist would be that Trotman paid off Welshman to remain silent knowing that he was guilty of the crime.


The young man story seems very far fetched, accusing his father, his uncle and Trotman of raping him at the same time.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:



Jaya Speaks...Following revelations in Court documents that she attempted to secure a settlement from the Speaker of the National Assembly on behalf of Johnny Welshman in the sex abuse allegations, Attorney at Law Jaya Manickchand has issued a statement on her Facebook page detailing her involvement in the matter. See her FB post below:

"Let me state clearly for the benefit of the persons who have been contacting me: I was never RETAINED by Johnny Welshman in the ongoing matter with allegations against Raphel Trotman. I am not retained by him and I do not ( present tense) represent Mr. Welshman.

Welshman tried making contact with me on Friday 19th September, 2014 in the afternoon by visiting my Chambers. I was out of Chambers at the time he visited. I subsequently returned a telephone call to Welshman, where he disclosed certain information to me. At the time, Welshman spoke with me on Friday, 19th September, 2014, he told me had had made a report at the CID. I never confirmed this information but I believed it to be true then as I do now.

I told Johnny Welshman that the proper Attorney-at-Law to address complaints of a criminal nature ,is the DPP and he should seek Counsel with the DPP Chambers.

Based on certain information from Mr. Welshman, I offered to speak with Raphel Trotman to mediate between the parties and if a likely "settlement" could have been met then I would have considered facilitating that settlement. I thought it best to have Raphel deal with this matter privately because he has young daughters and I know allegations like the ones being made, can be hurtful to anyone, much less young girls. 

I sent Raphel sms messages regarding Johnny Welshman and he subsequently returned a telephone call later that night. Raphel and I had one telephone conversation regarding this entire matter. Based on that telephone conversation. I formed the opinion that there was no way I could have assisted and recused my self from the entire matter. This information was communicated with Johnny Welshman via telephone. I have not met Johnny Welshman in person to date, save and except when he consulted with me at the Children's legal aid clinic a few years ago.

If the media or anyone said that I gave Raphel a heads up regarding this matter, that would be accurate and further, that heads up may have also allowed him to disclose this information to his family, to prepare them for the serious allegations which were about to hit the media.

I have chosen not to disclose the content of conversations with Jhonny Welshman or with Raphel Trotman. Raphel is a colleague of mine and I will still extend him that courtesy, whilst Johnny's conversation, I believe is privileged.

Let me state clearly for the benefit of the press and people who just cannotseem to read. "I am not RETAINED" means that there is no contract between me and Johnny Welshman for me to provide legal services to him.

I DO NOT REPRESENT JOHNNY WELSHMAN ( is present tense) at the time I spoke with Gordon Mosley and Stabroek News Reporter ( the only two reporters I gave statements to) which was approximately 11: 30 am on Sunday, 21st September, 2014. I had completely recused myself from the matter because, as stated earlier, I could not provide assistance in the matter and so there was nothing incorrect in that statement.

Further, let me state clearly, I never denied speaking or contacting Raphel, I just gave "no comment" to the question posed by the Stabroek News Reporter whether I had made contact with Raphel Trotman

Now, for whatever motive it is of Trotman's to disclose my text to him, it only supports what I have said in relation to my involvement in this matter. How I wish persons can extend themselves to be objective and really read and understand.
It appears however, that certain sections of the Media and certain persons wish to throw their support behind Raphel Trotman and make the FACTS related to my involvement something sinister.

Now ,let me give my opinion on the matter: I do not know whether Raphel Trotman sexually assaulted or buggered Johnny Welshman. If the allegation is false, then Johnny is one sick person and deserves urgent medical attention because this is seriously damaging to Raphel's reputation, amongst other things. BUT, if Welshman is telling the truth, doesn't he deserve the opportunity to be heard fairly without Trotman's political interference and that of his friends? Give the justice system an opportunity to work.

Further Johnny Welshman is entitled to retain a lawyer of his choice and that Lawyer is free to enter into contractual relation with him to provide legal representation, regardless if that lawyer is myself or any other lawyer who represents him. 

Raphel, the AFC and his Media friends are attempting to distract this very serious issue by making me a highlighted issue in their so called defence



Last edited by Former Member
Home > TOP STORY > PM denies Administration played any part in allegations against Speaker
PM denies Administration played any part in allegations against Speaker
22-year-old Jonny Welshman Jr. with a copy of the job recommendation he allegedly received from House Speaker, Mr. Raphael Trotman (Photo courtesy Guyana Times)

PM denies Administration played any part in allegations against Speaker


- Trotman allegedly offered $1.7M to young man who accused him of sexual assault

SPEAKER of the National Assembly, Mr. Raphael Trotman, has allegedly offered a settlement of $1.7M to a young man, who has levelled allegations of sexual assault.This was according to the young man, 22-year-old Jonny Welshman Jr., who first made the disclosure of assault on the popular social media site, Facebook.
Trotman has since denied the claims, adding that the allegations have seemingly stemmed from a political plot.
Acting President and Prime Minister, Mr. Samuel Hinds, in an invited comment, rejected the assertions of a political ploy by the ruling party. “I know of us doing no such things,” he stressed.
According to media reports, published earlier this week, the young man has been subject to abuse from age 13 and his father is aware of the assault, but provided him no support. This, he stated, led to him not speaking up about the incident. Further, he adds that the House Speaker later offered to support him in his search for employment, furnishing him with a letter of recommendation. However, he noted that the one promising opportunity, at the Pegasus Hotel, fell through. The Hotel is owned by Mr. Robert Badal, a reported major financier of Trotman’s party, the Alliance For Change (AFC).
The young man adds that he has been receiving medical attention, in the form of counselling. He is represented by Attorney-at-Law, Ms. Jaya Manickchand, and the police are also involved in the matter.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

Yuji, I would say that we give Trotty his due process. Not because an unstable person makes an accusation means he is guilty. I know the other side always call for expulsion and resignation. It's easy to blow hot air out one's mouth. Let's be patient and see what happens. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

This has PPP skullduggery written all over it. Why hasn't the PPP launched an impartial and independent inquiry into the matter yet?


Why was manickchand seeking to extort money from Trotman?

Priya and Jaya are 2 separate people. Has nothing to do with the PPP. It's easy to make allegations; it's difficult to prove it in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

Yuji, I would say that we give Trotty his due process. Not because an unstable person makes an accusation means he is guilty. I know the other side always call for expulsion and resignation. It's easy to blow hot air out one's mouth. Let's be patient and see what happens. 




Be careful here. It was Trotman's statement that called this man unstable.


Trotman quickly moved to the courts to have an injunction against this young man.


The young man must also have due process.


Had this happened in America and Canada, he would have had to resign pending an impartial investigation.


I support a full and impartial investigation regarding this matter.



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

This has PPP skullduggery written all over it. Why hasn't the PPP launched an impartial and independent inquiry into the matter yet?


Why was manickchand seeking to extort money from Trotman?

Priya and Jaya are 2 separate people. Has nothing to do with the PPP. It's easy to make allegations; it's difficult to prove it in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt.

Manickchand was and is the PPP, She was the PPP's representative to GECOM she is the sister of a current Minister and her husband is a recipient of broadcast licenses from Jagdeo. What bullshit are you telling us here today?


There is no more PPP than Manickchand and she apparently has that bitter, nasty PPP DNA. What else you want?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

This has PPP skullduggery written all over it. Why hasn't the PPP launched an impartial and independent inquiry into the matter yet?


Why was manickchand seeking to extort money from Trotman?

Priya and Jaya are 2 separate people. Has nothing to do with the PPP. It's easy to make allegations; it's difficult to prove it in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt.




Do not trust these rotten and dirty people in the AFC and PNC.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

This has PPP skullduggery written all over it. Why hasn't the PPP launched an impartial and independent inquiry into the matter yet?


Why was manickchand seeking to extort money from Trotman?

Priya and Jaya are 2 separate people. Has nothing to do with the PPP. It's easy to make allegations; it's difficult to prove it in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt.

Manickchand was and is the PPP, She was the PPP's representative to GECOM she is the sister of a current Minister and her husband is a recipient of broadcast licenses from Jagdeo. What bullshit are you telling us here today?


There is no more PPP than Manickchand and she apparently has that bitter, nasty PPP DNA. What else you want?

You are all hot air. You have no veriable proof to support your allegations and innuendos.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

This has PPP skullduggery written all over it. Why hasn't the PPP launched an impartial and independent inquiry into the matter yet?


Why was manickchand seeking to extort money from Trotman?

Priya and Jaya are 2 separate people. Has nothing to do with the PPP. It's easy to make allegations; it's difficult to prove it in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt.




Do not trust these rotten and dirty people in the AFC and PNC.

Bhai, Leave them to shoot themselves in the foot. It is something SHAMELESS People tale pleasure in doing.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

Yuji, I would say that we give Trotty his due process. Not because an unstable person makes an accusation means he is guilty. I know the other side always call for expulsion and resignation. It's easy to blow hot air out one's mouth. Let's be patient and see what happens. 




Be careful here. It was Trotman's statement that called this man unstable.


Trotman quickly moved to the courts to have an injunction against this young man.


The young man must also have due process.


Had this happened in America and Canada, he would have had to resign pending an impartial investigation.


I support a full and impartial investigation regarding this matter.



You should have called for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's resignation while police were investigating the crack and cocaine tapes. You're misleading Guyanese as usual.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

Yuji, I would say that we give Trotty his due process. Not because an unstable person makes an accusation means he is guilty. I know the other side always call for expulsion and resignation. It's easy to blow hot air out one's mouth. Let's be patient and see what happens. 




Be careful here. It was Trotman's statement that called this man unstable.


Trotman quickly moved to the courts to have an injunction against this young man.


The young man must also have due process.


Had this happened in America and Canada, he would have had to resign pending an impartial investigation.


I support a full and impartial investigation regarding this matter.



You should have called for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's resignation while police were investigating the crack and cocaine tapes. You're misleading Guyanese as usual.


Mayor Rob Ford was NEVER involved in any sexual assault allegations.


Apples and Oranges.


You are losing it Gil, please try again.


Same thing here what nonsense are you talking about here Fookeetutu.


Ford was accused of committing a crime actually it was on video tape and Trotman is being accused by Lil Johnny of committing a crime.


Same thing, but of course you have selective crime enforcement and resignation calling capabilities. You have that special PPP DNA that only sees crimes outside of the PPP. Where were you to call on Kwame, Kellawan, rohee and others to resign for allegations made against dem?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Same thing here what nonsense are you talking about here Fookeetutu.


Ford was accused of committing a crime actually it was on video tape and Trotman is being accused by Lil Johnny of committing a crime.


Same thing, but of course you have selective crime enforcement and resignation calling capabilities. You have that special PPP DNA that only sees crimes outside of the PPP. Where were you to call on Kwame, Kellawan, rohee and others to resign for allegations made against dem?

Are you not guilty of this too?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Same thing here what nonsense are you talking about here Fookeetutu.


Ford was accused of committing a crime actually it was on video tape and Trotman is being accused by Lil Johnny of committing a crime.


Same thing, but of course you have selective crime enforcement and resignation calling capabilities. You have that special PPP DNA that only sees crimes outside of the PPP. Where were you to call on Kwame, Kellawan, rohee and others to resign for allegations made against dem?


I repeat,


Mayor Rob Ford was NEVER involved in any sexual assault allegations.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

Yuji, I would say that we give Trotty his due process. Not because an unstable person makes an accusation means he is guilty. I know the other side always call for expulsion and resignation. It's easy to blow hot air out one's mouth. Let's be patient and see what happens. 




Be careful here. It was Trotman's statement that called this man unstable.


Trotman quickly moved to the courts to have an injunction against this young man.


The young man must also have due process.


Had this happened in America and Canada, he would have had to resign pending an impartial investigation.


I support a full and impartial investigation regarding this matter.



You should have called for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's resignation while police were investigating the crack and cocaine tapes. You're misleading Guyanese as usual.

Gilbakka, please do not dignify the hollow, ignorant bleatings of klown ugee


there was a prima facie case against Rob Ford because of the videos, just like there was a prima facie case against Kwame McCoy because of the "julius" tapes


in Raphael Trotman's case, we have the bare statement of a young man alleging that something happened to him 9 years ago


the ABSURD implications of Trotman having to "resign pending an impartial investigation" based on THIS is beyond the capabilities of braying donkeys like the twice-born "mansion" dweller honing his klown routine on GNI

Last edited by Former Member

"DPP's Chambers Press Statement

Based on a telephone call from Ms. Svetlana Marshall, a reporter from the Guyana Times Newspaper during the morning hours of Wednesday 24th September,2O!4, for verification on whether the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mrs. Shalimar Ali-Hack had engaged in a conversation with one Mr. Welchman on Sunday 21st September,2Ot4 and during which time she purportedly gave him assurances that shewill provide protection for him, the DPP wishes to state this is not so.

The Director of Public Prosecutions herein wishes to categorically state that at no time did she ever engage in a conversation, telephone or otherwise, with Mr, Welchman. The DPP further categorically states that since she did not have any conversation with Mr. Welchman, she could not or did not gave assurances that she will provide protection for him as is alleged.

The DPP's Communications Officer herein confirms that a complaint was received from Mr. Welchman in writing at approximately 12:50 midday on Wednesday 24th, September, 2OI4 and further, that this was the first time that Mr. Welchman had interacted with or visited the DPP's Chambers."


Is how much story so in one story? HEHEHEHE   I shudder at what's next.


What I do find disturbing is the constant claims of bamsy use by some individuals. Somehow this buggering thing is ketchin on and people not even ashamed fo say some shit about bein buggered by their grandaughter,fren, etc, just to make a small piece.

This is a sad commentary of the state these people are living in.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

Yuji, I would say that we give Trotty his due process. Not because an unstable person makes an accusation means he is guilty. I know the other side always call for expulsion and resignation. It's easy to blow hot air out one's mouth. Let's be patient and see what happens. 




Be careful here. It was Trotman's statement that called this man unstable.


Trotman quickly moved to the courts to have an injunction against this young man.


The young man must also have due process.


Had this happened in America and Canada, he would have had to resign pending an impartial investigation.


I support a full and impartial investigation regarding this matter.



You should have called for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's resignation while police were investigating the crack and cocaine tapes. You're misleading Guyanese as usual.


Mayor Rob Ford was NEVER involved in any sexual assault allegations.


Apples and Oranges.


You are losing it Gil, please try again.

Yes but he orally assaulted a hot pipe.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman should resign pending the results of an impartial investigation.

Yuji, I would say that we give Trotty his due process. Not because an unstable person makes an accusation means he is guilty. I know the other side always call for expulsion and resignation. It's easy to blow hot air out one's mouth. Let's be patient and see what happens. 




Be careful here. It was Trotman's statement that called this man unstable.


Trotman quickly moved to the courts to have an injunction against this young man.


The young man must also have due process.


Had this happened in America and Canada, he would have had to resign pending an impartial investigation.


I support a full and impartial investigation regarding this matter.



You should have called for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's resignation while police were investigating the crack and cocaine tapes. You're misleading Guyanese as usual.


Mayor Rob Ford was NEVER involved in any sexual assault allegations.


Apples and Oranges.


You are losing it Gil, please try again.

Yes but he orally assaulted a hot pipe.


Apples and Oranges.



AFC = Burger Man Party

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Fookeetutu realizes that the PPP got caught with their panties at the ankles so all he can do now is play with himself. hehehehehe You are in a good place now..


Keep strokin chump, keep strokin...... 

Jaya Manickchand is trying hard to distance herself from Johnny now, but a commenter says in today's Stabroek News that a certain relationship exists between the Manickchand family and Johnny's mother.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Fookeetutu realizes that the PPP got caught with their panties at the ankles so all he can do now is play with himself. hehehehehe You are in a good place now..


Keep strokin chump, keep strokin...... 

Jaya Manickchand is trying hard to distance herself from Johnny now, but a commenter says in today's Stabroek News that a certain relationship exists between the Manickchand family and Johnny's mother.


If Trotman did not know this young man then why did he give him a reference ?


Many unanswered questions for the courts to decide.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Fookeetutu realizes that the PPP got caught with their panties at the ankles so all he can do now is play with himself. hehehehehe You are in a good place now..


Keep strokin chump, keep strokin...... 

Jaya Manickchand is trying hard to distance herself from Johnny now, but a commenter says in today's Stabroek News that a certain relationship exists between the Manickchand family and Johnny's mother.


If Trotman did not know this young man then why did he give him a reference ?


Many unanswered questions for the courts to decide.

yuji, Trotman explained that he knows the young man's father. The young man asked for and got the reference by trading on that fact. The entire process took place in Trotman's office in the presence of his secretary.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Fookeetutu realizes that the PPP got caught with their panties at the ankles so all he can do now is play with himself. hehehehehe You are in a good place now..


Keep strokin chump, keep strokin...... 

Jaya Manickchand is trying hard to distance herself from Johnny now, but a commenter says in today's Stabroek News that a certain relationship exists between the Manickchand family and Johnny's mother.


If Trotman did not know this young man then why did he give him a reference ?


Many unanswered questions for the courts to decide.

dude...sometimes people try to be helpful, unless you don't know about the concept of help

You should also know (I doubt it though), that when you try to help others, sometimes they take advantage...but I am wasting my breath explaining it to you.....because you likely will come back with a silly one liner that lacks substance

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Fookeetutu realizes that the PPP got caught with their panties at the ankles so all he can do now is play with himself. hehehehehe You are in a good place now..


Keep strokin chump, keep strokin...... 

Jaya Manickchand is trying hard to distance herself from Johnny now, but a commenter says in today's Stabroek News that a certain relationship exists between the Manickchand family and Johnny's mother.


If Trotman did not know this young man then why did he give him a reference ?


Many unanswered questions for the courts to decide.

dude...sometimes people try to be helpful, unless you don't know about the concept of help

You should also know (I doubt it though), that when you try to help others, sometimes they take advantage...but I am wasting my breath explaining it to you.....because you likely will come back with a silly one liner that lacks substance


Let me tell you this.


A sexual assault allegation is nothing to shove under the table.


Both men must have their day in court.


It is troubling when someone gives out a reference without knowing the individual. It amounts to dishonesty.

Last edited by Former Member

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